#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Support for generating C++ and python wrappers for the mupdf API. Overview: We generate C++, Python and C# wrappers. C++ wrapping: Namespaces: All generated functions and classes are in the 'mupdf' namespace. Wrapper classes: For each MuPDF C struct, we provide a wrapper class with a CamelCase version of the struct name, e.g. the wrapper for fz_display_list is mupdf::FzDisplayList. These wrapper classes generally have a member `m_internal` that is a pointer to an instance of the underlying struct. Member functions: Member functions are provided which wrap all relevant MuPDF C functions (those with first arg being a pointer to an instance of the C struct). These methods have the same name as the wrapped function. They generally take args that are references to wrapper classes instead of pointers to MuPDF C structs, and similarly return wrapper classes by value instead of returning a pointer to a MuPDF C struct. Reference counting: Wrapper classes automatically take care of reference counting, so user code can freely use instances of wrapper classes as required, for example making copies and allowing instances to go out of scope. Lifetime-related functions - constructors, copy constructors, operator= and destructors - make internal calls to `fz_keep_()` and `fz_drop_()` as required. Raw constructors that take a pointer to an underlying MuPDF struct do not call `fz_keep_*()` - it is expected that any supplied MuPDF struct is already owned. Most of the time user code will not need to use raw constructors directly. Debugging reference counting: If environmental variable MUPDF_check_refs is "1", we do runtime checks of the generated code's handling of structs that have a reference count (i.e. they have a `int refs;` member). If the number of wrapper class instances for a particular MuPDF struct instance is more than the `.ref` value for that struct instance, we generate a diagnostic and call `abort()`. We also output reference-counting diagnostics each time a wrapper class constructor, member function or destructor is called. POD wrappers: For simple POD structs such as `fz_rect` which are not reference counted, the wrapper class's `m_internal` can be an instance of the underlying struct instead of a pointer. Some wrappers for POD structs take this one step further and embed the struct members directly in the wrapper class. Wrapper functions: Class-aware wrappers: We provide a class-aware wrapper for each MuPDF C function; these have the same name as the MuPDF C function and are identical to the corresponding class member function except that they take an explicit first arg instead of the implicit C++ `this`. Low-level wrappers: We provide a low-level wrapper for each C MuPDF function; these have a `ll_` prefix, do not take a 'fz_context* ctx' arg, and convert any fz_try..fz_catch exceptions into C++ exceptions. Most calling code should use class-aware wrapper functions or wrapper class methods in preference to these low-level wrapper funtions. Text representation of POD data: For selected POD MuPDF structs, we provide functions that give a labelled text representation of the data, for example a `fz_rect` will be represented like: (x0=90.51 y0=160.65 x1=501.39 y1=215.6) Text representation of a POD wrapper class: * An `operator<< (std::ostream&, &)` overload for the wrapper class. * A member function `std::string to_string();` in the wrapper class. Text representation of a MuPDF POD C struct: * Function `std::string to_string( const &);`. * Function `std::string to_string_( const &);`. Examples: MuPDF C API: fz_device *fz_begin_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri, fz_rect mediabox); MuPDF C++ API: namespace mupdf { struct FzDevice { ... fz_device* m_internal; }; struct FzDocumentWriter { ... FzDevice fz_begin_page(FzRect& mediabox); ... fz_document_writer* m_internal; }; FzDevice fz_begin_page(const FzDocumentWriter& wri, FzRect& mediabox); fz_device *ll_fz_begin_page(fz_document_writer *wri, fz_rect mediabox); } Environmental variables control runtime diagnostics in debug builds of generated code: MUPDF_trace If "1", generated code outputs a diagnostic each time it calls a MuPDF function, showing the args. MUPDF_trace_director If "1", generated code outputs a diagnostic when doing special handling of MuPDF structs containing function pointers. MUPDF_trace_exceptions If "1", generated code outputs diagnostics when we catch a MuPDF setjmp/longjmp exception and convert it into a C++ exception. MUPDF_check_refs If "1", generated code checks MuPDF struct reference counts at runtime. See below for details. Details: We use clang-python to parse the MuPDF header files, and generate C++ headers and source code that gives wrappers for all MuPDF functions. We also generate C++ classes that wrap all MuPDF structs, adding in various constructors and methods that wrap auto-detected MuPDF C functions, plus explicitly-specified methods that wrap/use MuPDF C functions. More specifically, for each wrapper class: Copy constructors/operator=: If `fz_keep_()` and `fz_drop_()` exist, we generate copy constructor and `operator=()` that use these functions. Constructors: We look for all MuPDF functions called `fz_new_*()` or `pdf_new_*()` that return a pointer to the wrapped class, and wrap these into constructors. If any of these constructors have duplicate prototypes, we cannot provide them as constructors so instead we provide them as static methods. This is not possible if the class is not copyable, in which case we include the constructor code but commented-out and with an explanation. Methods: We look for all MuPDF functions that take the wrapped struct as a first arg (ignoring any `fz_context*` arg), and wrap these into auto-generated class methods. If there are duplicate prototypes, we comment-out all but the first. Auto-generated methods are omitted if a custom method is defined with the same name. Other: There are various subleties with wrapper classes for MuPDF structs that are not copyable etc. Internal `fz_context*`'s: `mupdf::*` functions and methods generally have the same args as the MuPDF functions that they wrap except that they don't take any `fz_context*` parameter. When required, per-thread `fz_context`'s are generated automatically at runtime, using `platform/c++/implementation/internal.cpp:internal_context_get()`. Extra items: `mupdf::metadata_keys`: This is a global const vector of strings contains the keys that are suitable for passing to `fz_lookup_metadata()` and its wrappers. Output parameters: We provide two different ways of wrapping functions with out-params. Using SWIG OUTPUT markers: First, in generated C++ prototypes, we use `OUTPUT` as the name of out-params, which tells SWIG to treat them as out-params. This works for basic out-params such as `int*`, so SWIG will generate Python code that returns a tuple and C# code that takes args marked with the C# keyword `out`. Unfortunately SWIG doesn't appear to handle out-params that are zero terminated strings (`char**`) and cannot generically handle binary data out-params (often indicated with `unsigned char**`). Also, SWIG-generated C# out-params are a little inconvenient compared to returning a C# tuple (requires C# 7 or later). So we provide an additional mechanism in the generated C++. Out-params in a struct: For each function with out-params, we provide a class containing just the out-params and a function taking just the non-out-param args, plus a pointer to the class. This function fills in the members of this class instead of returning individual out-params. We then generate extra Python or C# code that uses these special functions to get the out-params in a class instance and return them as a tuple in both Python and C#. Binary out-param data: Some MuPDF functions return binary data, typically with an `unsigned char**` out-param. It is not possible to generically handle these in Python or C# because the size of the returned buffer is specified elsewhere (for example in a different out-param or in the return value). So we generate custom Python and C# code to give a convenient interface, e.g. copying the returned data into a Python `bytes` object or a C# byte array. Python wrapping: We generate a Python module called `mupdf` which directly wraps the C++ API, using identical names for functions, classes and methods. Out-parameters: Functions and methods that have out-parameters are modified to return the out-parameters directly, usually as a tuple. Examples: `fz_read_best()`: MuPDF C function: `fz_buffer *fz_read_best(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, size_t initial, int *truncated);` Class-aware C++ wrapper: `FzBuffer read_best(FzStream& stm, size_t initial, int *truncated);` Class-aware python wrapper: `def read_best(stm, initial)` and returns: `(buffer, truncated)`, where `buffer` is a SWIG proxy for a `FzBuffer` instance and `truncated` is an integer. `pdf_parse_ind_obj()`: MuPDF C function: `pdf_obj *pdf_parse_ind_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, fz_stream *f, int *num, int *gen, int64_t *stm_ofs, int *try_repair);` Class-aware C++ wrapper: `PdfObj pdf_parse_ind_obj(PdfDocument& doc, const FzStream& f, int *num, int *gen, int64_t *stm_ofs, int *try_repair);` Class-aware Python wrapper: `def pdf_parse_ind_obj(doc, f)` and returns: (ret, num, gen, stm_ofs, try_repair) Special handing if `fz_buffer` data: Generic data access: `mupdf.python_bytes_data(b: bytes)`: Returns SWIG proxy for an `unsigned char*` that points to ``'s data. `mupdf.raw_to_python_bytes(data, size):` Returns Python `bytes` instance containing copy of data specified by `data` (a SWIG proxy for a `const unsigned char* c`) and `size` (the length of the data). Wrappers for `fz_buffer_extract()`: These return a Python `bytes` instance containing a copy of the buffer's data and the buffer is left empty. This is equivalent to the underlying fz_buffer_extract() function, but it involves an internal copy of the data. New function `fz_buffer_extract_copy` and new method `FzBuffer.fz_buffer_extract_copy()` are like `fz_buffer_extract()` except that they don't clear the buffer. They have no direct analogy in the C API. Wrappers for `fz_buffer_storage()`: These return `(size, data)` where `data` is a low-level SWIG representation of the buffer's storage. One can call `mupdf.raw_to_python_bytes(data, size)` to get a Python `bytes` object containing a copy of this data. Wrappers for `fz_new_buffer_from_copied_data()`: These take a Python `bytes` instance. One can create an MuPDF buffer that contains a copy of a Python `bytes` by using the special `mupdf.python_bytes_data()` function. This returns a SWIG proxy for an `unsigned char*` that points to the `bytes` instance's data: ``` bs = b'qwerty' buffer_ = mupdf.new_buffer_from_copied_data(mupdf.python_bytes_data(bs), len(bs)) ``` Functions taking a `va_list` arg: We do not provide Python wrappers for functions such as `fz_vsnprintf()`. Details: The Python module is generated using SWIG. Out-parameters: Out-parameters are not implemented using SWIG typemaps because it's very difficult to make things work that way. Instead we internally create a struct containing the out-params together with C and Python wrapper functions that use the struct to pass the out-params back from C into Python. The Python function ends up returning the out parameters in the same order as they occur in the original function's args, prefixed by the original function's return value if it is not void. If a function returns void and has exactly one out-param, the Python wrapper will return the out-param directly, not as part of a tuple. Tools required to build: Clang: Clang versions: We work with clang-6 or clang-7, but clang-6 appears to not be able to cope with function args that are themselves function pointers, so wrappers for MuPDF functions are ommited from the generated C++ code. Unix: It seems that clang-python packages such as Debian's python-clang and OpenBSD's py3-llvm require us to explicitly specify the location of libclang, so we search in various locations. Alternatively on Linux one can (perhaps in a venv) do: pip install libclang This makes clang available directly as a Python module. On Windows, one must install clang-python with: pip install libclang SWIG for Python bindings: We work with swig-3 and swig-4. If swig-4 is used, we propogate doxygen-style comments for structures and functions into the generated C++ code. Mono for C# bindings on Unix. Building Python bindings: Build and install the MuPDF Python bindings as module `mupdf` in a Python virtual environment, using MuPDF's `setup.py` script: Linux: > python3 -m venv pylocal > . pylocal/bin/activate (pylocal) > pip install pyqt5 libclang (pylocal) > cd .../mupdf (pylocal) > python setup.py install Windows: > py -m venv pylocal > pylocal\\Scripts\\activate (pylocal) > pip install libclang pyqt5 (pylocal) > cd ...\mupdf (pylocal) > python setup.py install OpenBSD: [It seems that pip can't install pyqt5 or libclang so instead we install system packages and use --system-site-packages.] > sudo pkg_add py3-llvm py3-qt5 > python3 -m venv --system-site-packages pylocal > . pylocal/bin/activate (pylocal) > cd .../mupdf (pylocal) > python setup.py install Use the mupdf module: (pylocal) > python >>> import mupdf >>> Build MuPDF Python bindings without a Python virtual environment, using scripts/mupdfwrap.py: [Have not yet found a way to use clang from python on Windows without a virtual environment, so this is Unix-only.] > cd .../mupdf Install required packages: Debian: > sudo apt install clang python3-clang python3-dev swig OpenBSD: > pkg_add py3-llvm py3-qt5 Build and test: > ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -d build/shared-release -b all --test-python Use the mupdf module by setting PYTHONPATH: > PYTHONPATH=build/shared-release python3 >>> import mupdf >>> Building C# bindings: Build MuPDF C# bindings using scripts/mupdfwrap.py: > cd .../mupdf Install required packages: Debian: > sudo apt install clang python3-clang python3-dev mono-devel OpenBSD: > sudo pkg_add py3-llvm py3-qt5 mono Build and test: > ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -d build/shared-release -b --csharp all --test-csharp Generated files: build/ [Generated by '-b m13'] shared-release/ [Unix runtime files.] libmupdf.so [MuPDF C library.] libmupdfcpp.so [MuPDF C++ library, built from platform/c++/implementation/*.cpp.] _mupdf.so [MuPDF Python internals, built from platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp.] mupdf.py [MuPDF Python module from swig.] mupdfcsharp.so [MuPDF C# internals, built from platform/csharp/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp.] mupdf.cs [MuPDF C#, copied from platform/csharp/mupdf.cs.] shared-release-x64-py3.8/ [Windows runtime files.] mupdfcpp64.dll [MuPDF C and C++ library.] _mupdf.pyd [MuPDF Python internals, built from platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp.] mupdf.py [MuPDF Python module from swig.] mupdfcsharp.dll [MuPDF C# internals, built from platform/csharp/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp.] mupdf.cs [MuPDF C#, copied from platform/csharp/mupdf.cs.] platform/ c++/ [Files generated by '-b 0'] include/ [C++ header files] mupdf/ classes.h classes2.h exceptions.h functions.h internal.h implementation/ [C++ source code] classes.cpp exceptions.cpp functions.cpp internal.cpp [Various misc auto-generated files, used in Windows builds.] generated.pickle [Information from clang-parse of MuPDF headers.] windows_mupdf.def [List of MuPDF public global data, used when linking mupdfcpp.dll.] csharp/ [Files generated by '-b --csharp 1 2'.] mupdf.cs [Generated by swig.] mupdfcpp_swig.cpp [Generated by swig.] mupdfcpp_swig.i [Input to swig.] python/ [Files generated by '-b 2'.] mupdfcpp_swig.cpp [Generated swig.] mupdfcpp_swig.i [Input to swig.] win32/ Release/ [Windows 32-bit .dll, .lib, .exp, .pdb etc.] x64/ Release/ [Windows 64-bit .dll, .lib, .exp, .pdb etc.] Windows builds: Required predefined macros: Code that will use the MuPDF DLL must be built with FZ_DLL_CLIENT predefined. The MuPDF DLL itself is built with FZ_DLL predefined. DLLs: There is no separate C library, instead the C and C++ API are both in mupdfcpp.dll, which is built by running devenv on platform/win32/mupdf.sln. The Python SWIG library is called _mupdf.pyd which, despite the name, is a standard Windows DLL, built from platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp. DLL export of functions and data: On Windows, include/mupdf/fitz/export.h defines FZ_FUNCTION and FZ_DATA to __declspec(dllexport) and/or __declspec(dllimport) depending on whether FZ_DLL or FZ_DLL_CLIENT are defined. All MuPDF headers prefix declarations of public global data with FZ_DATA. All generated C++ code prefixes functions with FZ_FUNCTION and data with FZ_DATA. When building mupdfcpp.dll on Windows we link with the auto-generated platform/c++/windows_mupdf.def file; this lists all C public global data. For reasons that i don't yet understand, we don't seem to need to tag C functions with FZ_FUNCTION, but this is required for C++ functions otherwise we get unresolved symbols when building MuPDF client code. Building the DLLs: We build Windows binaries by running devenv.com directly. As of 2021-05-17 the location of devenv.com is hard-coded in this Python script. Building _mupdf.pyd is tricky because it needs to be built with a specific Python.h and linked with a specific python.lib. This is done by setting environmental variables MUPDF_PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH and MUPDF_PYTHON_LIBRARY_PATH when running devenv.com, which are referenced by platform/win32/mupdfpyswig.vcxproj. Thus one cannot easily build _mupdf.pyd directly from the Visual Studio GUI. [In the git history there is code that builds _mupdf.pyd by running the Windows compiler and linker cl.exe and link.exe directly, which avoids the complications of going via devenv, at the expense of needing to know where cl.exe and link.exe are.] Usage: Args: -b [] : --build [] : Builds some or all of the C++ and python interfaces. By default we create source files in: mupdf/platform/c++/ mupdf/platform/python/ - and .so files in directory specified by --dir-so. We avoid unnecessary compiling or running of swig by looking at file mtimes. We also write commands to .cmd files which allows us to force rebuilds if commands change. args: --clang-verbose Generate extra diagnostics in action=0 when looking for libclang.so. -d
If specified, we show extra diagnostics when wrapping functions whose name contains
