#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Support for creating Python wheels and uploading to pypi.org. Overview: Support for building sdist, building wheels locally/remotely, uploading sdist and wheels to pypi.org, testing that 'pip install ' works. Requires a setup.py in the root of the tree. When building wheels, on Unix we use a manylinux docker container, on Windows we use the 'py' command to find different installed Pythons. May require installation of python-venv or similar package. On Unix one can get an interactive session inside the manylinux docker container with: docker exec -it pypackage bash ''' import distutils.util import doctest import glob import os import platform import re import shlex import shutil import sys import tarfile import time import jlib log = jlib.log def system( command, raise_errors=True, return_output=False, prefix=None, caller=1, bufsize=-1, env_extra=None, ): ''' Runs a command. See jlib.system()'s docs for details. ''' return jlib.system( command, verbose=True, raise_errors=raise_errors, out='return' if return_output else 'log', prefix=prefix, caller=caller+1, bufsize=bufsize, env_extra=env_extra, ) def windows(): s = platform.system() return s == 'Windows' or s.startswith('CYGWIN') def linux(): s = platform.system() return s == 'Linux' def macos(): s = platform.system() return s == 'Darwin' def openbsd(): s = platform.system() return s == 'OpenBSD' def env_string_to_dict( text): ''' Converts string containing shell-style space-separated name=value pairs, into a dict. can also be a list of strings, or a dict. ''' if isinstance( text, dict): return text ret = dict() if text: if isinstance( text, str): text = text, for t in text: for item in shlex.split( t): n, v = item.split( '=', 1) assert n not in ret ret[ n] = v return ret def make_tag(py_version=None): ''' py_version: None or E.g. '3.9.4'. If None we use native Python version. cpu: ''' # Find platform tag used in wheel filename, as described in # PEP-0425. E.g. 'openbsd_6_8_amd64', 'win_amd64' or 'win32'. # tag_platform = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') if py_version is None: py_version = platform.python_version() # Get two-digit python version, e.g. 3.8 for python-3.8.6. # tag_python = ''.join(py_version.split('.')[:2]) # Final tag is, for example, 'py39-none-win32', 'py39-none-win_amd64' # or 'py38-none-openbsd_6_8_amd64'. # tag = f'cp{tag_python}-none-{tag_platform}' return tag # We keep track of all the venv's we have created so that we can avoid # unnecessarily running pip --upgrade. todo: check this is actually necessary. venv_installed = set() def venv_run( commands, venv='pypackage-venv', py=None, clean=False, return_output=False, directory=None, prefix=None, pip_upgrade=True, bufsize=-1, raise_errors=True, env_extra=None, ): ''' Runs commands inside Python venv, joined by &&. commands: List of commands to run. venv: Name of venv to create and use. Relative to if is not None. py: Python to run. If None we use sys.executable. clean: If true we first delete any existing . For safety we assert that starts with 'pypackage-venv'. directory: Directory in which to create venv and run . If None we use the current directory. prefix: Prefix to prepend to each output line. pip_upgrade: If true (the default) we do 'pip install --upgrade pip' before running . bufsize: Use 0 if we expect interactive prompts. ''' if isinstance(commands, str): commands = [commands] if py is None: py = 'py' if windows() else sys.executable def make_command( commands): if windows(): command = '&&'.join( commands) if platform.system().startswith('CYGWIN'): command = f'cmd.exe /c {shlex.quote(command)}' else: command = ' && '.join( commands) return command pre = [] if directory: pre.append( f'cd {directory}') pre.append( f'{py} -m venv {venv}') if windows(): pre.append( f'{venv}\\Scripts\\activate.bat') else: pre.append( f'. {venv}/bin/activate') post = [f'deactivate'] if clean or venv not in venv_installed: if clean: assert venv.startswith('pypackage-venv') log('Removing directory