/* Copyright (c) 2019, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef PARSER_YYSTYPE_INCLUDED #define PARSER_YYSTYPE_INCLUDED #include #include // TODO: replace with cstdint #include #include "field_types.h" #include "lex_string.h" #include "my_base.h" #include "my_inttypes.h" // TODO: replace with cstdint #include "my_time.h" // interval_type #include "mysql_time.h" #include "sql/comp_creator.h" #include "sql/field.h" #include "sql/handler.h" #include "sql/item_create.h" // Cast_target #include "sql/key_spec.h" // keytype, fk_option #include "sql/lexer_yystype.h" // Lexer_yystype #include "sql/mem_root_array.h" #include "sql/olap.h" #include "sql/opt_hints.h" // opt_hints_enum #include "sql/parse_tree_hints.h" #include "sql/parse_tree_node_base.h" #include "sql/resourcegroups/platform/thread_attrs_api.h" // ...::cpu_id_t #include "sql/resourcegroups/resource_group_basic_types.h" // resourcegroups::Range #include "sql/set_var.h" #include "sql/sql_admin.h" // Sql_cmd_analyze_table::Histogram_command #include "sql/sql_alter.h" // Alter_info::enum_with_validation #include "sql/sql_exchange.h" // Line_separators, enum_filetype #include "sql/sql_get_diagnostics.h" // Diagnostics_information::Which_area #include "sql/sql_signal.h" // enum_condition_item_name #include "sql/table.h" // index_hint_type #include "sql/tablesample.h" // enum for sampling methods #include "sql/trigger_def.h" // enum_trigger_order_type #include "sql/window_lex.h" // enum_window_frame_unit #include "sql/xa.h" // xa_option_words #include "thr_lock.h" // thr_lock_type class Index_hint; class Item; class Item_num; class Item_param; class Item_string; class PTI_text_literal; class PT_add_partition; class PT_adm_partition; class PT_alter_instance; class PT_alter_table_action; class PT_alter_table_standalone_action; class PT_assign_to_keycache; class PT_base_index_option; class PT_border; class PT_borders; class PT_column_attr_base; class PT_column_def; class PT_common_table_expr; class PT_create_index_stmt; class PT_create_table_option; class PT_ddl_table_option; class PT_derived_table; class PT_exclusion; class PT_field_def_base; class PT_frame; class PT_group; class PT_tablesample; class PT_insert_values_list; class PT_into_destination; class PT_isolation_level; class PT_item_list; class PT_joined_table; class PT_json_table_column; class PT_key_part_specification; class PT_limit_clause; class PT_locking_clause; class PT_locking_clause_list; class PT_option_value_list_head; class PT_option_value_no_option_type; class PT_order; class PT_order_expr; class PT_order_list; class PT_part_definition; class PT_part_type_def; class PT_part_value_item; class PT_part_value_item_list_paren; class PT_part_values; class PT_partition; class PT_partition_option; class PT_preload_keys; class PT_query_expression; class PT_query_expression_body; class PT_query_primary; class PT_role_or_privilege; class PT_select_var; class PT_select_var_list; class PT_set; class PT_set_scoped_system_variable; class PT_start_option_value_list; class PT_start_option_value_list_following_option_type; class PT_sub_partition; class PT_subpartition; class PT_subquery; class PT_subselect; class PT_table_constraint_def; class PT_table_element; class PT_table_reference; class PT_transaction_access_mode; class PT_transaction_characteristics; class PT_type; class PT_window; class PT_window_list; class PT_with_clause; class PT_with_list; class Parse_tree_root; class Query_block; class String; class Table_ident; class sp_condition_value; class sp_head; class sp_name; enum class Acl_type; enum class Json_on_response_type : uint16; enum class enum_ha_read_modes; enum class enum_ha_read_modes; enum class enum_jt_column; enum class enum_key_algorithm; enum class partition_type; struct Alter_tablespace_parse_context; struct