/* Copyright (c) 2018, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "mysql/components/services/clone_protocol_service.h" #include "mysql/components/service_implementation.h" #include "mysql/components/services/log_builtins.h" #include "my_byteorder.h" #include "mysql.h" #include "sql/mysqld.h" #include "sql/protocol_classic.h" #include "sql/set_var.h" #include "sql/sql_class.h" #include "sql/sql_show.h" #include "sql/sql_thd_internal_api.h" #include "sql/ssl_init_callback.h" #include "sql/sys_vars_shared.h" #include "sql_common.h" #include "sql/dd/cache/dictionary_client.h" #include "sql/dd/dictionary.h" struct CHARSET_INFO; /** The minimum idle timeout in seconds. It is kept at 8 hours which is also the Server default. Currently recipient sends ACK during state transition. In future we could have better time controlled ACK. */ static const uint32_t MIN_IDLE_TIME_OUT_SEC = 8 * 60 * 60; /** Minimum read timeout in seconds. Maintain above the donor ACK frequency. */ static const uint32_t MIN_READ_TIME_OUT_SEC = 30; /** Minimum write timeout in seconds. Disallow configuring it to too low. We might need a separate clone configuration in future or retry on failure. */ static const uint32_t MIN_WRITE_TIME_OUT_SEC = 60; /** Set Network read timeout. @param[in,out] net network object @param[in] timeout time out in seconds */ static void set_read_timeout(NET *net, uint32_t timeout) { if (timeout < MIN_READ_TIME_OUT_SEC) { timeout = MIN_READ_TIME_OUT_SEC; } my_net_set_read_timeout(net, timeout); } /** Set Network write timeout. @param[in,out] net network object @param[in] timeout time out in seconds */ static void set_write_timeout(NET *net, uint32_t timeout) { if (timeout < MIN_WRITE_TIME_OUT_SEC) { timeout = MIN_WRITE_TIME_OUT_SEC; } my_net_set_write_timeout(net, timeout); } /** Set Network idle timeout. @param[in,out] net network object @param[in] timeout time out in seconds */ static void set_idle_timeout(NET *net, uint32_t timeout) { if (timeout < MIN_IDLE_TIME_OUT_SEC) { timeout = MIN_IDLE_TIME_OUT_SEC; } my_net_set_read_timeout(net, timeout); } DEFINE_METHOD(void, mysql_clone_start_statement, (THD * &thd, PSI_thread_key thread_key, PSI_statement_key statement_key)) { #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE bool thd_created = false; #endif if (thd == nullptr) { /* Initialize Session */ my_thread_init(); /* Create thread with input key for PFS */ thd = create_thd(true, true, true, thread_key, 0); #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE thd_created = true; #endif } #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE /* Create and set PFS thread key */ if (thread_key != PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED) { assert(thd_created); if (thd_created) { PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread)(thd->get_psi()); } } #endif mysql_thread_set_secondary_engine(false); /* Create and set PFS statement key */ if (statement_key != PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED) { if (thd->m_statement_psi == nullptr) { thd->m_statement_psi = MYSQL_START_STATEMENT( &thd->m_statement_state, statement_key, thd->db().str, thd->db().length, thd->charset(), nullptr); } else { thd->m_statement_psi = MYSQL_REFINE_STATEMENT(thd->m_statement_psi, statement_key); } } } DEFINE_METHOD(void, mysql_clone_finish_statement, (THD * thd)) { assert(thd->m_statement_psi == nullptr); my_thread_end(); thd->set_psi(nullptr); destroy_thd(thd); } template using DD_Objs = std::vector; using Releaser = dd::cache::Dictionary_client::Auto_releaser; DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_get_charsets, (THD * thd, Mysql_Clone_Values &char_sets)) { auto dc = dd::get_dd_client(thd); const Releaser releaser(dc); /* Character set with collation */ DD_Objs dd_charsets; if (dc->fetch_global_components(&dd_charsets)) { my_error(ER_INTERNAL_ERROR, MYF(0), "Clone failed to get all character sets from DD"); return (ER_INTERNAL_ERROR); } for (auto dd_charset : dd_charsets) { std::string