## # IO class IOError < StandardError; end class EOFError < IOError; end class IO SEEK_SET = 0 SEEK_CUR = 1 SEEK_END = 2 BUF_SIZE = 4096 def self.open(*args, &block) io = self.new(*args) return io unless block begin yield io ensure begin io.close unless io.closed? rescue StandardError end end end def self.popen(command, mode = 'r', opts={}, &block) if !self.respond_to?(:_popen) raise NotImplementedError, "popen is not supported on this platform" end io = self._popen(command, mode, opts) return io unless block begin yield io ensure begin io.close unless io.closed? rescue IOError # nothing end end end def self.pipe(&block) if !self.respond_to?(:_pipe) raise NotImplementedError, "pipe is not supported on this platform" end if block begin r, w = IO._pipe yield r, w ensure r.close unless r.closed? w.close unless w.closed? end else IO._pipe end end def self.read(path, length=nil, offset=nil, opt=nil) if not opt.nil? # 4 arguments offset ||= 0 elsif not offset.nil? # 3 arguments if offset.is_a? Hash opt = offset offset = 0 else opt = {} end elsif not length.nil? # 2 arguments if length.is_a? Hash opt = length offset = 0 length = nil else offset = 0 opt = {} end else # only 1 argument opt = {} offset = 0 length = nil end str = "" fd = -1 io = nil begin if path[0] == "|" io = IO.popen(path[1..-1], (opt[:mode] || "r")) else mode = opt[:mode] || "r" fd = IO.sysopen(path, mode) io = IO.open(fd, mode) end io.seek(offset) if offset > 0 str = io.read(length) ensure if io io.close elsif fd != -1 IO._sysclose(fd) end end str end def flush # mruby-io always writes immediately (no output buffer). raise IOError, "closed stream" if self.closed? self end def hash # We must define IO#hash here because IO includes Enumerable and # Enumerable#hash will call IO#read... self.__id__ end def write(string) str = string.is_a?(String) ? string : string.to_s return str.size unless str.size > 0 if 0 < @buf.length # reset real pos ignore buf seek(pos, SEEK_SET) end len = syswrite(str) len end def <<(str) write(str) self end def eof? _check_readable begin buf = _read_buf return buf.size == 0 rescue EOFError return true end end alias_method :eof, :eof? def pos raise IOError if closed? sysseek(0, SEEK_CUR) - @buf.length end alias_method :tell, :pos def pos=(i) seek(i, SEEK_SET) end def rewind seek(0, SEEK_SET) end def seek(i, whence = SEEK_SET) raise IOError if closed? sysseek(i, whence) @buf = '' 0 end def _read_buf return @buf if @buf && @buf.size > 0 @buf = sysread(BUF_SIZE) end def ungetc(substr) raise TypeError.new "expect String, got #{substr.class}" unless substr.is_a?(String) if @buf.empty? @buf = substr.dup else @buf = substr + @buf end nil end def read(length = nil, outbuf = "") unless length.nil? unless length.is_a? Fixnum raise TypeError.new "can't convert #{length.class} into Integer" end if length < 0 raise ArgumentError.new "negative length: #{length} given" end if length == 0 return "" # easy case end end array = [] while 1 begin _read_buf rescue EOFError array = nil if array.empty? and (not length.nil?) and length != 0 break end if length consume = (length <= @buf.size) ? length : @buf.size array.push @buf[0, consume] @buf = @buf[consume, @buf.size - consume] length -= consume break if length == 0 else array.push @buf @buf = '' end end if array.nil? outbuf.replace("") nil else outbuf.replace(array.join) end end def readline(arg = $/, limit = nil) case arg when String rs = arg when Fixnum rs = $/ limit = arg else raise ArgumentError end if rs.nil? return read end if rs == "" rs = $/ + $/ end array = [] while 1 begin _read_buf rescue EOFError array = nil if array.empty? break end if limit && limit <= @buf.size array.push @buf[0, limit] @buf = @buf[limit, @buf.size - limit] break elsif idx = @buf.index(rs) len = idx + rs.size array.push @buf[0, len] @buf = @buf[len, @buf.size - len] break else array.push @buf @buf = '' end end raise EOFError.new "end of file reached" if array.nil? array.join end def gets(*args) begin readline(*args) rescue EOFError nil end end def readchar _read_buf c = @buf[0] @buf = @buf[1, @buf.size] c end def getc begin readchar rescue EOFError nil end end # def each(&block) while line = self.gets block.call(line) end self end # def each_byte(&block) while char = self.getc block.call(char) end self end # alias each_line each alias each_char each_byte def readlines ary = [] while (line = gets) ary << line end ary end def puts(*args) i = 0 len = args.size while i < len s = args[i].to_s write s write "\n" if (s[-1] != "\n") i += 1 end write "\n" if len == 0 nil end def print(*args) i = 0 len = args.size while i < len write args[i].to_s i += 1 end end def printf(*args) write sprintf(*args) nil end alias_method :to_i, :fileno alias_method :tty?, :isatty end STDIN = IO.open(0, "r") STDOUT = IO.open(1, "w") STDERR = IO.open(2, "w") $stdin = STDIN $stdout = STDOUT $stderr = STDERR module Kernel def print(*args) $stdout.print(*args) end def puts(*args) $stdout.puts(*args) end def printf(*args) $stdout.printf(*args) end def gets(*args) $stdin.gets(*args) end def getc(*args) $stdin.getc(*args) end end