# Mubo, a static url shortener generator **Mubo** allows you to host your own static url shortener on GitHub Pages (or Netlify, Vercel, GitLab Pages, ...) by populating a `config.toml` file. ## Getting started ### Add a new link To add a new link, append the following values to your config.toml file: ```toml [[links]] key = "otso" url = "https://otso.fr" ``` The `key` represents the slug that will be used to redirect to the `url`. ### Build the static site Run the `mubo` command within the root directory of your project where lies the `config.toml` file. It will generate all the pages and subdirectories under the `r` directory. ### Use the url shortener If we take the example above, you will need to go to the `YOUR_BASE_URL/r/otso` to be redirected to `https://otso.fr` ### Live example To see a live example of this script, you can have a look at [my own url shortener](https://github.com/adriantombu/go.otso.fr). ### Did you know ? > mubo means 'short' in Cebunao