charset; charset.assign(dd_charset->name().c_str()); char_sets.push_back(charset); } return (0); } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_validate_charsets, (THD * thd, Mysql_Clone_Values &char_sets)) { if (thd == nullptr) { return (0); } int last_error = 0; for (auto &char_set : char_sets) { auto charset_obj = get_charset_by_name(char_set.c_str(), MYF(0)); /* Check if character set collation is available. */ if (charset_obj == nullptr) { my_error(ER_CLONE_CHARSET, MYF(0), char_set.c_str()); /* Continue and check for all other errors. */ last_error = ER_CLONE_CHARSET; } } return last_error; } /** Get configuration parameter value in utf8 @param[in] thd server session THD @param[in] config_name parameter name @param[out] utf8_val parameter value in utf8 string @return error code. */ static int get_utf8_config(THD *thd, std::string config_name, String &utf8_val) { auto f = [thd, &utf8_val](const System_variable_tracker &, sys_var *var) { char val_buf[1024]; SHOW_VAR show; show.type = SHOW_SYS; show.value = pointer_cast(var); show.name = var->name.str; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables); size_t val_length; const CHARSET_INFO *fromcs; const char *value = get_one_variable(thd, &show, OPT_GLOBAL, SHOW_SYS, nullptr, &fromcs, val_buf, &val_length); uint dummy_err; const CHARSET_INFO *tocs = &my_charset_utf8mb4_bin; utf8_val.copy(value, val_length, fromcs, tocs, &dummy_err); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables); }; const System_variable_tracker sv = System_variable_tracker::make_tracker(config_name); if (sv.access_system_variable(thd, f, Suppress_not_found_error::YES)) { my_error(ER_INTERNAL_ERROR, MYF(0), "Clone failed to get system configuration parameter."); return (ER_INTERNAL_ERROR); } return (0); } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_get_configs, (THD * thd, Mysql_Clone_Key_Values &configs)) { int err = 0; for (auto &key_val : configs) { String utf8_str; auto &config_name = key_val.first; err = get_utf8_config(thd, config_name, utf8_str); if (err != 0) { break; } auto &config_val = key_val.second; config_val.assign(utf8_str.c_ptr_quick()); } return (err); } /* Clone-related macros to parse version strings and determine if clone should be allowed */ /** Size of the parsed version strings array */ constexpr unsigned int CLONE_PARSE_ARRAY_SIZE = 4; /** Parsed version strings array type */ typedef std::array ParseArray; /** Index of the array correpsonding to parts of version */ constexpr unsigned int MAJOR = 0; constexpr unsigned int MINOR = 1; constexpr unsigned int PATCH = 2; constexpr unsigned int BUILD = 3; /* Patch version in 8.0.37 where wl15989 is backported */ constexpr unsigned long CLONE_BACKPORT_VERSION = 37; /** Parse a version string into an array of strings corresponding to the MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH and BUILD versions. A string of length 0 is filled in case a particular version string could not be parsed. For example, "Major.Minor.Patch-Build" yields ["Major", "Minor", "Patch", "Build"], "8.0.23-SR1" yields ["8", "0", "23", "SR1"], "8.0.-u5" yields ["8", "0", "", "u5"] @note: This function allocates the array, populates it and returns the array @param version input version string */ static ParseArray parse_version_string(std::string version) { ParseArray parsed; auto parse_next_part{[&parsed, &version](size_t index, char delimiter) { const auto pos = version.find(delimiter); if (pos != std::string::npos) { /* pos + 1 to skip the delimiter*/ parsed[index] = version.substr(0, pos); version.erase(0, pos + 1); } else { /* MAJOR part of the version string to expected to be present always */ assert(index != MAJOR); /* unable to parse, store rest of the string and make it empty */ parsed[index] = version.substr(0, version.length()); version.erase(0, version.length()); } }}; parse_next_part(MAJOR, '.'); parse_next_part(MINOR, '.'); parse_next_part(PATCH, '-'); parsed[BUILD] = version; return parsed; } /** Test specific function to configure the version strings