to get clean venv: {venv}') shutil.rmtree(venv, ignore_errors=1) venv_installed.add(venv) if pip_upgrade: pre.append( 'pip install --upgrade pip') if windows(): # It looks like first attempt to upgrade pip can fail with # 'EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] Access is denied'. So we make an # extra first attempt. log( f'Running dummy install/upgrade of pip.') e = system(make_command( pre + post), raise_errors=False, prefix=prefix) if e: log(f'[Ignoring error from dummy run of pip install/upgrade on Windows.]') return system( make_command( pre + commands + post), raise_errors=raise_errors, return_output=return_output, prefix=prefix, bufsize=bufsize, env_extra=env_extra, ) def check_sdist(sdist): ''' Checks sdist with 'twine check'. ''' venv_run([ f'pip install twine', f'twine check {sdist}', ]) def check_wheel(wheel): ''' Checks wheel with 'twine check'. ''' # We don't install and use check-wheel-contents, because it thinks # top-level .dll files are incorrect. venv_run([ f'pip install twine', #f'check-wheel-contents {wheel}', f'twine check {wheel}', ]) def find_new_files(pattern, t): ''' Returns list of files matching whose mtime is >= t. ''' paths = glob.glob(pattern) paths_new = [] for path in paths: tt = os.path.getmtime(path) if tt >= t: paths_new.append(path) return paths_new def find_new_file(pattern, t): ''' Finds file matching whose mtime is >= t. Raises exception if there isn't exactly one such file. ''' paths_new = find_new_files(pattern, t) if len(paths_new) == 0: raise Exception(f'No new file found matching glob: {pattern}') elif len(paths_new) > 1: text = f'More than one file found matching glob: {pattern}\n' for path in paths_new: text += f' {path}\n' raise Exception(text) return paths_new[0] def make_sdist(package_directory, out_directory, env=''): ''' Creates sdist from source tree , in . Returns the path of the generated sdist. ''' os.makedirs(out_directory, exist_ok=True) env_extra = env_string_to_dict( env) t = time.time() command = ( f'cd {os.path.relpath(package_directory)}' f' && {sys.executable} ./setup.py sdist -d "{os.path.relpath(out_directory, package_directory)}"' ) system(command, env_extra=env_extra) # Find new file in . sdist = find_new_file(f'{out_directory}/*.tar.gz', t) check_sdist(sdist) return sdist def make_linux( sdist, abis=None, out_dir=None, test_direct_install=False, install_docker=None, docker_image=None, pull_docker_image=None, container_name=None, ): ''' Builds Python wheels using a manylinux container. sdist: Pathname of sdist file; we copy into container and extract there. abis List of string python versions for which we build wheels. Any '.' are removed and we then take the first two characters. E.g. ['3.8.4', '39'] is same as ['38', '39']. out_dir If not None, the directory into which we generated wheels. test_direct_install If true we run 'pip install ' in the container. If None we default to false. install_docker If true we attempt to install docker (currently specific to Debian/Devuan). If None we default to false. docker_image Name of docker image to use. If None we default to: quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x86_64 pull_docker_image If true we run 'docker pull ...' to update the image. If None we default to true. container_name Name to use for the container. If None we default to 'pypackage'. Returns wheels, a list of wheel pathnames. ''' if abis is None: abis = ['37', '38', '39'] if test_direct_install is None: test_direct_install = False if install_docker is None: install_docker = False if docker_image is None: docker_image='quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x86_64' if pull_docker_image is None: pull_docker_image = True if container_name is None: container_name = 'pypackage' io_directory = 'pypackage-io' assert sdist.endswith('.tar.gz') sdist_leaf = os.path.basename(sdist) # e.g. mupdf- package_root = sdist_leaf[ : -len('.tar.gz')] # e.g. mupdf- check_sdist(sdist) if install_docker: # Note that if docker is not already installed, we will # need to add user to