Instructions for setting up bitcoin node and electrumx server. This instruction can be extended to setting up nodes for other types of currencies. -- starting bitcoin node: bin/bitcoind -txindex -testnet& bitcoin.conf: testnet=1 txindex=1 rpcpassword=core rpcuser=bitcoin gen=1 #rcpallowip= #rcpallowip= # This is the other machine rpcallowip= [test] rpcport=18332 rpcbind= -- set up leveldb sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev export VER="1.20" wget${VER}.tar.gz tar xvf v${VER}.tar.gz rm -f v${VER}.tar.gz cd leveldb-${VER} make (may require doing: sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev) sudo scp -r out-static/lib* out-shared/lib* "/usr/local/lib" cd include sudo scp -r leveldb /usr/local/include sudo ldconfig -- making default python3 to upgrade to python3.7 sudo apt update -y sudo apt install python3.7 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 2 sudo update-alternatives --config python3 (select the wanted number and hit return) sudo rm /usr/bin/python3 sudo ln -s python3.7 /usr/bin/python3 -- install more supportive packages python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade aiohttp pylru leveldb plyvel aiorpcx ecdsa -- electrumx startup script: #!/bin/sh ulimit -n 5000 export DB_DIRECTORY=/home/ubuntu/electrumx_db export DAEMON_URL=http://bitcoin:core@ export COIN=BitcoinSegwit export NET=testnet export SERVICES=tcp:// ./electrumx_server > /tmp/electrumx.stdout 2> /tmp/electrumx.stderr &