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This library serves two purposes:,6 [`proc_macro`]: - **Bring proc-macro-like functionality to other contexts like andOI** Types from `proc_macro` are entirely specific to proceduralLF macros and cannot ever exist in code outside of a procedural macro.IM Meanwhile `proc_macro2` types may exist anywhere including non-macro code.PF By developing foundational libraries like [syn] and [quote] againstII `proc_macro2` rather than `proc_macro`, the procedural macro ecosystemLA becomes easily applicable to many other use cases and we avoidD; reimplementing non-macro equivalents of those libraries. > F - **Make procedural macros unit testable.** As a consequence of being IG specific to procedural macros, nothing that uses `proc_macro` can be JL executed from a unit test. In order for helper libraries or components of OF a macro to be testable in isolation, they must be implemented using I `proc_macro2`.  & [syn]: )* [quote]: -  # Usage\  F The skeleton of a typical procedural macro typically looks like this: I  ```<  extern crate proc_macro;$ # const IGNORE: &str = stringify! {' #[proc_macro_derive(MyDerive)]" # };D # #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]N pub fn my_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {Q7 let input = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(input);:- let output: proc_macro2::TokenStream = {0 /* transform input */! # input };T* proc_macro::TokenStream::from(output)- },Ў<D If parsing with [Syn], you'll use [`parse_macro_input!`] instead toGJ propagate parse errors correctly back to the compiler when parsing fails.MQ [`parse_macro_input!`]: # Unstable featuresE The default feature set of proc-macro2 tracks the most recent stableHJ compiler API. Functionality in `proc_macro` that is not yet stable is notM# exposed by proc-macro2 by default.&E To opt into the additional APIs available in the most recent nightlyHG compiler, the `procmacro2_semver_exempt` config flag must be passed toJH rustc. We will polyfill those nightly-only APIs back to Rust 1.56.0. AsKK these are unstable APIs that track the nightly compiler, minor versions ofN; proc-macro2 may make breaking changes to them at any time.> ```shL7 RUSTFLAGS='--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt' cargo build:Ў<L Note that this must not only be done for your crate, but for any crate thatOK depends on your crate. This infectious nature is intentional, as it servesND as a reminder that you are outside of the normal semver guarantees.GK Semver exempt methods are marked as such in the proc-macro2 documentation.N # Thread-SafetyE Most types in this crate are `!Sync` because the underlying compilerHL types make use of thread-local memory, meaning they cannot be accessed fromO a different thread.   l "$=k  ZR# ~Qz}TzT}T|VV|V{tjskr$))T)4) '\% RefUnwindSafelDÞ UnwindSafeTSž lvh6($>@%',4{'${*${L),)1236789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNORVXZ\^`acdefgij$9! 9t4 T,D>DKU,?D@>????>?A4LA7RR7ߋ!