/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "my_dbug.h" // DBUG_PRINT #include "my_inttypes.h" // uint32 #include "sql/dd/cache/dictionary_client.h" // dd::Dictionary_client #include "sql/dd/collection.h" // dd::Collection #include "sql/dd/dd_tablespace.h" // dd::get_tablespace_name #include "sql/dd/impl/bootstrap/bootstrap_ctx.h" // dd::bootstrap::SERVER_VERSION_80016 #include "sql/dd/impl/sdi.h" // dd::serialize #include "sql/dd/impl/sdi_utils.h" // sdi_utils::checked_return #include "sql/dd/properties.h" // dd::Properties #include "sql/dd/string_type.h" // dd::String_type #include "sql/dd/tablespace_id_owner_visitor.h" // dd::visit_tablespace_id_owner #include "sql/dd/types/index.h" // dd::Index #include "sql/dd/types/partition.h" // dd::Partition #include "sql/dd/types/partition_index.h" // dd::Partition_index #include "sql/dd/types/schema.h" // dd::Schema #include "sql/dd/types/table.h" // dd::Table #include "sql/dd/types/tablespace.h" // dd::Tablespace #include "sql/handler.h" // sdi_set #include "sql/mdl.h" // MDL_key::TABLESPACE #include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD #include "template_utils.h" // ReturnValueOrError /** @file @ingroup sdi Storage and retrieval of SDIs to/form tablespaces. This allows SDIs to be stored transactionally. */ using namespace dd::sdi_utils; namespace { using DC = dd::cache::Dictionary_client; #ifndef NDEBUG const char *ge_type(const dd::Table &) { return "TABLE"; } const char *ge_type(const dd::Index &) { return "INDEX"; } const char *ge_type(const dd::Partition &) { return "PARTITION"; } const char *ge_type(const dd::Partition_index &) { return "PARTITION_INDEX"; } #endif /* NDEBUG */ /** Traverses Table object with sub objects. Returns when the first valid (not INVALID_OBJECT_ID) tablespace id is found. */ template dd::Object_id fetch_first_tablespace_id(const DDT &t) { DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("fetch_first_tablespace_id(%s)", t.name().c_str())); dd::Object_id tspid = dd::INVALID_OBJECT_ID; visit_tablespace_id_owners(t, [&](auto &ge) { dd::Object_id tid = ge.tablespace_id(); DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("Checking %s '%s'", ge_type(ge), ge.name().c_str())); if (tid != dd::INVALID_OBJECT_ID) { DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("Found id:%llu, source:%s", tid, ge_type(ge))); tspid = tid; return true; // Returning true to terminate visitation } return false; }); return tspid; } /** Traverses Table object with sub objects. Returns when the Tablespace object corresponding to the first valid (not INVALID_OBJECT_ID) tablespace id is found. */ ReturnValueOrError fetch_tablespace( THD *thd, dd::Object_id tsid) { if (tsid == dd::INVALID_OBJECT_ID) { return {nullptr, false}; } // The tablespace object may not have MDL // Need to use acquire_uncached_uncommitted to get name for MDL std::unique_ptr tblspc_; if (thd->dd_client()->acquire_uncached_uncommitted(tsid, &tblspc_)) { return {nullptr, true}; } if (tblspc_ == nullptr) { // When dropping a table in an implicit tablespace, the // referenced tablespace may already have been removed. This // is ok since this means that the sdis in the tablespace // have been removed also. Note that since tsids is only used // to check for duplicates, it makes sense to leave tsid // there and return false so that we can proceed. return {nullptr, false}; } if (mdl_lock(thd, MDL_key::TABLESPACE, "", tblspc_->name(), MDL_INTENTION_EXCLUSIVE)) { return {nullptr, true}; } // Re-acquire after getting lock to make sure it is still there... const dd::Tablespace *tblspc = nullptr; if (thd->dd_client()->acquire(tsid, &tblspc)) { return {nullptr, true}; } return {tblspc, false}; } } // namespace namespace dd { namespace sdi_tablespace { bool store_tbl_sdi(THD *thd, handlerton *hton, const