pNuDELIRIUM$VER: Music-Assembler player module V0.1 for UADE (21.12.2001)$COPYRIGHT: Heikki Orsila $LICENSE: GNU LGPLDYDZD\zDbDcDeԀD^(DfDdƀDi΀DtMusic-AssemblerMA-player for UADE by shd, Thanks to Laurent Clevy for format info, Based on format by Oscar Giesen and Marco Swagerman m$aNup sa-tlf eam pf dyna4fpNupr NuHp m8N## mLNLpNuHp0-, yN m$><  f (& f#`TQLNuH/ yN *_ y 02(&4(L6(rJfHP`.L@fAfBfCfJg m\N`PLNuHEp5@5@5@5@5|LNu mPNNuHp0-.r yNLNu 0<T^dn