ӑĵ4A @,AF0lF7RR7ߋ! 7ĵ4G A,GJ8Ln$Ժnn7 n n  n n n  tnܚnLn oTo p/\q7 7 q $q_other4qs-Ts7 7 s $s ,s0~7 ~   ~ ~   t~~$7 7  $4܄+ 8  Մ  „ ń Ԅ  tƄܼ\7 7  $& 8        tܕTÈ $ΈՊ% 8  Ί    ͊  tܵL $$׍4ڍ777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ ލ $ߍ V777 7QQ{QQQ QQ has_fieldsQʉ77  ,ߏ2$T$=ƒ~ 7Lʒ84$L7 7  $#4Ĕ7 7~ ˔ $̔Ԋ$7 7  $ĕL˕7 7 Օ $֕ T7 7  $ܖ&D7 7  $2$$4777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $ ŝ$6777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $T$4d :|\7 7  '42$6l7 7  '42$ݣ8dˣ ;|ɣ|7 7  '42$:7 7  '42$ԥ$7 7  $ߦ&D7 7  $2$-t  ȧ0  d <|t7 7  '4<!D7 7  '4Ȯ#d =|ˮ7 7  '4ޮĹ$ذ#۰77 7 7 ް $߰ ,@$}T ñ77 7 7}  }$ r$4777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $ ε$4 >        tܒ777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $ 춻û Ի  ڻ  ۻ ܻ   ݻ  $޻  ,  $  ,              $   n    $ U<   U<¼ ;$ļ ȼ  4ɼ ϼ м  4Ѽ ׼ ؼ {}$ټ ݼ  L߼     $       ¾  ҽ   н    $  , Ľ $Ž ɽ ,ʽ Ͻ  ѽԽ ׽  ؽ ٽ       $       $ U<   U< ;$      L    dž$ؾ($  $;7 7   $(t  (t  &47 7  '4%L c*t )$+\7 7ΰ  %,)D7 7k,)  '4\ ΰԽ$7 7  $&D7 7  $2$F<7 7<  $u+-Ē$D~2D7 7ߋ!j   $$$4777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $ $6777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $/\77 7 7  '4 $4l+M Items which do not have a correspondence to any API in the proc_macro crate,P- but are necessary to include in proc-macro2.Q0,+DR#4 T$$Qz,TzT|T,$z|\n$bTVt$ń-7 7ń  group,4 Returns a span covering the entire delimited group.7$7 7ń  $Ԟ"> Returns a span for the opening punctuation of the group only.!A$"7 7ń " $"܇%> Returns a span for the closing punctuation of the group only.$A,%7 7ń % $%Ī'$ń'4'777 7ń 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ ' $' '<,,H , ,  |,,,0 DmbLwa,c<`L$Qz,TzT<T\<jk$ ,&  #5e7$+. !$tT{ĤDT~ ؍\a {~~ǎ~l ܣ D $  $Ά / Ά84 ԝ D 7 7Ά  $  d7 7Ά $9Ά$$D7 7  $2t$/l~$$D7D7 7ߋ!  K7 7ߋ!  lޥb$4777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ  $ 2$ /$  ,, !2$!#$! ,,!#0$#-$#~ ,,$$A$,%*$$*!$* ,*,,$,AL-) --- _|%'/.$0EL0) 00 B0 13247&$7B477 7) 7 777 $78f*,:($:E4;7 7) ; ;; ; $;׌,.>$>4>777 7 7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨7Ľ > $> >l@$@!$A 7  7 A $AB,$C($C  CC*$D&$D~  DD$D4D 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ D $D EG$H4H 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ H $H HL!$LL$LlLDLL#LL $LO$LO$OO'$O 7  7 O $OW-LW 7  7 W $WLa$ԺaLa ܐcTc f.\f 7  7 f $f ,fi-Tj 7  7 j $j ,jm'4m $m{/${ 7  7 { ${ ,{+\ 7  7  $+t $у+$,$  proc_spanL"$&$ ,,$4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ ȇVև 7 7 7  7QQ{QQQ QQQʉ 7 7  ,2$TƊ$׊=ފ 7L84ʐ$Lѐ 7  7 ې $ܐ#4 7  7  $ԝ$ 7  7  $ܗL 7  7  $ T 7  7  $&D 7  7  $2$,t $$$ҟ#$՟ g ڟ$< 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ formatterLǠ$Ǣ<ʢ 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ ΢ $ϢLբT$ǥ4d ]|\Υ 7  7  '4ڥ2$ا@lߧ 7  7  '42$8d ^|| 7  7  '42$D 7  7  '42$īԹ$ 7  7 Ŭ $Ƭ&D 7  7  $2$,t $Ĥ$ò#Ʋ 7 7  7  7 ɲ $ʲ ,вȵ@$T ͵ 7 7  7  7}  }$ h$4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ ͹$4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ 졼   ż  Ƽ Ǽ   ȼ  $ɼ ͼ ,μԼ ׼ $ؼ ܼ ,ݼ              $       $ U<    0     U<Ͻֽ ?Dؽ    T U<   $      $   U< ?D  Ҿ D U<Ⱦ ʾ  $˾ Ͼ Ѿ  о              $  ,  $  ,    ÿ  Ŀ ſ  Ͽ  ӿ ֿ  $׿ ۿ   ܿ ݿ ߿ $ U<    0     U< ?D    T U<   $      $   U< ?D   D U<   $      d$4 7  7   $(t  (t  &4 7  7  '4%L c*t )$+\ 7  7ΰ  %,)D 7  7  '4ԕ$ 7  7  $&D 7  7  $2$F< 7  7<  $ ".t $($%$  Ĩ$D2D 7  7ߋ!j   $į$4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ $4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ -2-,$),--!