## # Integer ISO Test assert('Integer', '15.2.8') do assert_equal Class, Integer.class end assert('Integer#+', '') do a = 1+1 b = 1+1.0 if Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_equal 2, a assert_equal 2.0, b if Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_raise(TypeError){ 0+nil } assert_raise(TypeError){ 1+nil } c = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MAX + 1 d = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MAX.__send__(:+, 1) skip unless Object.const_defined?(:Float) e = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MAX + 1.0 assert_equal Float, c.class assert_equal Float, d.class assert_float e, c assert_float e, d end assert('Integer#-', '') do a = 2-1 b = 2-1.0 if Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 1.0, b if Object.const_defined?(:Float) c = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MIN - 1 d = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MIN.__send__(:-, 1) skip unless Object.const_defined?(:Float) e = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MIN - 1.0 assert_equal Float, c.class assert_equal Float, d.class assert_float e, c assert_float e, d end assert('Integer#*', '') do a = 1*1 b = 1*1.0 if Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 1.0, b if Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_raise(TypeError){ 0*nil } assert_raise(TypeError){ 1*nil } c = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MAX * 2 d = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MAX.__send__(:*, 2) skip unless Object.const_defined?(:Float) e = Mrbtest::FIXNUM_MAX * 2.0 assert_equal Float, c.class assert_equal Float, d.class assert_float e, c assert_float e, d end assert('Integer#/', '') do a = 2/1 b = 2/1.0 assert_equal 2, a assert_equal 2.0, b end assert('Integer#%', '') do a = 1%1 b = 1%1.0 c = 2%4 d = 2%5 e = 2%-5 f = -2%5 g = -2%-5 h = 2%-2 i = -2%2 j = -2%-2 assert_equal 0, a assert_equal 0.0, b assert_equal 2, c assert_equal 2, d assert_equal(-3, e) assert_equal 3, f assert_equal(-2, g) assert_equal 0, h assert_equal 0, i assert_equal 0, j end assert('Integer#<=>', '') do a = 1<=>0 b = 1<=>1 c = 1<=>2 assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 0, b assert_equal(-1, c) end assert('Integer#==', '') do a = 1==0 b = 1==1 assert_false a assert_true b end assert('Integer#~', '') do # Complement assert_equal(-1, ~0) assert_equal(-3, ~2) end assert('Integer#&', '') do # Bitwise AND # 0101 (5) # & 0011 (3) # = 0001 (1) assert_equal 1, 5 & 3 end assert('Integer#|', '') do # Bitwise OR # 0101 (5) # | 0011 (3) # = 0111 (7) assert_equal 7, 5 | 3 end assert('Integer#^', '') do # Bitwise XOR # 0101 (5) # ^ 0011 (3) # = 0110 (6) assert_equal 6, 5 ^ 3 end assert('Integer#<<', '') do # Left Shift by one # 00010111 (23) # = 00101110 (46) assert_equal 46, 23 << 1 # Left Shift by a negative is Right Shift assert_equal 23, 46 << -1 # Left Shift by 31 is bitShift overflow to SignedInt assert_equal 2147483648, 1 << 31 # -3 Left Shift by 30 is bitShift overflow to SignedInt assert_equal(-3221225472, -3 << 30) end assert('Integer#>>', '') do # Right Shift by one # 00101110 (46) # = 00010111 (23) assert_equal 23, 46 >> 1 # Right Shift by a negative is Left Shift assert_equal 46, 23 >> -1 # Don't raise on large Right Shift assert_equal 0, 23 >> 128 end assert('Integer#ceil', '') do assert_equal 10, 10.ceil end assert('Integer#downto', '') do a = 0 3.downto(1) do |i| a += i end assert_equal 6, a end assert('Integer#eql?', '') do a = 1.eql?(1) b = 1.eql?(2) c = 1.eql?(nil) assert_true a assert_false b assert_false c end assert('Integer#floor', '') do a = 1.floor assert_equal 1, a end assert('Integer#next', '') do assert_equal 2, 1.next end assert('Integer#round', '') do assert_equal 1, 1.round end assert('Integer#succ', '') do assert_equal 2, 1.succ end assert('Integer#times', '') do a = 0 3.times do a += 1 end assert_equal 3, a end assert('Integer#to_f', '') do skip unless Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_equal 1.0, 1.to_f end assert('Integer#to_i', '') do assert_equal 1, 1.to_i end assert('Integer#to_s', '') do assert_equal '1', 1.to_s assert_equal("-1", -1.to_s) end assert('Integer#truncate', '') do assert_equal 1, 1.truncate end assert('Integer#upto', '') do a = 0 1.upto(3) do |i| a += i end assert_equal 6, a end assert('Integer#divmod', '') do assert_equal [ 0, 0], 0.divmod(1) assert_equal [ 0, 1], 1.divmod(3) assert_equal [ 3, 0], 3.divmod(1) assert_equal [ 2, 6], 20.divmod(7) assert_equal [-1, 2], -3.divmod(5) assert_equal [-2, -1], 25.divmod(-13) assert_equal [ 1, -6], -13.divmod(-7) end