. Can be specified multiple times. --devenv Set path of devenv.com script on Windows. If not specified, as default is used. -f Force rebuilds. --regress Checks for regressions in generated C++ code and SWIG .i file (actions 0 and 2 below). If a generated file already exists and its content differs from our generated content, show diff and exit with an error. This can be used to check for regressions when modifying this script. --refcheck-if Set text used to determine whether to enabling reference-checking code. For example use `--refcheck-if '#if 1'` to always enable, `--refcheck-if '#if 0'` to always disable. Default is '#ifndef NDEBUG'. --python --csharp Whether to generated bindings for python or C#. Default is --python. If specified multiple times, the last wins. is list of single-character actions which are processed in order. If is 'all', it is replaced by m0123. m: Builds libmupdf.so by running make in the mupdf/ directory. Default is release build, but this can be changed using --dir-so. 0: Create C++ source for C++ interface onto the fz_* API. Uses clang-python to parse the fz_* API. Generates various files including: mupdf/platform/c++/ implementation/ classes.cpp exceptions.cpp functions.cpp include/ classes.h classes2.h exceptions.h functions.h If files already contain the generated text, they are not updated, so that mtimes are unchanged. Also removes any other .cpp or .h files from mupdf/platform/c++/{implmentation,include}. 1: Compile and link source files created by action=0. Generates: /libmupdfcpp.so This gives a C++ interface onto mupdf. 2: Run SWIG on the C++ source built by action=0 to generate source for python interface onto the C++ API. For example for Python this generates: mupdf/platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.i mupdf/platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp mupdf/build/shared-release/mupdf.py Note that this requires action=0 to have been run previously. 3: Compile and links the mupdfcpp_swig.cpp file created by action=2. Requires libmupdf.so to be available, e.g. built by the --libmupdf.so option. For example for Python this generates: mupdf/build/shared-release/_mupdf.so Along with mupdf/platform/python/mupdf.py (generated by action=2), this implements the mupdf python module. --check-headers [-k] Runs cc on header files to check they #include all required headers. -k: If present, we carry on after errors. which: If 'all', we run on all headers in .../mupdf/include. Otherwise if ends with '+', we run on all remaining headers in .../mupdf/include starting with . Otherwise the name of header to test. --compare-fz_usage Finds all fz_*() function calls in git files within , and compares with all the fz_*() functions that are wrapped up as class methods. Useful to see what functionality we are missing. --diff Compares generated files with those in the mupdfwrap_ref/ directory populated by --ref option. -d --dir-so Set build directory. Default is: build/shared-release We use different C++ compile flags depending on release or debug builds (specifically, the definition of NDEBUG is important because it must match what was used when libmupdf.so was built). If starts with `build/fpic-`, the C and C++ API are built as `.a` archives but compiled with -fPIC so that they can be linked into shared libraries. If is '-' we do not set any paths when running tests e.g. with --test-python. This is for testing after installing into a venv. Examples: -d build/shared-debug -d build/shared-release [default] On Windows one can specify the CPU and Python version; we then use 'py -0f' to find the matching installed Python along with its Python.h and python.lib. For example: -d build/shared-release-x32-py3.8 -d build/shared-release-x64-py3.9 --doc Generates documentation for the different APIs in mupdf/docs/generated/. is either 'all' or a comma-separated list of API languages: c Generate documentation for the C API with doxygen: include/html/index.html c++ Generate documentation for the C++ API with doxygen: platform/c++/include/html/index.html python Generate documentation for the Python API using pydoc3: platform/python/mupdf.html Also see '--sync-docs' option for copying these generated documentation files elsewhere. --ref Copy generated C++ files to mupdfwrap_ref/ directory for use by --diff. --run-py ... Runs command with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH set up for use with mupdf.py. Exits with same code as the command. --swig Sets the swig command to use. If this is version 4+, we use the -doxygen to copy over doxygen-style comments into mupdf.py. Otherwise we use '%feature("autodoc", "3");' to generate comments with type information for args in mupdf.py. [These two don't seem to be usable at the same time in swig-4.] --swig-windows-auto Downloads swig if not present in current directory, extracts swig.exe and sets things up to use it subsequently. --sync-docs Use rsync to copy contents of docs/generated/ to remote destination. --sync-pretty Use rsync to copy generated C++ and Python files to . Also uses generates and copies .html versions of these files that use run_prettify.js from cdn.jsdelivr.net to show embelished content. --test-csharp Tests the experimental C# API. --test-python Tests the python API. --test-python-fitz [] all|iter| Tests fitz.py with PyMuPDF. Requires 'pkg_add py3-test' or similar. options: Passed to py.test-3. -x: stop at first error. -s: show stdout/err. all: Runs all tests with py.test-3 iter: Runs each test in turn until one fails. : Runs a single test, e.g.: test_general.py --test-setup.py Tests that setup.py installs a usable Python mupdf module. * Creates a Python virtual environment. * Activates the Python environment. * Runs setup.py install. * Builds C, C++ and Python librariess in build/shared-release. * Copies build/shared-release/*.so into virtual envionment. * Runs scripts/mupdfwrap_test.py. * Imports mupdf and checks basic functionality. * Deactivates the Python environment. --venv ... Runs mupdfwrap.py in a venv called `venv` containing libclang, passing remaining args. --venv pylocal -b all --windows-cmd ... Runs mupdfwrap.py via cmd.exe, passing remaining args. Useful to get from cygwin to native Windows. E.g.: --windows-cmd --venv pylocal --swig-windows-auto -b all Examples: ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -b all -t Build all (release build) and test. ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -d build/shared-debug -b all -t Build all (debug build) and test. ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -b 0 --compare-fz_usage platform/gl Compare generated class methods with functions called by platform/gl code. python3 -m cProfile -s cumulative ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -b 0 Profile generation of C++ source code. ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py --venv pylocal --swig-windows-auto -b all -t Build and test on Windows. ''' import glob import os import pickle import re import shutil import sys import sysconfig import tempfile import textwrap try: import resource except ModuleNotFoundError: # Not available on Windows. resource = None import jlib from . import classes from . import cpp from . import make_cppyy from . import parse from . import state from . import swig clang = state.clang # We use f-strings, so need python-3.6+. assert sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 6, ( 'We require python-3.6+') def fileline( cursor): return f'{cursor.location.file}:{cursor.location.line}' def compare_fz_usage( tu, directory, fn_usage, ): ''' Looks for fz_ items in git files within and compares to what functions we have wrapped in . ''' filenames = jlib.system( f'cd {directory}; git ls-files .', out='return') class FzItem: def __init__( self, type_, uses_structs=None): self.type_ = type_ if self.type_ == 'function': self.uses_structs = uses_structs # Set fz_items to map name to info about function/struct. # fz_items = dict() for cursor in tu.cursor.get_children(): name = cursor.mangled_name if not name.startswith( ('fz_', 'pdf_')): continue uses_structs = False if (1 and name.startswith( ('fz_', 'pdf_')) and cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL and ( cursor.linkage == clang.cindex.LinkageKind.EXTERNAL or cursor.is_definition() # Picks up static inline functions. ) ): def uses_struct( type_): ''' Returns true if is a fz struct or pointer to fz struct. ''' if type_.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: type_ = type_.get_pointee() type_ = parse.get_name_canonical( type_) if type_.spelling.startswith( 'struct fz_'): return True # Set uses_structs to true if fn returns a fz struct or any # argument is a fz struct. if uses_struct( cursor.result_type): uses_structs = True else: for arg in parse.get_args( tu, cursor): if uses_struct( arg.cursor.type): uses_structs = True break if uses_structs: pass #log( 'adding function {name=} {uses_structs=}') fz_items[ name] = FzItem( 'function', uses_structs) directory_names = dict() for filename in filenames.split( '\n'): if not filename: continue path = os.path.join( directory, filename) jlib.log( '{filename!r=} {path=}') with open( path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: text = f.read() for m in re.finditer( '(fz_[a-z0-9_]+)', text): name = m.group(1) info = fz_items.get( name) if info: if (0 or (info.type_ == 'function' and info.uses_structs) or (info.type_ == 'fz-struct') ): directory_names.setdefault( name, 0) directory_names[ name] += 1 name_max_len = 0 for name, n in sorted( directory_names.items()): name_max_len = max( name_max_len, len( name)) n_missing = 0 fnnames = sorted( fn_usage.keys()) for fnname in fnnames: classes_n, cursor = fn_usage[ fnname] directory_n = directory_names.get( name, 0) if classes_n==0 and directory_n: n_missing += 1 jlib.log( ' {fnname:40} {classes_n=} {directory_n=}') jlib.log( '{n_missing}') def windows_find_python_py( cpu=None, version=None): ''' Windows only. Looks for python matching `cpu` and `version`, by parsing output of `py -0p`. ''' if cpu is None: cpu = state.Cpu() if version is None: version = state.python_version() command = 'py -0p' jlib.log('Running: {command}') text = jlib.system(command, out='return') for line in text.split('\n'): jlib.log( ' {line}') m = re.match( '^ *-([0-9.]