syntax = "proto3"; package; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "proto/auth/user.proto"; import "proto/blog/engagement.proto"; import "proto/blog/taxonomy.proto"; import "proto/storage/file.proto"; // Piece of content in the blog platform. message Post { // Identifier of the post string id = 1; // Title of the post string title = 2; // Valid url string composes with title and id string slug = 3; // Status of the post which could be... // - Draft // - Published PostStatus status = 4; // Original content of the post in markdown syntax string markdown = 5; // Content of the post in HTML format which will be translated from markdown string html = 6; // Date-time that the post was published google.protobuf.Timestamp published_at = 7; // Identifier of the author myblog.proto.auth.User author = 8; // List of categories that the post belonging to repeated Taxonomy categories = 9; // List of tags that the post belonging to repeated Taxonomy tags = 10; // A featured image to be shown at the archive page as a cover image featured_image = 11; // List of attachment (image, video, document, etc.) are belonging to the post repeated attachments = 12; // Date-time that the post was created google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 14; // Date-time that the post was updated google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 15; } enum PostStatus { Draft = 0; Published = 1; }