# MultiCan Library that supports different CANBUS scenarios, especially those that require multiple busses to operate at the same time. Typical usage: 3 busses, using mixed network types ```toml [[can_networks]] id = 0 kind = "socketcan" [[can_networks]] id = 1 kind = "socketcan" [[can_networks]] id = 2 kind = "udp" ``` ```rust // read the config file however you'd like let network_config = read_config("can.toml"); let network = multican::from_config(network_config); // receive from all busses: for rx in network.recv() { println!("RX: {:?}", rx); } // send a message to bus 2 let m = CanMessage { bus: 2, header: 0x12345678, data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4] }; network.send(m); ```