+)-((64)|(32)) +([^\\r*]+)[\\r*]*$', line) if not m: continue version2 = m.group(1) bits = int(m.group(2)) if bits != cpu.bits or version2 != version: continue python = m.group(5).strip() # We don't use os.path.dirname() here because it might fail if we are # Cygwin python. root = python[ :python.rfind('\\')] if not os.path.exists(python): # Sometimes it seems that the specified .../python.exe does not exist, # and we have to change it to .../python.exe. # assert python.endswith('.exe'), f'python={python!r}' python2 = f'{python[:-4]}{version}.exe' jlib.log( 'Python {python!r} does not exist; changed to: {python2!r}') assert os.path.exists( python2) python = python2 jlib.log('{cpu=} {version=}: have found: {python=} {version=} {root=} {cpu=}') # Need to run the Python we have found, to find its # sysconfig.get_path('include'). # command = f'{python} -c "import sysconfig; print( sysconfig.get_path(\'include\'))"' include = jlib.system( command, out='return').strip() jlib.log( 'for {python=}, sysconfig.get_path("include")) returned: {include!r}') jlib.log( 'Returning {=cpu version python root include}') return cpu, version, python, root, include raise Exception( f'Failed to find python matching cpu={cpu} version={version}. Run "py -0p" to see available pythons') def windows_find_python( cpu=None, version=None): ''' Windows only. Finds installed Python with specific word size and version. cpu: A Cpu instance. If None, we use whatever we are running on. version: Two-digit Python version as a string such as '3.8'. If None we use current Python's version. Returns (python, version, root, cpu, include): python: Path of python binary. version: Version as a string, e.g. '3.9'. Same as if not None, otherwise the inferred version. root: The parent directory of ; allows Python headers to be found, for example /include/Python.h. cpu: A Cpu instance, same as if not None, otherwise the inferred cpu. include: Directory containing `Python.h`. We look at current Python first; if that doesn't match, we use windows_find_python_py() to parse the output from 'py -0p' to look at all available python installations. ''' assert state.state_.windows if cpu is None: cpu = state.Cpu() if version is None: version = state.python_version() jlib.log( 'Looking for python matching {cpu=} {version=}') current_cpu = state.Cpu() current_version = f'{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}' if cpu.name == current_cpu.name and version == current_version: # Current python matches. jlib.log( 'This invocation of Python matches {=cpu version}') python = jlib.fs_find_in_paths( sys.executable) root = os.path.dirname( python) include = sysconfig.get_path('include') else: # Look for other installed python. jlib.log( 'Current python {=current_cpu current_version} does not match {=cpu version}') cpu, version, python, root, include = windows_find_python_py( cpu, version) jlib.log( '{cpu=} {version=}. Returning:') jlib.log( ' {python=}') jlib.log( ' {root=}') jlib.log( ' {include=}') return cpu, version, python, root, include g_have_done_build_0 = False def _test_get_m_command(): ''' Tests _get_m_command(). ''' def test( dir_so, expected_command): build_dirs = state.BuildDirs() build_dirs.dir_so = dir_so command, actual_build_dir = _get_m_command( build_dirs) assert command == expected_command, f'\nExpected: {expected_command}\nBut: {command}' mupdf_root = os.path.abspath( f'{__file__}/../../../') infix = 'CXX=clang++ ' if state.state_.openbsd else '' test( 'shared-release', f'cd {mupdf_root} && {infix}gmake HAVE_GLUT=no HAVE_PTHREAD=yes verbose=yes shared=yes build=release build_prefix=shared-', ) test( 'mupdfpy-amd64-shared-release', f'cd {mupdf_root} && {infix}gmake HAVE_GLUT=no HAVE_PTHREAD=yes verbose=yes shared=yes build=release build_prefix=mupdfpy-amd64-shared-', ) test( 'mupdfpy-amd64-fpic-release', f'cd {mupdf_root} && CFLAGS="-fPIC" {infix}gmake HAVE_GLUT=no HAVE_PTHREAD=yes verbose=yes build=release build_prefix=mupdfpy-amd64-fpic-', ) jlib.log( '_get_m_command() ok') def _get_m_command( build_dirs): ''' Generates a `make` command for building with `build_dirs.dir_mupdf`. Returns `(command, actual_build_dir, suffix)`. ''' assert not state.state_.windows, 'Cannot do "-b m" on Windows; C library is integrated into C++ library built by "-b 01"' #jlib.log( '{build_dirs.dir_mupdf=}') make = 'make' if state.state_.openbsd: # Need to run gmake, not make. Also for some # reason gmake on OpenBSD sets CC to clang, but # CXX to g++, so need to force CXX=clang++ too. # make = 'CXX=clang++ gmake' flags = os.path.basename( build_dirs.dir_so).split('-') actual_build_dir = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/build/' make_env = '' make_args = ' HAVE_GLUT=no HAVE_PTHREAD=yes verbose=yes' suffix = None build_prefix = '' in_prefix = True for i, flag in enumerate( flags): if flag in ('x32', 'x64') or flag.startswith('py'): # setup.py puts cpu and python version # elements into the build directory name # when creating wheels; we need to ignore # them. pass else: if 0: pass # lgtm [py/unreachable-statement] elif flag == 'debug': make_args += ' build=debug' in_prefix = False elif flag == 'release': make_args += ' build=release' in_prefix = False elif flag == 'memento': make_args += ' build=memento' in_prefix = False elif flag == 'shared': make_args += ' shared=yes' if state.state_.macos: suffix = '.dylib' else: suffix = '.so' build_prefix += f'{flag}-' in_prefix = False else: if not in_prefix: raise Exception( f'Unrecognised flag {flag!r} in {flags!r} in {build_dirs.dir_so!r}') if flag == 'fpic': make_env += ' CFLAGS="-fPIC"' suffix = '.a' else: #jlib.log(f'Ignoring unrecognised flag {flag!r} in {flags!r} in {build_dirs.dir_so!r}') pass build_prefix += f'{flag}-' if i: actual_build_dir += '-' actual_build_dir += flag assert suffix, f'Leaf must contain "shared-" or "fpic-": build_dirs.dir_so={build_dirs.dir_so}' if build_prefix: make_args += f' build_prefix={build_prefix}' command = f'cd {build_dirs.dir_mupdf} &&' if make_env: command += make_env command += f' {make}{make_args}' return command, actual_build_dir, suffix def build( build_dirs, swig_command, args): ''' Handles -b ... ''' cpp_files = [ f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation/classes.cpp', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation/classes2.cpp', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation/exceptions.cpp', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation/functions.cpp', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation/internal.cpp', ] h_files = [ f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include/mupdf/classes.h', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include/mupdf/classes2.h', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include/mupdf/exceptions.h', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include/mupdf/functions.h', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include/mupdf/internal.h', ] build_python = True build_csharp = False check_regress = False clang_info_verbose = False force_rebuild = False header_git = False refcheck_if = '#ifndef NDEBUG' state.state_.show_details = lambda name: False devenv = 'devenv.com' if state.state_.windows: # Search for devenv.com in standard locations. devenvs = ( 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/Common7/IDE/devenv.com', 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Professional/Common7/IDE/devenv.com', 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/devenv.com', ) for path in devenvs: if os.path.exists( path): devenv = path break #jlib.log('{build_dirs.dir_so=}') details = list() while 1: actions = args.next() if 0: pass elif actions == '-f': force_rebuild = True elif actions == '--clang-verbose': clang_info_verbose = True elif actions == '-d': d = args.next() details.append( d) def fn(name): if not name: return for detail in details: if detail in name: return True state.state_.show_details = fn elif actions == '--devenv': devenv = args.next() if not state.state_.windows: jlib.log( 'Warning: --devenv was specified, but we are not on Windows so this will have no effect.') elif actions == '--python': build_python = True build_csharp = False elif actions == '--csharp': build_python = False build_csharp = True elif actions == '--regress': check_regress = True elif actions == '--refcheck-if': refcheck_if = args.next() jlib.log( 'Have set {refcheck_if=}') elif actions.startswith( '-'): raise Exception( f'Unrecognised --build flag: {actions}') else: break if actions == 'all': actions = '0123' if state.state_.windows else 'm0123' dir_so_flags = os.path.basename( build_dirs.dir_so).split( '-') if state.state_.windows: if 'debug' in dir_so_flags: windows_build_type = 'Debug' elif 'release' in dir_so_flags: windows_build_type = 'Release' else: assert 0, f'Expecting "-release-" or "-debug-" in build_dirs.dir_so={build_dirs.dir_so}' for action in actions: with jlib.LogPrefixScope( f'{action}: '): jlib.log( '{action=}', 1) if action == '.': jlib.log('Ignoring build actions after "." in {actions!r}') break elif action == 'm': # Build libmupdf.so. jlib.log( 'Building libmupdf.so ...') command, actual_build_dir, suffix = _get_m_command( build_dirs) jlib.system( command, prefix=jlib.log_text(), out='log', verbose=1) if actual_build_dir != build_dirs.dir_so: # This happens when we are being run by # setup.py - it it might specify '-d # build/shared-release-x64-py3.8' (which # will be put into build_dirs.dir_so) but # the above 'make' command will create # build/shared-release/libmupdf.so, so we need # to copy into build/shared-release-x64-py3.8/. # jlib.copy( f'{actual_build_dir}/libmupdf{suffix}', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf{suffix}', verbose=1) elif action == '0': # Generate C++ code that wraps the fz_* API. if state.state_.have_done_build_0: # This -b 0 stage modifies global data, for example adding # begin() and end() methods to extras[], so must not be run # more than once. jlib.log( 'Skipping second -b 0') else: jlib.log( 'Generating C++ source code ...') if not state.clang: raise Exception('Cannot do "-b 0" because failed to import clang.') namespace = 'mupdf' generated = cpp.Generated() cpp.cpp_source( build_dirs.dir_mupdf, namespace, f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++', header_git, generated, check_regress, clang_info_verbose, refcheck_if, ) #generated.functions = state.state_.functions_cache generated.save(f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++') def check_lists_equal(name, expected, actual): expected.sort() actual.sort() if expected != actual: text = f'Generated {name} filenames differ from expected:\n' text += f' expected {len(expected)}:\n' for i in expected: text += f' {i}\n' text += f' generated {len(actual)}:\n' for i in actual: text += f' {i}\n' raise Exception(text) check_lists_equal('C++ source', cpp_files, generated.cpp_files) check_lists_equal('C++ headers', h_files, generated.h_files) for dir_ in ( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation/', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include/', '.h', ): for path in jlib.get_filenames( dir_): path = path.replace('\\', '/') _, ext = os.path.splitext( path) if ext not in ('.h', '.cpp'): continue if path in h_files + cpp_files: continue jlib.log( 'Removing unknown C++ file: {path}') os.remove( path) jlib.log( 'Wrapper classes that are containers: {generated.container_classnames=}') # Output info about fz_*() functions that we don't make use # of in class methods. # # This is superceded by automatically finding fuctions to wrap. # if 0: # lgtm [py/unreachable-statement] jlib.log( 'functions that take struct args and are not used exactly once in methods:') num = 0 for name in sorted( fn_usage.keys()): n, cursor = fn_usage[ name] if n == 1: continue if not fn_has_struct_args( tu, cursor): continue jlib.log( ' {n} {cursor.displayname} -> {cursor.result_type.spelling}') num += 1 jlib.log( 'number of functions that we should maybe add wrappers for: {num}') state.state_.have_done_build_0 = True elif action == '1': # Compile and link generated C++ code to create libmupdfcpp.so. if state.state_.windows: # We build mupdfcpp.dll using the .sln; it will # contain all C functions internally - there is # no mupdf.dll. # jlib.log(f'Building mupdfcpp.dll by running devenv ...') command = ( f'cd {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}&&' f'"{devenv}"' f' platform/win32/mupdf.sln' f' /Build "{windows_build_type}Python|{build_dirs.cpu.windows_config}"' f' /Project mupdfcpp' ) jlib.system(command, verbose=1, out='log') jlib.copy( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/win32/{build_dirs.cpu.windows_subdir}{windows_build_type}/mupdfcpp{build_dirs.cpu.windows_suffix}.dll', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/', verbose=1, ) else: jlib.log( 'Compiling generated C++ source code to create libmupdfcpp.so ...') include1 = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/include' include2 = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include' cpp_files_text = '' for i in cpp_files: cpp_files_text += ' ' + os.path.relpath(i) if 'shared' in dir_so_flags: libmupdfcpp = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.so' libmupdf = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf.so' command = ( textwrap.dedent( f''' c++ -o {libmupdfcpp} {build_dirs.cpp_flags} -fPIC -shared -I {include1} -I {include2} {cpp_files_text} {jlib.link_l_flags(libmupdf)} ''').strip().replace( '\n', ' \\\n') ) jlib.build( [include1, include2] + cpp_files, libmupdfcpp, command, force_rebuild, ) elif 'fpic' in dir_so_flags: # We build a .so containing the C and C++ API. This # might be slightly faster than having separate C and # C++ API .so files, but probably makes no difference. # libmupdfcpp = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.a' libmupdf = []#[ f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf.a', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf-third.a'] # Compile each .cpp file. ofiles = [] for cpp_file in cpp_files: ofile = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/{os.path.basename(cpp_file)}.o' ofiles.append( ofile) command = ( textwrap.dedent( f''' c++ {build_dirs.cpp_flags} -fPIC -c -I {include1} -I {include2} -o {ofile} {cpp_file} ''').strip().replace( '\n', ' \\\n') ) jlib.build( [include1, include2, cpp_file], ofile, command, force_rebuild, verbose=True, ) # Create libmupdfcpp.a containing all .cpp.o files. if 0: libmupdfcpp_a = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.a' command = f'ar cr {libmupdfcpp_a} {" ".join(ofiles)}' jlib.build( ofiles, libmupdfcpp_a, command, force_rebuild, verbose=True, ) # Create libmupdfcpp.so from all .cpp and .c files. libmupdfcpp_so = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.so' alibs = [ f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf.a', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf-third.a' ] command = textwrap.dedent( f''' c++ {build_dirs.cpp_flags} -fPIC -shared -o {libmupdfcpp_so} {' '.join(ofiles)} {' '.join(alibs)} ''').strip().replace( '\n', ' \\\n') jlib.build( ofiles + alibs, libmupdfcpp_so, command, force_rebuild, verbose=True, ) else: assert 0, f'Leaf must start with "shared-" or "fpic-": build_dirs.dir_so={build_dirs.dir_so}' elif action == '2': # Use SWIG to generate source code for python/C# bindings. #generated = cpp.Generated(f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++') with open( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/generated.pickle', 'rb') as f: generated = pickle.load( f) generated.swig_cpp = generated.swig_cpp.getvalue() generated.swig_cpp_python = generated.swig_cpp_python.getvalue() generated.swig_python = generated.swig_python.getvalue() generated.swig_csharp = generated.swig_csharp.getvalue() if build_python: jlib.log( 'Generating mupdf_cppyy.py file.') make_cppyy.make_cppyy( state.state_, build_dirs, generated) jlib.log( 'Generating python module source code using SWIG ...') with jlib.LogPrefixScope( f'swig Python: '): # Generate C++ code for python module using SWIG. swig.build_swig( state.state_, build_dirs, generated, language='python', swig_command=swig_command, check_regress=check_regress, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, ) if build_csharp: # Generate C# using SWIG. jlib.log( 'Generating C# module source code using SWIG ...') with jlib.LogPrefixScope( f'swig C#: '): swig.build_swig( state.state_, build_dirs, generated, language='csharp', swig_command=swig_command, check_regress=check_regress, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, ) elif action == 'j': # Just experimenting. build_swig_java() elif action == '3': # Compile code from action=='2' to create Python/C# binary. # if build_python: jlib.log( 'Compiling/linking generated Python module source code to create _mupdf.{"pyd" if state.state_.windows else "so"} ...') if build_csharp: jlib.log( 'Compiling/linking generated C# source code to create mupdfcsharp.{"dll" if state.state_.windows else "so"} ...') if state.state_.windows: if build_python: cpu, python_version, python_path, python_root, include = windows_find_python( build_dirs.cpu, build_dirs.python_version, ) jlib.log( '{include=}:') if 0: # Show contents of include directory. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk( include): for f in filenames: p = os.path.join( dirpath, f) jlib.log( ' {p!r}') assert os.path.isfile( os.path.join( include, 'Python.h')) python_root = python_root.replace('\\', '/') # Oddly there doesn't seem to be a # `sysconfig.get_path('libs')`, but it seems to be next # to `includes`: libs = os.path.abspath( f'{include}/../libs') jlib.log( 'Matching python for {build_dirs.cpu=} {python_version=}: {python_path=} {include=} {python_root=} {include=} {libs=}') env_extra = { 'MUPDF_PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH': f'{include}', 'MUPDF_PYTHON_LIBRARY_PATH': f'{libs}', } jlib.log('{env_extra=}') # The swig-generated .cpp file must exist at # this point. # cpp_path = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp' assert os.path.exists(cpp_path), f'SWIG-generated file does not exist: {cpp_path}' # We need to update mtime of the .cpp file to # force recompile and link, because we run # devenv with different environmental variables # depending on the Python for which we are # building. # # [Using /Rebuild or /Clean appears to clean # the entire solution even if we specify # /Project.] # os.utime(cpp_path) jlib.log('Building mupdfpyswig project') command = ( f'cd {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}&&' f'"{devenv}"' f' platform/win32/mupdfpyswig.sln' f' /Build "{windows_build_type}Python|{build_dirs.cpu.windows_config}"' f' /Project mupdfpyswig' ) jlib.system(command, verbose=1, out='log', env_extra=env_extra) jlib.copy( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/win32/{build_dirs.cpu.windows_subdir}{windows_build_type}/mupdfpyswig.dll', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/_mupdf.pyd', verbose=1, ) if build_csharp: # The swig-generated .cpp file must exist at # this point. # cpp_path = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/csharp/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp' assert os.path.exists(cpp_path), f'SWIG-generated file does not exist: {cpp_path}' jlib.log('Building mupdfcsharp project') command = ( f'cd {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}&&' f'"{devenv}"' f' platform/win32/mupdfcsharpswig.sln' f' /Build "ReleaseCsharp|{build_dirs.cpu.windows_config}"' f' /Project mupdfcsharpswig' ) jlib.system(command, verbose=1, out='log') jlib.copy( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/win32/{build_dirs.cpu.windows_subdir}{windows_build_type}/mupdfcsharpswig.dll', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/mupdfcsharp.dll', verbose=1, ) else: # We use g++ debug/release flags as implied by # --dir-so, but all builds output the same file # mupdf:platform/python/_mupdf.so. We could instead # generate mupdf.py and _mupdf.so in the --dir-so # directory? # # [While libmupdfcpp.so requires matching # debug/release build of libmupdf.so, it looks # like _mupdf.so does not require a matching # libmupdfcpp.so