dd::Sdi_type &sdi, const dd::Table &table, const dd::Schema &schema [[maybe_unused]]) { auto res = fetch_tablespace(thd, fetch_first_tablespace_id(table)); if (res.error) { return true; } if (res.value == nullptr) { return false; } DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("store_sdi_with_schema[](Schema" ENTITY_FMT ", Table" ENTITY_FMT ")", ENTITY_VAL(schema), ENTITY_VAL(table))); sdi_key_t key = {SDI_TYPE_TABLE, table.id()}; if (hton->sdi_set(hton, *res.value, &table, &key, sdi.c_str(), sdi.length())) { return checked_return(true); } DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("Successful return from hton->sdi_set() with " "sdi=\n%s\nStored in Tablespace (" ENTITY_FMT ")", sdi.c_str(), ENTITY_VAL(*res.value))); return false; } bool store_tsp_sdi(handlerton *hton, const Sdi_type &sdi, const Tablespace &tblspc) { DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("store_tsp_sdi(" ENTITY_FMT ")", ENTITY_VAL(tblspc))); sdi_key_t key = {SDI_TYPE_TABLESPACE, tblspc.id()}; if (hton->sdi_set(hton, tblspc, nullptr, &key, sdi.c_str(), sdi.length())) { return checked_return(true); } return false; } bool drop_tbl_sdi(THD *thd, const handlerton &hton, const Table &table, const Schema &schema [[maybe_unused]]) { DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("drop_tbl_sdi(Schema" ENTITY_FMT ", Table" ENTITY_FMT ")", ENTITY_VAL(schema), ENTITY_VAL(table))); auto res = fetch_tablespace(thd, fetch_first_tablespace_id(table)); if (res.error) { return true; } if (res.value == nullptr) { return false; } sdi_key_t key = {SDI_TYPE_TABLE, table.id()}; if (table.subpartition_type() == Table::ST_NONE || table.last_checked_for_upgrade_version_id() > dd::bootstrap::SERVER_VERSION_80016) { return checked_return(hton.sdi_delete(*res.value, &table, &key)); } // Sub-partitioned tables from older versions which have not yet // been checked for upgrade may not have an SDI record in the SDI // index in the tablespace, so we need to install an error handler which // catches the resulting error. bool error_suppressed = false; if (sdi_utils::handle_errors( thd, [&](uint errnum, const char *, Sql_condition::enum_severity_level *level, const char *) { if (errnum == ER_SDI_OPERATION_FAILED_MISSING_RECORD) { (*level) = Sql_condition::SL_WARNING; error_suppressed = true; } return false; }, [&]() { return hton.sdi_delete(*res.value, &table, &key); })) { return checked_return(!error_suppressed); } return false; } template bool drop_all_sdi_impl(THD *thd, const handlerton &hton, const DDT &t) { return visit_tablespace_id_owners(t, [&](auto &tsp_id_owner) { dd::Object_id tid = tsp_id_owner.tablespace_id(); DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("Checking %s '%s'", ge_type(tsp_id_owner), tsp_id_owner.name().c_str())); if (tid == dd::INVALID_OBJECT_ID) { return false; } DBUG_PRINT("ddsdi", ("Proceeding with id:%llu, source:%s", tid, ge_type(tsp_id_owner))); auto res = fetch_tablespace(thd, tid); if (res.error) { return true; } if (res.value == nullptr) { return false; } if (res.value->se_private_data().exists("discarded")) { my_error(ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED, MYF(0), t.name().c_str()); return true; } sdi_vector_t sdi_keys; if (hton.sdi_get_keys(*res.value, sdi_keys)) { return checked_return(true); } for (const auto &k : sdi_keys.m_vec) { if (k.type == SDI_TYPE_TABLESPACE && k.id == res.value->id()) { continue; } if (hton.sdi_delete(*res.value, nullptr, &k)) { return checked_return(true); } } return false; }); // visitor lambda } bool drop_all_sdi(THD *thd, const handlerton &hton, const Table &t) { return drop_all_sdi_impl(thd, hton, t); } bool drop_all_sdi(THD *thd, const handlerton &hton, const Partition &p) { return drop_all_sdi_impl(thd, hton, p); } } // namespace sdi_tablespace } // namespace dd