const BYTES_PER_FLOAT64 = 8; /** A linear memory manager. */ export interface MemoryManager { /** The active memory buffer. */ readonly buffer: ArrayBufferLike; /** The active float64 memory view. */ readonly view: Float64Array; /** Allocates given size of memory in the number of float64 and returns the byteOffset pointing to the new memory. */ create(size: number): number; /** Frees the memory at given byteOffset and size in the number of float64. */ free(byteOffset: number, size: number): void; } /** The {@link MemoryManager} to use. */ let memoryManager: MemoryManager; /** Sets the {@link MemoryManager} to use. */ export function setMemoryManager(manager: MemoryManager): void { memoryManager = manager; } let usingFinalizationRegistry = true; /** Sets if FinalizationRegistry should be used for automatic memory cleanup. */ export function useFinalizationRegistry(use: boolean): void { usingFinalizationRegistry = use; } const registry = global.FinalizationRegistry && new FinalizationRegistry(([ptr, size]: [number, number]) =>, size)); function register(arr: ManagedBufferView): void { usingFinalizationRegistry && registry?.register(arr, [arr.byteOffset, arr.length], arr); } function unregister(arr: ManagedBufferView): void { usingFinalizationRegistry && registry?.unregister(arr); } /** A wrapped TypedArray that requires explicit memory management. */ export interface ManagedBufferView extends ArrayBufferView, Disposable { /** Whether the array is still valid. */ readonly valid: boolean; /** The length of the array. */ readonly length: N; /** Frees the array. */ free(): void; } /** A managed Float64Array. */ export abstract class ManagedFloat64Array implements ManagedBufferView, Iterable { public constructor(public byteOffset: number) { register(this); } public *[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator { if (!this.valid) { return; } const view = memoryManager.view; const offset = (this.byteOffset / BYTES_PER_FLOAT64) | 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.length && offset + i < view.length; i++) { yield view[offset + i]; } } public [Symbol.dispose](): void {; } /** Gets the value at given index. */ public at(index: number): number | undefined { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { return; } return memoryManager.view[(this.byteOffset / BYTES_PER_FLOAT64 + index) | 0]; } /** Sets the value at given index. */ public setAt(index: number, value: number) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { return; } memoryManager.view[(this.byteOffset / BYTES_PER_FLOAT64 + index) | 0] = value; } /** Copies a managed array to this. */ public copy( from: ManagedFloat64Array, dstOffset = 0, srcOffset = 0, length = Math.min(from.length - srcOffset, this.length - dstOffset) ) { const start = (from.byteOffset / BYTES_PER_FLOAT64 + srcOffset) | 0; memoryManager.view.copyWithin((this.byteOffset / BYTES_PER_FLOAT64 + dstOffset) | 0, start, start + length); } /** Copies an array to this. */ public set(array: ArrayLike, offset = 0) { memoryManager.view.set(array, (this.byteOffset / BYTES_PER_FLOAT64 + offset) | 0); } public free(): void { if (this.byteOffset > 0) {, this.length); unregister(this); this.byteOffset = -Infinity; } } public get buffer(): ArrayBufferLike { return memoryManager.buffer; } public get byteLength(): number { return this.length * BYTES_PER_FLOAT64; } public get valid(): boolean { return this.byteOffset >= 0; } public abstract readonly length: N; }