set shell := ["fish", "-c"] PROJECT_NAME := "multigit" _default: list list: just --list update-gif: cargo install --path . vhs scripts/demo.tape -o docs/out.gif publish: #!/usr/bin/env fish set CURRENT_BRANCH (git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) if [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != main ] echo "Not on main branch. Please switch to main before publishing." exit 1 end set NEXT_VERSION (just _next-version) gum confirm "Confirm next version: '$NEXT_VERSION'?"; or exit 1 just _check-repo; or exit 1 cargo clippy --fix just _check-repo; or exit 1 cargo test; or exit 1 # just update-usage echo "Updating Cargo.toml to version $NEXT_VERSION" toml set Cargo.toml package.version $NEXT_VERSION| sponge Cargo.toml # gum confirm "Update gif?"; and just update-gif; git add docs/out.gif gum confirm "git commit -a"; and git commit -a gum confirm "git tag?"; and git tag $NEXT_VERSION gum confirm "git push?"; and git push --tags origin main gum confirm "Rust publish"; and cargo publish gum confirm "Update homebrew?"; and just homebrew-release $NEXT_VERSION _check-repo: #!/usr/bin/env fish set is_dirty (git status --porcelain) if test -n "$is_dirty" echo "Repo is dirty. Please commit all changes before publishing." exit 1 end update-usage: #!/usr/bin/env fish awk -f scripts/replace.awk -v INDEX=3 -v "REPLACEMENT=cargo run -- --help 2> /dev/null" | sponge _next-version: #!/usr/bin/env fish set LATEST_TAG (git describe --tags --abbrev=0) set PARTS (string split . $LATEST_TAG) set MAJOR $PARTS[1] set MINOR $PARTS[2] set PATCH $PARTS[3] set NEXT_PATCH (math $PATCH + 1) echo "$MAJOR.$MINOR.$NEXT_PATCH" bonnieplusplus: bonnie++ | bon_csv2html > bonnie++.html cargo-analytics: cargo tree > docs/tree.txt cargo bloat --release --crates -n 10000 > docs/bloat.txt cargo report future-incompatibilities > docs/future-incompatibilities.txt; or true unused-features analyze unused-features build-report --input report.json mv report.json docs/unused-features.json mv report.html docs/unused-features.html unused-features prune --input docs/unused-features.json cargo-installs: brew install cargo-udeps cargo install cargo-bloat cargo install cargo-edit cargo install cargo-machete cargo install cargo-unused-features cargo install grcov cargo install toml-cli rustup component add llvm-tools-preview linux-setup machine_name: orb create -a arm64 ubuntu {{machine_name}} orb run --machine {{machine_name}} sudo apt install -y gcc orb run --machine {{machine_name}} --shell curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh orb run --machine {{machine_name}} --shell ". $HOME/.cargo/env" linux-run_ machine_name: (linux-setup machine_name) orb run --machine {{machine_name}} cargo clean orb run --machine {{machine_name}} cargo build linux-run: (linux-run_ "ubuntu") windows-deps: rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu windows-build: # TODO: use cross cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu coverage: set -x RUSTFLAGS "-C instrument-coverage"; cargo build cargo test homebrew-release VERSION: #!/usr/bin/env fish # # Build release, create tarball and calculate sha256 cargo build --release pushd target/release/ tar -czf {{PROJECT_NAME}}.tar.gz {{PROJECT_NAME}} set SHA (shasum -a 256 {{PROJECT_NAME}}.tar.gz | cut -d " " -f 1) echo $SHA popd # Create release on GitHub gh release create {{VERSION}} target/release/{{PROJECT_NAME}}.tar.gz --title "{{PROJECT_NAME}} {{VERSION}}" # Update homebrew formula pushd $HOME/Projects/homebrew-schwa git pull sed -i '' -e "s/sha256 \".*\"/sha256 \"$SHA\"/g" Formula/{{PROJECT_NAME}}.rb sed -i '' -e "s/version \".*\"/version \"{{VERSION}}\"/g" Formula/{{PROJECT_NAME}}.rb git commit --all --message "{{PROJECT_NAME}} {{VERSION}}" git push popd test-homebrew: brew tap schwa/schwa brew update brew install {{PROJECT_NAME}}