//! Some integration tests that require an MQTT 3.1.1 broker listening. //! //! Download [mosquitto](https://mosquitto.org/download/) version //! 1.6.8 or higher and run it with the supplied mosquitto.conf from //! the ${REPO}/tests directory: //! //!```shell //! ${MOSQUITTO_PATH}/mosquitto -c mosquitto.conf //! ``` //! //! This will run an unencrypted listener at localhost:1883, and a TLS //! encrypted listener at localhost:8883, using the certificates and //! keys in ${REPO}/tests/certs, which were generated using these //! instructions: #![deny(warnings)] use mqtt_async_client::{ client::{ Client, Publish, QoS, Subscribe, SubscribeTopic, Unsubscribe, UnsubscribeTopic, }, Result, }; #[cfg(feature = "tls")] use mqtt_async_client::Error; #[cfg(feature = "tls")] use rustls; use std::sync::Once; #[cfg(feature = "tls")] use std::io::Cursor; use tokio::{ self, time::{ Duration, timeout, }, }; #[test] fn pub_and_sub_plain() -> Result<()> { init_logger(); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(async { let mut c = plain_client()?; c.connect().await?; // Subscribe let subopts = Subscribe::new(vec![ SubscribeTopic { qos: QoS::AtMostOnce, topic_path: "test/pub_and_sub".to_owned() } ]); let subres = c.subscribe(subopts).await?; subres.any_failures()?; // Publish let mut p = Publish::new("test/pub_and_sub".to_owned(), "x".as_bytes().to_vec()); p.set_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); c.publish(&p).await?; // Read let r = c.read_subscriptions().await?; assert_eq!(r.topic(), "test/pub_and_sub"); assert_eq!(r.payload(), b"x"); c.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) }) } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "websocket")] fn pub_and_sub_websocket() -> Result<()> { init_logger(); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(async { let mut c = websocket_client()?; c.connect().await?; // Subscribe let subopts = Subscribe::new(vec![ SubscribeTopic { qos: QoS::AtMostOnce, topic_path: "test/pub_and_sub_websocket".to_owned() } ]); let subres = c.subscribe(subopts).await?; subres.any_failures()?; // Publish let mut p = Publish::new("test/pub_and_sub_websocket".to_owned(), "x".as_bytes().to_vec()); p.set_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); c.publish(&p).await?; // Read let r = c.read_subscriptions().await?; assert_eq!(r.topic(), "test/pub_and_sub_websocket"); assert_eq!(r.payload(), b"x"); c.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) }) } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "websocket")] fn pub_and_sub_websocket_secure() -> Result<()> { init_logger(); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(async { let mut c = websocket_secure_client()?; c.connect().await?; // Subscribe let subopts = Subscribe::new(vec![SubscribeTopic { qos: QoS::AtMostOnce, topic_path: "test/pub_and_sub_websocket_secure".to_owned(), }]); let subres = c.subscribe(subopts).await?; subres.any_failures()?; // Publish let mut p = Publish::new( "test/pub_and_sub_websocket_secure".to_owned(), "x".as_bytes().to_vec(), ); p.set_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); c.publish(&p).await?; // Read let r = c.read_subscriptions().await?; assert_eq!(r.topic(), "test/pub_and_sub_websocket_secure"); assert_eq!(r.payload(), b"x"); c.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) }) } #[cfg(feature = "tls")] #[test] fn pub_and_sub_tls() -> Result<()> { init_logger(); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(async { let mut c = tls_client()?; c.connect().await?; // Subscribe let subopts = Subscribe::new(vec![ SubscribeTopic { qos: QoS::AtMostOnce, topic_path: "test/pub_and_sub_tls".to_owned() } ]); let subres = c.subscribe(subopts).await?; subres.any_failures()?; // Publish let mut p = Publish::new("test/pub_and_sub_tls".to_owned(), "x".as_bytes().to_vec()); p.set_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); c.publish(&p).await?; // Read let r = c.read_subscriptions().await?; assert_eq!(r.topic(), "test/pub_and_sub_tls"); assert_eq!(r.payload(), b"x"); c.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn unsubscribe() -> Result<()> { init_logger(); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(async { let mut c = plain_client()?; c.connect().await?; // Subscribe let subopts = Subscribe::new(vec![ SubscribeTopic { qos: QoS::AtMostOnce, topic_path: "test/unsub".to_owned() } ]); let subres = c.subscribe(subopts).await?; subres.any_failures()?; // Unsubscribe c.unsubscribe(Unsubscribe::new(vec![ UnsubscribeTopic::new("test/unsub".to_owned()), ])).await?; // Publish let mut p = Publish::new("test/unsub".to_owned(), "x".as_bytes().to_vec()); p.set_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); c.publish(&p).await?; // Read and timeout. let r = timeout(Duration::from_secs(3), c.read_subscriptions()).await; assert!(r.is_err()); c.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn retain() -> Result<()> { init_logger(); let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(async { let mut c = plain_client()?; c.connect().await?; // Publish let mut p = Publish::new("test/retain".to_owned(), "x".as_bytes().to_vec()); p.set_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); p.set_retain(true); c.publish(&p).await?; // Subscribe let subopts = Subscribe::new(vec![ SubscribeTopic { qos: QoS::AtMostOnce, topic_path: "test/retain".to_owned() } ]); let subres = c.subscribe(subopts).await?; subres.any_failures()?; // Read let r = c.read_subscriptions().await?; assert_eq!(r.topic(), "test/retain"); assert_eq!(r.payload(), b"x"); c.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) }) } #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn tls_client() -> Result { let mut cc = rustls::ClientConfig::new(); let cert_bytes = include_bytes!("certs/cacert.pem"); let cert = rustls::internal::pemfile::certs(&mut Cursor::new(&cert_bytes[..])) .map_err(|_| Error::from("Error parsing cert file"))?[0].clone(); cc.root_store.add(&cert) .map_err(|e| Error::from_std_err(e))?; Client::builder() .set_url_string("mqtts://localhost:8883")? .set_tls_client_config(cc) .set_connect_retry_delay(Duration::from_secs(1)) .build() } #[cfg(feature = "websocket")] fn websocket_secure_client() -> Result { let tls_config = { let mut cc = rustls::ClientConfig::new(); let cert_bytes = include_bytes!("certs/cacert.pem"); let cert = rustls::internal::pemfile::certs(&mut Cursor::new(&cert_bytes[..])) .map_err(|_| Error::from("Error parsing cert file"))?[0] .clone(); cc.root_store .add(&cert) .map_err(|e| Error::from_std_err(e))?; cc }; Client::builder() .set_tls_client_config(tls_config) .set_url_string("wss://localhost:9002")? .set_connect_retry_delay(Duration::from_secs(1)) .build() } #[cfg(feature = "websocket")] fn websocket_client() -> Result { Client::builder() .set_url_string("ws://")? .set_connect_retry_delay(Duration::from_secs(1)) .build() } fn plain_client() -> Result { Client::builder() .set_url_string("mqtt://localhost:1883")? .set_connect_retry_delay(Duration::from_secs(1)) .build() } static LOGGER_INIT: Once = Once::new(); fn init_logger() { LOGGER_INIT.call_once(|| env_logger::init()); }