TITLE: A dummy title BASENAME: a-dummy-title AUTHOR: Foo Bar DATE: 01/31/2002 03:31:05 PM PRIMARY CATEGORY: Media CATEGORY: News ----- BODY: This is the body. Another paragraph here. Another paragraph here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Here is some more text. Another paragraph here. Another paragraph here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Foo DATE: 01/31/2002 15:47:06 This is the body of this comment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bar DATE: 02/01/2002 04:02:07 AM IP: EMAIL: me@bar.com This is the body of another comment. It goes up to here. ----- PING: TITLE: My Entry URL: http://www.foo.com/old/2002/08/ IP: BLOG NAME: My Weblog DATE: 08/05/2002 16:09:12 This is the start of my entry, and here it... ----- -------- TITLE: Here is a new entry BASENAME: here-is-a-new-entry AUTHOR: Baz Quux DATE: 01/31/2002 03:31:05 CATEGORY: Politics ----- BODY: This is the body of the second entry. It can consist of multiple lines. ----- EXCERPT: See, this entry does not have an extended piece; but it does have an excerpt. It is special. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quux URL: http://www.quux.com/ DATE: 01/31/2002 04:23:01 PM Here is the first comment on this entry. ----- --------