and libmupdf.sp.] # include3 = '' if build_python: # We use python-config which appears to # work better than pkg-config because # it copes with multiple installed # python's, e.g. manylinux_2014's # /opt/python/cp*-cp*/bin/python*. # # But... it seems that we should not # attempt to specify libpython on the link # command. The manylinkux docker containers # don't actually contain libpython.so, and # it seems that this deliberate. And the # link command runs ok. # python_exe = os.path.realpath( sys.executable) python_config = f'{python_exe}-config' if not jlib.find_in_paths( python_config): default = 'python3-config' jlib.log( 'Warning, cannot find {python_config=}, using {default=}') python_config = default # --cflags gives things like # -Wno-unused-result -g etc, so we just use # --includes. include3 = jlib.system( f'{python_config} --includes', out='return') # These are the input files to our g++ command: # include1 = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/include' include2 = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include' dir_so_flags = os.path.basename( build_dirs.dir_so).split( '-') if 'shared' in dir_so_flags: libmupdf = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf.so' libmupdfthird = f'' libmupdfcpp = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.so' elif 'fpic' in dir_so_flags: libmupdf = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf.a' libmupdfthird = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf-third.a' libmupdfcpp = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.a' else: assert 0, f'Leaf must start with "shared-" or "fpic-": build_dirs.dir_so={build_dirs.dir_so}' if build_python: cpp_path = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/python/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp' out_so = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/_mupdf.so' elif build_csharp: cpp_path = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/csharp/mupdfcpp_swig.cpp' out_so = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/mupdfcsharp.so' if os.uname()[0] == 'OpenBSD': # clang needs around 2G on OpenBSD. # soft, hard = resource.getrlimit( resource.RLIMIT_DATA) required = 3 * 2**30 if soft < required: if hard < required: jlib.log( 'Warning: RLIMIT_DATA {hard=} is less than {required=}.') soft_new = min(hard, required) resource.setrlimit( resource.RLIMIT_DATA, (soft_new, hard)) jlib.log( 'Have changed RLIMIT_DATA from {jlib.number_sep(soft)} to {jlib.number_sep(soft_new)}.') # We use jlib.link_l_flags() to add -L options # to search parent directories of each .so that # we need, and -l with the .so leafname without # leading 'lib' or trailing '.so'. This ensures # that at runtime one can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to # parent directories and have everything work. # # Build mupdf2.so if build_python: cpp2_path = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/python/mupdfcpp2_swig.cpp' out2_so = f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/_mupdf2.so' if jlib.filesize( cpp2_path): jlib.log( 'Compiling/linking mupdf2') command = ( textwrap.dedent( f''' c++ -o {out2_so} {build_dirs.cpp_flags} -fPIC --shared -I {include1} -I {include2} {include3} {cpp2_path} {jlib.link_l_flags( [libmupdf, libmupdfcpp])} -Wno-deprecated-declarations ''').strip().replace( '\n', ' \\\n') ) infiles = [ cpp2_path, include1, include2, libmupdf, libmupdfcpp, ] jlib.build( infiles, out2_so, command, force_rebuild, ) else: jlib.remove( out2_so) jlib.remove( f'{out2_so}.cmd') # Build _mupdf.so. command = ( textwrap.dedent( f''' c++ -o {out_so} {build_dirs.cpp_flags} -fPIC -shared -I {include1} -I {include2} {include3} {cpp_path} -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-free-nonheap-object ''').strip().replace( '\n', ' \\\n') ) sos = [] sos.append( f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdfcpp.so') if os.path.basename( build_dirs.dir_so).startswith( 'shared-'): sos.append( f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/libmupdf.so') command += f' \\\n {jlib.link_l_flags( sos)}' infiles = [ cpp_path, include1, include2, libmupdf, ] infiles += sos jlib.build( infiles, out_so, command, force_rebuild, ) else: raise Exception( 'unrecognised --build action %r' % action) def python_settings(build_dirs, startdir=None): # We need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH so that our # test .py programme can load mupdf.py and _mupdf.so. if build_dirs.dir_so is None: # Use no extra environment and default python, e.g. in venv. jlib.log('build_dirs.dir_so is None, returning empty extra environment and "python"') return {}, 'python' env_extra = {} env_extra[ 'PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.relpath(build_dirs.dir_so, startdir) command_prefix = '' if state.state_.windows: # On Windows, it seems that 'py' runs the default # python. Also, Windows appears to be able to find # _mupdf.pyd in same directory as mupdf.py. # cpu, python_version, python_path, python_root, python_include = windows_find_python( build_dirs.cpu, build_dirs.python_version, ) python_path = python_path.replace('\\', '/') # Allows use on Cygwin. command_prefix = f'"{python_path}"' else: pass # We build _mupdf.so using `-Wl,-rpath='$ORIGIN,-z,origin` (see # jlib.link_l_flags() so we don't need to set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. # # But if we did set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, it would be with: # # env_extra[ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.abspath(build_dirs.dir_so) # return env_extra, command_prefix def csharp_settings(build_dirs): ''' Returns (csc, mono, mupdf_cs). csc: C# compiler. mono: C# interpreter ("" on Windows). mupdf_cs: MuPDF C# code. E.g. on Windows `csc` can be: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/MSBuild/Current/Bin/Roslyn/csc.exe ''' # On linux requires: # sudo apt install mono-devel # # OpenBSD: # pkg_add mono # but we get runtime error when exiting: # mono:build/shared-release/libmupdfcpp.so: undefined symbol '_ZdlPv' # which might be because of mixing gcc and clang? # if state.state_.windows: import wdev vs = wdev.WindowsVS() jlib.log('{vs.description_ml()=}') csc = vs.csc jlib.log('{csc=}') assert csc, f'Unable to find csc.exe' mono = '' else: mono = 'mono' if state.state_.linux: csc = 'mono-csc' elif state.state_.openbsd: csc = 'csc' mupdf_cs = os.path.relpath(f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/mupdf.cs') return csc, mono, mupdf_cs def make_docs( build_dirs, languages_original): languages = languages_original if languages == 'all': languages = 'c,c++,python' languages = languages.split( ',') def do_doxygen( name, outdir, path): ''' name: Doxygen PROJECT_NAME of generated documentation outdir: Directory in which we run doxygen, so root of generated documentation will be in /html/index.html path: Doxygen INPUT setting; this is the path of the directory which contains the API to document. If a relative path, it should be relative to . ''' # We generate a blank doxygen configuration file, make # some minimal changes, then run doxygen on the modified # configuration. # assert 'docs/generated/' in outdir jlib.ensure_empty_dir( outdir) dname = f'{name}.doxygen' dname2 = os.path.join( outdir, dname) jlib.system( f'cd {outdir}; rm -f {dname}0; doxygen -g {dname}0', out='return') with open( dname2+'0') as f: dtext = f.read() dtext, n = re.subn( '\nPROJECT_NAME *=.*\n', f'\nPROJECT_NAME = {name}\n', dtext) assert n == 1 dtext, n = re.subn( '\nEXTRACT_ALL *=.*\n', f'\nEXTRACT_ALL = YES\n', dtext) assert n == 1 dtext, n = re.subn( '\nINPUT *=.*\n', f'\nINPUT = {path}\n', dtext) assert n == 1 dtext, n = re.subn( '\nRECURSIVE *=.*\n', f'\nRECURSIVE = YES\n', dtext) with open( dname2, 'w') as f: f.write( dtext) #jlib.system( f'diff -u {dname2}0 {dname2}', raise_errors=False) command = f'cd {outdir}; doxygen {dname}' jlib.system( command, out='return', verbose=1) jlib.log( 'have created: {outdir}/html/index.html') out_dir = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/docs/generated' for language in languages: if language == 'c': do_doxygen( 'mupdf', f'{out_dir}/c', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/include') elif language == 'c++': do_doxygen( 'mupdfcpp', f'{out_dir}/c++', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include') elif language == 'python': ld_library_path = os.path.abspath( f'{build_dirs.dir_so}') jlib.ensure_empty_dir( f'{out_dir}/python') pythonpath = os.path.relpath( f'{build_dirs.dir_so}', f'{out_dir}/python') input_relpath = os.path.relpath( f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/mupdf.py', f'{out_dir}/python') jlib.system( f'cd {out_dir}/python && LD_LIBRARY_PATH={ld_library_path} PYTHONPATH={pythonpath} pydoc3 -w {input_relpath}', out='log', verbose=True, ) path = f'{out_dir}/python/mupdf.html' assert os.path.isfile( path) # Add some styling. # with open( path) as f: text = f.read() m1 = re.search( '[<]/head[>][<]body[^>]*[>]\n', text) m2 = re.search( '[<]/body[>]', text) assert m1 assert m2 #jlib.log( '{=m1.start() m1.end() m2.start() m2.end()}') a = text[ : m1.start()] b = textwrap.dedent(''' ''') c = text[ m1.start() : m1.end()] d = textwrap.dedent('''
''') e = text[ m1.end() : m2.end()] f = textwrap.dedent('''
''') g = text[ m2.end() : ] text = a + b + c + d + e + f + g with open( path, 'w') as f: f.write( text) jlib.log( 'have created: {path}') else: raise Exception( f'unrecognised language param: {lang}') # Create index.html with links to the different bindings' # documentation. # #mupdf_dir = os.path.abspath( f'{__file__}/../../..') top_index_html = f'{out_dir}/index.html' with open( top_index_html, 'w') as f: git_id = jlib.get_git_id( build_dirs.dir_mupdf) git_id = git_id.split( '\n')[0] f.write( textwrap.dedent( f'''
  • C (generated by Doxygen).
