#ifndef JSON_BINARY_INCLUDED #define JSON_BINARY_INCLUDED /* Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file This file specifies the interface for serializing JSON values into binary representation, and for reading values back from the binary representation. The binary format is as follows: Each JSON value (scalar, object or array) has a one byte type identifier followed by the actual value. If the value is a JSON object, its binary representation will have a header that contains: - the member count - the size of the binary value in bytes - a list of pointers to each key - a list of pointers to each value The actual keys and values will come after the header, in the same order as in the header. Similarly, if the value is a JSON array, the binary representation will have a header with - the element count - the size of the binary value in bytes - a list of pointers to each value followed by the actual values, in the same order as in the header. @verbatim doc ::= type value type ::= 0x00 | // small JSON object 0x01 | // large JSON object 0x02 | // small JSON array 0x03 | // large JSON array 0x04 | // literal (true/false/null) 0x05 | // int16 0x06 | // uint16 0x07 | // int32 0x08 | // uint32 0x09 | // int64 0x0a | // uint64 0x0b | // double 0x0c | // utf8mb4 string 0x0f // custom data (any MySQL data type) value ::= object | array | literal | number | string | custom-data object ::= element-count size key-entry* value-entry* key* value* array ::= element-count size value-entry* value* // number of members in object or number of elements in array element-count ::= uint16 | // if used in small JSON object/array uint32 // if used in large JSON object/array // number of bytes in the binary representation of the object or array size ::= uint16 | // if used in small JSON object/array uint32 // if used in large JSON object/array key-entry ::= key-offset key-length key-offset ::= uint16 | // if used in small JSON object uint32 // if used in large JSON object key-length ::= uint16 // key length must be less than 64KB value-entry ::= type offset-or-inlined-value // This field holds either the offset to where the value is stored, // or the value itself if it is small enough to be inlined (that is, // if it is a JSON literal or a small enough [u]int). offset-or-inlined-value ::= uint16 | // if used in small JSON object/array uint32 // if used in large JSON object/array key ::= utf8mb4-data literal ::= 0x00 | // JSON null literal 0x01 | // JSON true literal 0x02 | // JSON false literal number ::= .... // little-endian format for [u]int(16|32|64), whereas // double is stored in a platform-independent, eight-byte // format using float8store() string ::= data-length utf8mb4-data custom-data ::= custom-type data-length binary-data custom-type ::= uint8 // type identifier that matches the // internal enum_field_types enum data-length ::= uint8* // If the high bit of a byte is 1, the length // field is continued in the next byte, // otherwise it is the last byte of the length // field. So we need 1 byte to represent // lengths up to 127, 2 bytes to represent // lengths up to 16383, and so on... @endverbatim */ #include #include #include #include /* This file is part of our public interface for the 'json_binary' library. This means that #includes of MySQL headers here should be limited to files that are INSTALLed. */ #include "field_types.h" // enum_field_types #include "sql-common/json_error_handler.h" #ifdef MYSQL_SERVER class Field_json; class Json_wrapper; class THD; #endif class Json_dom; class String; #if defined(WIN32) && defined(EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTIONS) #define EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION __declspec(dllexport) #else #define EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION #endif namespace json_binary { void write_offset_or_size(char *dest, size_t offset_or_size, bool large); bool append_offset_or_size(String *dest, size_t offset_or_size, bool large); bool append_int16(String *dest, int16_t value); bool attempt_inline_value(const Json_dom *value, String *dest, size_t pos, bool large); uint32_t read_offset_or_size(const char *data, bool large); bool inlined_type(uint8_t type, bool large); uint8_t offset_size(bool large); uint8_t key_entry_size(bool large); uint8_t value_entry_size(bool large); /** Serialize the JSON document represented by dom to binary format in the destination string, replacing any content already in the destination string. @param[in] dom the input DOM tree @param error_handler a handler that is invoked if an error occurs @param[in,out] dest the destination string @retval false on success @retval true if an error occurred */ bool serialize(const Json_dom *dom, const JsonSerializationErrorHandler &error_handler, String *dest); /** Class used for reading JSON values that are stored in the binary format. Values are parsed lazily, so that only the parts of the value that are interesting to the caller, are read. Array elements can be looked up in constant time using the element() function. Object members can be looked up in O(log n) time using the lookup() function. */ class Value { public: enum enum_type : uint8_t { OBJECT, ARRAY, STRING, INT, UINT, DOUBLE, LITERAL_NULL, LITERAL_TRUE, LITERAL_FALSE, OPAQUE, ERROR /* Not really a type. Used to signal that an error was detected. */ }; /** Does this value, and all of its members, represent a valid JSON value? */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool is_valid() const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION enum_type type() const { return m_type; } /// Does this value use the large storage format? EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool large_format() const { return m_large; } /** Get a pointer to the beginning of the STRING or OPAQUE data represented by this instance. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION const char *get_data() const { assert(m_type == STRING || m_type == OPAQUE); return m_data; } /** Get the length in bytes of the STRING or OPAQUE value represented by this instance. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION uint32_t get_data_length() const { assert(m_type == STRING || m_type == OPAQUE); return m_length; } /** Get the length in bytes of the STRING or OPAQUE value represented by this instance. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION uint32_t get_container_length() const { assert(m_type == ARRAY || m_type == OBJECT); return m_length; } EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION const char *get_container_data() const { assert(m_type == ARRAY || m_type == OBJECT); return m_data; } /** Get the value of an INT. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION int64_t get_int64() const { assert(m_type == INT); return m_int_value; } /** Get the value of a UINT. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION uint64_t get_uint64() const { assert(m_type == UINT); return static_cast(m_int_value); } /** Get the value of a DOUBLE. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION double get_double() const { assert(m_type == DOUBLE); return m_double_value; } /** Get the number of elements in an array, or the number of members in an object. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION uint32_t element_count() const { assert(m_type == ARRAY || m_type == OBJECT); return m_element_count; } /** Get the MySQL field type of an opaque value. Identifies the type of the value stored in the data portion of an opaque value. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION enum_field_types field_type() const { assert(m_type == OPAQUE); return m_field_type; } EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value element(size_t pos) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value key(size_t pos) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value lookup(const char *key, size_t length) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value lookup(const std::string &key) const { return lookup(key.c_str(), key.length()); } EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION size_t lookup_index(const char *key, size_t length) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION size_t lookup_index(const std::string &key) const { return lookup_index(key.c_str(), key.length()); } EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool is_backed_by(const String *str) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool raw_binary(const JsonSerializationErrorHandler &error_handler, String *buf) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool get_free_space(const JsonSerializationErrorHandler &error_handler, size_t *space) const; #ifdef MYSQL_SERVER bool update_in_shadow(const Field_json *field, size_t pos, Json_wrapper *new_value, size_t data_offset, size_t data_length, const char *original, char *destination, bool *changed) const; bool remove_in_shadow(const Field_json *field, size_t pos, const char *original, char *destination) const; #endif EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool has_space(size_t pos, size_t needed, size_t *offset) const; /** Constructor for values that represent literals or errors. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION explicit Value(enum_type t) : m_data(nullptr), m_type(t) { assert(t == LITERAL_NULL || t == LITERAL_TRUE || t == LITERAL_FALSE || t == ERROR); } /** Constructor for values that represent ints or uints. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION explicit Value(enum_type t, int64_t val) : m_int_value(val), m_type(t) { assert(t == INT || t == UINT); } /** Constructor for values that represent doubles. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION explicit Value(double val) : m_double_value(val), m_type(DOUBLE) {} /** Constructor for values that represent strings. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value(const char *data, uint32_t len) : m_data(data), m_length(len), m_type(STRING) {} /** Constructor for values that represent arrays or objects. @param t type @param data pointer to the start of the binary representation @param bytes the number of bytes in the binary representation of the value @param element_count the number of elements or members in the value @param large true if the value should be stored in the large storage format with 4 byte offsets instead of 2 byte offsets */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value(enum_type t, const char *data, uint32_t bytes, uint32_t element_count, bool large) : m_data(data), m_element_count(element_count), m_length(bytes), m_type(t), m_large(large) { assert(t == ARRAY || t == OBJECT); } /** Constructor for values that represent opaque data. