# Connecting to the wallet's V3 Owner API from Node This is a small sample with code that demonstrates how to initialize the Wallet V3's Secure API and call API functions through it. To run this sample: First run the Owner API: ```.sh mwc-wallet owner_api ``` This sample doesn't use the authentication specified in the wallet's `.api_secret`, so before running the owner_api please ensure api authentication is commented out in `mwc-wallet.toml`. Including the authentication token as part of the request is a function of your json-rpc client library of choice, so it's not included in the sample to make setup a bit simpler. ensure the client url in `src\index.js` is set correctly: ```.sh const client = jayson.client.http('http://localhost:3420/v3/owner'); ``` Then (assuming node.js and npm are installed on the system): ```.sh npm install node src/index.json ``` Feel free to play around with the sample, modifying it to call whatever functions you'd like to see in operation!