  • C++ (generated by Doxygen).
  • Python (generated by Pydoc).


  • Date: {jlib.date_time()}
  • Git: {git_id}
  • Command: ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py --doc {languages_original}
''' )) jlib.log( 'Have created: {top_index_html}') def main2(): # Set default build directory. Can be overridden by '-d'. # build_dirs = state.BuildDirs() # Set default swig. # swig_command = 'swig' args = jlib.Args( sys.argv[1:]) while 1: try: arg = args.next() except StopIteration: break #log( 'Handling {arg=}') with jlib.LogPrefixScope( f'{arg}: '): if arg == '-h' or arg == '--help': print( __doc__) elif arg == '--build' or arg == '-b': build( build_dirs, swig_command, args) elif arg == '--check-headers': keep_going = False path = args.next() if path == '-k': keep_going = True path = args.next() include_dir = os.path.relpath( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/include') def paths(): if path.endswith( '+'): active = False for p in jlib.get_filenames( include_dir): if not active and p == path[:-1]: active = True if not active: continue if p.endswith( '.h'): yield p elif path == 'all': for p in jlib.get_filenames( include_dir): if p.endswith( '.h'): yield p else: yield path failed_paths = [] for path in paths(): if path.endswith( '/mupdf/pdf/name-table.h'): # Not a normal header. continue if path.endswith( '.h'): e = jlib.system( f'cc -I {include_dir} {path}', out='log', raise_errors=False, verbose=1) if e: if keep_going: failed_paths.append( path) else: sys.exit( 1) if failed_paths: jlib.log( 'Following headers are not self-contained:') for path in failed_paths: jlib.log( f' {path}') sys.exit( 1) elif arg == '--compare-fz_usage': directory = args.next() compare_fz_usage( tu, directory, fn_usage) elif arg == '--diff': for path in jlib.get_filenames( build_dirs.ref_dir): #log( '{path=}') assert path.startswith( build_dirs.ref_dir) if not path.endswith( '.h') and not path.endswith( '.cpp'): continue tail = path[ len( build_dirs.ref_dir):] path2 = f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/{tail}' command = f'diff -u {path} {path2}' jlib.log( 'running: {command}') jlib.system( command, raise_errors=False, out='log', ) elif arg == '--diff-all': for a, b in ( (f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/'), (f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/python/', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/python/') ): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk( a): assert dirpath.startswith( a) root = dirpath[len(a):] for filename in filenames: a_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) b_path = os.path.join( b, root, filename) command = f'diff -u {a_path} {b_path}' jlib.system( command, out='log', raise_errors=False) elif arg == '--doc': languages = args.next() make_docs( build_dirs, languages) elif arg == '--ref': assert 'mupdfwrap_ref' in build_dirs.ref_dir jlib.system( f'rm -r {build_dirs.ref_dir}', raise_errors=False, out='log', ) jlib.system( f'rsync -ai {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/implementation {build_dirs.ref_dir}', out='log', ) jlib.system( f'rsync -ai {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/include {build_dirs.ref_dir}', out='log', ) elif arg == '--dir-so' or arg == '-d': d = args.next() build_dirs.set_dir_so( d) #jlib.log('Have set {build_dirs=}') elif arg == '--py-package-multi': # Investigating different combinations of pip, pyproject.toml, # setup.py # def system(command): jlib.system(command, verbose=1, out='log') system( '(rm -r pylocal-multi dist || true)') system( './setup.py sdist') system( 'cp -p pyproject.toml pyproject.toml-0') results = dict() try: for toml in 0, 1: for pip_upgrade in 0, 1: for do_wheel in 0, 1: with jlib.LogPrefixScope(f'toml={toml} pip_upgrade={pip_upgrade} do_wheel={do_wheel}: '): #print(f'jlib.g_log_prefixes={jlib.g_log_prefixes}') #print(f'jlib.g_log_prefix_scopes.items={jlib.g_log_prefix_scopes.items}') #print(f'jlib.log_text(""): {jlib.log_text("")}') result_key = toml, pip_upgrade, do_wheel jlib.log( '') jlib.log( '=== {pip_upgrade=} {do_wheel=}') if toml: system( 'cp -p pyproject.toml-0 pyproject.toml') else: system( 'rm pyproject.toml || true') system( 'ls -l pyproject.toml || true') system( '(rm -r pylocal-multi wheels || true)' ' && python3 -m venv pylocal-multi' ' && . pylocal-multi/bin/activate' ' && pip install clang' ) try: if pip_upgrade: system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade pip') if do_wheel: system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && pip install check-wheel-contents') system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && pip wheel --wheel-dir wheels dist/*') system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && check-wheel-contents wheels/*') system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && pip install wheels/*') else: system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && pip install dist/*') #system( './scripts/mupdfwrap_test.py') system( '. pylocal-multi/bin/activate && python -m mupdf') except Exception as ee: e = ee else: e = 0 results[ result_key] = e jlib.log( '== {e=}') jlib.log( '== Results:') for (toml, pip_upgrade, do_wheel), e in results.items(): jlib.log( ' {toml=} {pip_upgrade=} {do_wheel=}: {e=}') finally: system( 'cp -p pyproject.toml-0 pyproject.toml') elif arg == '--run-py': command = '' while 1: try: command += ' ' + args.next() except StopIteration: break ld_library_path = os.path.abspath( f'{build_dirs.dir_so}') pythonpath = build_dirs.dir_so envs = f'LD_LIBRARY_PATH={ld_library_path} PYTHONPATH={pythonpath}' command = f'{envs} {command}' jlib.log( 'running: {command}') e = jlib.system( command, raise_errors=False, verbose=False, out='log', ) sys.exit(e) elif arg == '--swig': swig_command = args.next() elif arg == '--swig-windows-auto': if state.state_.windows: import stat import urllib.request import zipfile name = 'swigwin-4.0.2' # Download swig .zip file if not already present. # if not os.path.exists(f'{name}.zip'): url = f'http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/swig/{name}.zip' jlib.log(f'Downloading Windows SWIG from: {url}') with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: with open(f'{name}.zip-', 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(response, f) os.rename(f'{name}.zip-', f'{name}.zip') # Extract swig from .zip file if not already extracted. # swig_local = f'{name}/swig.exe' if not os.path.exists(swig_local): # Extract z = zipfile.ZipFile(f'{name}.zip') jlib.ensure_empty_dir(f'{name}-0') z.extractall(f'{name}-0') os.rename(f'{name}-0/{name}', name) os.rmdir(f'{name}-0') # Need to make swig.exe executable. swig_local_stat = os.stat(swig_local) os.chmod(swig_local, swig_local_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) # Set our to be the local windows swig.exe. # swig_command = swig_local else: jlib.log('Ignoring {arg} because not running on Windows') elif arg == '--sync-pretty': destination = args.next() jlib.log( 'Syncing to {destination=}') generated = cpp.Generated(f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++') files = generated.h_files + generated.cpp_files + [ f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/mupdf.py', f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/c++/fn_usage.txt', ] # Generate .html files with syntax colouring for source files. See: # https://github.com/google/code-prettify # files_html = [] for i in files: if os.path.splitext( i)[1] not in ( '.h', '.cpp', '.py'): continue o = f'{i}.html' jlib.log( 'converting {i} to {o}') with open( i) as f: text = f.read() with open( o, 'w') as f: f.write( '\n') f.write( '\n') f.write( '
                        f.write( text)
                        f.write( '
