mod common; use mqttrust::{QoS, SubscribeTopic}; use mqttrust_core::{bbqueue::BBBuffer, EventLoop, Mqtt, MqttOptions, Notification}; use common::clock::SysClock; use common::network::Network; use std::thread; static mut Q: BBBuffer<{ 1024 * 6 }> = BBBuffer::new(); const MSG_CNT: u32 = 5; fn main() { env_logger::init(); let (p, c) = unsafe { Q.try_split_framed().unwrap() }; let mut network = Network::new(); let client_id = "mqtt_test_client_id"; // Connect to let mut mqtt_eventloop = EventLoop::new( c, SysClock::new(), MqttOptions::new(client_id, "".into(), 1883), ); let mqtt_client = mqttrust_core::Client::new(p, client_id); nb::block!(mqtt_eventloop.connect(&mut network)).expect("Failed to connect to MQTT"); let handle = thread::Builder::new() .name("eventloop".to_string()) .spawn(move || { let mut receive_cnt = 0; while receive_cnt < MSG_CNT { match mqtt_eventloop.yield_event(&mut network) { Ok(Notification::Publish(publish)) => { log::debug!("Received {:?}", publish); receive_cnt += 1; } Ok(n) => { log::debug!("{:?}", n); } _ => {} } } receive_cnt }) .unwrap(); mqtt_client .subscribe(&[ SubscribeTopic { topic_path: "mqttrust/tester/subscriber", qos: QoS::AtLeastOnce, }, SubscribeTopic { topic_path: "mqttrust/tester/subscriber2", qos: QoS::AtLeastOnce, }, ]) .expect("Failed to subscribe to topics!"); let mut send_cnt = 0; while send_cnt < MSG_CNT { log::debug!("Sending {}", send_cnt); mqtt_client .publish( "mqttrust/tester/subscriber", format!("{{\"count\": {} }}", send_cnt).as_bytes(), QoS::AtLeastOnce, ) .expect("Failed to publish"); send_cnt += 1; thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(5000)); } let receive_cnt = handle.join().expect("Receiving thread failed!"); assert_eq!(receive_cnt, send_cnt); println!("Success!"); }