# tieliehin_css_parser docs: https://docs.rs/tieliehin_css_parser/latest/tieliehin_css_parser/ crates: https://crates.io/crates/tieliehin_css_parser This CSS parser is built using the `pest` parsing library in Rust. It parses simple CSS rules into components such as selectors, properties, and values. ## Grammar The .pest grammar file defines the rules for parsing a CSS declaration block. Below is a breakdown of each rule: - WHITESPACE: Matches whitespace characters, including spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns, to be ignored in parsing. - COMMENT: Matches CSS comments enclosed by /* and */. - CSS_RULE: The main rule for parsing a single CSS rule, consisting of optional comments/whitespace, a selector, and declarations within { ... }. - selector: Matches a CSS selector, which may include multiple simple_selector items separated by commas. - simple_selector: Matches a basic CSS selector, such as an identifier, ID selector (#header), class selector (.button), or alphanumeric sequence. - declarations: Matches multiple declaration entries inside a CSS rule. - declaration: Parses an individual CSS declaration with a property, value, and trailing semicolon. - property: Matches a CSS property name, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens. - values: Matches one or more values for a property, with items separated by commas or whitespace. - value: Matches various CSS value types, including color codes, lengths, percentages, strings, and numeric values. - COLOR: Matches hexadecimal color codes with 3 to 6 hexadecimal digits. - LENGTH: Matches length units in px, em, rem, or %. - PERCENTAGE: Matches percentage values. - STRING: Matches text in single or double quotes. - ZERO: Matches the literal value 0. - FLOAT: Matches floating-point numbers. - IDENTIFIER: Matches alphanumeric keywords and names with optional hyphens. ### Example of a Simple CSS Rule This parser can handle basic CSS declarations, such as: ```css footer { background-color: #333; color: #f4f4f9; text-align: center; padding: 10px 0; margin-top: 20px; } ``` ```pest WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" } COMMENT = _{ "/*" ~ (!"*/" ~ ANY)* ~ "*/" } CSS_RULE = _{ (COMMENT | WHITESPACE)* ~ selector ~ "{" ~ WHITESPACE* ~ declarations ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "}" } selector = @{ (simple_selector ~ (WHITESPACE* ~ "," ~ WHITESPACE* ~ simple_selector)*) } simple_selector = @{ IDENTIFIER | ("#" ~ IDENTIFIER+) | ("." ~ IDENTIFIER+) | ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC+ } declarations = _{ (declaration ~ WHITESPACE*)+ } declaration = _{ property ~ ":" ~ WHITESPACE* ~ values ~ ";" ~ WHITESPACE* } property = @{ (ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC | "-")+ } values = _{ value ~ (WHITESPACE* ~ "," ~ WHITESPACE* ~ value)* } value = @{ COLOR | LENGTH | PERCENTAGE | STRING | ZERO | FLOAT | IDENTIFIER | ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC+} COLOR = @{ "#" ~ ASCII_HEX_DIGIT{3,6} } LENGTH = @{ ASCII_DIGIT+ ~ ("px" | "em" | "rem" | "%") } PERCENTAGE = @{ ASCII_DIGIT+ ~ "%" } STRING = @{ "\"" ~ (!"\"" ~ ANY)* ~ "\'" | "\'" ~ (!"\'" ~ ANY)* ~ "\'" } ZERO = @{ "0" } FLOAT = @{ ASCII_DIGIT+ ~ "." ~ ASCII_DIGIT+ } IDENTIFIER = @{ (ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC | "-")+ }