$-ܶ߶Ԕ.$նض../t/}4- Error returned from `TokenStream::from_str`.40D4ŏ4,45<5{5$5($5,,566l6~ ,,68: Returns an empty `TokenStream` containing no token trees.7=8 9' Checks if this `TokenStream` is empty.9*D9 7  7 9 $9:2 `TokenStream::default()` returns an empty stream,:53 i.e. this is equivalent with `TokenStream::new()`.:6$;<; >M Attempts to break the string into tokens and parse those tokens into a token;P stream.\<<F May fail for a number of reasons, for example, if the string containsD$D>>?7D? 7  7ߋ! ? ??A2@i @ A <@ @ d@@$A/$A ,,AC2Bi B B  Span {  ^^^^^^^Ў<$ 7  7  $B Returns the span pointing to the opening delimiter of this group.E\" pub fn span_open(&self) -> Span {% ^Ў<L 7  7  $ B Returns the span pointing to the closing delimiter of this group.E\# pub fn span_close(&self) -> Span {& ^Ў<T 7  7  $%< Returns an object that holds this group's `span_open()` and?G `span_close()` together (in a more compact representation than holdingJ those 2 spans individually). T 7  7ń  $&H Configures the span for this `Group`'s delimiters, but not its internalK tokens.\I This method will **not** set the span of all the internal tokens spannedLE by this group, but rather it will only set the span of the delimiterH$ tokens at the level of the `Group`.'D 7  7  $2$H Prints the group as a string that should be losslessly convertible backKL into the same group (modulo spans), except for possibly `TokenTree::Group`sO# with `Delimiter::None` delimiters.&$< 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $L$< 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $LT$.< Creates a new `Punct` from the given character and spacing.?I The `ch` argument must be a valid punctuation character permitted by theL- language, otherwise the function will panic.0G The returned `Punct` will have the default span of `Span::call_site()`JB which can be further configured with the `set_span` method below.E cM<; Returns the value of this punctuation character as `char`.>< 7  7  $ F Returns the spacing of this punctuation character, indicating whetherIE it's immediately followed by another `Punct` in the token stream, soH@ they can potentially be combined into a multicharacter operatorCH (`Joint`), or it's followed by some other token or whitespace (`Alone`)K% so the operator has certainly ended.(< 7  7  $ԯ1 Returns the span for this punctuation character.4$ 7  7  $&3 Configure the span for this punctuation character.6D 7  7  $2$G Prints the punctuation character as a string that should be losslesslyJ* convertible back into the same character.-$4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ $6 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $T$ӑ"$ӑ ,,,G Creates a new `Ident` with the given `string` as well as the specifiedJ `span`.\B The `string` argument must be a valid identifier permitted by theE0I Note that `span`, currently in rustc, configures the hygiene informationL for this identifier.