/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "client/check/mysqlcheck.h" #include "client/include/client_priv.h" #include "m_string.h" #include "my_default.h" #include "my_inttypes.h" #include "mysql/strings/m_ctype.h" using namespace Mysql::Tools::Check; using std::string; using std::vector; /* ALTER instead of repair. */ #define MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE 128 * 1024 #define KEY_PARTITIONING_CHANGED_STR "KEY () partitioning changed" static MYSQL *sock = nullptr; static bool opt_alldbs = false, opt_check_only_changed = false, opt_extended = false, opt_databases = false, opt_fast = false, opt_medium_check = false, opt_quick = false, opt_all_in_1 = false, opt_silent = false, opt_auto_repair = false, ignore_errors = false, opt_frm = false, opt_fix_table_names = false, opt_fix_db_names = false, opt_upgrade = false, opt_write_binlog = true; static uint verbose = 0; static string opt_skip_database; int what_to_do = 0; void (*DBError)(MYSQL *mysql, const string &when); static int first_error = 0; vector tables4repair, tables4rebuild, alter_table_cmds; static int process_all_databases(); static int process_databases(const vector &db_names); static int process_selected_tables(const string &db, const vector &table_names); static int process_all_tables_in_db(const string &database); static int process_one_db(const string &database); static int use_db(const string &database); static int handle_request_for_tables(const string &tables); static void print_result(); static string escape_table_name(const string &src); static int process_all_databases() { MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES *tableres; int result = 0; if (mysql_query(sock, "SHOW DATABASES") || !(tableres = mysql_store_result(sock))) { my_printf_error(0, "Error: Couldn't execute 'SHOW DATABASES': %s", MYF(0), mysql_error(sock)); return 1; } while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(tableres))) { if (process_one_db(row[0])) result = 1; } mysql_free_result(tableres); return result; } /* process_all_databases */ static int process_databases(const vector &db_names) { int result = 0; for (const string &db_name : db_names) { if (process_one_db(db_name)) result = 1; } return result; } /* process_databases */ static int process_selected_tables(const string &db, const vector &table_names) { if (use_db(db)) return 1; /* TODO (a bug): properly handle all-in-1 option: we should create and pass a table list to handle_request_for_tables(). */ for (const string &table_name : table_names) { handle_request_for_tables(escape_table_name(table_name)); } return 0; } /* process_selected_tables */ static inline void escape_str(const string &src, size_t start, size_t end, string &res) { res += '`'; for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { switch (src[i]) { case '`': /* Escape backtick character. */ res += '`'; [[fallthrough]]; default: res += src[i]; } } res += '`'; } static string escape_table_name(const string &src) { string res = ""; escape_str(src, 0, src.length(), res); return res; } static string escape_db_table_name(const string &src, size_t dot_pos) { string res = ""; /* Escape database name. */ escape_str(src, 0, dot_pos - 1, res); /* Add a dot. */ res += '.'; /* Escape table name. */ escape_str(src, dot_pos, src.length(), res); return res; } static int process_all_tables_in_db(const string &database) { MYSQL_RES *res = nullptr; MYSQL_ROW row; uint num_columns; if (use_db(database)) return 1; if ((mysql_query(sock, "SHOW /*!50002 FULL*/ TABLES") && mysql_query(sock, "SHOW TABLES")) || !(res = mysql_store_result(sock))) { my_printf_error(0, "Error: Couldn't get table list for database %s: %s", MYF(0), database.c_str(), mysql_error(sock)); return 1; } num_columns = mysql_num_fields(res); vector table_names; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { /* Skip views if we don't perform renaming. */ if ((num_columns == 2) && (strcmp(row[1], "VIEW") == 0)) continue; table_names.push_back(row[0]); } mysql_free_result(res); process_selected_tables(database, table_names); return 0; } /* process_all_tables_in_db */ static int run_query(const string &query) { if (mysql_query(sock, query.c_str())) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run query \"%s\"\n", query.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(sock)); return 1; } return 0; } static int rebuild_table(const string &name) { int rc = 0; string query = "ALTER TABLE " + name + " FORCE"; if (mysql_real_query(sock, query.c_str(), (ulong)query.length())) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to %s\n", query.