/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, which is part of C Driver for MySQL (Connector/C), is also subject to the Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file mysys/my_bitmap.cc Handling of uchar arrays as large bitmaps. API limitations (or, rather asserted safety assumptions, to encourage correct programming) * the internal size is a set of 32 bit words * the number of bits specified in creation can be any number > 0 a bitmap with zero bits can be created and initialized, but not used. TODO: Make assembler THREAD safe versions of these using test-and-set instructions Original version created by Sergei Golubchik 2001 - 2004. New version written and test program added and some changes to the interface was made by Mikael Ronström 2005, with assistance of Tomas Ulin and Mats Kindahl. */ #include "my_bitmap.h" #include #include #include #include #include "my_byteorder.h" #include "my_dbug.h" #include "my_inttypes.h" #include "my_sys.h" #include "mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h" #include "mysys/mysys_priv.h" void create_last_word_mask(MY_BITMAP *map) { /* Get the number of used bits (1..8) in the last byte */ unsigned int const used = 1U + ((map->n_bits - 1U) & 0x7U); /* Create a mask with the upper 'unused' bits set and the lower 'used' bits clear. The bits within each byte is stored in big-endian order. */ unsigned char const mask = (~((1 << used) - 1)) & 255; /* The first bytes are to be set to zero since they represent real bits in the bitvector. The last bytes are set to 0xFF since they represent bytes not used by the bitvector. Finally the last byte contains bits as set by the mask above. */ unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)&map->last_word_mask; /* Avoid out-of-bounds read/write if we have zero bits. */ map->last_word_ptr = map->n_bits == 0 ? map->bitmap : map->bitmap + no_words_in_map(map) - 1; switch (no_bytes_in_map(map) & 3) { case 1: map->last_word_mask = ~0U; ptr[0] = mask; return; case 2: map->last_word_mask = ~0U; ptr[0] = 0; ptr[1] = mask; return; case 3: map->last_word_mask = 0U; ptr[2] = mask; ptr[3] = 0xFFU; return; case 0: map->last_word_mask = 0U; ptr[3] = mask; return; } } static inline uint get_first_set(uint32 value, uint word_pos) { uchar *byte_ptr = (uchar *)&value; uchar byte_value; uint byte_pos, bit_pos; for (byte_pos = 0; byte_pos < 4; byte_pos++, byte_ptr++) { byte_value = *byte_ptr; if (byte_value) { for (bit_pos = 0;; bit_pos++) if (byte_value & (1 << bit_pos)) return (word_pos * 32) + (byte_pos * 8) + bit_pos; } } return MY_BIT_NONE; } static inline uint get_first_not_set(uint32 value, uint word_pos) { uchar *byte_ptr = (uchar *)&value; uchar byte_value; uint byte_pos, bit_pos; for (byte_pos = 0; byte_pos < 4; byte_pos++, byte_ptr++) { byte_value = *byte_ptr; if (byte_value != 0xFF) { for (bit_pos = 0;; bit_pos++) if (!(byte_value & (1 << bit_pos))) return (word_pos * 32) + (byte_pos * 8) + bit_pos; } } return MY_BIT_NONE; } bool bitmap_init(MY_BITMAP *map, my_bitmap_map *buf, uint n_bits) { DBUG_TRACE; if (!buf) { const uint size_in_bytes = bitmap_buffer_size(n_bits); const uint extra = 0; if (!(buf = (my_bitmap_map *)my_malloc(key_memory_MY_BITMAP_bitmap, size_in_bytes + extra, MYF(MY_WME)))) return true; } map->bitmap = buf; map->n_bits = n_bits; create_last_word_mask(map); bitmap_clear_all(map); return false; } void bitmap_free(MY_BITMAP *map) { DBUG_TRACE; if (map->bitmap) { my_free(map->bitmap); map->bitmap = nullptr; } } /* test if bit already set and set it if it was not SYNOPSIS bitmap_test_and_set() MAP bit map struct BIT bit number RETURN 0 bit was not set !