use std::{fs, io}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; fn main() { let out_dir_env = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = Path::new(&out_dir_env).to_path_buf(); let path = Path::new("assets/config"); copy_dir_recursive( &path, &out_dir.join(path) ).unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut f = File::create(&dest_path).unwrap(); // Write the generated Rust code to the file. let generated_code = format!( r#" pub const CONFIG_PATH: &str = "{}/assets/config"; "#, out_dir.to_str().unwrap() ); f.write_all(generated_code.as_bytes()).unwrap() } fn copy_dir_recursive(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { if !dst.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(dst)?; } for entry in fs::read_dir(src)? { let entry = entry?; let ty = entry.file_type()?; let src_path = entry.path(); let dst_path = dst.join(entry.file_name()); if ty.is_file() { fs::copy(&src_path, &dst_path)?; } else if ty.is_dir() { copy_dir_recursive(&src_path, &dst_path)?; } } Ok(()) }