# Copyright (c) 2009, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is designed to work with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have either included with # the program or referenced in the documentation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # This should be REQUIRED, but we have to support source tarball build. # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/source-installation.html SET(MIN_BISON_VERSION_REQUIRED "3.0.4") # Bison seems to be stuck at version 2.3 in macOS. # Look for alternative custom installations, e.g. # /opt/bison-3.8.2/bin IF(APPLE AND NOT DEFINED BISON_EXECUTABLE) SET(OPT_BISON_DIR "/opt") IF(IS_DIRECTORY "${OPT_BISON_DIR}") SET(PREFERRED_BISON_VERSION "3.8.2") FILE(GLOB FOUND_BISON_BIN_DIRS LIST_DIRECTORIES true "${OPT_BISON_DIR}/bison-*/bin" ) IF(FOUND_BISON_BIN_DIRS) # FILE GLOB seems to sort entries, but we need to REVERSE the list: # NATURAL uses strverscmp(3) LIST(SORT FOUND_BISON_BIN_DIRS COMPARE NATURAL ORDER DESCENDING) IF(IS_DIRECTORY "${OPT_BISON_DIR}/bison-${PREFERRED_BISON_VERSION}/bin") SET(BISON_PATHS "${OPT_BISON_DIR}/bison-${PREFERRED_BISON_VERSION}/bin") LIST(REMOVE_ITEM FOUND_BISON_BIN_DIRS "${BISON_PATHS}") ENDIF() FOREACH(path ${FOUND_BISON_BIN_DIRS}) LIST(APPEND BISON_PATHS ${path}) ENDFOREACH() MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for bison in ${BISON_PATHS}") FIND_PROGRAM(BISON_EXECUTABLE bison NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS ${BISON_PATHS}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDIF() # Look for HOMEBREW bison before the standard OS version. # Note that it is *not* symlinked like most other executables. # /usr/local/opt/bison/bin/bison # /usr/local/opt/bison -> ../Cellar/bison/3.8.2 # /opt/homebrew/opt/bison IF(APPLE AND NOT DEFINED BISON_EXECUTABLE) FIND_PROGRAM(BREW_EXECUTABLE brew) IF(BREW_EXECUTABLE) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${BREW_EXECUTABLE} --prefix bison OUTPUT_VARIABLE BREW_BISON_PREFIX_OUTPUT RESULT_VARIABLE BREW_BISON_PREFIX_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) IF(BREW_BISON_PREFIX_RESULT EQUAL 0) SET(BISON_HOMEBREW_PATH "${BREW_BISON_PREFIX_OUTPUT}/bin") ENDIF() ENDIF() FIND_PROGRAM(BISON_EXECUTABLE bison NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS "${BISON_HOMEBREW_PATH}" "${HOMEBREW_HOME}/bison/bin") ENDIF() # Look for winflexbison3, see e.g. # https://github.com/lexxmark/winflexbison/releases # or # https://chocolatey.org/install # choco install winflexbison3 IF(WIN32 AND NOT DEFINED BISON_EXECUTABLE) SET(MY_BISON_PATHS c:/bin/bin c:/bin/lib/winflexbison3/tools c:/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin ) FOREACH(_path ${MY_BISON_PATHS}) FILE(TO_NATIVE_PATH ${_path} NATIVE_PATH) LIST(APPEND NATIVE_BISON_PATHS "${NATIVE_PATH}") ENDFOREACH() MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for win_bison in ${NATIVE_BISON_PATHS}") FIND_PROGRAM(BISON_EXECUTABLE NAMES win_bison win-bison NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS ${NATIVE_BISON_PATHS} ) # Look for Flex also, we may need it later. IF(BISON_EXECUTABLE) FIND_PROGRAM(FLEX_EXECUTABLE NAMES flex win-flex win_flex NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS ${NATIVE_BISON_PATHS} ) FIND_PATH(FLEX_INCLUDE_DIR FlexLexer.h NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS ${NATIVE_BISON_PATHS} ) ENDIF() ENDIF() FIND_PACKAGE(BISON) IF(NOT BISON_FOUND) MESSAGE(WARNING "No bison found!!") MESSAGE(WARNING "If you have bison in a non-standard location, " "you can do 'cmake -DBISON_EXECUTABLE=" ) IF(APPLE) MESSAGE(WARNING "We recommend Homebrew bison.") ENDIF() RETURN() ENDIF() IF(BISON_VERSION VERSION_LESS "${MIN_BISON_VERSION_REQUIRED}") MESSAGE(WARNING "Bison version ${BISON_VERSION} is old.") MESSAGE(WARNING "If you have a newer bison in a non-standard location, " "you can do 'cmake -DBISON_EXECUTABLE=" ) IF(APPLE) MESSAGE(WARNING "We recommend Homebrew bison.") ENDIF() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Please update to version ${MIN_BISON_VERSION_REQUIRED} or higher" ) ENDIF() # TODO(tdidriks): replace with "--warnings=all" # Legacy backward compatibility suppressions: # * no-yacc: for --yacc # * no-precedence: for useless precedence or/and associativity rules SET(BISON_FLAGS_WARNINGS "--warnings=all,no-yacc,no-precedence" CACHE INTERNAL "BISON 3.x flags")