/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef DD_TABLE_INCLUDED #define DD_TABLE_INCLUDED #include #include // std:unique_ptr #include #include "my_inttypes.h" #include "sql/dd/result_type.h" // dd::ResultType #include "sql/dd/string_type.h" #include "sql/dd/types/column.h" // dd::enum_column_types #include "sql/handler.h" // legacy_db_type #include "sql/sql_alter.h" // Alter_info::enum_enable_or_disable class Create_field; class FOREIGN_KEY; class KEY; class THD; namespace dd { class Schema; } // namespace dd struct CHARSET_INFO; struct TABLE; class Sql_check_constraint_spec; using Sql_check_constraint_spec_list = Mem_root_array; struct HA_CREATE_INFO; template class List; namespace dd { class Abstract_table; class Foreign_key; class Table; namespace cache { class Dictionary_client; } static const char FIELD_NAME_SEPARATOR_CHAR = ';'; static const char CHECK_CONSTRAINT_NAME_SUBSTR[] = "_chk_"; /** Prepares a dd::Table object from mysql_prepare_create_table() output and return it to the caller. This function creates a user table, as opposed to create_table() which can handle system tables as well. @param thd Thread handle @param sch_obj Schema. @param table_name Table name. @param create_info HA_CREATE_INFO describing the table to be created. @param create_fields List of fields for the table. @param keyinfo Array with descriptions of keys for the table. @param keys Number of keys. @param keys_onoff keys ON or OFF @param fk_keyinfo Array with descriptions of foreign keys for the table. @param fk_keys Number of foreign keys. @param check_cons_spec Specification of check constraints for the table. @param file handler instance for the table. @returns Constructed dd::Table object, or nullptr in case of an error. */ std::unique_ptr create_dd_user_table( THD *thd, const dd::Schema &sch_obj, const dd::String_type &table_name, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, const List &create_fields, const KEY *keyinfo, uint keys, Alter_info::enum_enable_or_disable keys_onoff, const FOREIGN_KEY *fk_keyinfo, uint fk_keys, const Sql_check_constraint_spec_list *check_cons_spec, handler *file); /** Prepares a dd::Table object from mysql_prepare_create_table() output and return it to the caller. @param thd Thread handle @param sch_obj Schema. @param table_name Table name. @param create_info HA_CREATE_INFO describing the table to be created. @param create_fields List of fields for the table. @param keyinfo Array with descriptions of keys for the table. @param keys Number of keys. @param keys_onoff Enable or disable keys. @param fk_keyinfo Array with descriptions of foreign keys for the table. @param fk_keys Number of foreign keys. @param check_cons_spec Specification of check constraints for the table. @param file handler instance for the table. @returns Constructed dd::Table object, or nullptr in case of an error. */ std::unique_ptr create_table( THD *thd, const dd::Schema &sch_obj, const dd::String_type &table_name, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, const List &create_fields, const KEY *keyinfo, uint keys, Alter_info::enum_enable_or_disable keys_onoff, const FOREIGN_KEY *fk_keyinfo, uint fk_keys, const Sql_check_constraint_spec_list *check_cons_spec, handler *file); /** Prepares a dd::Table object for a temporary table from mysql_prepare_create_table() output. Doesn't update DD tables, instead returns dd::Table object to caller. @param thd Thread handle. @param sch_obj Schema. @param table_name Table name. @param create_info HA_CREATE_INFO describing the table to be created. @param create_fields List of fields for the table. @param keyinfo Array with descriptions of keys for the table. @param keys Number of keys. @param keys_onoff Enable or disable keys. @param check_cons_spec Specification of check constraints for the table. @param file handler instance for the table. @returns Constructed dd::Table object, or nullptr in case of an error. */ std::unique_ptr create_tmp_table( THD *thd, const dd::Schema &sch_obj, const dd::String_type &table_name, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, const List &create_fields, const KEY *keyinfo, uint keys, Alter_info::enum_enable_or_disable keys_onoff, const Sql_check_constraint_spec_list *check_cons_spec, handler *file); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function common to 'table' and 'view' objects ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Remove table metadata from the data dictionary. @param thd Thread context. @param schema_name Schema of the table to be removed. @param name Name of the table to be removed. @param table_def dd::Table object for the table to be removed. @note The caller must rollback both statement and transaction on failure, before any further accesses to DD. This is because such a failure might be caused by a deadlock, which requires rollback before any other operations on SE (including reads using attachable transactions) can be done. @retval false on success @retval true on failure */ bool drop_table(THD *thd, const char *schema_name, const char *name, const dd::Table &table_def); /** Check if a table or view exists table_exists() sets exists=true if such a table or a view exists. @param client The dictionary client. @param schema_name The schema in which the object should be defined. @param name The object name to search for. @param [out] exists A boolean which is set to true if the object is found. @retval true Failure (error has been reported). @retval false Success. */ bool table_exists(dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const char *schema_name, const char *name, bool *exists); /** Checking if the table is being created in a restricted tablespace. @param thd Thread context. @param schema_name Name of the schema where the table is located. @param table_name Name of the table. @param create_info Table options, e.g. the tablespace name. @retval true Invalid usage (error has been reported). @retval false Success, no invalid usage. */ bool invalid_tablespace_usage(THD *thd, const dd::String_type &schema_name, const dd::String_type &table_name, const HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info); /** Check if foreign key name is generated one. @param table_name Table name. @param table_name_length Table name length. @param hton Table storage engine. @param fk Foreign key to be checked. @note We assume that the name is generated if it starts with (table name)(SE-specific or default foreign key name suffix) (e.g. "_ibfk_" for InnoDB or "_fk_" for NDB). @returns true if name is generated, false otherwise. */ bool is_generated_foreign_key_name(const char *table_name, size_t table_name_length, handlerton *hton, const dd::Foreign_key &fk); /** Rename foreign keys which have generated names to match the new name of the table. @param thd Thread context. @param old_db Table's database before rename. @param old_table_name Table name before rename. @param hton Table's storage engine. @param new_db Table's database after rename. @param new_tab New version of the table with new name set. @returns true if error, false otherwise. */ bool rename_foreign_keys(THD *thd, const char *old_db, const char *old_table_name, handlerton *hton, const char *new_db, dd::Table *new_tab); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions for retrieving, inspecting and manipulating instances of // dd::Abstract_table, dd::Table and dd::View ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Get the legacy db type from the options of the given table. This function does not set error codes beyond what is set by the functions it calls. @param[in] thd Thread context @param[in] schema_name Name of the schema @param[in] table_name Name of the table @param[out] db_type Value of the legacy db type option @retval true Error, e.g. name is not a table, or no legacy_db_type in the table's options. In this case, the value of db_type is undefined. @retval false Success */ bool table_legacy_db_type(THD *thd, const char *schema_name, const char *table_name, enum legacy_db_type *db_type); /** Get the storage engine handlerton for the given table or tablespace. This function sets explicit error codes if: - The SE is invalid: ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE @param[in] thd Thread context @param[in] obj dd::Table or a dd::Tablespace object. @param[out] hton Handlerton for the table's storage engine @retval true Error @retval false Success */ template bool table_storage_engine(THD *thd, const T *obj, handlerton **hton); /** Regenerate a metadata locked table. This function does not set error codes beyond what is set by the functions it calls. @pre There must be an exclusive MDL lock on the table. @param[in] thd Thread context @param[in] schema_name Name of the schema @param[in] table_name Name of the table @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool recreate_table(THD *thd, const char *schema_name, const char *table_name); /** Function prepares string representing columns data type. This is required for IS implementation which uses views on DD tables */ String_type get_sql_type_by_field_info(THD *thd, enum_field_types field_type, uint32 field_length, uint32 decimals, bool maybe_null, bool is_unsigned, const CHARSET_INFO *field_charset); /** Convert field type from MySQL server type to new enum types in DD. We have plans to retain both old and new enum values in DD tables so as to handle client compatibility and information schema requirements. @param[in] type MySQL server field type. @retval field type used by DD framework. */ enum_column_types get_new_field_type(enum_field_types type); /** Update row format for the table with the value value supplied by caller function. @pre There must be an exclusive MDL lock on the table. @param[in] thd Thread context. @param[in] table Table object for the table. @param[in] correct_row_type row_type to be set. @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool fix_row_type(THD *thd, dd::Table *table, row_type correct_row_type); /** Add column objects to dd::Abstract_table objects according to the list of Create_field objects. @param thd Thread