#ifndef SQL_JSON_PATH_INCLUDED #define SQL_JSON_PATH_INCLUDED /* Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file json_path.h This file contains interface support for the JSON path abstraction. The path abstraction is described by the functional spec attached to WL#7909. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "my_alloc.h" // MEM_ROOT #include "mysql/psi/psi_memory.h" #include "prealloced_array.h" // Prealloced_array class String; /** The type of a Json_path_leg. */ enum enum_json_path_leg_type { /** A path leg that represents a JSON object member (such as `.name`). This path leg matches a single member in a JSON object. */ jpl_member, /** A path leg that represents a JSON array cell (such as `[10]`). This path leg matches a single element in a JSON object. */ jpl_array_cell, /** A path leg that represents a range in a JSON array (such as `[2 to 7]`). */ jpl_array_range, /** @brief A path leg that represents the member wildcard. A path leg that represents the member wildcard (`.*`), which matches all the members of a JSON object. */ jpl_member_wildcard, /** A path leg that represents the array wildcard (`[*]`), which matches all the elements of a JSON array. */ jpl_array_cell_wildcard, /** A path leg that represents the ellipsis (`**`), which matches any JSON value and recursively all the JSON values nested within it if it is an object or an array. */ jpl_ellipsis }; /** A class that represents the index of an element in a JSON array. The index is 0-based and relative to the beginning of the array. */ class Json_array_index final { /** The array index. It is 0 if the specified index was before the first element of the array, or equal to the array length if the specified index was after the last element of the array. */ size_t m_index; /** True if the array index is within the bounds of the array. */ bool m_within_bounds; public: /** Construct a new Json_array_index object representing the specified position in an array of the given length. @param index the array index @param from_end true if @a index is relative to the end of the array @param array_length the length of the array */ Json_array_index(size_t index, bool from_end, size_t array_length) : m_index(from_end ? (index < array_length ? array_length - index - 1 : 0) : std::min(index, array_length)), m_within_bounds(index < array_length) {} /** Is the array index within the bounds of the array? @retval true if the array index is within bounds @retval false otherwise */ bool within_bounds() const { return m_within_bounds; } /** Get the position in the array pointed to by this array index. If the index is out of bounds, 0 will be returned if the array index is before the first element in the array, or a value equal to the length of the array if the index is after the last element. @return the position in the array (0-based index relative to the start of the array) */ size_t position() const { return m_index; } }; /** One path leg in a JSON path expression. A path leg describes either a key/value pair in an object or a 0-based index into an array. */ class Json_path_leg final { /// The type of this path leg. enum_json_path_leg_type m_leg_type; /// The index of an array cell, or the start of an array range. size_t m_first_array_index = 0; /// Is #m_first_array_index relative to the end of the array? bool m_first_array_index_from_end = false; /// The end (inclusive) of an array range. size_t m_last_array_index = 0; /// Is #m_last_array_index relative to the end of the array? bool m_last_array_index_from_end = false; /// The member name of a member path leg. std::string m_member_name; public: /** Construct a wildcard or ellipsis path leg. @param leg_type the type of wildcard (#jpl_ellipsis, #jpl_member_wildcard or #jpl_array_cell_wildcard) */ explicit Json_path_leg(enum_json_path_leg_type leg_type) : m_leg_type(leg_type) { assert(leg_type == jpl_ellipsis || leg_type == jpl_member_wildcard || leg_type == jpl_array_cell_wildcard); } /** Construct an array cell path leg. @param index the 0-based index in the array, relative to the beginning of the array */ explicit Json_path_leg(size_t index) : Json_path_leg(index, false) {} /** Construct an array cell path leg. @param index the 0-based index in the array @param from_end true if @a index is relative to the end of the array */ Json_path_leg(size_t index, bool from_end) : m_leg_type(jpl_array_cell), m_first_array_index(index), m_first_array_index_from_end(from_end) {} /** Construct an