# Example commands: # # make # make test # Runs all tests. # # make test-exe # Runs exe regression tests. These use $(gs) and $(mutool) to generate # intermediate data about pdf content, then uses $(exe) to convert to # docx. # # make test-mutool # Runs mutool regression tests. This uses $(mutool) to convert directly # from pdf to docx. We require that $(mutool) was built with extract=yes. # # make test-gs # Runs gs regression tests. This uses $(gs) to convert directly from pdf # to docx. We require that $(gs) was built with --with-extract-dir=... We # also do a simple test of output-file-per-page. # # make test-tables # Tests handling of tables, using mutool with docx device's html output. # # make test-buffer test-misc test-src # Runs unit tests etc. # # make build=debug-opt ... # Set build flags. # # make build=memento msqueeze # Run memento squeeze test. # # Assuming we are in mupdf/thirdparty/extract, and there is a ghostpdl at # the same level as mupdf, with a softlink from ghostpdl to extract: # # make test-rebuild-dependent-binaries # Clean/Configure/Rebuild the required mupdf and gs binaries. # # make test-build-dependent-binaries # Build the required mupdf and gs binaries. # Build flags. # # Note that OpenBSD's clang-8 appears to ignore -Wdeclaration-after-statement. # build = debug flags_link = -W -Wall -lm flags_compile = -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-sign -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wpointer-arith -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -Werror -MMD -MP -Iinclude -Isrc uname = $(shell uname) ifeq ($(build),) $(error Need to specify build=debug|opt|debug-opt|memento) else ifeq ($(build),debug) flags_link += -g flags_compile += -g else ifeq ($(build),opt) flags_link += -O2 flags_compile += -O2 else ifeq ($(build),debug-opt) flags_link += -g -O2 flags_compile += -g -O2 else ifeq ($(build),memento) flags_link += -g -dl ifeq ($(uname),OpenBSD) flags_link += -l execinfo endif flags_compile += -g -D MEMENTO else $(error unrecognised $$(build)=$(build)) endif regenerate ?= no ifeq ($(regenerate),yes) DIFF_OR_CP = rm -rf $(word 2,%$^); cp -r else DIFF_OR_CP = diff -ru endif gdb = gdb ifeq ($(uname),OpenBSD) flags_link += -L /usr/local/lib -l execinfo $(warning have added -L /usr/local/lib) gdb = egdb # For some reason OpenBSD's gmake defaults CXX to g++, which is not helpful. CXX = c++ endif # Locations of mutool and gs. By default we assume these are not available. # # If this extract checkout is within a mupdf tree (typically as a git # submodule) we assume ghostpdl is checked out nearby and both mutool gs and gs # binaries are available and built with extract enabled. # # Disable this by running: make we_are_mupdf_thirdparty= ... # we_are_mupdf_thirdparty = $(findstring /mupdf/thirdparty/extract, $(abspath .)) ifneq ($(we_are_mupdf_thirdparty),) $(warning we are mupdf thirdparty) ifeq ($(build),memento) mutool := ../../build/memento/mutool else mutool := ../../build/debug/mutool endif gs := ../../../ghostpdl/debug-extract-bin/gs libbacktrace = ../../../libbacktrace/.libs endif # If mutool/gs are specified, they must exist. # ifneq ($(mutool),) ifeq ($(wildcard $(mutool)),) $(error mutool does not exist: $(mutool)) endif $(warning mutool=$(mutool)) endif ifeq ($(build),memento) mutool_run := MEMENTO_ABORT_ON_LEAK=1 $(mutool) else mutool_run := $(mutool) endif ifneq ($(gs),) ifeq ($(wildcard $(gs)),) $(error gs does not exist: $(gs)) endif $(warning gs=$(gs)) endif # Default target - run all tests. # test: test-buffer test-misc test-src test-exe test-mutool test-gs test-html test-tables @echo $@: passed # Define the main test targets. # # test/Python2clipped.pdf is same as test/Python2.pdf except it as a modified # MediaBox that excludes some glyphs. # pdfs = test/Python2.pdf test/Python2clipped.pdf test/zlib.3.pdf test/text_graphic_image.pdf pdfs_generated = $(patsubst test/%, test/generated/%, $(pdfs)) tests_exe := \ $(patsubst %, %.extract.docx, $(tests_exe)) \ $(patsubst %, %.extract-rotate.docx, $(tests_exe)) \ $(patsubst %, %.extract-rotate-spacing.docx, $(tests_exe)) \ $(patsubst %, %.extract-autosplit.docx, $(tests_exe)) \ $(patsubst %, %.extract-template.docx, $(tests_exe)) \ tests_exe := $(patsubst %, %.diff, $(tests_exe)) ifneq ($(mutool),) # Targets that test direct conversion with mutool. # tests_mutool := \ $(patsubst %, %.mutool.docx.dir.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ $(patsubst %, %.mutool-norotate.docx.dir.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ $(patsubst %, %.mutool.odt.dir.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ $(patsubst %, %.mutool.text.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ tests_mutool_odt := \ $(patsubst %, %.mutool.odt.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ tests_mutool_text := \ $(patsubst %, %.mutool.text.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ tests_html := test/generated/table.pdf.mutool.html.diff endif ifneq ($(gs),) # Targets that test direct conversion with gs. # tests_gs := \ $(patsubst %, %.gs.docx.dir.diff, $(pdfs_generated)) \ test_gs_fpp # We don't yet do clipping with gs so exclude Python2clipped.pdf.*: tests_gs := $(filter-out test/generated/Python2clipped.pdf.%, $(tests_gs)) #$(warning tests_gs: $(tests_gs)) endif #$(warning $(tests)) test-exe: $(tests_exe) @echo $@: passed # Checks output of mutool conversion from .pdf to .docx/.odt. # test-mutool: $(tests_mutool) @echo $@: passed # Checks output of mutool conversion from .pdf to .odt. # test-mutool-odt: $(tests_mutool_odt) @echo $@: passed # Checks output of mutool conversion from .pdf to .text. # test-mutool-text: $(tests_mutool_text) @echo $@: passed # Checks output of gs conversion from .pdf to .docx. Requires that gs was built # with extract as a third-party library. As of 2021-02-10 this requires, for # example ghostpdl/extract being a link to an extract checkout and configuring # with --with-extract-dir=extract. # test-gs: $(tests_gs) @echo $@: passed # Check behaviour of gs when writing file-per-page. # test_gs_fpp: $(gs) @echo @echo == Testing gs file-page-page rm test/generated/text_graphic_image.pdf.gs.*.docx || true $(gs) -sDEVICE=docxwrite -o test/generated/Python2.pdf.gs.%i.docx test/Python2.pdf rm test/generated/text_graphic_image.pdf.gs.*.docx || true $(gs) -sDEVICE=docxwrite -o test/generated/zlib.3.pdf.gs.%i.docx test/zlib.3.pdf rm test/generated/text_graphic_image.pdf.gs.*.docx || true $(gs) -sDEVICE=docxwrite -o test/generated/text_graphic_image.pdf.gs.%i.docx test/text_graphic_image.pdf @echo Checking for correct number of generated files. ls -l test/generated/*.pdf.gs.*.docx ls test/generated/text_graphic_image.pdf.gs.*.docx | wc -l | grep '^ *1$$' ls test/generated/Python2.pdf.gs.*.docx | wc -l | grep '^ *1$$' ls test/generated/zlib.3.pdf.gs.