/* Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CONTAINER_ATOMIC_INTEGRALS_ARRAY #define CONTAINER_ATOMIC_INTEGRALS_ARRAY #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sql/containers/atomics_array_index_padding.h" // container::Padded_Indexing #include "sql/memory/unique_ptr.h" // memory::Unique_ptr namespace container { /** Array of `std::atomic` elements of type `T`. An array of `std::atomic` elements implies, almost for sure, a multi-threaded environment and concurrent access to the array may lead to false sharing when consecutive elements are pulled into the same CPU cache line. This class accepts, as a template parameter, a helper class that is both an element storage index translator and element storage size provider. Different strategies to prevent false sharing and the subsequent cache invalidation and misses, may be applied. Amongst others, padding each element of the array to the size of the cache line or use index translation to interleave sequential indexes to leave enough space for them not to be pulled into the same cache line. The two described strategies are provided already with the `container::Padded_indexing` and `container::Interleaved_indexing` classes. Template parameters are as follows: - `T`: the integral type for the array elements. - `I`: type of indexing to be used by this array in the form of a class. Available classes are `container::Padded_indexing` and `container::Interleaved_indexing`. The parameter defaults to `container::Padded_indexing`. - `A`: type of memory allocator to be used, in the form of a class (defaults to no allocator). When and if deciding between interleaved or padded indexing, one could take into consideration, amongst possibly others, the following arguments: - For arrays with random concurrent access patterns, interleaved indexing doesn't ensure false-sharing prevention. - For arrays with sequential concurrent access patterns, if it's needed that interleaved indexing prevents false-sharing, consecutive array indexes will need to be apart, physically, the size of a cache-line. So, in a system with expectation of T threads accessing concurrently an array of elements of size `E` and with a cache-line of size `CL`, the array capacity should be at least `T * (CL / E)` for interleaved indexing to prevent false-sharing. - Padded indexing will always prevent false-sharing but it will consume more memory in order to have the same array capacity as the interleaved indexing. */ template , typename A = std::nullptr_t> class Atomics_array { public: using pointer_type = T *; using const_pointer_type = T const *; using reference_type = T &; using const_reference_type = T const &; using value_type = T; using const_value_type = T const; using element_type = std::atomic; /** Iterator helper class to iterate over the array, from 0 to the array size. Check C++ documentation on `Iterator named requirements` for more information on the implementation. */ class Iterator { public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = T; using pointer = T *; using reference = T; using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; /** */ explicit Iterator(Atomics_array const &parent, size_t position); Iterator(const Iterator &rhs); Iterator(Iterator &&rhs); virtual ~Iterator() = default; // BASIC ITERATOR METHODS // Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &rhs); Iterator &operator=(Iterator &&rhs); Iterator &operator++(); reference operator*() const; // END / BASIC ITERATOR METHODS // // INPUT ITERATOR METHODS // Iterator operator++(int); pointer operator->() const; bool operator==(Iterator const &rhs) const; bool operator!=(Iterator const &rhs) const; // END / INPUT ITERATOR METHODS // // OUTPUT ITERATOR METHODS // // reference operator*(); <- already defined // iterator operator++(int); <- already defined // END / OUTPUT ITERATOR METHODS // // FORWARD ITERATOR METHODS // // Enable support for both input and output iterator <- already enabled // END / FORWARD ITERATOR METHODS // private: /** The position of the element this iterator is pointing to. */ size_t m_current{0}; /** The reference to the queue holding the elements. */ Atomics_array const *m_parent{nullptr}; }; /** Constructor allowing a specific memory allocator, a specific queue size and the instance of `T` to initialize the array with. @param alloc The memory allocator instance @param size The desired size for the queue @param init_value The instance of `T` to initialize the array with */ template < typename D = T, typename J = I, typename B = A, std::enable_if_t::value> * = nullptr> Atomics_array(A &alloc, size_t size, T init_value); /** Constructor allowing a specific queue size and the instance of `T` to initialize the array with. @param size The desired size for the queue @param init_value The instance of `T` to initialize the array with */ template < typename D = T, typename J = I, typename B = A, std::enable_if_t::value> * = nullptr> Atomics_array(size_t size, T init_value); // Deleted copy and move constructors. Atomics_array(Atomics_array const &rhs) = delete; Atomics_array(Atomics_array &&rhs) = delete; // /** Destructor for the class. */ virtual ~Atomics_array() = default; // Deleted copy and move operators. Atomics_array &operator=(Atomics_array const &rhs) = delete; Atomics_array &operator=(Atomics_array &&rhs) = delete; // /** Retrieves the value stored in a specific index of the array. @param index The index of the element to retrieve the value for @return the value of the element at index `index` */ element_type &operator[](size_t index) const; /** Retrieves an iterator instance that points to the beginning of the array. @return An instance of an iterator pointing to the beginning of the array. */ Iterator begin() const; /** Retrieves an iterator instance that points to the end of the underlying array. @return An instance of an iterator pointing to the end of the underlying array. */ Iterator end() const; /** Finds a value in the queue according to the evaluation of `predicate` by traversing the array from `start_from` to the array size. The find condition is given according to the predicate `predicate` which should be any predicate which