use std::convert::Infallible; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::str::FromStr; use async_graphql::{ http::GraphiQLSource, Context, EmptySubscription, Object, Schema, SimpleObject, }; use async_graphql_warp::{GraphQLBadRequest, GraphQLResponse}; use dotenvy::dotenv; use http::StatusCode; use myself::backend::core::AgentBackend; use myself::backend::openai::OpenAIBackend; use myself::database::memory::MemoryEngine; use myself::sdk::agent::{Agent, AgentBuilder}; use myself::sdk::interaction::{Interaction as MyselfInteraction, InteractionState}; use std::env::var; use uuid::Uuid; use warp::{http::Response as HttpResponse, Filter, Rejection}; struct QueryRoot where Backend: AgentBackend + Sized + Default + Clone, { _backend: PhantomData, } struct MutationRoot where Backend: AgentBackend + Sized + Default + Clone, { _backend: PhantomData, } #[derive(SimpleObject)] struct Interaction { id: String, user_name: String, // long_term_memory: String, short_term_memory: String, } #[derive(SimpleObject)] struct InteractionResponse { response: String, interaction: Interaction, } impl Interaction { fn parse(db_interaction: &MyselfInteraction) -> Self where Backend: AgentBackend + Sized + Default + Clone, State: InteractionState, { Self { id:, user_name: db_interaction.user_name.to_owned(), // long_term_memory: db_interaction.long_term_memory.to_owned(), short_term_memory: db_interaction.short_term_memory.to_owned(), } } } #[Object] impl QueryRoot where Backend: AgentBackend + Sized + Default + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, { async fn interactions<'a>(&self, ctx: &Context<'a>) -> Vec where { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); agent .get_all_interactions() .await .iter() .map(Interaction::parse) .collect() } async fn interaction<'a>(&self, ctx: &Context<'a>, id: String) -> Option { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); agent .get_interaction(Uuid::from_str(id.as_str()).unwrap()) .await .map(|i| Interaction::parse(&i)) } } #[Object] impl MutationRoot where Backend: AgentBackend + Sized + Default + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, { async fn new_interaction<'a>( &self, ctx: &Context<'a>, user_name: String, constitution: String, memory_size: usize, ) -> Interaction { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); let interaction = agent .init_interaction(user_name, constitution, memory_size) .await; Interaction::parse(&interaction) } async fn interact_default<'a>( &self, ctx: &Context<'a>, message: String, ) -> InteractionResponse { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); let (_, response) = agent.interact_default(&message).await.unwrap(); InteractionResponse { response: response.content, interaction: Interaction::parse(&agent.get_default_interaction().await), } } async fn interact<'a>( &self, ctx: &Context<'a>, id: String, message: String, ) -> InteractionResponse { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); let uuid = Uuid::from_str(id.as_str()).unwrap(); let (_, response) = agent.interact(uuid, &message).await.unwrap(); InteractionResponse { // TODO: Improve memory management response: response.content, interaction: Interaction::parse(&agent.get_interaction(uuid).await.unwrap()), } } async fn update_constitution<'a>( &self, ctx: &Context<'a>, id: String, constitution: String, ) -> Interaction { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); let interaction = agent .update_long_term_memory(Uuid::from_str(id.as_str()).unwrap(), constitution) .await; Interaction::parse(&interaction) } async fn forget_memory<'a>(&self, ctx: &Context<'a>, id: String) -> Interaction { let mut agent =>().unwrap().to_owned(); let interaction = agent .forgot_short_term_memory(Uuid::from_str(id.as_str()).unwrap()) .await; Interaction::parse(&interaction.unwrap()) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Don't forget to create a .env file with the following content: // OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key dotenv().ok(); let llm_engine = OpenAIBackend::new(var("OPENAI_API_KEY").unwrap()); let memory_engine = MemoryEngine::new(var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap()).await; let agent = AgentBuilder::new() .name("AI".to_string()) .build(llm_engine, memory_engine) .await; let schema = Schema::build( QueryRoot { _backend: PhantomData, }, MutationRoot { _backend: PhantomData, }, EmptySubscription, ) .data(agent) .finish(); let graphql_post = async_graphql_warp::graphql(schema).and_then( |(schema, request): ( Schema, MutationRoot, EmptySubscription>, async_graphql::Request, )| async move { Ok::<_, Infallible>(GraphQLResponse::from(schema.execute(request).await)) }, ); let graphiql = warp::path::end().and(warp::get()).map(|| { HttpResponse::builder() .header("content-type", "text/html") .body(GraphiQLSource::build().endpoint("/").finish()) }); let routes = graphiql .or(graphql_post) .recover(|err: Rejection| async move { if let Some(GraphQLBadRequest(err)) = err.find() { return Ok::<_, Infallible>(warp::reply::with_status( err.to_string(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, )); } Ok(warp::reply::with_status( "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR".to_string(), StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, )) }); println!("GraphiQL IDE: http://localhost:8000"); warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8000)).await; }