docker group, e.g. with: # sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER system('sudo apt install docker.io') # Copy sdist into what will be the container's /io/ directory. # os.makedirs( io_directory, exist_ok=True) system( f'rsync -ai {sdist} {io_directory}/') if pull_docker_image: # Ensure we have latest version of the docker image. # system(f'docker pull {docker_image}') if 1: # Ensure docker instance is created and running. Also give it a name # so we can refer to it below. # # '-itd' ensures docker instance runs in background. # # With '-v HOST:CONTAINER', HOST must be absolute path. # # It's ok for this to fail - container is already created and running. # e = system( f' docker run' f' -itd' f' --name {container_name}' f' -v {os.path.abspath(io_directory)}:/io' f' {docker_image}' , raise_errors=False, ) log(f'docker run: ignoring any error. e={e}') # Start docker instance if not already started. # e = system(f'docker start {container_name}', raise_errors=False,) log(f'docker start: e={e}') def docker_system(command, prefix='', return_output=False): ''' Runs specified command inside container. Runs via bash so can contain shell constructs. If return_output is true, we return the output text. ''' command = command.replace('"', '\\"') # Manylinux container doesn't seem to have a python3 # command/alias, which can break builds. Can't get alias to work. Have tried # defining a bash function but this also seems to be ignored by the time # we are in make: # command = f'docker exec {container_name} bash -c "function python3 {{ python3.9 \\$* ; }} ; {command}"' # # So instead we create a softlink. # command = f'docker exec {container_name} bash -c "ln -fs \\`which python3.9\\` /bin/python3 && {command}"' log(f'Running: {command}') return system( command, return_output=return_output, prefix=None if return_output else f'container: {prefix}', caller=2, ) if test_direct_install: # Test direct intall from sdist. # docker_system( f'pip3 -vvv install /io/{sdist_leaf}') container_pythons = [] for abi in abis: vv = abi.replace('.', '')[:2] # E.g. '38' for Python-3.8. pattern = f'/opt/python/cp{vv}-cp{vv}*' paths = docker_system(f'ls -d {pattern}', return_output=1) log(f'vv={vv}: paths={paths!r}') paths = paths.strip().split('\n') assert len(paths) == 1, f'No single match for glob pattern in container. pattern={pattern}: {paths}' container_pythons.append( (vv, paths[0])) # In the container, extract ; we will use the extracted sdist to # build wheels. # docker_system( f'tar -xzf /io/{sdist_leaf}') # Build wheels inside container. wheels = [] for vv, container_python in container_pythons: log(f'Building wheel with python {vv}: {container_python}') # Build wheel. t = time.time() docker_system( f'cd {package_root} && {container_python}/bin/python ./setup.py --dist-dir /io bdist_wheel', prefix=f'{container_python}: ' ) # Find new wheel. wheel = find_new_file(f'{io_directory}/{package_root}-cp{vv}-none-*.whl', t) wheels.append(wheel) check_wheel(wheel) if out_dir: # Rename the wheel to be a manylinux wheel so it can be uploaded to # pypi.org. # leaf = os.path.basename(wheel) m = re.match('^([^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+-)linux(_[^.]+.whl)$', leaf) assert m, f'Cannot parse wheel: {wheel!r}' leaf2 = f'{m.group(1)}manylinux2014{m.group(2)}' log(f'changing leaf from {leaf} to {leaf2}') os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=1) shutil.copy2(wheel, f'{out_dir}/{leaf2}') log( f'wheels are ({len(wheels)}):') for wheel in wheels: log( f' {wheel}') return wheels def make_unix_native( sdist, out_dir=None, test_direct_install=False, ): ''' Makes wheel on native system. ''' assert sdist.endswith('.tar.gz') sdist_leaf = os.path.basename(sdist) # e.g. mupdf- package_root = sdist_leaf[ : -len('.tar.gz')] # e.g. mupdf- check_sdist(sdist) # Extact sdist and run setup.py to build wheel inside the extracted # tree. We make basic checks that extraction will extract to a single # subdirectory. # log(f'Extracting sdist={sdist}') directory = jlib.untar( sdist) if out_dir is None: out_dir = 'pypackage-out' out_dir2 = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(out_dir), directory) t = time.time() system( f'cd {directory} && {sys.executable} setup.py -d {out_dir2} bdist_wheel') wheel = find_new_file(f'{out_dir}/*.whl', t) check_wheel(wheel) return [wheel] def windows_python_from_abi(abi): ''' Returns (cpu, python_version, py). ''' cpu, python_version = abi.split('-') python_version = '.'