handle. @param tab_obj dd::Table or dd::View's instance. @param create_fields List of Create_field objects to fill dd::Column object(s). @param file handler instance for the table. @retval false On Success @retval true On error. */ bool fill_dd_columns_from_create_fields(THD *thd, Abstract_table *tab_obj, const List &create_fields, handler *file); /** @brief Function returns string representing column type by Create_field. This is required for the IS implementation which uses views on DD tables @param[in] table TABLE object. @param[in] field Column information. @return dd::String_type representing column type. */ dd::String_type get_sql_type_by_create_field(TABLE *table, const Create_field &field); /** Helper method to get numeric scale for types using Create_field type object. @param[in] field Field object. @param[out] scale numeric scale value for types. @retval false If numeric scale is calculated. @retval true If numeric scale is not calculated; */ bool get_field_numeric_scale(const Create_field *field, uint *scale); /** Helper method to get numeric precision for types using Create_field type object. @param[in] field Field object. @param[out] numeric_precision numeric precision value for types. @retval false If numeric precision is calculated. @retval true If numeric precision is not calculated; */ bool get_field_numeric_precision(const Create_field *field, uint *numeric_precision); /** Helper method to get datetime precision for types using Create_field type object. @param[in] field Field object. @param[out] datetime_precision datetime precision value for types. @retval false If datetime precision is calculated. @retval true If datetime precision is not calculated; */ bool get_field_datetime_precision(const Create_field *field, uint *datetime_precision); /* Does ENCRYPTION clause mean unencrypted or encrypted table ? @note SQL server expects value '', 'N' or 'n' to represent unecnryption. We do not consider 'Y'/'y' as encryption, so that this allows storage engines to accept any other string like 'aes' or other string to represent encryption type. @param type - String given in ENCRYPTION clause. @return true if table would be encrypted, else false. */ inline bool is_encrypted(const String_type &type) { return (type.empty() == false && type != "" && type != "N" && type != "n"); } inline bool is_encrypted(const LEX_STRING &type) { return is_encrypted(String_type(type.str, type.length)); } using Encrypt_result = ResultType; Encrypt_result is_tablespace_encrypted(THD *thd, const dd::Table &t, bool *found_tablespace); using Encrypt_result = ResultType; Encrypt_result is_tablespace_encrypted(THD *thd, const HA_CREATE_INFO *ci, bool *found_tablespace); /** Predicate which indicates if the table has real (non-hidden) primary key. @param t table to check @return true if a non-hidden index has type dd::Index::IT_PRIMARY */ bool has_primary_key(const Table &t); /** Check if name of check constraint is generated one. @param table_name Table name. @param table_name_length Table name length. @param cc_name Check constraint name. @param cc_name_length Check constraint name length. @retval true If check constraint name is generated one. @retval false Otherwise. */ bool is_generated_check_constraint_name(const char *table_name, size_t table_name_length, const char *cc_name, size_t cc_name_length); /** Rename generated check constraint names to match the new name of the table. @param old_table_name Table name before rename. @param new_tab New version of the table with new name set. @returns true if error, false otherwise. */ bool rename_check_constraints(const char *old_table_name, dd::Table *new_tab); /** Check if table uses general tablespace. @param t dd::Table instance. @returns true if table users general tablespace, false otherwise. */ bool uses_general_tablespace(const Table &t); /** Check and give error if table uses prefix keys in the partitioning function. @param schema_name Schema name @param orig_table_name Original table name (required in case of ALTER TABLE, since temporary table name is created) @param table dd::Table instance @param is_upgrade True if this is called during upgrade. Error will be sent to error log instead of the client. @return true - On failure @return false - On success */ bool prefix_key_partition_exists(const char *schema_name, const char *orig_table_name, const Table *table, const bool is_upgrade); /** Get the autoextend_size option value for implicit tablespaces @param thd Thread handler @param table dd::Table instance @param autoextend_size Value of autoextend_size attribute @return true - On failure @return false - On success */ bool get_implicit_tablespace_options(THD *thd, const Table *table, ulonglong *autoextend_size); /** Validate if table uses foreign keys referring to proper index. FK cannot refer to non unique index and partial elements in index. @param thd Thread handle. @param table dd::Table instance of referenced table */ bool check_non_standard_key_exists_in_fk(THD *thd, const Table *table); } // namespace dd #endif // DD_TABLE_INCLUDED