ĤF As of this time `Span::call_site()` explicitly opts-in to "call-site"II hygiene meaning that identifiers created with this span will be resolvedLH as if they were written directly at the location of the macro call, andKL< Later spans like `Span::def_site()` will allow to opt-in to?E "definition-site" hygiene meaning that identifiers created with thisHH span will be resolved at the location of the macro definition and otherK? code at the macro call site will not be able to refer to them.BH Due to the current importance of hygiene this constructor, unlike otherK; tokens, requires a `Span` to be specified at construction.>Ԃd܂E Panics if the input string is neither a keyword nor a legal variableHH name. If you are not sure whether the string contains an identifier andƒK" need to handle an error case, use%> syn::parse_str::<Ident>ą4 rather than `Ident::new`.d t| 7  7ӑ Ɔ '42$̆0D Same as `Ident::new`, but creates a raw identifier (`r#ident`). TheGG `string` argument must be a valid identifier permitted by the languageJC (including keywords, e.g. `fn`). Keywords which are usable in pathɈFD segments (e.g. `self`, `super`) are not supported, and will cause aG panic.Td t|< 7  7ӑ  '42$԰" Returns the span of this `Ident`.%$ 7  7ӑ  $ڌ&C Configures the span of this `Ident`, possibly changing its hygieneF context.dɌD 7  7ӑ  $2$ĵ$ӑԍ#׍ 7 7  7ӑ  7ӑ ڍ $ۍ ,@$Tڎӑ  7 7  7ӑ  7}  }$ T$ӑɏ$ӑ8\ 7 7  7ӑ  7ӑLessGreater3  $ ,ː$ӑ( 7 7  7ӑ  7ӑ  $ ,ɑ$ӑ)$ 7 7  7ӑ  7N  V4 $q.0M Prints the identifier as a string that should be losslessly convertible backP into the same identifier.쐓$ӑ˓4Γ 7 7 7  7ӑ  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ ғ $ӓ ٓ$ӑ˔4Δ 7 7 7  7ӑ  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ Ҕ $Ӕ ٔ"ǘ ݘ          $  ,  $  ,        %A Creates a new suffixed integer literal with the specified value.D%%C This function will create an integer like `1u32` where the integerF%C value specified is the first part of the token and the integral isF%E also suffixed at the end. Literals created from negative numbers mayH%C not survive roundtrips through `TokenStream` or strings and may beܛF%3 broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal).6%%B Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`E%D span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` methodĝG% below.T      $       $ U< ɞ  U<מޞ ;$    U<   $      $    ݟ   ۟    $ ş ,Ɵ̟ ϟ $П ԟ ,՟ ڟ  ܟߟ     ߦ%C Creates a new unsuffixed integer literal with the specified value.F%%@ This function will create an integer like `1` where the integerɠC%= value specified is the first part of the token. No suffix is@%7 specified on this token, meaning that invocations likeޡ:%. `Literal::i8_unsuffixed(1)` are equivalent to1%E `Literal::u32_unsuffixed(1)`. Literals created from negative numbersۢH%D may not survive roundtrips through `TokenStream` or strings and mayG%6 be broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal).9%%ʤE%G%ɈT      $       $ U<  ٦ U< ;$  Ϧ  U<Ŧ Ǧ  $Ȧ ̦ Φ  ͦ  d$ْ$$ْ ,,2lْ ,,ɴ(1 Creates a new unsuffixed floating-point literal.4I This constructor is similar to those like `Literal::i8_unsuffixed` whereLF the float's value is emitted directly into the token but no suffix isͰIA used, so it may be inferred to be a `f64` later in the compiler.DC Literals created from negative numbers may not survive round-tripsFH through `TokenStream` or strings and may be broken into two tokens (`-`K and positive literal).dG This function requires that the specified float is finite, for exampleJ3 if it is infinity or NaN this function will panic.6tдْ  ߴ&/ Creates a new suffixed floating-point literal.