import * as wasm from '../../wasm/index.js'; import { Mat3, Mat4 } from './mat.ts'; import { Quat } from './quat.ts'; import { Vec2, Vec3 } from './vec.ts'; /** Returns a {@link Mat3} for a 2D point translated by (x, y). */ export function translation2d(v: Vec2, out = Mat3.identity()): Mat3 { wasm.translation2d(out.byteOffset, v.byteOffset); return out; } /** Returns a {@link Mat3} for a 2D point scaled by (x, y). */ export function scaling2d(v: Vec2, out = Mat3.identity()): Mat3 { wasm.scaling2d(out.byteOffset, v.byteOffset); return out; } /** Returns a {@link Mat3} for a 2D point rotated in couterclockwise direction. */ export function rotation2d(angle: number, out = Mat3.identity()): Mat3 { wasm.rotation2d(out.byteOffset, angle); return out; } /** * Returns a {@link Mat3} for transformation in TRS order (= translation * rotation * scale). * @returns out = translation * rotation * scale */ export function transformation2d(translate: Vec2, rotateAngle: number, scale: Vec2, out = Mat3.identity()): Mat3 { wasm.transformation2d(out.byteOffset, translate.byteOffset, rotateAngle, scale.byteOffset); return out; } /** Return a {@link Mat4} for a 3D point translated by (x, y, z). */ export function translation(v: Vec3, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.translation(out.byteOffset, v.byteOffset); return out; } /** Return a {@link Mat4} for a 3D point scaled by (x, y, z). */ export function scaling(v: Vec3, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.scaling(out.byteOffset, v.byteOffset); return out; } /** Returns a {@link Mat4} for a rotation by a {@link Quat}. */ export function rotation(q: Quat, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.rotation(out.byteOffset, q.byteOffset); return out; } /** Extract the {@link Vec3} translation component from a transformation matrix. */ export function translationOf(m: Mat4, out = new Vec3()): Vec3 { wasm.translationof(out.byteOffset, m.byteOffset); return out; } /** * Extract the {@link Vec3} scaling components from a transformation matrix * in TRS order (= translation * rotation * scale). */ export function scalingOf(m: Mat4, out = new Vec3()): Vec3 { wasm.scalingof(out.byteOffset, m.byteOffset); return out; } /** * Extract the {@link Quat} rotation components from a transformation matrix * in TRS order (= translation * rotation * scale). * @see */ export function rotationOf(m: Mat4, out = Quat.identity()): Quat { wasm.rotationof(out.byteOffset, m.byteOffset); return out; } /** * Returns a {@link Mat4} for transformation in TRS order (= translation * rotation * scale). * @returns out = translation * rotation * scale */ export function transformation(translate: Vec3, rotate: Quat, scale: Vec3, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.transformation(out.byteOffset, translate.byteOffset, rotate.byteOffset, scale.byteOffset); return out; } /** * Returns the inverse of a {@link Mat4} that is assumed to represent a valid transformation * in TRS order (= translation * rotation * scale). * This function is more efficient than {@link Mat4.invert} by using the properties of a TRS matrix. * @returns out = M^-1 */ export function inverseTRS(trs: Mat4, out = Mat4.identity()): boolean { return !!wasm.inverttrs(out.byteOffset, trs.byteOffset); } /** * Calculate the {@link Mat4} orthographic projection matrix. * To apply a glTF orthographic camera, use: left = -xmag, right = xmag, bottom = -ymag, top = ymag. * @see * @see */ export function ortho( left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, znear: number, zfar: number, out = Mat4.identity() ): Mat4 { wasm.ortho(out.byteOffset, left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar); return out; } /** * Calculate the {@link Mat4} perspective projection using glTF's formula. Use infinite projection if zfar = Infinity. * @see */ export function perspective(aspect: number, yfov: number, znear: number, zfar: number, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.perspective(out.byteOffset, aspect, yfov, znear, zfar); return out; } /** Calculate the {@link Mat4} perspective projection from a viewport. Use infinite projection if zfar = Infinity. */ export function perspectiveViewport( left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, znear: number, zfar: number, out = Mat4.identity() ): Mat4 { wasm.perspectiveviewport(out.byteOffset, left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar); return out; } /** * Calculate the {@link Mat4} model matrix for a camera at eye position looking at the center * position with a given up direction. */ export function targetTo(eye: Vec3, center: Vec3, up: Vec3, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.targetto(out.byteOffset, eye.byteOffset, center.byteOffset, up.byteOffset); return out; } /** * Calculate the {@link Mat4} view matrix for a camera at eye position looking at the center * position with a given up direction. */ export function lookAt(eye: Vec3, center: Vec3, up: Vec3, out = Mat4.identity()): Mat4 { wasm.lookat(out.byteOffset, eye.byteOffset, center.byteOffset, up.byteOffset); return out; } /** * Calculate the look-at direction {@link Vec3} vector from pitch (up/down) and yaw (left/right) angles in radians. * It looks towards -Z axis when pitch = 0 and yaw = 0. * This can be used with lookAt method to build an FPS camera view matrix by: * viewMatrix = lookAt(eye, lookAtDir(yaw, pitch).add(eye), new Vec3(0, 1, 0)); */ export function lookAtDir(pitch: number, yaw: number, out = new Vec3()): Vec3 { wasm.lookatdir(out.byteOffset, pitch, yaw); return out; }