### muda Menu Utilities library for Desktop Applications. [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/muda)](https://docs.rs/muda/latest/muda/) ## Platforms supported: - Windows - macOS - Linux (gtk Only) ## Platform-specific notes: - On Windows, accelerators don't work unless the win32 message loop calls [`TranslateAcceleratorW`](https://docs.rs/windows-sys/latest/windows_sys/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/fn.TranslateAcceleratorW.html). See [`Menu::init_for_hwnd`](https://docs.rs/muda/latest/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/muda/struct.Menu.html#method.init_for_hwnd) for more details ### Cargo Features - `common-controls-v6`: Use `TaskDialogIndirect` API from `ComCtl32.dll` v6 on Windows for showing the predefined `About` menu item dialog. - `libxdo`: Enables linking to `libxdo` on Linux which is used for the predfined `Copy`, `Cut`, `Paste` and `SelectAll` menu item. - `serde`: Enables de/serializing the dpi types. ## Dependencies (Linux Only) `gtk` is used for menus and `libxdo` is used to make the predfined `Copy`, `Cut`, `Paste` and `SelectAll` menu items work. Be sure to install following packages before building: #### Arch Linux / Manjaro: ```sh pacman -S gtk3 xdotool ``` #### Debian / Ubuntu: ```sh sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libxdo-dev ``` ## Example Create the menu and add your items ```rs let menu = Menu::new(); let menu_item2 = MenuItem::new("Menu item #2", false, None); let submenu = Submenu::with_items("Submenu Outer", true,&[ &MenuItem::new("Menu item #1", true, Some(Accelerator::new(Some(Modifiers::ALT), Code::KeyD))), &PredefinedMenuItem::separator(), &menu_item2, &MenuItem::new("Menu item #3", true, None), &PredefinedMenuItem::separator(), &Submenu::with_items("Submenu Inner", true,&[ &MenuItem::new("Submenu item #1", true, None), &PredefinedMenuItem::separator(), &menu_item2, ]) ]); ``` Then add your root menu to a Window on Windows and Linux or use it as your global app menu on macOS ```rs // --snip-- #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] menu.init_for_hwnd(window.hwnd() as isize); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] menu.init_for_gtk_window(>k_window, Some(&vertical_gtk_box)); #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] menu.init_for_nsapp(); ``` ## Context menus (Popup menus) You can also use a [`Menu`] or a [`Submenu`] show a context menu. ```rs // --snip-- let position = muda::PhysicalPosition { x: 100., y: 120. }; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] menu.show_context_menu_for_hwnd(window.hwnd() as isize, Some(position.into())); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] menu.show_context_menu_for_gtk_window(>k_window, Some(position.into())); #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] menu.show_context_menu_for_nsview(nsview, Some(position.into())); ``` ## Processing menu events You can use `MenuEvent::receiver` to get a reference to the `MenuEventReceiver` which you can use to listen to events when a menu item is activated ```rs if let Ok(event) = MenuEvent::receiver().try_recv() { match event.id { _ if event.id == save_item.id() => { println!("Save menu item activated"); }, _ => {} } } ``` ## License Apache-2.0/MIT