ֵ2E This constructor will create a literal like `1.0f64` where the valueHH specified is the preceding part of the token and `f64` is the suffix ofKD the token. This token will always be inferred to be an `f64` in theGA compiler. Literals created from negative numbers may not surviveDH round-trips through `TokenStream` or strings and may be broken into twoǸK# tokens (`-` and positive literal).&¹dʹ۹Jٚ6dْ  (4LIԗֽDFKęԺٿdJٚ6tْ  &ڛ2E This constructor will create a literal like `1.0f32` where the valueHH specified is the preceding part of the token and `f32` is the suffix ofKD the token. This token will always be inferred to be an `f32` in theGDK&dJٚ6dْ  & String literal.4 7  7ْ  '4% Character literal.Lْ c* Byte character literal.ܲtْ )$+ Byte string literal.\ 7  7ΰْ  %,) C string literal.D 7  7ْ  '4ԍ, Returns the span encompassing this literal./$ 7  7ْ  $&1 Configures the span associated for this literal.4D 7  7ْ  $2$FC Returns a `Span` that is a subset of `self.span()` containing onlyFB the source bytes in range `range`. Returns `None` if the would-beE. trimmed span is outside the bounds of `self`.1C Warning: the underlying [`proc_macro::Literal::subspan`] method isFH˟<j [`proc_macro::Literal::subspan`]:< 7  7ْ<   $&(4 y   4t 7  7ْ   $$ْD1D 7  7ߋ!ْ   $<$ْ4 7 7 7  7ْ  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ $ْ4 7 7 7  7ْ  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ M Public implementation details for the `TokenStream` type, such as iterators.PdR#4 `L$Qz,TzT\,$$Ĩ$wikIԴ$L$'$ 7  7  $-L 7  7  $$4 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ  $ !$L$lDL $z{¿L{z8{   {S${OOO{OT${OO 7  7{{ ,4$|$ $  |U$$|^`HQHQHQ|HQV$$|HQHQ 7  7|| $,QQQ|QW$$|25QQQ|QQ QQQ 7  7| $RRR|RX$$|RRR|RX$$|14RR 7 7  7|  7| $L R" l }߫6 ,kާSSSSY$„S}SS 7  7}}  }, \~׃, ] ] ] ]Z$~ ] ] 7  7~~! ,Ԅ  D ~ȷ $ ]]]][$~]] 7 7 7  7~  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ" ,]m$m`llll]$ll 7  7%l ,l &l ̀^$7l7l7lԀ7l_$7l7l7l܀7l_$7l7l 7 7  7  7'l Ll 7lllll`$lllll lll 7  7(m mΑ,0L4~T$mmmmb$mm 7  7,Ƒ ,Ƒ,ȅёmlT͠$͠Lݠݠ3o3o3oہ3oc$3o3o 7  7- ,<Ôج$T$tttʂtl$tt 7  7@ ,A!\ AEd @d |d l 5t 1s\ od d -d )kl gt d %d !z!l zEt @t |t | 5 1sl ot t -t )k| g M An object that holds a [`Group`]'s `span_open()` and `span_close()` togetherPJ in a more compact representation than holding those 2 spans individually.M [`Group`]: crate::Groupܱ LńлԳԧ+,<{ $ńuuuĈu$ńuu 7  7ńń ,!lԵړiD    |!4$$, !    t $%v%v%v%v$%v%v 7  7 ,܋"\ŠΆ~" ΆΆ/"/ //~~vvvӉv$vv 7  7 ,%#ΆՀ4!,?y?y?y?y$Ά?y?y 7  7ΆΆ ,K)lKض) K"s)s ssKҍҍҍҍ$ҍҍ 7  7J ,J`*$`ץ* `*ta `$$ 7  7` ,`1,詞ò)1) ))1 |####$## 7  7 ,Ǥ5,פφؾJO5O OO5 ށ|㑽$ 7  7 ,;<лu;u uu; ====$== 7  7 ,!