INVALID_STATE} The system is in a state where the performed operation is not allowed. Example: call to a function only allowed in genesis.REQUIRES_ADDRESS© The signer of a transaction does not have the expected address for this operation. Example: a call to a function which publishes a resource under a particular address. REQUIRES_ROLEł The signer of a transaction does not have the expected role for this operation. Example: a call to a function which requires the signer to have the role of treasury compliance.REQUIRES_CAPABILITYA The signer of a transaction does not have a required capability. NOT_PUBLISHEDb A resource is required but not published. Example: access to non-existing AccountLimits resource.ALREADY_PUBLISHEDp Attempting to publish a resource that is already published. Example: calling an initialization function twice.INVALID_ARGUMENT^ An argument provided to an operation is invalid. Example: a signing key has the wrong format.LIMIT_EXCEEDED| A limit on an amount, e.g. a currency, is exceeded. Example: withdrawal of money after account limits window is exhausted. INTERNAL& An internal error (bug) has occurred.˙CUSTOM. A custom error category for extension points.GUIDEGUID_GENERATOR_NOT_PUBLISHED\ GUID generator must be published ahead of first usage of `create_with_capability` function.ASCIIEINVALID_ASCII_CHARACTERJ An invalid ASCII character was encountered when creating an ASCII string.OptionEOPTION_IS_SETt The `Option` is in an invalid state for the operation attempted. The `Option` is `Some` while it should be `None`.EOPTION_NOT_SETt The `Option` is in an invalid state for the operation attempted. The `Option` is `None` while it should be `Some`.VectorEINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS+ The index into the vector is out of bounds BitVectorEINDEX$ The provided index is out of boundsELENGTH) An invalid length of bitvector was given CapabilityECAP EDELEGATE FixedPoint32 EDENOMINATOR" The denominator provided was zero EDIVISION< The quotient value would be too large to be held in a `u64`EMULTIPLICATION> The multiplied value would be too large to be held in a `u64`EDIVISION_BY_ZERO# A division by zero was encounteredERATIO_OUT_OF_RANGEP The computed ratio when converting to a `FixedPoint32` would be unrepresentable