/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef MYSQL_SRV_SESSION_SERVICE_INCLUDED #define MYSQL_SRV_SESSION_SERVICE_INCLUDED /** @file include/mysql/service_srv_session.h Header file for the Server session service. This service is to provide of creating sessions with the server. These sessions can be furtherly used together with the Command service to execute commands in the server. @note Session should not be used after being closed, unless MYSQL_SESSION handle is set to NULL. */ #include "mysql/service_srv_session_bits.h" /* MYSQL_SESSION, srv_session_error_cb */ #ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK #include "mysql/plugin.h" /* MYSQL_THD */ #endif extern "C" struct srv_session_service_st { int (*init_session_thread)(const void *plugin); void (*deinit_session_thread)(); MYSQL_SESSION(*open_session) (srv_session_error_cb error_cb, void *plugix_ctx); int (*detach_session)(MYSQL_SESSION session); int (*close_session)(MYSQL_SESSION session); int (*server_is_available)(); int (*attach_session)(MYSQL_SESSION session, MYSQL_THD *ret_previous_thd); } * srv_session_service; #ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN #define srv_session_init_thread(plugin) \ srv_session_service->init_session_thread((plugin)) #define srv_session_deinit_thread() srv_session_service->deinit_session_thread() #define srv_session_open(cb, ctx) srv_session_service->open_session((cb), (ctx)) #define srv_session_detach(session) \ srv_session_service->detach_session((session)) #define srv_session_close(session) srv_session_service->close_session((session)) #define srv_session_server_is_available() \ srv_session_service->server_is_available() #define srv_session_attach(session, thd) \ srv_session_service->attach_session((session), (thd)) #else /** Initializes the current physical thread to use with session service. Call this function ONLY in physical threads which are not initialized in any way by the server. @param plugin Pointer to the plugin structure, passed to the plugin over the plugin init function. @return 0 success 1 failure */ int srv_session_init_thread(const void *plugin); /** Deinitializes the current physical thread to use with session service. Call this function ONLY in physical threads which were initialized using srv_session_init_thread(). */ void srv_session_deinit_thread(); /** Opens a server session. In a thread not initialized by the server itself, this function should be called only after srv_session_init_thread() has already been called. @param error_cb session error callback @param plugin_ctx Plugin's context, opaque pointer that would be provided to callbacks. Might be NULL. @return session on success NULL on failure */ MYSQL_SESSION srv_session_open(srv_session_error_cb error_cb, void *plugin_ctx); /** Detaches a session from current physical thread. Detaches a previously session. Which can only occur when the MYSQL_SESSION was manually attached by "srv_session_attach". Other srv_session calls automatically attached/detached the THD when the MYSQL_SESSION is used (for example command_service_run_command()). @param session Session to detach @returns 0 success 1 failure */ int srv_session_detach(MYSQL_SESSION session); /** Closes a previously opened session. @param session Session to close @note This method close the session but session handle is not set to NULL. Session handle should be set to NULL explicitly after calling this method. Session should not be used otherwise. @return 0 success 1 failure */ int srv_session_close(MYSQL_SESSION session); /** Returns if the server is available (not booting or shutting down) @return 0 not available 1 available */ int srv_session_server_is_available(); /** Attaches a session to current physical thread. Previously attached THD is detached and returned through ret_previous_thd. THD associated with session is attached. @param session Session to attach @param ret_previous_thd Previously attached THD @returns 0 success 1 failure */ int srv_session_attach(MYSQL_SESSION session, MYSQL_THD *ret_previous_thd); #endif #endif /* MYSQL_SRV_SESSION_SERVICE_INCLUDED */