.join(python_version) assert cpu in ('x32', 'x64') py = f'py -{python_version}-{cpu[1:]}' return cpu, python_version, py def make_windows( sdist, abis=None, out_dir=None, ): ''' Builds Python wheels on Windows. sdist: Pathname of sdist; we extract it and generate wheels inside the extracted tree. Note that this means that running a second time with the same sdist will not be a clean build. abis: List of - strings. cpu: 'x32' or 'x64' pythonversion: String version number, may contain '.' characters, e.g. '3.8' or '39'. out_dir: Directory into which we copy the generated wheels. Defaults to 'pypackage-out'. Returns wheels, a list of wheel pathnames. ''' log(f'sdist={sdist} abis={abis} out_dir={out_dir}') assert windows() if abis is None: abis = ['x32-38', 'x32-39', 'x64-38', 'x64-39'] if out_dir is None: out_dir = 'pypackage-out' # Extact sdist and run setup.py to build wheel inside the extracted # tree. We make basic checks that extraction will extract to a single # subdirectory. # log(f'Extracting sdist={sdist}') directory = jlib.untar( sdist) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) out_dir2 = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(out_dir), directory) wheels = [] for abi in abis: cpu, python_version, py = windows_python_from_abi(abi) t = time.time() log(f'*** Running venv_run() with directory={directory} os.getcwd()={os.getcwd()}') venv_run( [ f'pwd', f'python setup.py -d {out_dir2} bdist_wheel', ], py=py, directory=directory, prefix=f'{python_version}-{cpu} wheel build: ', ) wheel = find_new_file(f'{out_dir}/*.whl', t) check_wheel(wheel) wheels.append(wheel) return wheels def test_internal(test_command, package_name, pip_install_arg, py): if test_command == '.': test_command = '' jlib.log('Testing {package_name=} {pip_install_arg=} {py=} {test_command!r=}') if not test_command: test_command = 'pypackage_test.py' code = ( f'import {package_name}\n' f'print("Successfully imported {package_name}")\n' ) log(f'Testing default code for package_name={package_name}:\n{code}') with open(test_command, 'w') as f: f.write(code) venv_run( [ f'pip install {pip_install_arg}', f'python {test_command}', ], venv='pypackage-venv-test', py=py, clean=True, ) def test_local(test_command, wheels, py): # Find wheel matching tag output by running ourselves with 'tag' arg. # inside a venv running : log(f'Finding wheel tag for {py!r}') text = venv_run( f'python {sys.argv[0]} tag', return_output=True, venv='pypackage-venv-test', py=py, clean=True, pip_upgrade=False, # Saves a little time. ) m = re.search('tag: (.+)', text) assert m, f'Failed to find expected tag: ... in output text: {text!r}' tag = m.group(1).strip() # Sometimes we get \r at end, so remove it here. py_py, py_abi, py_cpu = tag.split( '-') log(f'Looking for wheel matching tag {tag!r}') for wheel in wheels: wheel_name, wheel_version, wheel_py, wheel_abi, wheel_cpu = parse_wheel(wheel) if py_abi == 'none': eq = (wheel_py, wheel_cpu) == (py_py, py_cpu) else: eq = (wheel_py, wheel_abi, wheel_cpu) == (py_py, py_abi, py_cpu) if eq: log( f'Matching wheel: {wheel}') package_name = wheel_name pip_install_arg = wheel break else: text = f'Cannot find wheel matching: tag={tag!r}\n' text += f'Wheels are ({len(wheels)}):\n' for wheel in wheels: text += f' {wheel}\n' assert 0, text test_internal(test_command, package_name, pip_install_arg, py) def test_pypi(test_command, package_name, pypi_test, py): assert package_name, f'Cannot test installation from pypi.org because no package name specified.' pip_install_arg = '' if pypi_test: pip_install_arg += '-i https://test.pypi.org/simple ' pip_install_arg += package_name test_internal(test_command, package_name, pip_install_arg, py) def test(test_command, package_name, wheels, abis, pypi, pypi_test, py): ''' If on Windows and is false, we run test() with a python for each wheel in . test_command: . package_name: Can be None if we are using . wheels: List of wheels, used if pypi is false. pypi: If true, install from pypi.org or test.pypi.org if pypi_test is true. pypi_test: If true, pypi installs from test.pypi.org. py: Python command. If None, on Windows we test ABI from each wheel, otherwise we use native python. ''' if not py and windows(): if wheels: # Test with each wheel. log('Testing for python implied by each wheel.') for wheel in wheels: name, version, py, none, cpu = parse_wheel(wheel) pyv = f'{py[2]}.{py[3]}' cpu_bits = 64 if cpu == 'win_amd64' else 32 py = f'py -{pyv}-{cpu_bits}' if package_name is None: package_name = name if pypi: test_pypi(test_command, package_name, pypi_test, py) else: test_local(test_command, wheels, py) else: assert pypi, f'No wheels specified; need to use *pypi.org.' assert package_name, f'No wheels specified; need package_name.' # Test with each ABI. for abi in abis: cpu, python_version, py = windows_python_from_abi(abi) jlib.log('Testing with {package_name=} {pypi_test=} {py=}') test_pypi(test_command, package_name, pypi_test, py) else: if not py: if windows(): log('Using default python "py".') py = 'py' else: log('Using default python: {sys.executable=}') py = sys.executable if pypi: test_pypi(test_command, package_name, pypi_test, py) else: test_local(test_command, wheels, py) def parse_remote(remote): ''' Specification of remote machine and directory. text: Optional jump host, remote host, directory, sync directories: [ssh ] [::][@][:][:] Basic user at remote host: >>> parse_remote( 'user@host:') ('ssh user@host', '') Specify remote directory: >>> parse_remote( 'user@host:dir') ('ssh user@host', 'dir/') Specify a jump host: >>> parse_remote( 'juser@jhost::user@host:dir') ('ssh -J juser@jhost user@host', 'dir/') Specify extra ssh args, and a port for the jump host: >>> parse_remote( 'ssh -F julian-tools/ssh-config julian@miles.ghostscript.com:5222::julian@mac2019:foo') ('ssh -F julian-tools/ssh-config -J julian@miles.ghostscript.com:5222 julian@mac2019', 'foo/') ''' re_user_at = '(?P[^@]+@)' # @ re_host = '(?P[^:@]+)' # re_user_host = f'(?P{re_user_at}?{re_host})' # [@] re_directory = '(:(?P[^:,]*))' # : re_sync_directories = '(?P(,[^,:]*)*)' # [,]* re_ssh_extra = '((?Pssh [^@]+) )' # ssh * re_port = '(:(?P[0-9]+))' # : re_jump = f'((?P{re_user_at}{re_host}{re_port}?)::)' # [@]:: re_jump = re_jump.replace( 'user_at', 'jump_user_at') re_jump = re_jump.replace( 'host', 'jump_host') m = re.match( f'^{re_ssh_extra}?{re_jump}?{re_user_host}{re_directory}?$', remote) assert m, f'Expected [[@]::][@]:[] but: {text!r}' ssh_extra = m.group('ssh_extra') jump = m.group('jump') user_at = m.group('user_at') or '' host = m.group('host') directory = m.group('directory_name') jump = f' -J {jump}' if jump else '' ssh = ssh_extra if ssh_extra else 'ssh' ssh += f'{jump} {user_at}{host}' if directory and not directory.endswith('/'): directory += '/' return ssh, directory def wheels_for_sdist(sdist, outdir): ''' Returns list of paths of wheels in that match . ''' m = re.match('^([^-]+)-([^-]+)[.]tar.gz$', os.path.basename(sdist)) assert m, f'Bad sdist name, expected .../-.tar.gz: {sdist!r}' name_version = f'{m.group(1)}-{m.group(2)}-' ret = [] for i in os.listdir(outdir): if i.startswith(name_version) and i.endswith('.whl'): ret.append(os.path.join(outdir, i)) return ret def parse_sdist(sdist): ''' Parses leafname of sdist, returning (name, version). ''' m = re.match('^([^-]+)-([^-]+)[.]tar.gz$', os.path.basename(sdist)) assert m, f'Unable to parse sdist: {sdist!r}' return m.group(1), m.group(2) def parse_wheel(wheel): m = re.match('^([^-]+)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)[.]whl$', os.path.basename(wheel)) assert m, f'Cannot parse wheel path: {wheel}' name, version, py, none, cpu = m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3), m.group(4), m.group(5) return name, version, py, none, cpu def upload( files, pypi_test): log(f'Uploading ({len(files)}') for file_ in files: log(f' {file_}') while 1: try: venv_run([ f'pip install twine', f'python -m twine upload --disable-progress-bar {"--repository testpypi" if pypi_test else ""} {" ".join(files)}', ], bufsize=0, # So we see login/password prompts. raise_errors=True, ) except Exception as e: jlib.log( 'Failed to upload: {e=}') input( jlib.log_text( 'Press to retry... ').strip()) else: break def ensure_swig_windows(): ''' Downloads and extracts swig on windows, and adds to $PATH. ''' assert windows() import stat import urllib.request import zipfile import subprocess name = 'swigwin-4.0.2' swig_local = f'{name}/swig.exe' if not os.path.exists( swig_local): if not os.path.exists( f'{name}.zip'): # Download swig .zip file/ url = f'http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/swig/{name}.zip' log( 'Downloading Windows SWIG from: {url}') with urllib.request.urlopen( url) as response: with open( f'{name}.zip-', 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(response, f) os.rename( f'{name}.zip-', f'{name}.zip') # Extract swig from .zip file. log( 'Extracting {name}.zip') z = zipfile.ZipFile(f'{name}.zip') name0 = f'{name}-0' os.mkdir( name0) z.extractall( name0) os.rename( f'{name0}/{name}', name) remove( name0) # Need to make swig.exe executable. swig_local_stat = os.stat( swig_local) os.chmod( swig_local, swig_local_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) # Add to $PATH if necessary. path_element = os.path.abspath( name) sep = ';' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else ':' if path_element not in os.environ[ 'PATH'].split( sep): log( 'Adding to $PATH: {sep}{path_element}') os.environ[ 'PATH'] += f'{sep}{path_element}' if 0: swig_local_dir_abs = os.path.abspath( name) sep = ';' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else ':' os.environ[ 'PATH'] += f'{sep}{swig_local_dir_abs}' print( f'$PATH: {os.environ["PATH"]}', file=sys.stderr) if 0: shutil.copy2( swig_local, 'swig.exe') if 0: # Test swig runs ok. log( 'Checking we can run swig.') subprocess.run( 'swig -help', shell=True, check=True, env=os.environ) def build_cibuildwheel( sdist, args, env, outdir): ''' Builds wheels by running cibuildwheel in a venv. sdist: An sdist file. args: None or string of extra args to pass to cibuildwheel. env: Extra of environmental variable settings, as dict of name=value pairs or string of space-separated name=value pairs or sequence of such strings. For example: 'CIBW_BUILD="*-cp39-*x86_64*" CIBW_SKIP="*musllinux*"' Returns list of created wheel filenames. ''' log( 'Building wheels using cibuildwheel from {sdist=}. {=args env outdir}') # We always need to specify 'cibuildwheel --platform ...' # because auto always seems to fail even on devuan. if linux(): platform = 'linux' elif windows(): platform = 'windows' ensure_swig_windows() elif macos(): platform = 'macos' else: platform = 'auto' env_extra = env_string_to_dict( env) jlib.log( '{env_extra=}') t = time.time() command = f'cibuildwheel --output-dir {outdir} --platform {platform}' if args: command += f' {args}' command += f' {sdist}' venv_run( [ f'pip install cibuildwheel', command, ], env_extra=env_extra, ) wheels = find_new_files( f'{outdir}/*.whl', t) return wheels def main(): sdist = None wheels = [] pypi_test = 1 abis = None outdir = 'pypackage-out' remote = None if windows(): pass else: manylinux_container_name = None manylinux_install_docker = False manylinux_docker_image = None manylinux_pull_docker_image = None parser = jlib.Arg('', required=1, help=__doc__, subargs=[ jlib.Arg('abis ', help=f''' Set ABIs to build, comma-separated. Default is {abis}. If 'build --cibuild' is to be used, these items should be cibuildwheel style and separators can be commas or spaces. For example: abis cp39-manylinux_x86_64,cp310-manylinux_x86_64 abis 'cp39-manylinux_x86_64 cp310-manylinux_x86_64' ''', ), jlib.Arg('build', help='Build