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(sock)); rc = 1; } else printf("%s\nRunning : %s\nstatus : OK\n", name.c_str(), query.c_str()); return rc; } static int process_one_db(const string &database) { if (opt_skip_database.length() > 0 && opt_alldbs && database == opt_skip_database) return 0; return process_all_tables_in_db(database); } static int use_db(const string &database) { if (mysql_get_server_version(sock) >= FIRST_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_VERSION && !my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_latin1, database.c_str(), INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB_NAME)) return 1; if (mysql_get_server_version(sock) >= FIRST_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_VERSION && !my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_latin1, database.c_str(), PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_DB_NAME)) return 1; if (mysql_select_db(sock, database.c_str())) { DBError(sock, "when selecting the database"); return 1; } return 0; } /* use_db */ static int disable_binlog() { return run_query("SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0"); } static int handle_request_for_tables(const string &tables) { string operation, options; switch (what_to_do) { case DO_CHECK: operation = "CHECK"; if (opt_quick) options += " QUICK"; if (opt_fast) options += " FAST"; if (opt_medium_check) options += " MEDIUM"; /* Default */ if (opt_extended) options += " EXTENDED"; if (opt_check_only_changed) options += " CHANGED"; if (opt_upgrade) options += " FOR UPGRADE"; break; case DO_REPAIR: operation = (opt_write_binlog) ? "REPAIR" : "REPAIR NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG"; if (opt_quick) options += " QUICK"; if (opt_extended) options += " EXTENDED"; if (opt_frm) options += " USE_FRM"; break; case DO_ANALYZE: operation = (opt_write_binlog) ? "ANALYZE" : "ANALYZE NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG"; break; case DO_OPTIMIZE: operation = (opt_write_binlog) ? "OPTIMIZE" : "OPTIMIZE NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG"; break; } string query = operation + " TABLE " + tables + " " + options; if (mysql_real_query(sock, query.c_str(), (ulong)query.length())) { DBError(sock, "when executing '" + operation + " TABLE ... " + options + "'"); return 1; } print_result(); return 0; } static void print_result() { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char prev[NAME_LEN * 3 + 2]; char prev_alter[MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE]; size_t dot_pos; bool found_error = false, table_rebuild = false; res = mysql_use_result(sock); dot_pos = strlen(sock->db) + 1; prev[0] = '\0'; prev_alter[0] = 0; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { const int changed = strcmp(prev, row[0]); const bool status = !strcmp(row[2], "status"); if (status) { /* if there was an error with the table, we have --auto-repair set, and this isn't a repair op, then add the table to the tables4repair list */ if (found_error && opt_auto_repair && what_to_do != DO_REPAIR && strcmp(row[3], "OK")) { if (table_rebuild) { if (prev_alter[0]) alter_table_cmds.push_back(prev_alter); else tables4rebuild.push_back(escape_db_table_name(prev, dot_pos)); } else { tables4repair.push_back(escape_db_table_name(prev, dot_pos)); } } found_error = false; table_rebuild = false; prev_alter[0] = 0; if (opt_silent) continue; } if (status && changed) printf("%-50s %s", row[0], row[3]); else if (!status && changed) { if (opt_auto_repair && what_to_do != DO_REPAIR) { printf("%-50s To be repaired, cause follows:\nServer issued %-9s: %s", row[0], row[2], row[3]); } else { printf("%s\n%-9s: %s", row[0], row[2], row[3]); } if (opt_auto_repair && strcmp(row[2], "note")) { const char *alter_txt = strstr(row[3], "ALTER TABLE"); found_error = true; if (alter_txt) { table_rebuild = true; if (!strncmp(row[3], KEY_PARTITIONING_CHANGED_STR, strlen(KEY_PARTITIONING_CHANGED_STR)) && strstr(alter_txt, "PARTITION BY")) { if (strlen(alter_txt) >= MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE) { printf( "Error: Alter command too long (>= %d)," " please do \"%s\" or dump/reload to fix it!