/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CONNECTION_HANDLER_MANAGER_INCLUDED #define CONNECTION_HANDLER_MANAGER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include "mysql/psi/mysql_cond.h" // mysql_cond_t #include "mysql/psi/mysql_mutex.h" #include "sql/conn_handler/connection_handler.h" // Connection_handler class Channel_info; class THD; struct mysql_cond_t; struct mysql_mutex_t; /** Functions to notify interested connection handlers of events like beginning of wait and end of wait and post-kill notification events. */ struct THD_event_functions { void (*thd_wait_begin)(THD *thd, int wait_type); void (*thd_wait_end)(THD *thd); void (*post_kill_notification)(THD *thd); }; /** This is a singleton class that provides various connection management related functionalities, most importantly dispatching new connections to the currently active Connection_handler. */ class Connection_handler_manager { // Singleton instance to Connection_handler_manager static Connection_handler_manager *m_instance; static mysql_mutex_t LOCK_connection_count; static mysql_cond_t COND_connection_count; // Pointer to current connection handler in use Connection_handler *m_connection_handler; // Pointer to saved connection handler Connection_handler *m_saved_connection_handler; // Saved scheduler_type ulong m_saved_thread_handling; // Status variables ulong m_aborted_connects; ulong m_connection_errors_max_connection; // Protected by LOCK_connection_count /** Constructor to instantiate an instance of this class. */ Connection_handler_manager(Connection_handler *connection_handler) : m_connection_handler(connection_handler), m_saved_connection_handler(nullptr), m_saved_thread_handling(0), m_aborted_connects(0), m_connection_errors_max_connection(0) {} ~Connection_handler_manager() { delete m_connection_handler; if (m_saved_connection_handler) delete m_saved_connection_handler; } /* Make this class non-copyable */ Connection_handler_manager(const Connection_handler_manager &); Connection_handler_manager &operator=(const Connection_handler_manager &); public: /** thread_handling enumeration. The default of --thread-handling is the first one in the thread_handling_names array, this array has to be consistent with the order in this array, so to change default one has to change the first entry in this enum and the first entry in the thread_handling_names array. @note The last entry of the enumeration is also used to mark the thread handling as dynamic. In this case the name of the thread handling is fetched from the name of the plugin that implements it. */ enum scheduler_types { SCHEDULER_ONE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION = 0, SCHEDULER_NO_THREADS, SCHEDULER_TYPES_COUNT }; // Status variables. Must be static as they are used by the signal handler. static uint connection_count; // Protected by LOCK_connection_count static ulong max_used_connections; // Protected by LOCK_connection_count static ulong max_used_connections_time; // Protected by LOCK_connection_count // System variable static ulong thread_handling; // Functions for lock wait and post-kill notification events static THD_event_functions *event_functions; // Saved event functions static THD_event_functions *saved_event_functions; /** Maximum number of threads that can be created by the current connection handler. Must be static as it is used by the signal handler. */ static uint max_threads; /** Singleton method to return an instance of this class. */ static Connection_handler_manager *get_instance() { assert(m_instance != nullptr); return m_instance; } /** Initialize the connection handler manager. Must be called before get_instance() can be used. @return true if initialization failed, false otherwise. */ static bool init(); /** Destroy the singleton instance. */ static void destroy_instance(); /** Check if the current number of connections are below or equal the value given by the max_connections server system variable. @return true if a new connection can be accepted, false otherwise. */ bool valid_connection_count(); /** Increment connection count if max_connections is not exceeded. @param ignore_max_connection_count true if checking for a limit specified by the max-connections server option should be skipped @retval true max_connections NOT exceeded false max_connections reached */ bool check_and_incr_conn_count(bool ignore_max_connection_count); /** Reset the max_used_connections counter to the number of current connections. */ static void reset_max_used_connections(); /** Decrease the number of current connections. */ static void dec_connection_count() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_connection_count); connection_count--; /* Notify shutdown thread when last connection is done with its job */ if (connection_count == 0) mysql_cond_signal(&COND_connection_count); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_connection_count); } void inc_aborted_connects() { m_aborted_connects++; } ulong aborted_connects() const { return m_aborted_connects; } /** @note This is a dirty read. */ ulong connection_errors_max_connection() const { return m_connection_errors_max_connection; } /** Dynamically load a connection handler implemented as a plugin. The current connection handler will be saved so that it can later be restored by unload_connection_handler(). */ void load_connection_handler(Connection_handler *conn_handler); /** Unload the connection handler previously loaded by load_connection_handler(). The previous connection handler will be restored. @return true if unload failed (no previous connection handler was found). */ bool unload_connection_handler(); /** Process a new incoming connection. @param channel_info Pointer to Channel_info object containing connection channel information. */ void process_new_connection(Channel_info *channel_info); /** Waits until all connections are done with their job. In other words, wat till connection_count to become zero. */ static void wait_till_no_connection(); /** Return number of connections in thread-safe way. */ static uint get_connection_count() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_connection_count); const uint res = connection_count; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_connection_count); return res; } }; #endif // CONNECTION_HANDLER_MANAGER_INCLUDED.