# mysqlbinlog-rs A MySQL binlog file (row format) parser in Rust The first stable version is 0.1.4 I built a parser in Python3 in the early of this year. Now in Rust instead, for high efficiency, and provided a Python3 binding for conveniency. # Scenarios - Sync MySQL data into Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, e.g. - Figure out the DB data row change history when fixing bugs - Watch table's data changing for developer, for example, coding a PHP controller-action. - ... Examples for Rust developers - You can see files in the dir `examples` Examples for Python developers ``` Usage: python3 main.py --ignore=th%.%,an%.% -b /usr/local/var/mysql/mysql_binlog.000001 # Give argument --ignore with a db name, table name pattern to ignore the row events in that tables. ``` - 2017-12-13 Reduce times of reading binlog file. Release the content memory in Vec[] for unused content. Fix python binding's dylib loading path. - 2018-04-02 Support Rotate event and timestamp type.