*.docx | wc -l | grep '^ *2$$' test-html: $(tests_html) test-rebuild-dependent-binaries: @echo == Rebuilding gs and mupdf binaries cd ../../../ghostpdl && ./autogen.sh --with-extract-dir=extract && make -j 8 debugclean DEBUGDIRPREFIX=debug-extract- && make -j 8 debug DEBUGDIRPREFIX=debug-extract- cd ../.. && make -j 8 build=debug clean && make -j 8 build=debug test-build-dependent-binaries: @echo == Building gs and mupdf binaries cd ../../../ghostpdl && make -j 8 debug DEBUGDIRPREFIX=debug-extract- cd ../.. && make -j 8 build=debug ifneq ($(mutool),) test_tables_pdfs = \ test/agstat.pdf \ test/background_lines_1.pdf \ test/background_lines_2.pdf \ test/column_span_1.pdf \ test/column_span_2.pdf \ test/electoral_roll.pdf \ test/rotated.pdf \ test/row_span.pdf \ test/table.pdf \ test/twotables_1.pdf \ test/twotables_2.pdf \ test_tables_generated = $(patsubst test/%, test/generated/%, $(test_tables_pdfs)) test_tables_html = $(patsubst test/%.pdf, test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.html.diff, $(test_tables_pdfs)) test_tables_docx = $(patsubst test/%.pdf, test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.docx.dir.diff, $(test_tables_pdfs)) test_tables_odt = $(patsubst test/%.pdf, test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.odt.dir.diff, $(test_tables_pdfs)) test_tables = $(test_tables_html) $(test_tables_docx) $(test_tables_odt) endif test-tables-html: $(test_tables_html) test-tables-docx: $(test_tables_docx) test-tables-odt: $(test_tables_odt) test-tables: $(test_tables) @echo $@: passed test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.html.diff: test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.html test/%.pdf.mutool.html.ref @echo @echo == Checking $< $(DIFF_OR_CP) $^ test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.cv.html.diff: test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.cv.html test/%.pdf.mutool.html.ref @echo @echo == Checking $< $(DIFF_OR_CP) $^ test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.cv.html: test/%.pdf $(mutool) $(mutool) convert -O resolution=300 -o $<..png $< EXTRACT_OPENCV_IMAGE_BASE=$< $(mutool_run) convert -F docx -O html -o $@ $< test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.text.diff: test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.text test/%.pdf.mutool.text.ref @echo @echo == Checking $< $(DIFF_OR_CP) $^ # Main executable. # exe = src/build/extract-$(build).exe exe_src = \ src/alloc.c \ src/astring.c \ src/boxer.c \ src/buffer.c \ src/document.c \ src/docx.c \ src/docx_template.c \ src/extract-exe.c \ src/extract.c \ src/html.c \ src/join.c \ src/mem.c \ src/odt.c \ src/odt_template.c \ src/outf.c \ src/rect.c \ src/sys.c \ src/text.c \ src/xml.c \ src/zip.c \ ifeq ($(build),memento) exe_src += src/memento.c ifeq ($(uname),Linux) flags_compile += -D HAVE_LIBDL flags_link += -L $(libbacktrace) -l backtrace -l dl endif endif exe_obj := $(exe_src) exe_obj := $(patsubst src/%.c, src/build/%.c-$(build).o, $(exe_obj)) exe_obj := $(patsubst src/%.cpp, src/build/%.cpp-$(build).o, $(exe_obj)) exe_dep = $(exe_obj:.o=.d) exe: $(exe) $(exe): $(exe_obj) $(CXX) $(flags_link) -o $@ $^ -lz -lm run_exe = $(exe) ifeq ($(build),memento) ifeq ($(uname),Linux) run_exe = MEMENTO_ABORT_ON_LEAK=1 MEMENTO_HIDE_MULTIPLE_REALLOCS=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(libbacktrace) $(exe) #run_exe = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../libbacktrace/.libs $(exe) endif ifeq ($(uname),OpenBSD) run_exe = MEMENTO_ABORT_ON_LEAK=1 MEMENTO_HIDE_MULTIPLE_REALLOCS=1 $(exe) endif endif exe_tables = src/build/extract-tables-$(build).exe exe-tables: $(exe_tables) exe-tables-test: $(exe_tables) $< test/agstat.pdf ifeq (0,1) # Do not commit changes to above line. # # Special rules for populating .ref directories with current output. Useful to # initialise references outputs for new output type. # test/%.docx.dir.ref/: test/generated/%.docx.dir/ rsync -ai $< $@ test/%.odt.dir.ref/: test/generated/%.odt.dir/ rsync -ai $< $@ test/%.text.ref: test/generated/%.text