# Background # This document explaining how to install Electrum X server on Ubuntu 18.04. The setup will have a single install that will be able to index multiple Coins in different processes. Every coin will have the different DB location. # Data location # we need to know the location of the DB. export ELECTRUM_DB= # Prerequisites Python You will need python 3.7+. You can probably use programs like apt to install it, but that is beyond the scope of this document. You will also need python3-pip to be installed. On debian based systems that can be done with the following command: ```# apt install python3-pip``` You may need to install more supportive Python packages: ``` python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade aiohttp pylru leveldb plyvel aiorpcx ecdsa ``` Database You can choose between LevelDB or RocksDB. To install LevelDB: ``` sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev export VER="1.20" wget https://github.com/google/leveldb/archive/v${VER}.tar.gz tar xvf v${VER}.tar.gz rm -f v${VER}.tar.gz cd leveldb-${VER} make (may first require doing: sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev) sudo scp -r out-static/lib* out-shared/lib* "/usr/local/lib" cd include sudo scp -r leveldb /usr/local/include sudo ldconfig ``` # Installation Cleanup prev electrum instance. We don't want to use update, instead we want to install all package that might be needed. ``` cd rm -rf electrumx-installer sudo rm /usr/local/bin/electrumx_server ``` Installing with installer ``` git clone https://github.com/bauerj/electrumx-installer.git cd electrumx-installer sudo ./install.sh -d $ELECTRUM_DB -v --leveldb --electrumx-git-url https://github.com/kyuupichan/electrumx.git --electrumx-git-branch altcoin ``` During installation you might hit the Python issue, ElectrumX requre 3.7 version. Here is a help https://tech.serhatteker.com/post/2019-09/upgrade-python37-on-ubuntu18/ Because install was as sudo, $ELECTRUM_DB dir has wrong credentials. ``` sudo chown `whoami`:`id -g` $ELECTRUM_DB ``` Checking install: ``` > which electrumx_server /usr/local/bin/electrumx_server > ls /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/electrumx/ __init__.py lib __pycache__ server ``` Now check the coins that your ElectrumX is supporting: ``` cat /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/electrumx/lib/coins.py | grep ' NAME ' ``` If your coin is there, you are good go # Creating Script for a Specific coin # We are almost ready to to start. Because ElectumX getting it's settings through the environment variables, we better to have a script for every coin that we want to index. The script can look like this. Note, **Please create separate script for different coins. So it will be easy to start them.** ``` #!/bin/bash # Please specify your Coin Here. export COIN_NAME=BitcoinCashABC # That what Electrum X is required export DB_DIRECTORY=$ELECTRUM_DB/$COIN_NAME export DB_ENGINE=leveldb export COIN=$COIN_NAME export NET=mainnet # Address of the Node export DAEMON_URL=http://user:password@host:port export SERVICES=tcp:// export CACHE_MB=300 # Port thet electrum will listen TCP_PORT=8000 echo "Starting Electum X server" electrumx_server ``` The output should looks like ``` INFO:electrumx:ElectrumX server starting INFO:electrumx:logging level: INFO INFO:Controller:Python version: 3.7.9 (default, Aug 18 2020, 06:22:45) [GCC 7.5.0] INFO:Controller:software version: ElectrumX 1.15.0 INFO:Controller:aiorpcX version: 0.18.4 INFO:Controller:supported protocol versions: 1.4-1.4.2 INFO:Controller:event loop policy: None INFO:Controller:reorg limit is 200 blocks INFO:Daemon:daemon #1 at (current) INFO:DB:switching current directory to /home/electrumx/db/ INFO:DB:using leveldb for DB backend INFO:DB:opened UTXO DB (for sync: True) INFO:DB:UTXO DB version: 8 INFO:DB:coin: BitcoinCashABC INFO:DB:network: mainnet INFO:DB:height: 220,569 INFO:DB:tip: 00000000000003a12d21614347a2c977beefd0222fbb7f05991b721b6ac0c054 INFO:DB:tx count: 12,557,436 INFO:DB:flushing DB cache at 1,200 MB INFO:DB:sync time so far: 40m 53s INFO:History:history DB version: 1 INFO:History:flush count: 12 INFO:Prefetcher:catching up to daemon height 649,098 (428,529 blocks behind) INFO:LTORBlockProcessor:our height: 220,579 daemon: 649,098 UTXOs 1MB hist 1MB ``` To stop electrumx_server you need to press Ctrl-C ``` ^CWARNING:Controller:received SIGINT signal, initiating shutdown INFO:Controller:shutting down INFO:Prefetcher:cancelled; prefetcher stopping INFO:LTORBlockProcessor:flushing to DB for a clean shutdown... INFO:DB:flushed filesystem data in 0.06s INFO:History:flushed history in 0.6s for 214,723 addrs INFO:DB:flushed 846 blocks with 296,676 txs, 126,258 UTXO adds, 97,594 spends in 0.4s, committing... INFO:DB:flush #13 took 1.6s. Height 221,415 txs: 12,854,112 (+296,676) INFO:DB:tx/sec since genesis: 5,062, since last flush: 3,469 INFO:DB:sync time: 42m 19s ETA: 1d 14h 04m INFO:Controller:shutdown complete INFO:electrumx:ElectrumX server terminated normally ``` # TO DO To make it better, we can do autostart for all servers and we can add watchdog that will monitor if all Servers are online.