=0 bit was set */ bool bitmap_test_and_set(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit) { uchar *value = ((uchar *)map->bitmap) + (bitmap_bit / 8); const uchar bit = 1 << ((bitmap_bit)&7); const uchar res = (*value) & bit; *value |= bit; return res; } uint bitmap_set_next(MY_BITMAP *map) { uint bit_found; assert(map->bitmap); if ((bit_found = bitmap_get_first(map)) != MY_BIT_NONE) bitmap_set_bit(map, bit_found); return bit_found; } /** Set the specified number of bits in the bitmap buffer. @param map Bitmap @param prefix_size Number of bits to be set */ void bitmap_set_prefix(MY_BITMAP *map, uint prefix_size) { uint prefix_bytes, prefix_bits, d; uchar *m = (uchar *)map->bitmap; assert(map->bitmap && (prefix_size <= map->n_bits || prefix_size == (uint)~0)); prefix_size = std::min(prefix_size, map->n_bits); if ((prefix_bytes = prefix_size / 8)) memset(m, 0xff, prefix_bytes); m += prefix_bytes; if ((prefix_bits = prefix_size & 7)) { *(m++) = (1 << prefix_bits) - 1; // As the prefix bits are set, lets count this byte too as a prefix byte. prefix_bytes++; } if ((d = no_bytes_in_map(map) - prefix_bytes)) memset(m, 0, d); } bool bitmap_is_prefix(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint prefix_size) { const uint prefix_bits = prefix_size % 32; my_bitmap_map *word_ptr = map->bitmap, last_word; my_bitmap_map *end_prefix = word_ptr + prefix_size / 32; assert(word_ptr && prefix_size <= map->n_bits); /* 1: Words that should be filled with 1 */ for (; word_ptr < end_prefix; word_ptr++) if (*word_ptr != 0xFFFFFFFF) return false; assert(map->n_bits > 0); last_word = *map->last_word_ptr & ~map->last_word_mask; /* 2: Word which contains the end of the prefix (if any) */ if (prefix_bits) { if (word_ptr == map->last_word_ptr) return uint4korr((uchar *)&last_word) == (uint32)((1 << prefix_bits) - 1U); else if (uint4korr((uchar *)word_ptr) != (uint32)((1 << prefix_bits) - 1U)) return false; word_ptr++; } /* 3: Words that should be filled with 0 */ for (; word_ptr < map->last_word_ptr; word_ptr++) if (*word_ptr != 0) return false; /* We can end up here in two situations: 1) We went through the whole bitmap in step 1. This will happen if the whole bitmap is filled with 1 and prefix_size is a multiple of 32 (i.e. the prefix does not end in the middle of a word). In this case word_ptr will be larger than map->last_word_ptr. 2) We have gone through steps 1-3 and just need to check that also the last word is 0. */ return word_ptr > map->last_word_ptr || last_word == 0; } bool bitmap_is_set_all(const MY_BITMAP *map) { my_bitmap_map *data_ptr = map->bitmap; my_bitmap_map *end = map->last_word_ptr; assert(map->n_bits > 0); for (; data_ptr < end; data_ptr++) if (*data_ptr != 0xFFFFFFFF) return false; if ((*map->last_word_ptr | map->last_word_mask) != 0xFFFFFFFF) return false; return true; } bool bitmap_is_clear_all(const MY_BITMAP *map) { my_bitmap_map *data_ptr = map->bitmap; my_bitmap_map *end = map->last_word_ptr; assert(map->n_bits > 0); for (; data_ptr < end; data_ptr++) if (*data_ptr) return false; if (*map->last_word_ptr & ~map->last_word_mask) return false; return true; } /* Return TRUE if map1 is a subset of map2 */ bool bitmap_is_subset(const MY_BITMAP *map1, const MY_BITMAP *map2) { my_bitmap_map *m1 = map1->bitmap, *m2 = map2->bitmap, *end; assert(map1->bitmap && map2->bitmap && map1->n_bits == map2->n_bits); end = map1->last_word_ptr; for (; m1 < end; m1++, m2++) if (*m1 & ~(*m2)) return false; assert(map1->n_bits > 0); assert(map2->n_bits > 0); if ((*map1->last_word_ptr & ~map1->last_word_mask) & ~(*map2->last_word_ptr & ~map2->last_word_mask)) return