rsync -ai $< $@ _update_tables_leafs = $(patsubst test/%, %, $(test_tables_pdfs)) # Update all table docx reference outputs. # _update-docx-tables: for i in $(_update_tables_leafs); do rsync -ai test/generated/$$i.mutool.docx.dir/ test/$$i.mutool.docx.dir.ref/; done # Update all table odt reference outputs. # _update-odt-tables: for i in $(_update_tables_leafs); do rsync -ai test/generated/$$i.mutool.odt.dir/ test/$$i.mutool.odt.dir.ref/; done endif # Rules that make the various intermediate targets required by $(tests). # %.extract.docx: % $(exe) @echo @echo == Generating docx with extract.exe $(run_exe) -r 0 -i $< -f docx -o $@ %.extract.odt: % $(exe) @echo @echo == Generating odt with extract.exe $(run_exe) -r 0 -i $< -f odt -o $@ %.extract-rotate.docx: % $(exe) Makefile @echo @echo == Generating docx with rotation with extract.exe $(run_exe) -r 1 -s 0 -i $< -f docx -o $@ %.extract-rotate-spacing.docx: % $(exe) Makefile @echo @echo == Generating docx with rotation with extract.exe $(run_exe) -r 1 -s 1 -i $< -f docx -o $@ %.extract-autosplit.docx: % $(exe) @echo @echo == Generating docx with autosplit with extract.exe $(run_exe) -r 0 -i $< -f docx --autosplit 1 -o $@ %.extract-template.docx: % $(exe) @echo @echo == Generating docx using src/template.docx with extract.exe $(run_exe) -r 0 -i $< -f docx -t src/template.docx -o $@ test/generated/%.dir.diff: test/generated/%.dir test/%.dir.ref @echo @echo == Checking $< $(DIFF_OR_CP) $^ #if diff -ruq $^; then true; else echo "@@@ failure... fix with: rsync -ai" $^; false; fi test/generated/%.html.diff: test/generated/%.html test/%.html.ref @echo @echo == Checking $< $(DIFF_OR_CP) $^ # This checks that -t src/template.docx gives identical results. # test/generated/%.extract-template.docx.diff: test/generated/%.extract-template.docx.dir test/%.extract.docx.dir.ref @echo @echo == Checking $< $(DIFF_OR_CP) $^ # Unzips .docx into .docx.dir/ directory, and prettyfies the .xml files. %.docx.dir: %.docx .ALWAYS @echo @echo == Extracting .docx into directory. @rm -r $@ 2>/dev/null || true unzip -q -d $@ $< # Unzips .odt into .odt.dir/ directory, and prettyfies the .xml files. %.odt.dir: %.odt @echo @echo == Extracting .odt into directory. @rm -r $@ 2>/dev/null || true unzip -q -d $@ $< %.xml.pretty.xml: %.xml xmllint --format $< > $@ # Uses zip to create .docx file by zipping up a directory. Useful to recreate # .docx from reference directory test/*.docx.dir.ref. %.docx: % @echo @echo == Zipping directory into .docx file. @rm -r $@ 2>/dev/null || true cd $< && zip -r ../$(notdir $@) . # Uses zip to create .odt file by zipping up a directory. Useful to recreate # .docx from reference directory test/*.odt.dir.ref. %.odt: % @echo @echo == Zipping directory into .odt file. @rm -r $@ 2>/dev/null || true cd $< && zip -r ../$(notdir $@) . # Prettifies each .xml file within .docx.dir/ directory. %.docx.dir.pretty: %.docx.dir/ @rm -r $@ $@- 2>/dev/null || true cp -pr $< $@- ./src/docx_template_build.py --pretty $@- mv $@- $@ # Converts .pdf directly to .docx using mutool. test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.docx: test/%.pdf $(mutool) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .docx using mutool. @mkdir -p test/generated $(mutool_run) convert -O mediabox-clip=yes -o $@ $< test/generated/%.pdf.mutool-norotate.docx: test/%.pdf $(mutool) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .docx using mutool. @mkdir -p test/generated $(mutool_run) convert -O mediabox-clip=yes,rotation=no -o $@ $< test/generated/%.pdf.mutool-spacing.docx: test/%.pdf $(mutool) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .docx using