array range path leg. @param idx1 the start index of the range, inclusive @param idx1_from_end true if the start index is relative to the end of the array @param idx2 the last index of the range, inclusive @param idx2_from_end true if the last index is relative to the end of the array */ Json_path_leg(size_t idx1, bool idx1_from_end, size_t idx2, bool idx2_from_end) : m_leg_type(jpl_array_range), m_first_array_index(idx1), m_first_array_index_from_end(idx1_from_end), m_last_array_index(idx2), m_last_array_index_from_end(idx2_from_end) {} /** Construct an object member path leg. @param member_name the name of the object member @param length the length of the member name */ Json_path_leg(const char *member_name, size_t length) : m_leg_type(jpl_member), m_member_name(member_name, length) {} /** Construct an object member path leg. */ Json_path_leg(const std::string &member_name) : Json_path_leg(member_name.c_str(), member_name.length()) {} /** Get the type of the path leg. */ enum_json_path_leg_type get_type() const { return m_leg_type; } /** Get the member name of a ::jpl_member path leg. */ const std::string &get_member_name() const { return m_member_name; } /** Turn into a human-readable string. */ bool to_string(String *buf) const; /** Is this path leg an auto-wrapping array accessor? An auto-wrapping array accessor is an array accessor that matches non-arrays by auto-wrapping them in a single-element array before doing the matching. This function returns true for any ::jpl_array_cell or ::jpl_array_range path leg that would match the element contained in a single-element array, and which therefore would also match non-arrays that have been auto-wrapped in single-element arrays. */ bool is_autowrap() const; /** Get the first array cell pointed to by an array range, or the array cell pointed to by an array cell index. @param array_length the length of the array */ Json_array_index first_array_index(size_t array_length) const { assert(m_leg_type == jpl_array_cell || m_leg_type == jpl_array_range); return Json_array_index(m_first_array_index, m_first_array_index_from_end, array_length); } /** Get the last array cell pointed to by an array range. The range includes this cell. @param array_length the length of the array */ Json_array_index last_array_index(size_t array_length) const { assert(m_leg_type == jpl_array_range); return Json_array_index(m_last_array_index, m_last_array_index_from_end, array_length); } /** A structure that represents an array range. */ struct Array_range { size_t m_begin; ///< Beginning of the range, inclusive. size_t m_end; ///< End of the range, exclusive. }; /** Get the array range pointed to by a path leg of type ::jpl_array_range or ::jpl_array_cell_wildcard. @param array_length the length of the array */ Array_range get_array_range(size_t array_length) const; }; using Json_path_leg_pointers = Prealloced_array; using Json_path_iterator = Json_path_leg_pointers::const_iterator; /** A path expression which can be used to seek to a position inside a JSON value. */ class Json_seekable_path { protected: /** An array of pointers to the legs of the JSON path. */ Json_path_leg_pointers m_path_legs; explicit Json_seekable_path(PSI_memory_key key); public: /** Return the number of legs in this searchable path */ size_t leg_count() const { return m_path_legs.size(); } /** Get an iterator pointing to the first path leg. */ Json_path_iterator begin() const { return m_path_legs.begin(); } /** Get an iterator pointing just past the last path leg. */ Json_path_iterator end() const { return m_path_legs.end(); } /** Get a pointer to the last path leg. The path must not be empty. */ const Json_path_leg *last_leg() const { return m_path_legs.back(); } }; /** A JSON path expression. From the user's point of view, a path expression is a string literal with the following structure. We parse this structure into a Json_path object: pathExpression ::= scope pathLeg (pathLeg)* scope ::= dollarSign pathLeg ::= member | arrayLocation | doubleAsterisk member ::= period (keyName | asterisk) arrayLocation ::= leftBracket (arrayIndex | arrayRange | asterisk) rightBracket arrayIndex ::= non-negative-integer | last [ minus non-negative-integer ] arrayRange ::= arrayIndex to arrayIndex keyName ::= ECMAScript-identifier | ECMAScript-string-literal doubleAsterisk ::= ** to ::= "to" last ::= "last" */ class Json_path final : public Json_seekable_path { private: /** A MEM_ROOT in which the Json_path_leg objects