// This is an automatically generated file. Do not edit. "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "Error.prototype.toString = function() {\n" "if (this.stackTrace) return this.name + ': ' + this.message + this.stackTrace;\n" "return this.name + ': ' + this.message;\n" "};\n" "\n" "\n" "var display = {\n" "visible: 0,\n" "hidden: 1,\n" "noPrint: 2,\n" "noView: 3,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var border = {\n" "b: 'beveled',\n" "d: 'dashed',\n" "i: 'inset',\n" "s: 'solid',\n" "u: 'underline',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var color = {\n" "transparent: [ 'T' ],\n" "black: [ 'G', 0 ],\n" "white: [ 'G', 1 ],\n" "gray: [ 'G', 0.5 ],\n" "ltGray: [ 'G', 0.75 ],\n" "dkGray: [ 'G', 0.25 ],\n" "red: [ 'RGB', 1, 0, 0 ],\n" "green: [ 'RGB', 0, 1, 0 ],\n" "blue: [ 'RGB', 0, 0, 1 ],\n" "cyan: [ 'CMYK', 1, 0, 0, 0 ],\n" "magenta: [ 'CMYK', 0, 1, 0, 0 ],\n" "yellow: [ 'CMYK', 0, 0, 1, 0 ],\n" "};\n" "\n" "color.convert = function (c, colorspace) {\n" "switch (colorspace) {\n" "case 'G':\n" "if (c[0] === 'RGB')\n" "return [ 'G', c[1] * 0.3 + c[2] * 0.59 + c[3] * 0.11 ];\n" "if (c[0] === 'CMYK')\n" "return [ 'CMYK', 1 - Math.min(1, c[1] * 0.3 + c[2] * 0.59 + c[3] * 0.11 + c[4])];\n" "break;\n" "case 'RGB':\n" "if (c[0] === 'G')\n" "return [ 'RGB', c[1], c[1], c[1] ];\n" "if (c[0] === 'CMYK')\n" "return [ 'RGB',\n" "1 - Math.min(1, c[1] + c[4]),\n" "1 - Math.min(1, c[2] + c[4]),\n" "1 - Math.min(1, c[3] + c[4]) ];\n" "break;\n" "case 'CMYK':\n" "if (c[0] === 'G')\n" "return [ 'CMYK', 0, 0, 0, 1 - c[1] ];\n" "if (c[0] === 'RGB')\n" "return [ 'CMYK', 1 - c[1], 1 - c[2], 1 - c[3], 0 ];\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "return c;\n" "}\n" "\n" "color.equal = function (a, b) {\n" "var i, n;\n" "if (a[0] === 'G')\n" "a = color.convert(a, b[0]);\n" "else\n" "b = color.convert(b, a[0]);\n" "if (a[0] !== b[0])\n" "return false;\n" "switch (a[0]) {\n" "case 'G': n = 1; break;\n" "case 'RGB': n = 3; break;\n" "case 'CMYK': n = 4; break;\n" "default: n = 0; break;\n" "}\n" "for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)\n" "if (a[i] !== b[i])\n" "return false;\n" "return true;\n" "}\n" "\n" "var font = {\n" "Cour: 'Courier',\n" "CourB: 'Courier-Bold',\n" "CourBI: 'Courier-BoldOblique',\n" "CourI: 'Courier-Oblique',\n" "Helv: 'Helvetica',\n" "HelvB: 'Helvetica-Bold',\n" "HelvBI: 'Helvetica-BoldOblique',\n" "HelvI: 'Helvetica-Oblique',\n" "Symbol: 'Symbol',\n" "Times: 'Times-Roman',\n" "TimesB: 'Times-Bold',\n" "TimesBI: 'Times-BoldItalic',\n" "TimesI: 'Times-Italic',\n" "ZapfD: 'ZapfDingbats',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var highlight = {\n" "i: 'invert',\n" "n: 'none',\n" "o: 'outline',\n" "p: 'push',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var position = {\n" "textOnly: 0,\n" "iconOnly: 1,\n" "iconTextV: 2,\n" "textIconV: 3,\n" "iconTextH: 4,\n" "textIconH: 5,\n" "overlay: 6,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var scaleHow = {\n" "proportional: 0,\n" "anamorphic: 1,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var scaleWhen = {\n" "always: 0,\n" "never: 1,\n" "tooBig: 2,\n" "tooSmall: 3,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var style = {\n" "ch: 'check',\n" "ci: 'circle',\n" "cr: 'cross',\n" "di: 'diamond',\n" "sq: 'square',\n" "st: 'star',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var zoomtype = {\n" "fitH: 'FitHeight',\n" "fitP: 'FitPage',\n" "fitV: 'FitVisibleWidth',\n" "fitW: 'FitWidth',\n" "none: 'NoVary',\n" "pref: 'Preferred',\n" "refW: 'ReflowWidth',\n" "};\n" "\n" "util.scand = function (fmt, input) {\n" "\n" "return AFParseDateEx(input, fmt);\n" "}\n" "\n" "util.printd = function (fmt, date) {\n" "var monthName = [\n" "'January',\n" "'February',\n" "'March',\n" "'April',\n" "'May',\n" "'June',\n" "'July',\n" "'August',\n" "'September',\n" "'October',\n" "'November',\n" "'December'\n" "];\n" "var dayName = [\n" "'Sunday',\n" "'Monday',\n" "'Tuesday',\n" "'Wednesday',\n" "'Thursday',\n" "'Friday',\n" "'Saturday'\n" "];\n" "if (fmt === 0)\n" "fmt = 'D:yyyymmddHHMMss';\n" "else if (fmt === 1)\n" "fmt = 'yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss';\n" "else if (fmt === 2)\n" "fmt = 'm/d/yy h:MM:ss tt';\n" "if (!date)\n" "date = new Date();\n" "else if (!