translatable to `[](value_type value, size_t index) -> bool`. If the predicate evaluates to `true`, the value and respective index are returned as an `std::tuple`. Check C++ documentation for the definition of `Predicate` named requirement for more information. @param predicate The predicate to be evaluated @param start_from The index to start the search at @return A tuple holding the value and the index of the first element for which the predicate evaluated to true. If the predicate doesn't evaluate to true for any of the elements, it returns a pair holding the default value for `T` and the size of the array. */ template std::tuple find_if(Pred predicate, size_t start_from = 0) const; /** First the first occurrence of `to_find`, starting at `start_from` index. @param to_find the value to find @param start_from the index to start the search from @return the index of the the first element that matches the `to_find` value or the array size if no element matches. */ size_t find(T to_find, size_t start_from = 0) const; /** Returns the size of the array. @return The size of the array */ size_t size() const; /** Returns the number of bytes used to allocate the array. @return The number of bytes used to allocate the array */ size_t allocated_size() const; /** Return `this` queue textual representation. @return The textual representation for `this` queue. */ std::string to_string() const; friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Atomics_array &in) { out << in.to_string(true) << std::flush; return out; } private: /** The index translation object to be used */ I m_index; /** The byte array in which the elements will be stored */ memory::Unique_ptr m_array; /** Initializes the array. @return The reference to `this` object, for chaining purposes. */ container::Atomics_array &init(T init_value); }; } // namespace container template container::Atomics_array::Iterator::Iterator( Atomics_array const &parent, size_t position) : m_current{position}, m_parent{&parent} {} template container::Atomics_array::Iterator::Iterator(Iterator const &rhs) : m_current{rhs.m_current}, m_parent{rhs.m_parent} {} template container::Atomics_array::Iterator::Iterator(Iterator &&rhs) : m_current{rhs.m_current}, m_parent{rhs.m_parent} { rhs.m_current = 0; rhs.m_parent = nullptr; } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator & container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator=(Iterator const &rhs) { this->m_current = rhs.m_current; this->m_parent = rhs.m_parent; return (*this); } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator & container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator=(Iterator &&rhs) { this->m_current = rhs.m_current; this->m_parent = rhs.m_parent; rhs.m_current = 0; rhs.m_parent = nullptr; return (*this); } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator & container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator++() { if (this->m_current < this->m_parent->m_index.size()) { ++this->m_current; } return (*this); } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator::reference container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator*() const { return (*this->m_parent)[this->m_current]; } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator++(int) { auto to_return = (*this); ++(*this); return to_return; } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator::pointer container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator->() const { return &((*this->m_parent)[this->m_current]); } template bool container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator==( Iterator const &rhs) const { return this->m_current == rhs.m_current && this->m_parent == rhs.m_parent; } template bool container::Atomics_array::Iterator::operator!=( Iterator const &rhs) const { return !((*this) == rhs); } template template ::value> *> container::Atomics_array::Atomics_array(A &alloc, size_t size, T init_value) : m_index{size}, m_array{alloc, static_cast(m_index.size()) * I::element_size()} { this->init(init_value); } template template ::value> *> container::Atomics_array::Atomics_array(size_t size, T init_value) : m_index{size}, m_array{memory::make_unique( static_cast(m_index.size()) * I::element_size())} { this->init(init_value); } template typename container::Atomics_array::element_type & container::Atomics_array::operator[](size_t index) const { return reinterpret_cast( this->m_array[this->m_index.translate(index)]); } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator container::Atomics_array::begin() const { return Iterator{*this, 0}; } template typename container::Atomics_array::Iterator container::Atomics_array::end() const { return Iterator{*this, this->m_index.size()}; } template template std::tuple container::Atomics_array::find_if( Pred predicate, size_t start_from) const { for (size_t idx = start_from; idx != this->m_index.size(); ++idx) { auto ¤t = (*this)[idx]; T value = current.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (predicate(value, idx)) { return std::make_tuple(value, idx); } } return std::make_tuple(std::numeric_limits::max(), this->m_index.size()); } template size_t container::Atomics_array::find(T to_find, size_t start_from) const { for (size_t idx = start_from; idx != this->m_index.size(); ++idx) { auto ¤t = (*this)[idx]; T value = current.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (value == to_find) { return idx; } } return this->m_index.size(); } template size_t container::Atomics_array::size() const { return this->m_index.size(); } template size_t container::Atomics_array::allocated_size() const { return this->m_index.size() * I::element_size(); } template std::string container::Atomics_array::to_string() const { std::ostringstream out; for (auto value : (*this)) { out << std::to_string(value) << ", "; } out << "EOF" << std::flush; return out.str(); } template container::Atomics_array &container::Atomics_array::init( T init_value) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx != this->m_index.size(); ++idx) { ::new (&this->m_array[this->m_index.translate(idx)]) element_type(init_value); } return (*this); } #endif // CONTAINER_ATOMIC_INTEGRALS_ARRAY