pointed to by #Json_seekable_path::m_path_legs are allocated. */ MEM_ROOT m_mem_root; /** Key used to instrument memory usage. */ PSI_memory_key m_psi_key; public: explicit Json_path(PSI_memory_key key); ~Json_path() { for (const auto ptr : m_path_legs) ptr->~Json_path_leg(); } /** Move constructor. */ Json_path(Json_path &&other) : Json_seekable_path(other.m_psi_key), m_mem_root(std::move(other.m_mem_root)), m_psi_key(other.m_psi_key) { // Move the contents of m_path_legs from other into this. m_path_legs = std::move(other.m_path_legs); /* Must also make sure that other.m_path_legs is empty, so that we don't end up destroying the same objects twice; once from this's destructor and once from other's destructor. Move-constructing a vector would usually leave "other" empty, but it is not guaranteed. Furthermore, m_path_legs is a Prealloced_array, not a std::vector, so often moving will mean copying from one prealloced area to another instead of simply swapping pointers to the backing array. (And at the time of writing Prealloced_array doesn't even have a move-assignment operator, so the above assignment will always copy and leave "other" unchanged.) */ other.m_path_legs.clear(); } /** Move assignment. */ Json_path &operator=(Json_path &&other) { if (&other != this) { this->~Json_path(); new (this) Json_path(std::move(other)); } return *this; } /** Add a path leg to the end of this path. @param[in] leg the leg to add @return false on success, true on error */ bool append(const Json_path_leg &leg) { auto ptr = new (&m_mem_root) Json_path_leg(leg); return ptr == nullptr || m_path_legs.push_back(ptr); } /** Resets this to an empty path with no legs. */ void clear() { // Destruct all the Json_path_leg objects, and clear the pointers to them. for (const auto ptr : m_path_legs) ptr->~Json_path_leg(); m_path_legs.clear(); // Mark the memory as ready for reuse. m_mem_root.ClearForReuse(); } /** Return true if the path can match more than one value in a JSON document. @retval true if the path contains a path leg which is a wildcard, ellipsis or array range @retval false otherwise */ bool can_match_many() const; /** Turn into a human-readable string. */ bool to_string(String *buf) const; }; /** A lightweight path expression. This exists so that paths can be cloned from the path legs of other paths without allocating heap memory to copy those legs into. This class does not own the memory of the Json_path_leg objects pointed to by #Json_seekable_path::m_path_legs, it just points to Json_path_leg objects that belong to a Json_path instance. */ class Json_path_clone final : public Json_seekable_path { public: explicit Json_path_clone(PSI_memory_key key) : Json_seekable_path(key) {} /** Add a path leg to the end of this cloned path. @param[in] leg the leg to add @return false on success, true on error */ bool append(const Json_path_leg *leg) { return m_path_legs.push_back(leg); } /** Resets this to an empty path with no legs. */ void clear() { m_path_legs.clear(); } }; /** Initialize a Json_path from a path expression. Stops parsing on the first error. It initializes the Json_path and returns false if the path is parsed successfully. Otherwise, it returns false. In that case, the output bad_index argument will contain an index into the path expression. The parsing failed near that index. @param[in] path_length The length of the path expression. @param[in] path_expression The string form of the path expression. @param[out] path The Json_path object to be initialized. @param[out] bad_index If null is returned, the parsing failed around here. @return false on success, true on error */ bool parse_path(size_t path_length, const char *path_expression, Json_path *path, size_t *bad_index); /** A helper function that uses the above one as workhorse. Entry point for for JSON_TABLE (Table_function_json class) and Json_path_cache. Raises an error if the path expression is syntactically incorrect. Raises an error if the path expression contains wildcard tokens but is not supposed to. Otherwise updates the supplied Json_path object with the parsed path. @param[in] path_value A String to be interpreted as a path. @param[in] forbid_wildcards True if the path shouldn't contain * or ** @param[out] json_path The object that will hold the parsed path @returns false on success (valid path or NULL), true on error */ bool parse_path(const String &path_value, bool forbid_wildcards, Json_path *json_path); #endif /* SQL_JSON_PATH_INCLUDED */