# *msvg* This crate is part of the [*vsvg* project](https://github.com/abey79/vsvg). **Status**: functional but very beta. ## What's this? Compared to *vpype*, *vsvg* is *extremely* fast to load and display SVGs. This makes a tool that can load a _whole bunch_ of SVGs possible, for example to chose amongst many realisations of a generative art algorithm. This is what *msvg* aims to be. https://github.com/abey79/vsvg/assets/49431240/817f7dbe-2562-4c4d-9ab2-41368ed60677 ## Installation ### From pre-built binaries A number of pre-built binaries and installers are available on the [Release](https://github.com/abey79/vsvg/releases/latest) page, including shell/PowerShell-based installers, binary archives for most platforms, and MSI archives for Windows. ### From source To install `msvg`, you'll need Rust, which you can install using [`rustup`](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started). Then, run the following command: ``` cargo install msvg ``` To uninstall `msvg`: ``` cargo uninstall msvg ``` ## Usage ``` msvg PATH [PATH...] ``` `PATH` may be an SVG file or a directory. If it is a directory, it will be recursively traversed and all founds will be included.