use std::iter; use std::fmt; use super::coo::CooMatrix; /// Compressed Sparse Column matrix #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct CscMatrix { shape: (usize, usize), data: Vec, // Data array of the matrix indices: Vec, // CSC format index array indptr: Vec // CSC format index pointer array } impl CscMatrix { pub fn empty(shape: (usize,usize)) -> Self { let n = shape.1; CscMatrix { shape: shape, data: vec![], indices: vec![], indptr: iter::repeat(0).take(n).collect() } } #[inline] pub fn nnz(&self) -> usize { } #[inline] pub fn shape(&self) -> (usize,usize) { self.shape } /// Returns the element of the given index, or None if not exists pub fn get(&self, index: (usize, usize)) -> Option<&T> { let (row, col) = index; assert!(row < self.shape.0); assert!(col < self.shape.1); let col_start_idx = self.indptr[col]; let col_end_idx = self.indptr[col+1]; for i in col_start_idx .. col_end_idx { if self.indices[i] == row { return; } } None } /// Returns mutable ref of the element of the given index, None if not exists pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: (usize, usize)) -> Option<&mut T> { let (row, col) = index; assert!(row < self.shape.0); assert!(col < self.shape.1); let col_start_idx = self.indptr[col]; let col_end_idx = self.indptr[col+1]; for i in col_start_idx .. col_end_idx { if self.indices[i] == row { return; } } None } pub fn set(&mut self, index: (usize, usize), it: T) { let (row, col) = index; assert!(row < self.shape.0); assert!(col < self.shape.1); let col_start_idx = self.indptr[col]; let col_end_idx = self.indptr[col+1]; let mut data_insert_pos = col_start_idx; for i in col_start_idx .. col_end_idx { if self.indices[i] == row {[i] = it; return; } else if self.indices[i] > row { data_insert_pos = i; break; } } println!("WARNING: Changing the sparsity structure of a CSC matrix is expensive.");, it); for (i, idx) in self.indptr.iter_mut().enumerate() { if i > col { *idx += 1; } } self.indices.insert(data_insert_pos, row); } // convertion pub fn to_bsr(&self) -> () { unimplemented!() } pub fn to_coo(&self) -> CooMatrix { let mut data = Vec::new(); let mut row = vec![]; let mut col = vec![]; for (j, &ptr) in self.indptr.iter().take(self.shape.1).enumerate() { for (off, val) in[ptr .. self.indptr[j+1]].iter().enumerate() { let i = self.indices[ptr + off]; data.push(*val); row.push(i); col.push(j); } } CooMatrix { shape: self.shape(), data: data, row: row, col: col } } pub fn to_csc(&self) -> CscMatrix { self.clone() } } impl fmt::Display for CscMatrix { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { for (j, &ptr) in self.indptr.iter().take(self.shape.1).enumerate() { for (off, val) in[ptr .. self.indptr[j+1]].iter().enumerate() { let i = self.indices[ptr + off]; try!(writeln!(f, " {:?}\t{}", (i, j), val)); } } Ok(()) } } #[test] fn test_csc() { let mut mat = CscMatrix { shape: (6, 6), data: vec![10, 45, 40, 2, 4, 3, 3, 9, 19, 7], indptr: vec![0, 3, 5, 8, 8, 8, 10], indices: vec![0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 5] }; assert_eq!(format!("{}", mat).lines().count(), 10); mat.set((3, 4), 20); assert_eq!(format!("{}", mat).lines().count(), 11); }