\ Gd Ad }d l 7t 2u\ pd d /d *ml ht d 'd "Ͽ!l ܿGt At }t | 7 2ul pt t /t *m| h 3L An abstract stream of tokens, or more concretely a sequence of token trees.0O1E This type provides interfaces for iterating over token trees and for1H( collecting token trees into one stream.2+2> Token stream is both the input and output of `#[proc_macro]`,2AB `#[proc_macro_attribute]` and `#[proc_macro_derive]` definitions.2EA\3ءh3,34<4{ڕ$ 7  73 ,3|`A A region of source code, along with macro expansion information._DB$`ٛڪĽf`,``<`{ `$ZZZZ$ZZ 7  7` ,`L A single token or a delimited sequence of token trees (e.g. `[1, (), ..]`).OCLѳ㩣ӑْ1 A token stream surrounded by bracket delimiters.4C ݝ,ٕ. An identifier.C. ..ӑ,ӑ6 A single punctuation character (`+`, `,`, `$`, etc.).9C ,ҖTF A literal character (`'a'`), string (`"hello"`), number (`2.3`), etc.ޖICT TTْҡ<ْі$ 7  7 , A delimited token stream.E A `Group` internally contains a `TokenStream` which is surrounded byH `Delimiter`s.ܭE,҅3,$ 7  7 ,6 Describes how a sequence of token trees is delimited.9FL졘ל\ `( ... )`lF24, `{ ... }`lϯF24< `[ ... ]`lF24$ `∅ ... ∅`D An invisible delimiter, that may, for example, appear around tokensGC coming from a "macro variable" `$var`. It is important to preserveFF operator priorities in cases like `$var * 3` where `$var` is `1 + 2`.II Invisible delimiters may not survive roundtrip of a token stream throughL a string.l߲
Z Note: rustc currently can ignore the grouping of tokens delimited by `None` in the output]Z of a proc_macro. Only `None`-delimited groups created by a macro_rules macro in the input]N of a proc_macro macro are preserved, and only in very specific circumstances.QT Any `None`-delimited groups (re)created by a proc_macro will therefore not preserveWV operator priorities as indicated above. The other `Delimiter` variants should be usedY? instead in this context. This is a rustc bug. For details, seeBH [rust-lang/rust#67062](
TF]tw  ڗ$%%%%$%% 7  7 ,}}}}$}} 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ ,}$  7  7 888Ø8$888˘8$88 7 7  7  7 L 8B A `Punct` is a single punctuation character like `+`, `-` or `#`.EG Multicharacter operators like `+=` are represented as two instances ofJ4 `Punct` with different forms of `Spacing` returned.7G,4D<T$$ 7  7 ,L Whether a `Punct` is followed immediately by another `Punct` or followed byO another token or whitespace. H<2,1 E.g. `+` is `Alone` in `+ =`, `+ident` or `+()`.4HDZ\,7 E.g. `+` is `Joint` in `+=` or `'` is `Joint` in `'#`.:A Additionally, single quote `'` can join with identifiers to formD lifetimes `'ident`.H  $EEEǙE$EE 7  7 ,ܙ$ 7 7 7  7  7TTTQTQTQTQTQTQߺ٨ 7Ľ ,$  7  7 $$ 7 7  7  7 L D A word of Rust code, which may be a keyword or legal variable name.GH An identifier consists of at least one Unicode code point, the first ofKM which has the XID_Start property and the rest of which have the XID_ContinueP property.l> - The empty string is not an identifier. Use `Option`.A@ - A lifetime is not an identifier. Use `syn::Lifetime` instead.CF An identifier constructed with `Ident::new` is permitted to be a RustII keyword, though parsing one through its [`Parse`] implementation rejectsLL Rust keywords. Use `` when parsing to match theO behaviour of `Ident::new`.> [`Parse`]: # ExamplestJ A new ident can be created from a string using the `Ident::new` function.ME A span must be provided explicitly which governs the name resolutionH& behavior of the resulting identifier.)