\n", MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE, alter_txt); table_rebuild = false; prev_alter[0] = 0; } else { strncpy(prev_alter, alter_txt, MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE - 1); prev_alter[MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE - 1] = 0; } } } } } else printf("%-9s: %s", row[2], row[3]); my_stpcpy(prev, row[0]); putchar('\n'); } /* add the last table to be repaired to the list */ if (found_error && opt_auto_repair && what_to_do != DO_REPAIR) { if (table_rebuild) { if (prev_alter[0]) alter_table_cmds.push_back(prev_alter); else tables4rebuild.push_back(escape_db_table_name(prev, dot_pos)); } else { tables4repair.push_back(escape_db_table_name(prev, dot_pos)); } } mysql_free_result(res); } namespace Mysql::Tools::Check { void mysql_check(MYSQL *connection, int what_to_do, bool opt_alldbs, bool opt_check_only_changed, bool opt_extended, bool opt_databases, bool opt_fast, bool opt_medium_check, bool opt_quick, bool opt_all_in_1, bool opt_silent, bool opt_auto_repair, bool ignore_errors, bool opt_frm, bool opt_fix_table_names, bool opt_fix_db_names, bool opt_upgrade, bool opt_write_binlog, uint verbose, std::string opt_skip_database, std::vector arguments, void (*dberror)(MYSQL *mysql, const std::string &when)) { ::sock = connection; ::what_to_do = what_to_do; ::opt_alldbs = opt_alldbs; ::opt_check_only_changed = opt_check_only_changed; ::opt_extended = opt_extended; ::opt_databases = opt_databases; ::opt_fast = opt_fast; ::opt_medium_check = opt_medium_check; ::opt_quick = opt_quick; ::opt_all_in_1 = opt_all_in_1; ::opt_silent = opt_silent; ::opt_auto_repair = opt_auto_repair; ::ignore_errors = ignore_errors; ::opt_frm = opt_frm; ::opt_fix_table_names = opt_fix_table_names; ::opt_fix_db_names = opt_fix_db_names; ::opt_upgrade = opt_upgrade; ::opt_write_binlog = opt_write_binlog; ::verbose = verbose; ::opt_skip_database = opt_skip_database; ::DBError = dberror; if (!::opt_write_binlog) { if (disable_binlog()) { first_error = 1; return; } } if (::opt_alldbs) process_all_databases(); /* Only one database and selected table(s) */ else if (arguments.size() > 1 && !::opt_databases) { string db_name = arguments[0]; arguments.erase(arguments.begin()); process_selected_tables(db_name, arguments); } /* One or more databases, all tables */ else process_databases(arguments); if (::opt_auto_repair) { if (!::opt_silent && !(tables4repair.empty() && tables4rebuild.empty())) puts("\nRepairing tables"); ::what_to_do = DO_REPAIR; for (const string &table4repair : tables4repair) { handle_request_for_tables(table4repair); } for (const string &table4rebuild : tables4rebuild) { rebuild_table(table4rebuild); } for (const string &alter_table_cmd : alter_table_cmds) { run_query(alter_table_cmd); } } } } // namespace Mysql::Tools::Check Program::Program() : m_what_to_do(0), m_auto_repair(false), m_upgrade(false), m_verbose(false), m_ignore_errors(false), m_write_binlog(false), m_process_all_dbs(false), m_fix_table_names(false), m_fix_db_names(false), m_connection(nullptr), m_error_callback(nullptr) {} int Program::check_databases(MYSQL *connection, const vector &databases) { this->m_connection = connection; this->m_process_all_dbs = false; return this->set_what_to_do(DO_CHECK)->execute(databases); } int Program::check_all_databases(MYSQL *connection) { this->m_connection = connection; this->m_process_all_dbs = true; return this->set_what_to_do(DO_CHECK)->execute(vector()); } Program *Program::enable_auto_repair(bool enable) { this->m_auto_repair = enable; return this; } Program *Program::enable_upgrade(bool enable) { this->m_upgrade = enable; return this; } Program *Program::enable_verbosity(bool enable) { this->m_verbose = enable; return this; } Program *Program::enable_writing_binlog(bool enable) { this->m_write_binlog = enable; return this; } Program *Program::enable_fixing_table_names(bool enable) { this->m_fix_table_names = enable; return this; } Program *Program::enable_fixing_db_names(bool enable) { this->m_fix_db_names = enable; return this; } Program *Program::set_ignore_errors(bool ignore) { this->m_ignore_errors = ignore; return this; } Program *Program::set_skip_database(string database) { this->m_database_to_skip = std::move(database); return this; } Program *Program::set_error_callback( void (*error_callback)(MYSQL *mysql, const string &when)) { this->m_error_callback = error_callback; return this; } Program *Program::set_what_to_do(int functionality) { this->m_what_to_do = functionality; return this; } /// @relates Mysql::Tools::Check::Program int Program::execute(const vector &positional_options) { Mysql::Tools::Check::mysql_check( this->m_connection, // connection this->m_what_to_do, // what_to_do this->m_process_all_dbs, // opt_alldbs false, // opt_check_only_changed false, // opt_extended !this->m_process_all_dbs, // opt_databases false, // opt_fast false, // opt_medium_check false, // opt_quick false, // opt_all_in_1 false, // opt_silent this->m_auto_repair, // opt_auto_repair this->m_ignore_errors, // ignore_errors false, // opt_frm this->m_fix_table_names, // opt_fix_table_names this->m_fix_db_names, // opt_fix_db_names this->m_upgrade, // opt_upgrade this->m_write_binlog, // opt_write_binlog this->m_verbose, // verbose this->m_database_to_skip, positional_options, this->m_error_callback); return 0; }