CHARSET_INFO; struct LEX; struct Sql_cmd_srs_attributes; struct udf_func; struct PT_install_component_set_element; template class List; typedef Parse_tree_node_tmpl PT_alter_tablespace_option_base; enum enum_yes_no_unknown { TVL_YES, TVL_NO, TVL_UNKNOWN }; /** used by the parser to store internal variable name */ struct sys_var_with_base { sys_var *var; LEX_CSTRING base_name; }; enum enum_drop_mode { DROP_DEFAULT, // mode is not specified DROP_CASCADE, // CASCADE option DROP_RESTRICT // RESTRICT option }; struct Cast_type { Cast_target target; const CHARSET_INFO *charset; const char *length; const char *dec; }; struct Limit_options { Item *limit; Item *opt_offset; /* true for "LIMIT offset,limit" and false for "LIMIT limit OFFSET offset" */ bool is_offset_first; }; struct Query_options { ulonglong query_spec_options; bool merge(const Query_options &a, const Query_options &b); bool save_to(Parse_context *); }; enum delete_option_enum { DELETE_QUICK = 1 << 0, DELETE_LOW_PRIORITY = 1 << 1, DELETE_IGNORE = 1 << 2 }; enum class Lock_strength { UPDATE, SHARE }; /// We will static_cast this one to thr_lock_type. enum class Locked_row_action { DEFAULT = THR_DEFAULT, WAIT = THR_WAIT, NOWAIT = THR_NOWAIT, SKIP = THR_SKIP }; /** Internally there is no CROSS JOIN join type, as cross joins are just a special case of inner joins with a join condition that is always true. The only difference is the nesting, and that is handled by the parser. */ enum PT_joined_table_type { JTT_INNER = 0x01, JTT_STRAIGHT = 0x02, JTT_NATURAL = 0x04, JTT_LEFT = 0x08, JTT_RIGHT = 0x10, JTT_STRAIGHT_INNER = JTT_STRAIGHT | JTT_INNER, JTT_NATURAL_INNER = JTT_NATURAL | JTT_INNER, JTT_NATURAL_LEFT = JTT_NATURAL | JTT_LEFT, JTT_NATURAL_RIGHT = JTT_NATURAL | JTT_RIGHT }; typedef Mem_root_array_YY Create_col_name_list; enum class Ternary_option { DEFAULT, ON, OFF }; enum class On_duplicate { ERROR, IGNORE_DUP, REPLACE_DUP }; enum class Virtual_or_stored { VIRTUAL, STORED }; enum class Int_type : ulong { INT = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, TINYINT = MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, SMALLINT = MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, MEDIUMINT = MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, BIGINT = MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, }; enum class Numeric_type : ulong { DECIMAL = MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL, FLOAT = MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, DOUBLE = MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, }; enum class Show_cmd_type { STANDARD, FULL_SHOW, EXTENDED_SHOW, EXTENDED_FULL_SHOW }; /** std::optional-like wrapper for simple bitmaps (usually enums of binary flags) This template wraps trivial bitmap implementations to add two features: * std::optional-like behavior -- the "unset" flag, so we don't have to inject a special "invalid" value into existent enum types, this wrapper class does that for us. * the merge() function to merge two bitmap values in a type-safe way. @tparam Enum Usually a enum type which simulates a bit set. @tparam Default_value A default Enum value for "unset" variables. */ template class Enum_parser { public: /// Constructor-like function /// /// The Enum_parser<> class is designed for use as a field of restricted /// unions, so it can't have C++ constructors. void init() { m_is_set = false; } /// False if the wrapped Enum value is not assigned. bool is_set() const { return m_is_set; } /// Return the wrapped Enum value. /// /// @note The wrapped value must be assigned. Enum get() const { assert(is_set()); return m_enum; } /// Return the wrapped Enum value (if any) or the Default_value. Enum get_or_default() const { return is_set() ? get() : Default_value; } /// Assign the wrapped Enum value. void