(date instanceof Date))\n" "date = new Date(date);\n" "var tokens = fmt.match(/(\\\\.|m+|d+|y+|H+|h+|M+|s+|t+|[^\\\\mdyHhMst]*)/g);\n" "var out = '';\n" "for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {\n" "var token = tokens[i];\n" "switch (token) {\n" "case 'mmmm': out += monthName[date.getMonth()]; break;\n" "case 'mmm': out += monthName[date.getMonth()].substring(0, 3); break;\n" "case 'mm': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getMonth()+1); break;\n" "case 'm': out += date.getMonth()+1; break;\n" "case 'dddd': out += dayName[date.getDay()]; break;\n" "case 'ddd': out += dayName[date.getDay()].substring(0, 3); break;\n" "case 'dd': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getDate()); break;\n" "case 'd': out += date.getDate(); break;\n" "case 'yyyy': out += date.getFullYear(); break;\n" "case 'yy': out += date.getFullYear() % 100; break;\n" "case 'HH': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getHours()); break;\n" "case 'H': out += date.getHours(); break;\n" "case 'hh': out += util.printf('%02d', (date.getHours()+11)%12+1); break;\n" "case 'h': out += (date.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1; break;\n" "case 'MM': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getMinutes()); break;\n" "case 'M': out += date.getMinutes(); break;\n" "case 'ss': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getSeconds()); break;\n" "case 's': out += date.getSeconds(); break;\n" "case 'tt': out += date.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; break;\n" "case 't': out += date.getHours() < 12 ? 'a' : 'p'; break;\n" "default: out += (token[0] == '\\\\') ? token[1] : token; break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "return out;\n" "}\n" "\n" "util.printx = function (fmt, val) {\n" "function toUpper(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }\n" "function toLower(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); }\n" "function toSame(str) { return str; }\n" "var convertCase = toSame;\n" "var res = '';\n" "var i, m;\n" "var n = fmt ? fmt.length : 0;\n" "for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\n" "switch (fmt.charAt(i)) {\n" "case '\\\\':\n" "if (++i < n)\n" "res += fmt.charAt(i);\n" "break;\n" "case 'X':\n" "m = val.match(/\\w/);\n" "if (m) {\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.replace(/^\\W*\\w/, '');\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case 'A':\n" "m = val.match(/[A-Za-z]/);\n" "if (m) {\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.replace(/^[^A-Za-z]*[A-Za-z]/, '');\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case '9':\n" "m = val.match(/\\d/);\n" "if (m) {\n" "res += m[0];\n" "val = val.replace(/^\\D*\\d/, '');\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case '*':\n" "res += convertCase(val);\n" "val = '';\n" "break;\n" "case '?':\n" "if (val !