mutool. @mkdir -p test/generated $(mutool_run) convert -O mediabox-clip=yes,spacing=yes -o $@ $< # Converts .pdf directly to .docx using gs. test/generated/%.pdf.gs.docx: test/%.pdf $(gs) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .docx using gs. @mkdir -p test/generated $(gs) -sDEVICE=docxwrite -o $@ $< # Converts .pdf directly to .odt using mutool. test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.odt: test/%.pdf $(mutool) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .odt using mutool. @mkdir -p test/generated $(mutool_run) convert -O mediabox-clip=no -o $@ $< # Converts .pdf directly to .html using mutool test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.html: test/%.pdf $(mutool) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .html using mutool. @mkdir -p test/generated $(mutool_run) convert -F docx -O html -o $@ $< # Converts .pdf directly to .text using mutool test/generated/%.pdf.mutool.text: test/%.pdf $(mutool) @echo @echo == Converting .pdf directly to .text using mutool. @mkdir -p test/generated $(mutool_run) convert -F docx -O text -o $@ $< # Valgrind test # #valgrind: $(exe) test/generated/Python2.pdf.intermediate-mu.xml # valgrind --leak-check=full $(exe) -h -r 1 -s 0 -i test/generated/Python2.pdf.intermediate-mu.xml -o test/generated/valgrind-out.docx # @echo $@: passed # Memento tests. # ifeq ($(build),memento) mutool_memento_extract = ../../build/memento/mutool memento_failat_gdb := $(gdb) -ex 'b Memento_breakpoint' -ex r -ex c -ex bt --args # Memento squeeze with test/text_graphic_image.pdf runs quickly - just 2,100 events taking 20s. # # test/Python2.pdf is much slower - 301,900 events, taking around 8h. # msqueeze-mutool-docx: MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT=1 ./src/memento.py -q 100 $(mutool_run) convert -o $@.docx test/text_graphic_image.pdf msqueeze-mutool-docx-failat: MEMENTO_FAILAT=1960 $(memento_failat_gdb) $(mutool) convert -o $@.docx test/text_graphic_image.pdf msqueeze-mutool-odt: MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT=1 ./src/memento.py -q 100 $(mutool_run) convert -o $@.docx test/text_graphic_image.pdf msqueeze-mutool-odt2: MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT=4000 ./src/memento.py -q 100 $(mutool_run) convert -o $@.docx test/Python2.pdf msqueeze-mutool-table: MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT=1 ./src/memento.py -q 100 $(mutool_run) convert -F docx -O html -o $@.html test/agstat.pdf msqueeze-mutool-table-docx: MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT=1 ./src/memento.py -q 100 $(mutool_run) convert -o $@.docx test/agstat.pdf msqueeze-mutool-table-odt: MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT=1 ./src/memento.py -q 100 $(mutool_run) convert -o $@.odt test/agstat.pdf msqueeze-mutool-table-failat: MEMENTO_FAILAT=296643 MEMENTO_HIDE_MULTIPLE_REALLOCS=1 $(gdb) -ex 'b Memento_breakpoint' -ex r -ex c -ex bt --args $(mutool_memento_extract) convert -F docx -O html -o $@.html test/agstat.pdf endif # Temporary rules for generating reference files. # #test/%.xml.extract-rotate-spacing.docx.dir.ref: test/generated/%.xml.extract-rotate-spacing.docx.dir # @echo # @echo copying $< to %@ # rsync -ai $/dev/null || true # Cleans test/generated except for intermediate files, which are slow to create # (when using gs). clean2: rm -r test/generated/*.pdf.mutool*.docx* 2>/dev/null || true rm -r src/build 2>/dev/null || true .PHONY: clean # Include dynamic dependencies. # # We use $(sort ...) to remove duplicates # dep = $(sort $(exe_dep) $(exe_buffer_test_dep) $(exe_misc_test_dep) $(exe_ziptest_dep)) -include $(dep)