## # File Test assert('File TEST SETUP') do MRubyIOTestUtil.io_test_setup end assert('File', '15.2.21') do assert_equal Class, File.class end assert('File', '') do assert_equal IO, File.superclass end assert('File#initialize', '') do io = File.open($mrbtest_io_rfname, "r") assert_nil io.close assert_raise IOError do io.close end end assert('File#path', '') do io = File.open($mrbtest_io_rfname, "r") assert_equal $mrbtest_io_msg, io.read assert_equal $mrbtest_io_rfname, io.path io.close assert_equal $mrbtest_io_rfname, io.path assert_true io.closed? end assert('File.basename') do assert_equal '/', File.basename('//') assert_equal 'a', File.basename('/a/') assert_equal 'b', File.basename('/a/b') assert_equal 'b', File.basename('../a/b') end assert('File.dirname') do assert_equal '.', File.dirname('') assert_equal '.', File.dirname('a') assert_equal '/', File.dirname('/a') assert_equal 'a', File.dirname('a/b') assert_equal '/a', File.dirname('/a/b') end assert('File.extname') do assert_equal '.txt', File.extname('foo/foo.txt') assert_equal '.gz', File.extname('foo/foo.tar.gz') assert_equal '', File.extname('foo/bar') assert_equal '', File.extname('foo/.bar') assert_equal '', File.extname('foo.txt/bar') assert_equal '', File.extname('.foo') end assert('File#flock') do f = File.open $mrbtest_io_rfname begin assert_equal(f.flock(File::LOCK_SH), 0) assert_equal(f.flock(File::LOCK_UN), 0) assert_equal(f.flock(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB), 0) assert_equal(f.flock(File::LOCK_UN), 0) rescue NotImplementedError => e skip e.message ensure f.close end end assert('File#mtime') do begin File.open("#{$mrbtest_io_wfname}.mtime", 'w') do |f| assert_equal Time, f.mtime.class File.open("#{$mrbtest_io_wfname}.mtime", 'r') do |f2| assert_equal true, f.mtime == f2.mtime end end ensure File.delete("#{$mrbtest_io_wfname}.mtime") end end assert('File.join') do assert_equal "", File.join() assert_equal "a", File.join("a") assert_equal "/a", File.join("/a") assert_equal "a/", File.join("a/") assert_equal "a/b/c", File.join("a", "b", "c") assert_equal "/a/b/c", File.join("/a", "b", "c") assert_equal "a/b/c/", File.join("a", "b", "c/") assert_equal "a/b/c", File.join("a/", "/b/", "/c") assert_equal "a/b/c", File.join(["a", "b", "c"]) assert_equal "a/b/c", File.join("a", ["b", ["c"]]) end assert('File.realpath') do if File::ALT_SEPARATOR readme_path = File._getwd + File::ALT_SEPARATOR + "README.md" assert_equal readme_path, File.realpath("README.md") else dir = MRubyIOTestUtil.mkdtemp("mruby-io-test.XXXXXX") begin dir1 = File.realpath($mrbtest_io_rfname) dir2 = File.realpath("./#{dir}//./../#{$mrbtest_io_symlinkname}") assert_equal dir1, dir2 ensure MRubyIOTestUtil.rmdir dir end end end assert("File.readlink") do begin assert_equal $mrbtest_io_rfname, File.readlink($mrbtest_io_symlinkname) rescue NotImplementedError => e skip e.message end end assert("File.readlink fails with non-symlink") do skip "readlink is not supported on this platform" if MRubyIOTestUtil.win? begin e2 = nil assert_raise(RuntimeError) { begin File.readlink($mrbtest_io_rfname) rescue => e if Object.const_defined?(:SystemCallError) and e.kind_of?(SystemCallError) raise RuntimeError, "SystemCallError converted to RuntimeError" end raise e rescue NotImplementedError => e e2 = e end } raise e2 if e2 rescue NotImplementedError => e skip e.message end end assert('File.expand_path') do assert_equal "/", File.expand_path("..", "/tmp"), "parent path with base_dir (1)" assert_equal "/tmp", File.expand_path("..", "/tmp/mruby"), "parent path with base_dir (2)" assert_equal "/home", File.expand_path("/home"), "absolute" assert_equal "/home", File.expand_path("/home", "."), "absolute with base_dir" assert_equal "/hoge", File.expand_path("/tmp/..//hoge") assert_equal "/hoge", File.expand_path("////tmp/..///////hoge") assert_equal "/", File.expand_path("../../../..", "/") if File._getwd[1] == ":" drive_letter = File._getwd[0] assert_equal drive_letter + ":\\", File.expand_path(([".."] * 100).join("/")) else assert_equal "/", File.expand_path(([".."] * 100).join("/")) end end assert('File.expand_path (with ENV)') do skip unless Object.const_defined?(:ENV) && ENV['HOME'] assert_equal ENV['HOME'], File.expand_path("~/"), "home" assert_equal ENV['HOME'], File.expand_path("~/", "/"), "home with base_dir" assert_equal "#{ENV['HOME']}/user", File.expand_path("user", ENV['HOME']), "relative with base_dir" end assert('File.path') do assert_equal "", File.path("") assert_equal "a/b/c", File.path("a/b/c") assert_equal "a/../b/./c", File.path("a/../b/./c") assert_raise(TypeError) { File.path(nil) } assert_raise(TypeError) { File.path(123) } end assert('File.symlink') do target_name = "/usr/bin" symlink_name = "test-bin-dummy" if !File.exist?(target_name) skip("target directory of File.symlink is not found") else begin assert_equal 0, File.symlink(target_name, symlink_name) begin assert_equal true, File.symlink?(symlink_name) ensure File.delete symlink_name end rescue NotImplementedError => e skip e.message end end end assert('File.chmod') do File.open("#{$mrbtest_io_wfname}.chmod-test", 'w') {} begin assert_equal 1, File.chmod(0400, "#{$mrbtest_io_wfname}.chmod-test") ensure File.delete("#{$mrbtest_io_wfname}.chmod-test") end end assert('File TEST CLEANUP') do assert_nil MRubyIOTestUtil.io_test_cleanup end