## # Time ISO Test assert('Time.new', '') do Time.new.class == Time end assert('Time', '15.2.19') do Time.class == Class end assert('Time.at', '') do assert_kind_of(Time, Time.at(1300000000.0)) assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(Float::NAN) } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(Float::INFINITY) } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(-Float::INFINITY) } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0, Float::NAN) } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0, Float::INFINITY) } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0, -Float::INFINITY) } end assert('Time.gm', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23) end assert('Time.local', '') do Time.local(2012, 12, 23) end assert('Time.mktime', '') do Time.mktime(2012, 12, 23) end assert('Time.now', '') do Time.now.class == Time end assert('Time.utc', '') do Time.utc(2012, 12, 23) end assert('Time#+', '') do t1 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t2 = t1.+(60) assert_equal(t2.utc.asctime, "Sun Mar 13 07:07:40 UTC 2011") assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0) + Float::NAN } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0) + Float::INFINITY } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0) + -Float::INFINITY } end assert('Time#-', '') do t1 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t2 = t1.-(60) assert_equal(t2.utc.asctime, "Sun Mar 13 07:05:40 UTC 2011") assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0) - Float::NAN } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0) - Float::INFINITY } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { Time.at(0) - -Float::INFINITY } end assert('Time#<=>', '') do t1 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t2 = Time.at(1400000000.0) t3 = Time.at(1500000000.0) t2.<=>(t1) == 1 and t2.<=>(t2) == 0 and t2.<=>(t3) == -1 and t2.<=>(nil) == nil end assert('Time#asctime', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.asctime == "Sun Mar 13 07:06:40 UTC 2011" end assert('Time#ctime', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.ctime == "Sun Mar 13 07:06:40 UTC 2011" end assert('Time#day', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).day == 23 end assert('Time#dst?', '') do not Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).utc.dst? end assert('Time#getgm', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).getgm.asctime == "Sun Mar 13 07:06:40 UTC 2011" end assert('Time#getlocal', '') do t1 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t2 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t3 = t1.getlocal t1 == t3 and t3 == t2.getlocal end assert('Time#getutc', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).getutc.asctime == "Sun Mar 13 07:06:40 UTC 2011" end assert('Time#gmt?', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.gmt? end # ATM not implemented # assert('Time#gmt_offset', '') do assert('Time#gmtime', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).gmtime end # ATM not implemented # assert('Time#gmtoff', '') do assert('Time#hour', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23, 7, 6).hour == 7 end # ATM doesn't really work # assert('Time#initialize', '') do assert('Time#initialize_copy', '') do time_tmp_2 = Time.at(7.0e6) time_tmp_2.clone == time_tmp_2 end assert('Time#localtime', '') do t1 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t2 = Time.at(1300000000.0) t1.localtime t1 == t2.getlocal end assert('Time#mday', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).mday == 23 end assert('Time#min', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23, 7, 6).min == 6 end assert('Time#mon', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).mon == 12 end assert('Time#month', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).month == 12 end assert('Times#sec', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23, 7, 6, 40).sec == 40 end assert('Time#to_f', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).to_f == 1300000000.0 end assert('Time#to_i', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).to_i == 1300000000 end assert('Time#usec', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).usec == 0 end assert('Time#utc', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc end assert('Time#utc?', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.utc? end # ATM not implemented # assert('Time#utc_offset', '') do assert('Time#wday', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).wday == 0 end assert('Time#yday', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).yday == 358 end assert('Time#year', '') do Time.gm(2012, 12, 23).year == 2012 end assert('Time#zone', '') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.zone == 'UTC' end # Not ISO specified assert('Time#to_s') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.to_s == "Sun Mar 13 07:06:40 UTC 2011" end assert('Time#inspect') do Time.at(1300000000.0).utc.inspect == "Sun Mar 13 07:06:40 UTC 2011" end assert('day of week methods') do t = Time.gm(2012, 12, 24) assert_false t.sunday? assert_true t.monday? assert_false t.tuesday? assert_false t.wednesday? assert_false t.thursday? assert_false t.friday? assert_false t.saturday? end assert('2000 times 500us make a second') do t = Time.utc 2015 2000.times do t += 0.0005 end t.usec == 0 end assert('Time.gm with Dec 31 23:59:59 1969 raise ArgumentError') do assert_raise(ArgumentError) {Time.gm(1969, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)} end