use multiversx_sc_codec as codec; use multiversx_sc_codec_derive::*; use codec::{ test_util::{check_dep_encode_decode, check_top_encode_decode}, *, }; // to test, run the following command in the crate folder: // cargo expand --test struct_with_generic_derive_test > #[allow(dead_code)] trait SimpleTrait { fn simple_function(&self); } impl SimpleTrait for u8 { fn simple_function(&self) {} } #[derive(NestedEncode, NestedDecode, TopEncode, TopDecode, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)] struct StructWithNamedFieldsWithGeneric where ST: NestedEncode + NestedDecode + TopEncode + TopDecode, { data: u64, trait_stuff: ST, } #[test] fn struct_with_generic_test() { let s_with_gen = StructWithNamedFieldsWithGeneric { data: 0xfedcab9876543210, trait_stuff: 5u8, }; let mut bytes_2 = [0xfe, 0xdc, 0xab, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10].to_vec(); bytes_2.push(5u8); check_top_encode_decode(s_with_gen.clone(), bytes_2.as_slice()); check_dep_encode_decode(s_with_gen, bytes_2.as_slice()); }