# Musd [中文说明](README.zh-CN.md) [![Release](https://github.com/hustcer/musd/actions/workflows/release.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/hustcer/musd/actions/workflows/release.yaml) 🎵 A Rust CLI App to download super high quality musics🎵 ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/O1CN01oWvzdy1xIPUyZEyAK_!!6000000006420-1-tps-1964-878.gif)
`musd` is a MUSic Downloader, and that's why it was named as `musd`. ## Installation ### Install from binary release You can download the binary tar ball according to your OS from the [Release Page](https://github.com/hustcer/musd/releases), and run the `musd` executable file directly. ### Install from source You need to have `cargo` been installed, if you haven't installed it yet here is a [guide](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) for you. (Rust v1.60.0 or above required) ```bash # Install from crates.io cargo install musd # OR clone the source code and install it from local disk git clone git@github.com:hustcer/musd.git cd musd && cargo install --path . ``` ## Usage ```bash # Search music by name musd someone like you # Or search music by singer name musd Celine Dion ``` `musd` will download `*.flac` format music files by default, if you want `*.m4a` format please specify it by `-f` or `--format` flag. Currently, only two formats available: 'flac' or 'm4a'. ### Save to a specified folder 1. Use `--output` or `-o` to specify the directory that downloaded musics will be saved; 2. Set `MUSD_OUTPUT` env variable to the path where you want to have your musics been saved; ## Resource - All the musics will be downloaded from [MIGU](https://music.migu.cn/) ## PS By default, the highest quality lossless music will be downloaded, usually in `flac` format. This app was heavily inspired by [musicn](https://github.com/zonemeen/musicn), special thanks to them. `musicn` was written in Node.js and I rewrote it by rust just for practice. And this is my first Rust App. Hope you love it.