false; return true; } /* True if bitmaps has any common bits */ bool bitmap_is_overlapping(const MY_BITMAP *map1, const MY_BITMAP *map2) { my_bitmap_map *m1 = map1->bitmap, *m2 = map2->bitmap, *end; assert(map1->bitmap && map2->bitmap && map1->n_bits == map2->n_bits); assert(map1->n_bits > 0); assert(map2->n_bits > 0); end = map1->last_word_ptr; for (; m1 < end; m1++, m2++) if (*m1 & *m2) return true; if ((*map1->last_word_ptr & ~map1->last_word_mask) & (*map2->last_word_ptr & ~map2->last_word_mask)) return true; return false; } /** Check if 'map' is valid. @param map The map that we wish to verify. @returns 'true' if 'map' passes a consistency check. */ bool bitmap_is_valid(const MY_BITMAP *map) { if (map->bitmap == nullptr) { return false; } // Check that last_word_mask is set correctly. MY_BITMAP copy = *map; create_last_word_mask(©); return map->last_word_mask == copy.last_word_mask; } void bitmap_intersect(MY_BITMAP *to, const MY_BITMAP *from) { assert(to->bitmap && from->bitmap); const uint to_length = no_words_in_map(to); const uint from_length = no_words_in_map(from); uint min_length = std::min(to_length, from_length); // Clear bits in 'to' not set in 'from' for (uint i = 0; i < min_length; i++) to->bitmap[i] &= from->bitmap[i]; if (to_length >= from_length) to->bitmap[from_length - 1] &= ~from->last_word_mask; // Clear bits in 'to' where no corresponding bits exist in 'from' for (uint i = min_length; i < to_length; i++) to->bitmap[i] = 0; } /* Set/clear all bits above a bit. SYNOPSIS bitmap_set_above() map RETURN The bitmap to change. from_byte The bitmap buffer byte offset to start with. use_bit The bit value (1/0) to use for all upper bits. NOTE You can only set/clear full bytes. The function is meant for the situation that you copy a smaller bitmap to a bigger bitmap. Bitmap lengths are always multiple of eight (the size of a byte). Using 'from_byte' saves multiplication and division by eight during parameter passing. RETURN void */ void bitmap_set_above(MY_BITMAP *map, uint from_byte, bool use_bit) { const uchar use_byte = use_bit ? 0xff : 0; uchar *to = (uchar *)map->bitmap + from_byte; uchar *end = (uchar *)map->bitmap + (map->n_bits + 7) / 8; for (; to < end; to++) *to = use_byte; } void bitmap_subtract(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2) { my_bitmap_map *to = map->bitmap, *from = map2->bitmap, *end; assert(map->bitmap && map2->bitmap && map->n_bits == map2->n_bits); assert(map->n_bits > 0); end = map->last_word_ptr; for (; to <= end; to++, from++) *to &= ~(*from); } void bitmap_union(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2) { my_bitmap_map *to = map->bitmap, *from = map2->bitmap, *end; assert(map->bitmap && map2->bitmap && map->n_bits == map2->n_bits); assert(map->n_bits > 0); end = map->last_word_ptr; for (; to <= end; to++, from++) *to |= *from; } void bitmap_xor(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2) { my_bitmap_map *to = map->bitmap, *from = map2->bitmap, *end; assert(map->bitmap && map2->bitmap && map->n_bits == map2->n_bits); assert(map->n_bits > 0); end = map->last_word_ptr; for (; to <= end; to++, from++) *to ^= *from; } void bitmap_invert(MY_BITMAP *map) { my_bitmap_map *to = map->bitmap, *end; assert(map->bitmap); assert(map->n_bits > 0); end = map->last_word_ptr; for (; to <= end; to++) *to ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; } uint bitmap_bits_set(const MY_BITMAP *map) { my_bitmap_map *data_ptr = map->bitmap; my_bitmap_map *end = map->last_word_ptr; uint res = 0; assert(map->bitmap); assert(map->n_bits > 0); for (; data_ptr < end; data_ptr++) res += std::popcount(*data_ptr); /*Reset