== '') {\n" "res += convertCase(val.charAt(0));\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case '=':\n" "convertCase = toSame;\n" "break;\n" "case '>':\n" "convertCase = toUpper;\n" "break;\n" "case '<':\n" "convertCase = toLower;\n" "break;\n" "default:\n" "res += convertCase(fmt.charAt(i));\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "return res;\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "function AFMergeChange(event) {\n" "var prefix, postfix;\n" "var value = event.value;\n" "if (event.willCommit)\n" "return value;\n" "if (event.selStart >= 0)\n" "prefix = value.substring(0, event.selStart);\n" "else\n" "prefix = '';\n" "if (event.selEnd >= 0 && event.selEnd <= value.length)\n" "postfix = value.substring(event.selEnd, value.length);\n" "else\n" "postfix = '';\n" "return prefix + event.change + postfix;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFExtractNums(string) {\n" "if (string.charAt(0) == '.' || string.charAt(0) == ',')\n" "string = '0' + string;\n" "return string.match(/\\d+/g);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMakeNumber(string) {\n" "if (typeof string == 'number')\n" "return string;\n" "if (typeof string != 'string')\n" "return null;\n" "var nums = AFExtractNums(string);\n" "if (!nums)\n" "return null;\n" "var result = nums.join('.');\n" "if (string.indexOf('-.') >= 0)\n" "result = '0.' + result;\n" "if (string.indexOf('-') >= 0)\n" "return -result;\n" "return +result;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFExtractTime(string) {\n" "var pattern = /\\d\\d?:\\d\\d?(:\\d\\d?)?\\s*(am|pm)?/i;\n" "var match = pattern.exec(string);\n" "if (match) {\n" "var prefix = string.substring(0, match.index);\n" "var suffix = string.substring(match.index + match[0].length);\n" "return [ prefix + suffix, match[0] ];\n" "}\n" "return null;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFParseDateOrder(fmt) {\n" "var order = '';\n" "fmt += 'mdy';\n" "for (var i = 0; i < fmt.length; i++) {\n" "var c = fmt.charAt(i);\n" "if ((c == 'y' || c == 'm' || c == 'd') && order.indexOf(c) < 0)\n" "order += c;\n" "}\n" "return order;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMatchMonth(date) {\n" "var names = ['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'];\n" "var month = date.match(/Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec/i);\n" "if (month)\n" "return names.indexOf(month[0].toLowerCase()) + 1;\n" "return null;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFParseTime(string, date) {\n" "if (!date)\n" "date = new Date();\n" "if (!string)\n" "return date;\n" "var nums = AFExtractNums(string);\n" "if (!nums || nums.length < 2 || nums.length > 3)\n" "return null;\n" "var hour = nums[0];\n" "var min = nums[1];\n" "var sec = (nums.length == 3) ? nums[2] : 0;\n" "if (hour < 12 && (/pm/i).test(string))\n" "hour += 12;\n" "if (hour >= 12 && (/am/i).test(string))\n" "hour -= 12;\n" "date.setHours(hour, min, sec);\n" "if (date.getHours() != hour || date.getMinutes() != min || date.getSeconds() != sec)\n" "return null;\n" "return date;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMakeDate(out, year, month, date, time)\n" "{\n" "year = year | 0;\n" "if (year < 50)\n" "year += 2000;\n" "if (year < 100)\n" "year += 1900;\n" "out.setFullYear(year, month, date);\n" "if (out.getFullYear() != year || out.getMonth() != month || out.getDate() != date)\n" "return null;\n" "if (time)\n" "out = AFParseTime(time, out);\n" "else\n" "out.setHours(0, 0, 0);\n" "return out;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFParseDateEx(string, fmt) {\n" "var out = new Date();\n" "var year = out.getFullYear();\n" "var month;\n" "var date;\n" "var i;\n" "\n" "out.setHours(12, 0, 0);\n" "\n" "var order = AFParseDateOrder(fmt);\n" "\n" "var time = AFExtractTime(string);\n" "if (time) {\n" "string = time[0];\n" "time = time[1];\n" "}\n" "\n" "var nums = AFExtractNums(string);\n" "if (!nums)\n" "return null;\n" "\n" "if (nums.length == 3) {\n" "year = nums[order.indexOf('y')];\n" "month = nums[order.indexOf('m')];\n" "date = nums[order.indexOf('d')];\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "\n" "month = AFMatchMonth(string);\n" "\n" "if (nums.length == 2) {\n" "\n" "if (month) {\n" "if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('d')) {\n" "year = nums[0];\n" "date = nums[1];\n" "} else {\n" "year = nums[1];\n" "date = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "else if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('d')) {\n" "if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('m')) {\n" "year = nums[0];\n" "month = nums[1];\n" "date = 1;\n" "} else {\n" "year = nums[1];\n" "month = nums[0];\n" "date = 1;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "else {\n" "if (order.indexOf('d') < order.indexOf('m')) {\n" "date = nums[0];\n" "month = nums[1];\n" "} else {\n" "date = nums[1];\n" "month = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "\n" "if (nums.length == 1) {\n" "if (month) {\n" "if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('d')) {\n" "year = nums[0];\n" "date = 1;\n" "} else {\n" "date = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "if (string.length == fmt.length) {\n" "year = month = date = '';\n" "for (i = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) {\n" "switch (fmt.charAt(i)) {\n" "case '\\\\': ++i; break;\n" "case 'y': year += string.charAt(i); break;\n" "case 'm': month += string.charAt(i); break;\n" "case 'd': date += string.charAt(i); break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "return null;\n" "}\n" "\n" "var AFDate_oldFormats = [\n" "'m/d',\n" "'m/d/yy',\n" "'mm/dd/yy',\n" "'mm/yy',\n" "'d-mmm',\n" "'d-mmm-yy',\n" "'dd-mm-yy',\n" "'yy-mm-dd',\n" "'mmm-yy',\n" "'mmmm-yy',\n" "'mmm d, yyyy',\n" "'mmmm d, yyyy',\n" "'m/d/yy h:MM tt',\n" "'m/d/yy HH:MM'\n" "];\n" "\n" "function AFDate_KeystrokeEx(fmt) {\n" "var value = AFMergeChange(event);\n" "if (event.willCommit && !AFParseDateEx(value, fmt)) {\n" "app.alert('The date/time entered ('+value+') does not match the format ('+fmt+') of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFDate_Keystroke(index) {\n" "AFDate_KeystrokeEx(AFDate_oldFormats[index]);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFDate_FormatEx(fmt) {\n" "var d = AFParseDateEx(event.value, fmt);\n" "event.value = d ? util.printd(fmt, d) : '';\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFDate_Format(index) {\n" "AFDate_FormatEx(AFDate_oldFormats[index]);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFTime_Keystroke(index) {\n" "if (event.willCommit && !AFParseTime(event.value, null)) {\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFTime_FormatEx(fmt) {\n" "var d = AFParseTime(event.value, null);\n" "event.value = d ? util.printd(fmt, d) : '';\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFTime_Format(index) {\n" "var formats = [ 'HH:MM', 'h:MM tt', 'HH:MM:ss', 'h:MM:ss tt' ];\n" "AFTime_FormatEx(formats[index]);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx(fmt) {\n" "function toUpper(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }\n" "function toLower(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); }\n" "function toSame(str) { return str; }\n" "var convertCase = toSame;\n" "var val = AFMergeChange(event);\n" "var res = '';\n" "var i = 0;\n" "var m;\n" "var length = fmt ? fmt.length : 0;\n" "\n" "\n" "if (!val || val == \"\") {\n" "event.rc = true;\n" "return;\n" "}\n" "\n" "while (i < length) {\n" "\n" "if (!event.willCommit && (!val || val.length == 0))\n" "break;\n" "switch (fmt.charAt(i)) {\n" "case '\\\\':\n" "i++;\n" "if (i >= length)\n" "break;\n" "res += fmt.charAt(i);\n" "if (val && val.charAt(0) === fmt.charAt(i))\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case 'X':\n" "m = val.match(/^\\w/);\n" "if (!m) {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case 'A':\n" "m = val.match(/^[A-Za-z]/);\n" "if (!m) {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '9':\n" "m = val.match(/^\\d/);\n" "if (!m) {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += m[0];\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '*':\n" "res += convertCase(val);\n" "val = '';\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '?':\n" "res += convertCase(val.charAt(0));\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '=':\n" "convertCase = toSame;\n" "break;\n" "case '>':\n" "convertCase = toUpper;\n" "break;\n" "case '<':\n" "convertCase = toLower;\n" "break;\n" "\n" "default:\n" "res += fmt.charAt(i);\n" "if (val && val.charAt(0) === fmt.charAt(i))\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "\n" "i++;\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "if (i < length && event.willCommit)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "\n" "\n" "if (val.length > 0)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "\n" "if (event.rc) {\n" "if (event.willCommit)\n" "event.value = res;\n" "else {\n" "event.change = res;\n" "event.selStart = 0;\n" "event.selEnd = event.value.length;\n" "}\n" "} else\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ] should be '+fmt);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSpecial_Keystroke(index) {\n" "if (event.willCommit) {\n" "switch (index) {\n" "case 0:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^\\d{5}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "case 1:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^\\d{5}[-. ]?\\d{4}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "case 2:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^((\\(\\d{3}\\)|\\d{3})[-. ]?)?\\d{3}[-. ]?\\d{4}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "case 3:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^\\d{3}[-. ]?\\d{2}[-. ]?\\d{4}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "if (!event.rc)\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSpecial_Format(index) {\n" "var res;\n" "if (!event.value)\n" "return;\n" "switch (index) {\n" "case 0:\n" "res = util.printx('99999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "case 1:\n" "res = util.printx('99999-9999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "case 2:\n" "res = util.printx('9999999999', event.value);\n" "res = util.printx(res.length >= 10 ? '(999) 999-9999' : '999-9999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "case 3:\n" "res = util.printx('999-99-9999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "event.value = res ? res : '';\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n" "var value = AFMergeChange(event);\n" "if (sepStyle & 2) {\n" "if (!value.match(/^[+-]?\\d*[,.]?\\d*$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "} else {\n" "if (!value.match(/^[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "}\n" "if (event.willCommit) {\n" "if (!value.match(/\\d/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "if (!event.rc)\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n" "var value = AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n" "var fmt = '%,' + sepStyle + '.' + nDec + 'f';\n" "if (value == null) {\n" "event.value = '';\n" "return;\n" "}\n" "if (bCurrencyPrepend)\n" "fmt = strCurrency + fmt;\n" "else\n" "fmt = fmt + strCurrency;\n" "if (value < 0) {\n" "/* negStyle: 0=MinusBlack, 1=Red, 2=ParensBlack, 3=ParensRed */\n" "value = Math.abs(value);\n" "if (negStyle == 2 || negStyle == 3)\n" "fmt = '(' + fmt + ')';\n" "else if (negStyle == 0)\n" "fmt = '-' + fmt;\n" "if (negStyle == 1 || negStyle == 3)\n" "event.target.textColor = color.red;\n" "else\n" "event.target.textColor = color.black;\n" "} else {\n" "event.target.textColor = color.black;\n" "}\n" "event.value = util.printf(fmt, value);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFPercent_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle) {\n" "AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, '', true);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFPercent_Format(nDec, sepStyle) {\n" "var val = AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n" "if (val == null) {\n" "event.value = '';\n" "return;\n" "}\n" "event.value = (val * 100) + '';\n" "AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, '%', false);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSimple_Calculate(op, list) {\n" "var i, res;\n" "\n" "switch (op) {\n" "case 'SUM': res = 0; break;\n" "case 'PRD': res = 1; break;\n" "case 'AVG': res = 0; break;\n" "}\n" "\n" "if (typeof list === 'string')\n" "list = list.split(/ *, */);\n" "\n" "for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n" "var field = this.getField(list[i]);\n" "var value = Number(field.value);\n" "switch (op) {\n" "case 'SUM': res += value; break;\n" "case 'PRD': res *= value; break;\n" "case 'AVG': res += value; break;\n" "case 'MIN': if (i === 0 || value < res) res = value; break;\n" "case 'MAX': if (i === 0 || value > res) res = value; break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "if (op === 'AVG')\n" "res /= list.length;\n" "\n" "event.value = res;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFRange_Validate(lowerCheck, lowerLimit, upperCheck, upperLimit) {\n" "if (upperCheck && event.value > upperLimit)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "if (lowerCheck && event.value < lowerLimit)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "if (!event.rc) {\n" "if (lowerCheck && upperCheck)\n" "app.alert(util.printf('The entered value ('+event.value+') must be greater than or equal to %s and less than or equal to %s', lowerLimit, upperLimit));\n" "else if (lowerCheck)\n" "app.alert(util.printf('The entered value ('+event.value+') must be greater than or equal to %s', lowerLimit));\n" "else\n" "app.alert(util.printf('The entered value ('+event.value+') must be less than or equal to %s', upperLimit));\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "function mupdf_createInfoProxy(doc) {\n" "doc.info = {\n" "get Title() { return doc.title; },\n" "set Title(value) { doc.title = value; },\n" "get Author() { return doc.author; },\n" "set Author(value) { doc.author = value; },\n" "get Subject() { return doc.subject; },\n" "set Subject(value) { doc.subject = value; },\n" "get Keywords() { return doc.keywords; },\n" "set Keywords(value) { doc.keywords = value; },\n" "get Creator() { return doc.creator; },\n" "set Creator(value) { doc.creator = value; },\n" "get Producer() { return doc.producer; },\n" "set Producer(value) { doc.producer = value; },\n" "get CreationDate() { return doc.creationDate; },\n" "set CreationDate(value) { doc.creationDate = value; },\n" "get ModDate() { return doc.modDate; },\n" "set ModDate(value) { doc.modDate = value; },\n" "};\n" "}\n" "mupdf_createInfoProxy(global);\n" "\n" "/* Compatibility ECMAScript functions */\n" "String.prototype.substr = function (start, length) {\n" "if (start < 0)\n" "start = this.length + start;\n" "if (length === undefined)\n" "return this.substring(start, this.length);\n" "return this.substring(start, start + length);\n" "}\n" "Date.prototype.getYear = Date.prototype.getFullYear;\n" "Date.prototype.setYear = Date.prototype.setFullYear;\n" "Date.prototype.toGMTString = Date.prototype.toUTCString;\n" "\n" "app.plugIns = [];\n" "app.viewerType = 'Reader';\n" "app.language = 'ENU';\n" "app.viewerVersion = NaN;\n" "app.execDialog = function () { return 'cancel'; }\n"