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value(enum_field_types ft, const char *data, uint32_t len) : m_data(data), m_length(len), m_field_type(ft), m_type(OPAQUE) {} /** Empty constructor. Produces a value that represents an error condition. */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value() : Value(ERROR) {} /** Is this value an array? */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool is_array() const { return m_type == ARRAY; } /** Is this value an object? */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool is_object() const { return m_type == OBJECT; } /** Format the JSON value to an external JSON string in buffer in the format of ISO/IEC 10646. @param[in,out] buffer the formatted string is appended, so make sure the length is set correctly before calling @param[in] depth_handler Pointer to a function that should handle error occurred when depth is exceeded. @return false formatting went well, else true */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool to_std_string(std::string *buffer, const JsonErrorHandler &depth_handler) const; /** Format the JSON value to an external JSON string in buffer in the format of ISO/IEC 10646. Add newlines and indentation for readability. @param[in,out] buffer the buffer that receives the formatted string (the string is appended, so make sure the length is set correctly before calling) @param[in] depth_handler Pointer to a function that should handle error occurred when depth is exceeded. @retval false on success @retval true on error */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION bool to_pretty_std_string(std::string *buffer, const JsonErrorHandler &depth_handler) const; /** Compare two Values @note This function is limited to scalars only, for objects/arrays it asserts. The main purpose is to separate old/new scalar values for updates on multi-valued indexes. @returns -1 this < val 0 this == val 1 this > val */ #ifdef MYSQL_SERVER int eq(const Value &val) const; #endif EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION size_t key_entry_offset(size_t pos) const; EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION size_t value_entry_offset(size_t pos) const; private: /* Instances use only one of m_data, m_int_value and m_double_value, so keep them in a union to save space in memory. */ union { /** Pointer to the start of the binary representation of the value. Only used by STRING, OPAQUE, OBJECT and ARRAY. The memory pointed to by this member is not owned by this Value object. Callers that create Value objects must make sure that the memory is not freed as long as the Value object is alive. */ const char *m_data; /** The value if the type is INT or UINT. */ int64_t m_int_value; /** The value if the type is DOUBLE. */ double m_double_value; }; /** Element count for arrays and objects. Unused for other types. */ uint32_t m_element_count; /** The full length (in bytes) of the binary representation of an array or object, or the length of a string or opaque value. Unused for other types. */ uint32_t m_length; /** The MySQL field type of the value, in case the type of the value is OPAQUE. Otherwise, it is unused. */ enum_field_types m_field_type; /** The JSON type of the value. */ enum_type m_type; /** True if an array or an object uses the large storage format with 4 byte offsets instead of 2 byte offsets. */ bool m_large; bool first_value_offset(size_t *offset) const; bool element_offsets(size_t pos, size_t *start, size_t *end, bool *inlined) const; }; /** Parse a JSON binary document. @param[in] data a pointer to the binary data @param[in] len the size of the binary document in bytes @return an object that allows access to the contents of the document */ EXPORT_JSON_FUNCTION Value parse_binary(const char *data, size_t len); /** How much space is needed for a JSON value when it is stored in the binary format. @param[in] value the JSON value to add to a document @param[in] large true if the large storage format is used @param[out] needed gets set to the amount of bytes needed to store the value @retval false if successful @retval true if an error occurred while calculating the needed space */ #ifdef MYSQL_SERVER bool space_needed(const Json_wrapper *value, bool large, size_t *needed); #endif /** Apply a function to every value in a JSON document. That is, apply the function to the root node of the JSON document, to all its children, grandchildren and so on. @param value the root of the JSON document @param func the function to apply @retval true if the processing was stopped @retval false if the processing was completed @tparam Func a functor type that takes a #json_binary::Value parameter and returns a `bool` which is `true` if the processing should stop or `false` if the processing should continue with the next node */ template bool for_each_node(const Value &value, const Func &func) { if (func(value)) return true; if (value.is_array() || value.is_object()) for (size_t i = 0, size = value.element_count(); i < size; ++i) if (for_each_node(value.element(i), func)) return true; return false; } } // namespace json_binary #endif /* JSON_BINARY_INCLUDED */