last bits to zero*/ res += std::popcount(*map->last_word_ptr & ~map->last_word_mask); return res; } void bitmap_copy(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2) { my_bitmap_map *to = map->bitmap, *from = map2->bitmap, *end; assert(map->bitmap && map2->bitmap && map->n_bits == map2->n_bits); assert(map->n_bits > 0); end = map->last_word_ptr; for (; to <= end; to++, from++) *to = *from; } uint bitmap_get_first_set(const MY_BITMAP *map) { uint word_pos; my_bitmap_map *data_ptr, *end = map->last_word_ptr; assert(map->bitmap); assert(map->n_bits > 0); data_ptr = map->bitmap; for (word_pos = 0; data_ptr < end; data_ptr++, word_pos++) if (*data_ptr) return get_first_set(*data_ptr, word_pos); return get_first_set(*map->last_word_ptr & ~map->last_word_mask, word_pos); } /** Get the next set bit. @param map Bitmap @param bitmap_bit Bit to start search from @return Index to first bit set after bitmap_bit */ uint bitmap_get_next_set(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit) { uint word_pos, byte_to_mask, i; my_bitmap_map first_word; unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)&first_word; my_bitmap_map *data_ptr, *end = map->last_word_ptr; assert(map->bitmap); assert(map->n_bits > 0); /* Look for the next bit */ bitmap_bit++; if (bitmap_bit >= map->n_bits) return MY_BIT_NONE; word_pos = bitmap_bit / 32; data_ptr = map->bitmap + word_pos; first_word = *data_ptr; /* Mask out previous bits */ byte_to_mask = (bitmap_bit % 32) / 8; for (i = 0; i < byte_to_mask; i++) ptr[i] = 0; ptr[byte_to_mask] &= 0xFFU << (bitmap_bit & 7); if (data_ptr == end) return get_first_set(first_word & ~map->last_word_mask, word_pos); if (first_word) return get_first_set(first_word, word_pos); for (data_ptr++, word_pos++; data_ptr < end; data_ptr++, word_pos++) if (*data_ptr) return get_first_set(*data_ptr, word_pos); return get_first_set(*end & ~map->last_word_mask, word_pos); } uint bitmap_get_first(const MY_BITMAP *map) { uint word_pos; my_bitmap_map *data_ptr, *end = map->last_word_ptr; assert(map->bitmap); assert(map->n_bits > 0); data_ptr = map->bitmap; for (word_pos = 0; data_ptr < end; data_ptr++, word_pos++) if (*data_ptr != 0xFFFFFFFF) return get_first_not_set(*data_ptr, word_pos); return get_first_not_set(*map->last_word_ptr | map->last_word_mask, word_pos); } /** Copy as many bits as 'dst' can hold from 'src', but no more than max_bits_to_copy bits. 'src' and 'dst' should not overlap. If 'dst' and 'src' have the same size (in bits), and this is less or equal than max_bits_to_copy, this function behaves identical to bitmap_copy(). @param dst The destination bitmap. @param src The source bitmap. @param max_bits_to_copy The maximal number of bits to copy. @return The number of bits copied. */ uint bitmap_n_copy(MY_BITMAP *dst, const MY_BITMAP *src, uint max_bits_to_copy) { assert(bitmap_is_valid(dst)); assert(bitmap_is_valid(src)); // Since bitmap_copy() also does this. assert(dst->n_bits > 0); assert(src->n_bits > 0); const uint input_bits = std::min(src->n_bits, max_bits_to_copy); if (input_bits >= dst->n_bits) { memcpy(dst->bitmap, src->bitmap, bitmap_buffer_size(dst->n_bits)); return dst->n_bits; } else { const uint full_words = input_bits / 32; // Number of bits in the last (incomplete) word. const uint tail_bits = input_bits % 32; memcpy(dst->bitmap, src->bitmap, full_words * 4); /* We must not overwrite bits in the range [input_bits..dst->n_bits-1] in 'dst'. */ if (tail_bits > 0) { dst->bitmap[full_words] = (dst->bitmap[full_words] & (~0U << tail_bits)) | (src->bitmap[full_words] & (~0U >> (32 - tail_bits))); } return input_bits; } }