@startuml title **Current MWC Transaction Workflow** Accurate as of Oct 10, 2018 - Master branch only end title actor "Sender" as sender actor "Recipient" as recipient entity "MWC Node" as mwc_node == Round 1 == note left of sender 1: Create Transaction **UUID** (for reference and maintaining correct state) 2: Set **lock_height** for transaction kernel (current chain height) 3: Select **inputs** using desired selection strategy 4: Calculate sum **inputs** blinding factors **xI** 5: Create **change_output** 6: Select blinding factor **xC** for **change_output** 7: Create lock function **sF** that locks **inputs** and stores **change_output** in wallet and identifying wallet transaction log entry **TS** linking **inputs + outputs** (Not executed at this point) end note note left of sender 8: Calculate **tx_weight**: MAX(-1 * **num_inputs** + 4 * (**num_change_outputs** + 1), 1) (+1 covers a single output on the receiver's side) 9: Calculate **fee**: **tx_weight** * 1_000_000 nMWC 10: Calculate total blinding excess sum for all inputs and outputs **xS1** = **xC** - **xI** (private scalar) 11: Select a random nonce **kS** (private scalar) 12: Subtract random kernel offset **oS** from **xS1**. Calculate **xS** = **xS1** - **oS** 13: Multiply **xS** and **kS** by generator G to create public curve points **xSG** and **kSG** 14: Add values to **Slate** for passing to other participants: **UUID, inputs, change_outputs,** **fee, amount, lock_height, kSG, xSG, oS** end note sender -> recipient: **Slate** == Round 2 == note right of recipient 1: Check fee against number of **inputs**, **change_outputs** +1 * **receiver_output**) 2: Create **receiver_output** 3: Choose random blinding factor for **receiver_output** **xR** (private scalar) end note note right of recipient 4: Calculate message **M** = **fee | lock_height ** 5: Choose random nonce **kR** (private scalar) 6: Multiply **xR** and **kR** by generator G to create public curve points **xRG** and **kRG** 7: Compute Schnorr challenge **e** = SHA256(**kRG** + **kSG** | **xRG** + **xSG** | **M**) 8: Compute Recipient Schnorr signature **sR** = **kR** + **e** * **xR** 9: Add **sR, xRG, kRG** to **Slate** 10: Create wallet output function **rF** that stores **receiver_output** in wallet with status "Unconfirmed" and identifying transaction log entry **TR** linking **receiver_output** with transaction. end note alt All Okay recipient --> sender: Okay - **Slate** recipient -> recipient: execute wallet output function **rF** else Any Failure recipient ->x]: Abort recipient --> sender: Error [x<- sender: Abort end == Finalize Transaction == note left of sender 1: Calculate message **M** = **fee | lock_height ** 2: Compute Schnorr challenge **e** = SHA256(**kRG** + **kSG** | **xRG** + **xSG** | **M**) 3: Verify **sR** by verifying **kRG** + **e** * **xRG** = **sRG** 4: Compute Sender Schnorr signature **sS** = **kS** + **e** * **xS** 5: Calculate final signature **s** = (**kSG**+**kRG**, **sS**+**sR**) 6: Calculate public key for **s**: **xG** = **xRG** + **xSG** 7: Verify **s** against excess values in final transaction using **xG** 8: Create Transaction Kernel Containing: Excess signature **s** Public excess **xG** **fee** **lock_height** end note sender -> sender: Create final transaction **tx** from **Slate** sender -> mwc_node: Post **tx** to mempool mwc_node --> recipient: "Ok" alt All Okay recipient --> sender: "Ok" - **UUID** sender -> sender: Execute wallet lock function **sF** ...Await confirmation... recipient -> mwc_node: Confirm **receiver_output** recipient -> recipient: Change status of **receiver_output** to "Confirmed" sender -> mwc_node: Confirm **change_output** sender -> sender: Change status of **inputs** to "Spent" sender -> sender: Change status of **change_output** to "Confirmed" else Any Error recipient -> recipient: Manually remove **receiver_output** from wallet using transaction log entry **TR** recipient ->x]: Abort recipient --> sender: Error sender -> sender: Unlock **inputs** and delete **change_output** identified in transaction log entry **TS** [x<- sender: Abort end @enduml