\n') f.write( '\n') files_html.append( o) files += files_html # Insert extra './' into each path so that rsync -R uses the # 'mupdf/...' tail of each local path for the remote path. # for i in range( len( files)): files[i] = files[i].replace( '/mupdf/', '/./mupdf/') files[i] = files[i].replace( '/tmp/', '/tmp/./') jlib.system( f'rsync -aiRz {" ".join( files)} {destination}', verbose=1, out='log') elif arg == '--sync-docs': # We use extra './' so that -R uses remaining path on # destination. # destination = args.next() jlib.system( f'rsync -aiRz {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/docs/generated/./ {destination}', verbose=1, out='log') elif arg == '--test-internal': _test_get_m_command() elif arg == '--test-cpp': cpp.test() elif arg in ('--test-python', '-t', '--test-python-gui'): env_extra, command_prefix = python_settings(build_dirs) script_py = os.path.relpath( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/scripts/mupdfwrap_gui.py') if arg == '--test-python-gui': #env_extra[ 'MUPDF_trace'] = '1' #env_extra[ 'MUPDF_check_refs'] = '1' #env_extra[ 'MUPDF_trace_exceptions'] = '1' command = f'{command_prefix} {script_py}' jlib.system( command, env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1) else: jlib.log( 'running scripts/mupdfwrap_test.py ...') script_py = os.path.relpath( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/scripts/mupdfwrap_test.py') command = f'{command_prefix} {script_py}' with open( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/platform/python/mupdf_test.py.out.txt', 'w') as f: jlib.system( command, env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1) # Repeat with pdf_reference17.pdf if it exists. path = os.path.relpath( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/../pdf_reference17.pdf') if os.path.exists(path): jlib.log('Running mupdfwrap_test.py on {path}') command += f' {path}' jlib.system( command, env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1) # Run mutool.py. # mutool_py = os.path.relpath( f'{__file__}/../../mutool.py') zlib_pdf = os.path.relpath(f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/thirdparty/zlib/zlib.3.pdf') for args2 in ( f'trace {zlib_pdf}', f'convert -o zlib.3.pdf-%d.png {zlib_pdf}', f'draw -o zlib.3.pdf-%d.png -s tmf -v -y l -w 150 -R 30 -h 200 {zlib_pdf}', f'draw -o zlib.png -R 10 {zlib_pdf}', f'clean -gggg -l {zlib_pdf} zlib.clean.pdf', ): command = f'{command_prefix} {mutool_py} {args2}' jlib.log( 'running: {command}') jlib.system( f'{command}', env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1) jlib.log( 'Tests ran ok.') elif arg == '--test-csharp': csc, mono, mupdf_cs = csharp_settings(build_dirs) # Our tests look for zlib.3.pdf in their current directory. jlib.copy( f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/thirdparty/zlib/zlib.3.pdf', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/zlib.3.pdf' if state.state_.windows else 'zlib.3.pdf' ) if 1: # Build and run simple test. jlib.update_file( textwrap.dedent(''' public class HelloWorld { public static void Main(string[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("MuPDF C# test starting."); // Check we can load a document. mupdf.FzDocument document = new mupdf.FzDocument("zlib.3.pdf"); System.Console.WriteLine("document: " + document); System.Console.WriteLine("num chapters: " + document.fz_count_chapters()); mupdf.FzPage page = document.fz_load_page(0); mupdf.FzRect rect = page.fz_bound_page(); System.Console.WriteLine("rect: " + rect); if ("" + rect != rect.to_string()) { throw new System.Exception("rect ToString() is broken: '" + rect + "' != '" + rect.to_string() + "'"); } // Test conversion to html using docx device. var buffer = page.fz_new_buffer_from_page_with_format( "docx", "html", new mupdf.FzMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), new mupdf.FzCookie() ); var data = buffer.fz_buffer_extract(); var s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length); if (s.Length < 100) { throw new System.Exception("HTML text is too short"); } System.Console.WriteLine("s=" + s); // Check that previous buffer.buffer_extract() cleared the buffer. data = buffer.fz_buffer_extract(); s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length); if (s.Length > 0) { throw new System.Exception("Buffer was not cleared."); } // Check we can create pixmap from page. var pixmap = page.fz_new_pixmap_from_page_contents( new mupdf.FzMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), new mupdf.FzColorspace(mupdf.FzColorspace.Fixed.Fixed_RGB), 0 /*alpha*/ ); // Check returned tuple from bitmap.fz_bitmap_details(). var w = 100; var h = 200; var n = 4; var xres = 300; var yres = 300; var bitmap = new mupdf.FzBitmap(w, h, n, xres, yres); (var w2, var h2, var n2, var stride) = bitmap.fz_bitmap_details(); System.Console.WriteLine("bitmap.fz_bitmap_details() returned:" + " " + w2 + " " + h2 + " " + n2 + " " + stride); if (w2 != w || h2 != h) { throw new System.Exception("Unexpected tuple values from bitmap.fz_bitmap_details()."); } System.Console.WriteLine("MuPDF C# test finished."); } } '''), 'test-csharp.cs', ) out = 'test-csharp.exe' jlib.build( ('test-csharp.cs', mupdf_cs), out, f'"{csc}" -out:{{OUT}} {{IN}}', ) if state.state_.windows: out_rel = os.path.relpath( out, build_dirs.dir_so) jlib.system(f'cd {build_dirs.dir_so} && {mono} {out_rel}', verbose=1) else: command = f'LD_LIBRARY_PATH={build_dirs.dir_so} {mono} ./{out}' if state.state_.openbsd: e = jlib.system( command, verbose=1, raise_errors=False) if e == 137: jlib.log( 'Ignoring {e=} on OpenBSD because this occurs in normal operation.') elif e: raise Exception( f'command failed: {command}') else: jlib.system(f'LD_LIBRARY_PATH={build_dirs.dir_so} {mono} ./{out}', verbose=1) elif arg == '--test-csharp-gui': csc, mono, mupdf_cs = csharp_settings(build_dirs) # Build and run gui test. # # Don't know why Unix/Windows differ in what -r: args are # required... # # We need -unsafe for copying bitmap data from mupdf. # references = '-r:System.Drawing -r:System.Windows.Forms' if state.state_.linux else '' out = 'mupdfwrap_gui.cs.exe' jlib.build( ('scripts/mupdfwrap_gui.cs', mupdf_cs), out, f'"{csc}" -unsafe {references} -out:{{OUT}} {{IN}}' ) if state.state_.windows: # Don't know how to mimic Unix's LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so for # now we cd into the directory containing our generated # libraries. jlib.copy(f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/thirdparty/zlib/zlib.3.pdf', f'{build_dirs.dir_so}/zlib.3.pdf') # Note that this doesn't work remotely. jlib.system(f'cd {build_dirs.dir_so} && {mono} ../../{out}', verbose=1) else: jlib.copy(f'{build_dirs.dir_mupdf}/thirdparty/zlib/zlib.3.pdf', f'zlib.3.pdf') jlib.system(f'LD_LIBRARY_PATH={build_dirs.dir_so} {mono} ./{out}', verbose=1) elif arg == '--test-python-fitz': opts = '' while 1: arg = args.next() if arg.startswith('-'): opts += f' {arg}' else: tests = arg break startdir = os.path.abspath('../PyMuPDF/tests') env_extra, command_prefix = python_settings(build_dirs, startdir) env_extra['PYTHONPATH'] += f':{os.path.relpath(".", startdir)}' env_extra['PYTHONPATH'] += f':{os.path.relpath("./scripts", startdir)}' #env_extra['PYTHONMALLOC'] = 'malloc' #env_extra['MUPDF_trace'] = '1' #env_extra['MUPDF_check_refs'] = '1' # -x: stop at first error. # -s: show stdout/err. # if tests == 'all': jlib.system( f'cd ../PyMuPDF/tests && py.test-3 {opts}', env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1, ) elif tests == 'iter': e = 0 for script in sorted(glob.glob( '../PyMuPDF/tests/test_*.py')): script = os.path.basename(script) ee = jlib.system( f'cd ../PyMuPDF/tests && py.test-3 {opts} {script}', env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1, raise_errors=0, ) if not e: e = ee elif not os.path.isfile(f'../PyMuPDF/tests/{tests}'): ts = glob.glob("../PyMuPDF/tests/*.py") ts = [os.path.basename(t) for t in ts] raise Exception(f'Unrecognised tests={tests}. Should be "all", "iter" or one of {ts}') else: jlib.system( f'cd ../PyMuPDF/tests && py.test-3 {opts} {tests}', env_extra=env_extra, out='log', verbose=1, ) elif arg == '--test-setup.py': # We use the '.' command to run pylocal/bin/activate rather than 'source', # because the latter is not portable, e.g. not supported by ksh. The '.' # command is posix so should work on all shells. commands = [ f'cd {build_dirs.dir_mupdf}', f'python3 -m venv pylocal', f'. pylocal/bin/activate', f'pip install clang', f'python setup.py {extra} install', f'python scripts/mupdfwrap_test.py', f'deactivate', ] command = 'true' for c in commands: command += f' && echo == running: {c}' command += f' && {c}' jlib.system( command, verbose=1, out='log') elif arg == '--test-swig': swig.test_swig() elif arg == '--venv': venv = args.next() args_tail = '' while 1: try: args_tail += ' ' + args.next() except StopIteration: break command = f'"{sys.executable}" -m venv {venv}' if state.state_.windows: command += f' && {venv}\\Scripts\\activate.bat' else: command += f' && . {venv}/bin/activate' command += f' && python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command += f' && python -m pip install libclang' command += f' && python {sys.argv[0]} {args_tail}' command += f' && deactivate' jlib.system(command, out='log', verbose=1) elif arg == '--windows-cmd': args_tail = '' while 1: try: args_tail += f' {args.next()}' except StopIteration: break command = f'cmd.exe /c "py {sys.argv[0]} {args_tail}"' jlib.system(command, out='log', verbose=1) else: raise Exception( f'unrecognised arg: {arg}') def main(): jlib.force_line_buffering() try: main2() except Exception: jlib.exception_info() sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main2()