Ў< use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};# fn main() {|C let call_ident = Ident::new("calligraphy", Span::call_site());F println!("{}", call_ident);#,Ў<K An ident can be interpolated into a token stream using the `quote!` macro.NЎ<# use quote::quote;|7 let ident = Ident::new("demo", Span::call_site());:; // Create a variable binding whose name is this ident.>0 let expanded = quote! { let #ident = 10; };3A // Create a variable binding with a slightly different name.DO let temp_ident = Ident::new(&format!("new_{}", ident), Span::call_site());R5 let expanded = quote! { let #temp_ident = 10; };8,Ў<L A string representation of the ident is available through the `to_string()`O method.\Ў<" # use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};% #,C # let ident = Ident::new("another_identifier", Span::call_site());F," // Examine the ident as a string.%& let ident_string = ident.to_string();) if ident_string.len() > 60 { 7 println!("Very long identifier: {}", ident_string):,Ў<J,ӑʥ㒉,<{$ӑ 7  7ӑӑ ,K A literal string (`"hello"`), byte string (`b"hello"`), character (`'a'`),NM byte character (`b'a'`), an integer or floating point number with or withoutP( a suffix (`1`, `1u8`, `2.3`, `2.3f32`).Ζ+F Boolean literals like `true` and `false` do not belong here, they areI `Ident`s.lȗK<ْG,䙘<{EEEE$ْEE 7  7ْْߗ ,ߗ!DFFHܛFچ6EĝGɈP\ْ چɈdْͩ {vrmhcچ^YUPɈKdْ G(# چɈdْ چɈlْ xsnje`[چVQMHɈCtêْ ?  چɈ\ْ چɈdْ pkfb]XSچNIE@Ɉ;dْ 7 چɈdْ چɈlْ֫ hc^ZUPKچFA=8Ɉ3tْ /!ȌFɠC@ޡ:1ۢHG9ʤEGɈPlْ ȌɈt٬ْ Ȍ|wɈrtْ nmȌhc_ZUPKFA<83Ɉ.tْ *)Ȍ$ Ɉ|ْ ȌɈ׭ْ ȌzuplgɈblْ ^]ȌXSOJE@;61,(#Ɉtْ Ȍ Ɉtْ ȌɈtծْ Ȍ~ytoje`\WɈR|ْ NMȌHC?:50+&!Ɉْ  / An iterator over `TokenStream`'s `TokenTree`s.2C The iteration is "shallow", e.g. the iterator doesn't recurse intoF; delimited groups, and returns whole groups as token trees.>RDֹڈڈ,<{ññññ$ññ 7  7 ,@$$ $$~$'$~$$l$$$r$ $$$$$$$$$$$d$$$d$)$$$$K$$$$a$$|$($$$[$4ߜ$$T$z$C$$$ $$V$3$$2$$$$j$0$"$$$$$i $ $$$Y$$H$$$$$ &$L'$$ ($L($$ -$L-$]$[$d $ $m!$\"$!$ $L$ $\$$4 $$$@$$$$ $L$$ $L$/$$\$$$R$m$$X$$ $*$ $8$ $L$$ ö$LͶ$$?$i$ $. $ $m $U $ $ $L$ $ $L$$ $$$Y$$$ '$L'$$L$s$%$$$ $L$$$$ >$L?$|$$ E$LE$$ H$LH$$$$Y$$k$r$ $L$$\$$$$b$$$g$$ Ҡ$Lܠ$$ $L$K$$v$$$i$$ ײ$$ $$ $L$$ $L$$$=$$$A$$,$9$ $L$O$ $L$$`$$J$$ N$LN$$ O$LO$$$ Q$LQ$$ R$LR$x$$k$X$($ Γ$Lؓ$>$γ$$ Ǥ$LѤ$}$ ݧ$L$$$X$J$4$$$$ $L$$ $L$9$r$$O$̛$ $L$$ $L$$"$$$Z$ $$ $t$ $$ $c$ $$ ܓ$L$Ԋ$ ܔ$L$hx$0w$v$4v$u$js$r$q$p$ $L$o$ $L$m$m$l$ $L$j$i$h$ h$h$f$%f$d$d$]$6d$Nc$Tc$b$a$`$_$]W$JU$S$R$P$ O$RM$K$I$ A$?$;$T:$a3$[2$a2$}$1$0$0$.$,$+$+$$e*$)$)$$$ $#{Kdocs-rsparse_macro_input!proc_macro::Literal crates-io .$ 2 %  syn  ϛ  ڝ Ğ   proc_macro::Spangithub rust-lang/rust#67062 Parseϛ 8ڝ    8  ֟       Ğ     ֟               crate::Group TT TTTVVjBBCBBC.TBBCBBC.1!u1XG}\CÉyYfItHeGk ($XXtz;;Gpҡƌ)l&F=,HS{ٽjo/-*KS9yNvo_e:Xo@Xke67}&z5t\͹E1\Ȫ=W+b5 }-.bU# GPiJRV/|_(rT:#Mޣ>]b&FKc#rW:,#j1ϔ颙4>p zKx(*&XR X@j)0FX [*l(mͩ 6m^v?!eﺉC,{YnhN̑udU:?VS,̜\DGSbjoP[W@`-M5'TW^kȂFX/mǿnIk"dX7QU)AV܁=jL q=5"$N!O3@ԝԀ{Uv헟s' `SFo52LVQ;̌g:S\37D%%2F|_Bt*z,Pj ǁ ^ޥh#+^YkObD-߹5MPZN+$Ťl/`zhz}O颃Ȳz^i ?蘱?fwk+!"n,?ImsVzM$i?*R1vr7JFyU>UȢ9j֠[ ϵNFU=!O&?W=Ղl#ᛁ;.tf ^52 j7r%F Fj('1)3N?8ZV[8րXW&żu9kP{Rcs]6if&Ek|4QôLND!#f/ljZmcӅYLp\Vi]r7o"2mG-âTz=\'PNJAP%^p;ߔa'EIy+mV v3d]~S=LMIFa NXpo˻j5:4l!F. 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