# `📟 MQRSTT` [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/mqrstt.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/mqrstt) [![Docs](https://docs.rs/mqrstt/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/mqrstt) [![dependency status](https://deps.rs/repo/github/GunnarMorrigan/mqrstt/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/github/GunnarMorrigan/mqrstt) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/github/GunnarMorrigan/mqrstt/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/GunnarMorrigan/mqrstt) `MQRSTT` is an MQTTv5 client that provides sync and async (smol and tokio) implementation. Because this crate aims to be runtime agnostic the user is required to provide their own data stream. For an async approach the stream has to implement the smol or tokio [`AsyncReadExt`] and [`AsyncWriteExt`] traits. For a sync approach the stream has to implement the [`std::io::Read`] and [`std::io::Write`] traits.
## Features - MQTT v5 - Runtime agnostic (Smol, Tokio) - Sync - TLS/TCP - Lean - Keep alive depends on actual communication ### To do - no_std (Requires a lot of work to use no heap allocations and depend on stack) - Even More testing - More documentation ## MSRV From 0.3 the tokio and smol variants will require MSRV: 1.75 due to async fn in trait feature. ## TCP & TLS Examples ### Notes: - Your handler should not wait too long - Create a new connection when an error or disconnect is encountered - Handlers only get incoming packets ### TLS: TLS examples are too larger for a README. [TLS examples](https://github.com/GunnarMorrigan/mqrstt/tree/main/examples). ### Smol example: ```rust use mqrstt::{ MqttClient, ConnectOptions, new_smol, packets::{self, Packet}, AsyncEventHandler, smol::NetworkStatus, }; use bytes::Bytes; pub struct PingPong { pub client: MqttClient, } impl AsyncEventHandler for PingPong { // Handlers only get INCOMING packets. This can change later. async fn handle(&mut self, event: packets::Packet) -> () { match event { Packet::Publish(p) => { if let Ok(payload) = String::from_utf8(p.payload.to_vec()) { if payload.to_lowercase().contains("ping") { self.client .publish( p.topic.clone(), p.qos, p.retain, Bytes::from_static(b"pong"), ) .await .unwrap(); println!("Received Ping, Send pong!"); } } }, Packet::ConnAck(_) => { println!("Connected!") }, _ => (), } } } smol::block_on(async { let options = ConnectOptions::new("mqrsttSmolExample"); let (mut network, client) = new_smol(options); let stream = smol::net::TcpStream::connect(("broker.emqx.io", 1883)) .await .unwrap(); let mut pingpong = PingPong { client: client.clone(), }; network.connect(stream, &mut pingpong).await.unwrap(); // This subscribe is only processed when we run the network client.subscribe("mqrstt").await.unwrap(); let (n, t) = futures::join!( async { loop { return match network.poll(&mut pingpong).await { Ok(NetworkStatus::Active) => continue, otherwise => otherwise, }; } }, async { smol::Timer::after(std::time::Duration::from_secs(30)).await; client.disconnect().await.unwrap(); } ); assert!(n.is_ok()); }); ``` ### Tokio example: ```rust use mqrstt::{ MqttClient, ConnectOptions, new_tokio, packets::{self, Packet}, AsyncEventHandler, tokio::NetworkStatus, }; use tokio::time::Duration; use bytes::Bytes; pub struct PingPong { pub client: MqttClient, } impl AsyncEventHandler for PingPong { // Handlers only get INCOMING packets. This can change later. async fn handle(&mut self, event: packets::Packet) -> () { match event { Packet::Publish(p) => { if let Ok(payload) = String::from_utf8(p.payload.to_vec()) { if payload.to_lowercase().contains("ping") { self.client .publish( p.topic.clone(), p.qos, p.retain, Bytes::from_static(b"pong"), ) .await .unwrap(); println!("Received Ping, Send pong!"); } } }, Packet::ConnAck(_) => { println!("Connected!") }, _ => (), } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let options = ConnectOptions::new("TokioTcpPingPongExample"); let (mut network, client) = new_tokio(options); let stream = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(("broker.emqx.io", 1883)) .await .unwrap(); let mut pingpong = PingPong { client: client.clone(), }; network.connect(stream, &mut pingpong).await.unwrap(); client.subscribe("mqrstt").await.unwrap(); let (n, _) = tokio::join!( async { loop { return match network.poll(&mut pingpong).await { Ok(NetworkStatus::Active) => continue, otherwise => otherwise, }; } }, async { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)).await; client.disconnect().await.unwrap(); } ); assert!(n.is_ok()); } ``` ### Sync example: ```rust use mqrstt::{ MqttClient, ConnectOptions, new_sync, packets::{self, Packet}, EventHandler, sync::NetworkStatus, }; use std::net::TcpStream; use bytes::Bytes; pub struct PingPong { pub client: MqttClient, } impl EventHandler for PingPong { // Handlers only get INCOMING packets. This can change later. fn handle(&mut self, event: packets::Packet) -> () { match event { Packet::Publish(p) => { if let Ok(payload) = String::from_utf8(p.payload.to_vec()) { if payload.to_lowercase().contains("ping") { self.client .publish_blocking( p.topic.clone(), p.qos, p.retain, Bytes::from_static(b"pong"), ).unwrap(); println!("Received Ping, Send pong!"); } } }, Packet::ConnAck(_) => { println!("Connected!") }, _ => (), } } } let mut client_id: String = "SyncTcpPingReqTestExample".to_string(); let options = ConnectOptions::new(client_id); let address = "broker.emqx.io"; let port = 1883; let (mut network, client) = new_sync(options); // IMPORTANT: Set nonblocking to true! No progression will be made when stream reads block! let stream = TcpStream::connect((address, port)).unwrap(); stream.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap(); let mut pingpong = PingPong { client: client.clone(), }; network.connect(stream, &mut pingpong).unwrap(); let res_join_handle = std::thread::spawn(move || loop { match network.poll(&mut pingpong) { Ok(NetworkStatus::ActivePending) => { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); }, Ok(NetworkStatus::ActiveReady) => { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); }, otherwise => return otherwise, } } ); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(30)); client.disconnect_blocking().unwrap(); let join_res = res_join_handle.join(); assert!(join_res.is_ok()); let res = join_res.unwrap(); assert!(res.is_ok()); ``` ## FAQ - Not much gets frequently asked, so please do! :) - Open to feature requests ## License Licensed under * Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, [(MPL-2.0)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mpl-2.0/) ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed under MPL-2.0, without any additional terms or conditions.