wheels.', multi=True, subargs = [ jlib.Arg('-r ', help=''' Build on specified remote machine [@]:[] and copy them back to local machine. ''', ), jlib.Arg('-a ', help=''' Set ABIs to build remotely, comma-separated. ''' ), jlib.Arg('-t', help=''' Run basic "test ." import test. On Windows this is is done for each wheel we have built by running "py "; otherwise we only test with native python. ''', ), jlib.Arg('--cibuildwheel', help=''' Use cibuildwheel instead of our own Linux docker/manylinux and Windows-py code. ''', subargs = [ jlib.Arg('--args ', help=''' Extra args to specify to cibuildwheel. ''', ), jlib.Arg('--env ', multi=True, help=''' Extra environmental variables to specify when running cibuildwheel, as space-separated name=value items. For example: --env 'CIBW_BUILD=cp* CIBW_SKIP="*musllinux* pp*"' ''', ), ] ), ], ), jlib.Arg('doctest', help='Run doctest'), jlib.Arg('pypi-test ', help='Whether to use test.pypi.org.', ), jlib.Arg('remote', multi=True, help=''' Sync to and run pypackage.py on remote machine. ''', subargs=[ jlib.Arg('-s ', help=''' Comma-separated files to sync to remote machine. (pypackage.py is always synced.) ''', ), jlib.Arg('-a ', help=''' Args to pass to pypackage.py on remote machine. ''', ), jlib.Arg('', required=1, help=''' The remote machine: [@]:[] ''', ), ], ), jlib.Arg('sdist ', help=''' Name of preexisting sdist file to use or Python package directory (e.g. containing setup.py) in which to build a new sdist. ''', ), jlib.Arg('tag', help='Internal use only.'), jlib.Arg('test', help=''' Run test programme. If is '.' or '', we instead run a temporary test programme that imports the package. Uses list of wheels from "wheels " or "build ...", otherwise uses ABIs (default or as specified with 'abis ...'). ''', multi=True, subargs = [ jlib.Arg('-p ', help=''' Set python to run. If not specified, on Windows we test with each wheel/abi's matching python, otherwise we use default python. ''', ), jlib.Arg('--pypi ', help=''' Install specified package from pypi before running test; otherwise we install from local wheels. ''', ), jlib.Arg('', required=1, help='The test command to run.', ), ], ), jlib.Arg('upload', help='Upload sdist and all matching wheels to pypi.', ), jlib.Arg('upload-wheels', help=''' Upload specific wheels to pypi, as specified by 'wheels ...'. ''' ), jlib.Arg('wheels ', help=''' Specify pre-existing wheels using glob pattern. A "*" is appended if does not end with ".whl". ''', ), ], ) args = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) # Need to handle args in particular order because some depend on others. # if args.abis: abis_prev = abis abis = args.abis.split(',') log(f'Changing abis from {abis_prev} to {abis}') if args.doctest: doctest.testmod() if args.sdist: if os.path.isfile(args.sdist.path): parse_sdist(args.sdist.path) sdist = args.sdist.path else: package_directory = args.sdist.path sdist = make_sdist(package_directory, outdir) if args.pypi_test: pypi_test = int(args.pypi_test.test) for build in args.build: assert sdist, f'build requires sdist' if build.r: # Do remote build. ssh_command, directory = parse_remote(build.r.uri) local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Rsync to remote. command = ('' f'rsync -aP --rsh {shlex.quote(ssh_command)} {local_dir}/pypackage.py {local_dir}/jlib.py {sdist} :{directory}' ) system(command, prefix=f'{build.r.uri}:rsync-to: ') # Run build on remote. command_remote = '' if directory: command_remote += f'cd {directory} && ' command_remote += f'./pypackage.py sdist {os.path.basename(sdist)}' if build.a: command_remote += f' abis {build.a.abis}' command_remote += ' build' if build.cibuildwheel: command_remote += f' --cibuildwheel' for env in build.cibuildwheel.env: command_remote += ' --env ' + shlex.quote( env.env) if build.cibuildwheel.args: command_remote += f' --args ' + shlex.quote(build.cibuildwheel.args.args) if build.t: # Also run basic import test. command_remote += ' -t' command = f'{ssh_command} {shlex.quote( command_remote)}' system(command, prefix=f'{build.r.uri}:ssh: ') # Copy remote wheels back to local machine. # sdist_prefix = os.path.basename( sdist) sdist_suffix = '.tar.gz' assert sdist_prefix.endswith( sdist_suffix) sdist_prefix = sdist_prefix[ : -len( sdist_suffix)] remote_pattern = f':{directory}pypackage-out/{sdist_prefix}*' command = f'rsync -ai --rsh {shlex.quote(ssh_command)} {shlex.quote(remote_pattern)} {outdir}/' system(command, prefix=f'{build.r.uri}:rsync-from: ') else: # Local build. if build.cibuildwheel is not None: # Use cibuildwheel. if 1: env_extra = dict() for env in build.cibuildwheel.env: env_extra.update( env_string_to_dict( env.env)) wheels = build_cibuildwheel( sdist, build.cibuildwheel.args, env_extra, outdir, ) else: log( 'Building wheels using cibuildwheel from sdist: {sdist}') # We always need to specify 'cibuildwheel --platform ...' # because auto always seems to fail even on devuan. if linux(): platform = 'linux' elif windows(): platform = 'windows' ensure_swig_windows() elif macos(): platform = 'macos' else: platform = 'auto' env_extra = dict() for env in build.cibuildwheel.env: env_extra.update( env_string_to_dict( env.env)) t = time.time() command = f'cibuildwheel --output-dir {outdir} --platform {platform}' if build.cibuildwheel.args: command += f' {build.cibuildwheel.args}' command += f' {sdist}' venv_run( [ f'pip install cibuildwheel', command, ], env_extra=env_extra, ) wheels = find_new_files( f'{outdir}/*.whl', t) else: # Do builds ourselves. abis2 = abis if windows(): if not abis2: abis2 = ['x32-38', 'x32-39', 'x64-38', 'x64-39'] wheels = make_windows(sdist, abis2, outdir) elif linux(): if not abis2: abis2 = ['37', '38', '39'] wheels = make_linux( sdist, abis2, outdir, test_direct_install = False, install_docker = manylinux_install_docker, docker_image = manylinux_docker_image, pull_docker_image = manylinux_pull_docker_image, container_name = manylinux_container_name, ) else: wheels = make_unix_native( sdist, outdir) log(f'sdist: {sdist}') for wheel in wheels: log(f' wheel: {wheel}') if build.t: # Run basic import test. package_name, _ = parse_sdist(sdist) test('', package_name, wheels, abis, pypi=False, pypi_test=None, py=None) if args.tag: print(f'tag: {make_tag()}') if args.wheels: pattern = args.wheels.pattern if not pattern.endswith('.whl'): pattern += '*' log(f'Have appended "*" to get pattern={pattern!r}') wheels_raw = glob.glob(pattern) if not wheels_raw: log(f'Warning: no matches found for wheels pattern {pattern!r}.') wheels = [] for wheel in wheels_raw: if wheel.endswith('.whl'): wheels.append(wheel) log(f'Found {len(wheels)} wheels with pattern {pattern}:') for wheel in wheels: log(f' {wheel}') if args.test: for test_ in args.test: pypi = False package_name = None python = test_.p.python if test_.p else None if test_.pypi: pypi = True package_name = test_.pypi.package_name test( test_.command, package_name, wheels, abis, pypi, pypi_test, python) if args.upload: assert sdist, f'Cannot upload because no sdist specified; use "sdist ...".' wheels = wheels_for_sdist(sdist, outdir) log(f'Uploading wheels ({len(wheels)} and sdist: {sdist!r}') for wheel in wheels: log(f' {wheel}') files = [sdist] + wheels upload( files, pypi_test) if args.upload_wheels: log(f'Uploading wheels ({len(wheels)}') upload( wheels, pypi_test) for remote in args.remote: ssh_command, directory = parse_remote(remote.uri) local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) sync_files = f'{local_dir}/pypackage.py,{local_dir}/jlib.py' if remote.s: sync_files += f',{remote.s.files}' system( f'rsync -ai --rsh {shlex.quote(ssh_command)} {sync_files.replace(",", " ")} {sdist if sdist else ""} :{directory}', prefix=f'{remote.uri}: ', ) if remote.a: remote_args = f'pypi-test {pypi_test} {remote.a.args}' remote_command = '' if directory: remote_command += f'cd {directory} && ' remote_command += f'./pypackage.py {remote_args}' system( f'{ssh_command} {shlex.quote( remote_command)}', prefix=f'{remote.uri}: ', ) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception: jlib.exception_info() sys.exit(1)