set(Enum value) { m_is_set = true; m_enum = value; } /// Merge the x bit set into the wrapped Enum value (if any), or replace it void merge(const Enum_parser &x) { if (x.is_set()) set(x.get()); } private: bool m_is_set; ///< True if m_enum is assigned with some value Enum m_enum; ///< The wrapped Enum value. }; template struct Value_or_default { bool is_default; T value; ///< undefined if is_default is true }; struct Bipartite_name { LEX_CSTRING prefix; ///< prefix is optional: prefix.str can be nullptr LEX_CSTRING name; }; struct PT_install_component_set_element { enum_var_type type; Bipartite_name name; Item *expr; }; enum class Set_operator { UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT }; union MY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE { Lexer_yystype lexer; // terminal values from the lexical scanner /* Hint parser section (sql_hints.yy) */ opt_hints_enum hint_type; PT_hint *hint; PT_hint_list *hint_list; Hint_param_index_list hint_param_index_list; Hint_param_table hint_param_table; Hint_param_table_list hint_param_table_list; /* Main parser section (sql_yacc.yy) */ int num; ulong ulong_num; ulonglong ulonglong_number; LEX_CSTRING lex_cstr; LEX_STRING *lex_str_ptr; Table_ident *table; char *simple_string; Item *item; Item_num *item_num; mem_root_deque *item_list; List *string_list; String *string; Mem_root_array *table_list; udf_func *udf; LEX_USER *lex_user; List *user_list; LEX_MFA *lex_mfa; struct { LEX_MFA *mfa2, *mfa3; } lex_mfas; sys_var_with_base variable; enum_var_type var_type; keytype key_type; ha_key_alg key_alg; enum row_type row_type; ha_rkey_function ha_rkey_mode; enum_ha_read_modes ha_read_mode; enum_tx_isolation tx_isolation; const char *c_str; struct { const CHARSET_INFO *charset; bool force_binary; } charset_with_opt_binary; struct { const char *length; const char *dec; } precision; Cast_type cast_type; thr_lock_type lock_type; interval_type interval, interval_time_st; enum_mysql_timestamp_type date_time_type; Query_block *query_block; chooser_compare_func_creator boolfunc2creator; sp_condition_value *spcondvalue; struct { int vars, conds, hndlrs, curs; } spblock; sp_name *spname; LEX *lex; sp_head *sphead; index_hint_type index_hint; enum_filetype filetype; enum_source_type source_type; fk_option m_fk_option; enum_yes_no_unknown m_yes_no_unk; enum_condition_item_name da_condition_item_name; Diagnostics_information::Which_area diag_area; Diagnostics_information *diag_info; Statement_information_item *stmt_info_item; Statement_information_item::Name stmt_info_item_name; List *stmt_info_list; Condition_information_item *cond_info_item; Condition_information_item::Name cond_info_item_name; List *cond_info_list; bool is_not_empty; Set_signal_information *signal_item_list; enum_trigger_order_type trigger_action_order_type; struct { enum_trigger_order_type ordering_clause; LEX_CSTRING anchor_trigger_name; } trg_characteristics; Index_hint *key_usage_element; List *key_usage_list; PT_subselect *subselect; PT_item_list *item_list2; PT_order_expr *order_expr; PT_order_list *order_list; Limit_options limit_options; Query_options select_options; PT_limit_clause *limit_clause; Parse_tree_node *node; enum olap_type olap_type; enum tablesample_type tablesample_type; PT_group *group; PT_tablesample *tablesample; PT_window_list *windows; PT_window *window; PT_frame *window_frame; enum_window_frame_unit frame_units; PT_borders *frame_extent; PT_border *bound; PT_exclusion *frame_exclusion; enum_null_treatment null_treatment; enum_from_first_last from_first_last; Item_string *item_string; PT_order *order; PT_table_reference *table_reference; PT_joined_table *join_table; PT_joined_table_type join_type; PT_set_scoped_system_variable *option_value_following_option_type; PT_option_value_no_option_type *option_value_no_option_type; PT_option_value_list_head *option_value_list; PT_start_option_value_list *start_option_value_list; PT_transaction_access_mode *transaction_access_mode; PT_isolation_level *isolation_level; PT_transaction_characteristics *transaction_characteristics; PT_start_option_value_list_following_option_type *start_option_value_list_following_option_type; PT_set *set; Line_separators line_separators; Field_separators field_separators; PT_into_destination *into_destination; PT_select_var *select_var_ident; PT_select_var_list *select_var_list; Mem_root_array_YY table_reference_list; Item_param *param_marker; PTI_text_literal *text_literal; PT_query_expression *query_expression; PT_derived_table *derived_table; PT_query_expression_body *query_expression_body; struct { PT_query_expression_body *body; bool is_parenthesized; } query_expression_body_opt_parens; PT_query_primary *query_primary; PT_subquery *subquery; PT_key_part_specification *key_part; XID *xid; xa_option_words xa_option_type; struct { Item *column; Item *value; } column_value_pair; struct { PT_item_list *column_list; PT_item_list *value_list; } column_value_list_pair; struct { PT_item_list *column_list; PT_insert_values_list *row_value_list; } column_row_value_list_pair; struct { PT_item_list *column_list; PT_query_expression_body *insert_query_expression; } insert_query_expression; struct { Item *offset; Item *default_value; } lead_lag_info; PT_insert_values_list *values_list; Parse_tree_root *top_level_node; Table_ident *table_ident; Mem_root_array_YY table_ident_list; delete_option_enum opt_delete_option; PT_alter_instance *alter_instance_cmd; PT_create_index_stmt *create_index_stmt; PT_table_constraint_def *table_constraint_def; List *index_column_list; struct { LEX_STRING name; PT_base_index_option *type; } index_name_and_type; PT_base_index_option *index_option; Mem_root_array_YY index_options; Mem_root_array_YY lex_str_list; bool visibility; PT_with_clause *with_clause; PT_with_list *with_list; PT_common_table_expr *common_table_expr; Create_col_name_list simple_ident_list; PT_partition_option *partition_option; Mem_root_array *partition_option_list; PT_subpartition *sub_part_definition; Mem_root_array *sub_part_list; PT_part_value_item *part_value_item; Mem_root_array *part_value_item_list; PT_part_value_item_list_paren *part_value_item_list_paren; Mem_root_array *part_value_list; PT_part_values *part_values; struct { partition_type type; PT_part_values *values; } opt_part_values; PT_part_definition *part_definition; Mem_root_array *part_def_list; List *name_list; // TODO: merge with string_list enum_key_algorithm opt_key_algo; PT_sub_partition *opt_sub_part; PT_part_type_def *part_type_def; PT_partition *partition_clause; PT_add_partition *add_partition_rule; struct { decltype(HA_CHECK_OPT::flags) flags; decltype(HA_CHECK_OPT::sql_flags) sql_flags; } mi_type; enum_drop_mode opt_restrict; Ternary_option ternary_option; PT_create_table_option *create_table_option; Mem_root_array *create_table_options; Mem_root_array *space_separated_alter_table_opts; On_duplicate on_duplicate; PT_column_attr_base *col_attr; column_format_type column_format; ha_storage_media storage_media; Mem_root_array *col_attr_list; Virtual_or_stored virtual_or_stored; ulong field_option; // 0 or combinations of UNSIGNED_FLAG and ZEROFILL_FLAG Int_type int_type; PT_type *type; Numeric_type numeric_type; struct { const char *expr_start; Item *expr; } sp_default; PT_field_def_base *field_def; struct { fk_option fk_update_opt; fk_option fk_delete_opt; } fk_options; fk_match_opt opt_match_clause; List *reference_list; struct { Table_ident *table_name; List *reference_list; fk_match_opt fk_match_option; fk_option fk_update_opt; fk_option fk_delete_opt; } fk_references; PT_column_def *column_def; PT_table_element *table_element; Mem_root_array *table_element_list; struct { Mem_root_array *opt_create_table_options; PT_partition *opt_partitioning; On_duplicate on_duplicate; PT_query_expression_body *opt_query_expression; } create_table_tail; Lock_strength lock_strength; Locked_row_action locked_row_action; PT_locking_clause *locking_clause; PT_locking_clause_list *locking_clause_list; Mem_root_array *jtc_list; // ON EMPTY/ON ERROR response for JSON_TABLE and JSON_VALUE. struct Json_on_response { Json_on_response_type type; Item *default_string; } json_on_response; struct { Json_on_response error; Json_on_response empty; } json_on_error_or_empty; PT_json_table_column *jt_column; enum_jt_column jt_column_type; struct { LEX_STRING wild; Item *where; } wild_or_where; Show_cmd_type show_cmd_type; struct Histogram_param { int num_buckets; LEX_STRING data; bool auto_update; } histogram_param; struct { Sql_cmd_analyze_table::Histogram_command command; List *columns; Histogram_param *param; } histogram; Acl_type acl_type; Mem_root_array *lex_cstring_list; PT_role_or_privilege *role_or_privilege; Mem_root_array *role_or_privilege_list; enum_order order_direction; Alter_info::enum_with_validation with_validation; PT_alter_table_action *alter_table_action; PT_alter_table_standalone_action *alter_table_standalone_action; Alter_info::enum_alter_table_algorithm alter_table_algorithm; Alter_info::enum_alter_table_lock alter_table_lock; struct Algo_and_lock { Enum_parser algo; Enum_parser lock; void init() { algo.init(); lock.init(); } } opt_index_lock_and_algorithm; struct Algo_and_lock_and_validation { Enum_parser algo; Enum_parser lock; Enum_parser validation; void init() { algo.init(); lock.init(); validation.init(); } void merge(const Algo_and_lock_and_validation &x) { algo.merge(x.algo); lock.merge(x.lock); validation.merge(x.validation); } } algo_and_lock_and_validation; struct { Algo_and_lock_and_validation flags; Mem_root_array *actions; } alter_list; struct { Algo_and_lock_and_validation flags; PT_alter_table_standalone_action *action; } standalone_alter_table_action; PT_assign_to_keycache *assign_to_keycache; Mem_root_array *keycache_list; PT_adm_partition *adm_partition; PT_preload_keys *preload_keys; Mem_root_array *preload_list; PT_alter_tablespace_option_base *ts_option; Mem_root_array *ts_options; struct { resourcegroups::platform::cpu_id_t start; resourcegroups::platform::cpu_id_t end; } vcpu_range_type; Mem_root_array *resource_group_vcpu_list_type; Value_or_default resource_group_priority_type; Value_or_default resource_group_state_type; bool resource_group_flag_type; resourcegroups::Type resource_group_type; Mem_root_array *thread_id_list_type; Explain_format_type explain_format_type; struct { Explain_format_type explain_format_type; bool is_analyze; bool is_explicit; LEX_STRING explain_into_variable_name; } explain_options_type; struct { Item *set_var; Item *set_expr; String *set_expr_str; } load_set_element; struct { PT_item_list *set_var_list; PT_item_list *set_expr_list; List *set_expr_str_list; } load_set_list; ts_alter_tablespace_type alter_tablespace_type; Sql_cmd_srs_attributes *sql_cmd_srs_attributes; struct { LEX_CSTRING table_alias; Create_col_name_list *column_list; } insert_update_values_reference; my_thread_id query_id; Bipartite_name bipartite_name; Set_operator query_operator; PT_install_component_set_element *install_component_set_element; List *install_component_set_list; struct { Parse_tree_root *statement; LEX_CSTRING schema_name_for_explain; } explainable_stmt; }; static_assert(sizeof(MY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE) <= 32, "YYSTYPE is too big"); using MY_HINT_PARSER_STYPE = MY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE; #endif // PARSER_YYSTYPE_INCLUDED