#ifndef SQL_REGEXP_REGEXP_ENGINE_H_ #define SQL_REGEXP_REGEXP_ENGINE_H_ /* Copyright (c) 2017, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "sql/current_thd.h" #include "sql/regexp/errors.h" #include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD #include "template_utils.h" namespace regexp_engine_unittest { class Mock_regexp_engine; } namespace regexp { const char *icu_version_string(); /** Implements a match callback function for icu that aborts execution if the query was killed. @param context The session to check for killed query. @param steps Not used. @retval false Query was killed in the session and the match should abort. @retval true Query was not killed, matching should continue. */ UBool QueryNotKilled(const void *context, int32_t steps); /** This class exposes high-level regular expression operations to the facade. It implements the algorithm for search-and-replace and the various matching options. A buffer is used for search-and-replace, whose initial size is that of the subject string. The buffer uses ICU preflight features to probe the required buffer size within each append operation, and the buffer can grow up until max_allowed_packet, at which case and error will be thrown. */ class Regexp_engine { public: /** Compiles the URegularExpression object. If compilation fails, my_error() is called and the IsError() returns true. In this case, all subsequent operations will be no-ops, reporting failure. This follows ICU's chaining conventions, see http://icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/utypes_8h.html. @param pattern The pattern string in ICU's character set. @param flags ICU flags. @param stack_limit Sets the amount of heap storage, in bytes, that the match backtracking stack is allowed to allocate. @param time_limit Gets set on the URegularExpression. Please refer to the ICU API docs for the definition of time limit. */ Regexp_engine(const std::u16string &pattern, uint flags, int stack_limit, int time_limit) { UParseError error; auto upattern = pattern.data(); int length = pattern.size(); m_re = uregex_open(pointer_cast(upattern), length, flags, &error, &m_error_code); uregex_setStackLimit(m_re, stack_limit, &m_error_code); uregex_setTimeLimit(m_re, time_limit, &m_error_code); uregex_setMatchCallback(m_re, QueryNotKilled, current_thd, &m_error_code); check_icu_status(m_error_code, &error); } uint flags() { uint flags = uregex_flags(m_re, &m_error_code); check_icu_status(m_error_code); return flags; } /** Resets the engine with a new subject string. This also clears the replacement buffer, see Replace(). @param subject The new string to match the regular expression against. */ void Reset(const std::u16string &subject); /** Tries to find match number `occurrence` in the string, starting on `start`. @param start Start position, 0-based. @param occurrence Which occurrence to replace. If zero, replace all occurrences. */ bool Matches(int start, int occurrence); /** Returns the start position in the input string of the string where Matches() found a match. */ int StartOfMatch() { /* The 0 is for capture group number, but we don't deal with those here. Zero means the start of the whole match, which is what's needed. */ return uregex_start(m_re, 0, &m_error_code); } /** Returns the position in the input string right after the end of the text where Matches() found a match. */ int EndOfMatch() { // The 0 means start of capture group 0, ie., the whole match. return uregex_end(m_re, 0, &m_error_code); } /** Iterates over the subject string, replacing matches. @param replacement The string to replace matches with. @param start Start position, 0-based. @param occurrence Which occurrence to replace. If zero, replace all occurrences. @return Reference to a the result of the operation. It is guaranteed to stay intact until a call is made to Reset(). */ const std::u16string &Replace(const std::u16string &replacement, int start, int occurrence); /** The start of the match and its length. @return The index of the first code point of the match, and the length of the same. */ std::pair MatchedSubstring(); bool HasWarning() const { return U_SUCCESS(m_error_code) && m_error_code != U_ZERO_ERROR; } bool IsError() const { return U_FAILURE(m_error_code); } bool CheckError() const { return check_icu_status(m_error_code); } virtual ~Regexp_engine() { uregex_close(m_re); } /** The hard limit for growing the replace buffer. The buffer cannot grow beyond this size, and an error will be thrown if the limit is reached. */ size_t HardLimit() { return current_thd->variables.max_allowed_packet / sizeof(UChar); } /** Fills in the prefix in case we are doing a replace operation starting on a non-first occurrence of the pattern, or a non-first start position. AppendReplacement() will fill in the section starting after the previous match or start position, so a prefix must be appended first. The part we have to worry about here, the part that ICU doesn't add for us is, is if the search didn't start on the first character or first match for the regular expression. It's the longest such prefix that we have to copy ourselves. */ void AppendHead(size_t size); /** Tries to write the replacement, growing the buffer if needed. @param replacement The replacement string. */ void AppendReplacement(const std::u16string &replacement); /// Appends the trailing segment after the last match to the subject string, void AppendTail(); /** The spare capacity in the replacement buffer, given in code points. ICU communicates via a `capacity` variable, but we like to use an absolute position instead, and we want to keep a single source of truth, so we calculate it when needed and assert that the number is correct. */ int SpareCapacity() const { return m_replace_buffer.capacity() - m_replace_buffer.size(); } friend class regexp_engine_unittest::Mock_regexp_engine; private: /** Preflight function: If the buffer capacity is adequate, the replacement is appended to the buffer, otherwise nothing is written. Either way, the replacement's full size is returned. */ int TryToAppendReplacement(const std::u16string &replacement); /** Tries to append the part of the subject string after the last match to the buffer. This is a preflight function: If the buffer capacity is adequate, the tail is appended to the buffer, otherwise nothing is written. Either way, the tail's full size is returned. */ int TryToAppendTail(); /** Our handle to ICU's compiled regular expression, owned by instances of this class. URegularExpression is a C struct, but this class follows RAII and initializes this pointer in the constructor and cleans it up in the destructor. */ URegularExpression *m_re; UErrorCode m_error_code = U_ZERO_ERROR; std::u16string m_current_subject; std::u16string m_replace_buffer; /** This is always the next index in m_replace_buffer where ICU can write data. */ int m_replace_buffer_pos = 0; }; } // namespace regexp #endif // SQL_REGEXP_REGEXP_ENGINE_H_