of the donor and recipient to cover various scenarios where clone is allowed or not. This function will modify the input to ensure correct error message is printed. @param config_val recipient server's version string @param donor_val donor server's version string */ static void test_configure_versions([[maybe_unused]] std::string &config_val, [[maybe_unused]] std::string &donor_val) { /* Test specific code to check for cross version clone support */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_version_match", { config_val = donor_val; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_major_mismatch", { config_val = "8.4.0"; donor_val = "9.7.2"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_minor_mismatch", { config_val = "8.4.0"; donor_val = "8.3.2"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_non_8_0_patch_mismatch", { config_val = "8.4.2"; donor_val = "8.4.1"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_8_0_patch_match", { config_val = "8.0.25"; donor_val = "8.0.25-debug"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_8_0_before_backport_patch_mismatch", { config_val = "8.0.34"; donor_val = "8.0.35"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_8_0_before_backport_patch_mis_single", { config_val = "8.0.6"; donor_val = "8.0.7"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_8_0_across_backport_patch_mismatch", { config_val = "8.0.38"; donor_val = "8.0.35"; }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("clone_across_lts_8_0_after_backport_patch_mismatch", { config_val = "8.0.38"; donor_val = "8.0.37"; }); } /** Compares versions and determine if clone is allowed. Clone is allowed if both the donor and recipient have exactly same version string. In version series 8.1 and above, cloning is allowed if Major and Minor versions match. In 8.0 series, clone is allowed if patch version is above clone backport version. In this comparison, suffixes are ignored: i.e. 8.0.25 should be the same as 8.0.25-debug, but 8.0.25 isn't the same as 8.0.251 @param ver1 version1 string @param ver2 version2 string @return true if cloning is allowed between ver1 and ver2, false otherwise */ inline bool compare_server_version(std::string ver1, std::string ver2) { if (ver1 == ver2) { return true; } const auto parse_v1 = parse_version_string(ver1); const auto parse_v2 = parse_version_string(ver2); if ((parse_v1[MAJOR] != parse_v2[MAJOR]) || (parse_v1[MINOR] != parse_v2[MINOR])) { return false; } else if ((parse_v1[MAJOR] == "8") && (parse_v1[MINOR] == "0")) { /* Specific checks for clone across 8.0 series */ try { return ((parse_v1[PATCH] == parse_v2[PATCH]) || (std::stoul(parse_v1[PATCH]) >= CLONE_BACKPORT_VERSION && std::stoul(parse_v2[PATCH]) >= CLONE_BACKPORT_VERSION)); } catch (...) { return false; } } return true; } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_validate_configs, (THD * thd, Mysql_Clone_Key_Values &configs)) { int last_error = 0; for (auto &key_val : configs) { String utf8_str; auto &config_name = key_val.first; auto config_err = get_utf8_config(thd, config_name, utf8_str); if (config_err != 0) { last_error = config_err; /* Continue and check for all other errors. */ continue; } auto &donor_val = key_val.second; std::string config_val; config_val.assign(utf8_str.c_ptr_quick()); /* Check if the parameter value matches. */ if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF( "clone_across_lts_compare_versions", config_val == donor_val && config_name.compare("version") != 0, config_val == donor_val)) { continue; } int critical_error = 0; /* Throw specific error for some configurations. These errors are critical because user can no way clone from the current donor. */ if (config_name.compare("version_compile_os") == 0) { critical_error = ER_CLONE_OS; } else if (config_name.compare("version") == 0) { /* test specific modifications to version strings */ test_configure_versions(config_val, donor_val); if (compare_server_version(config_val, donor_val)) { continue; } critical_error = ER_CLONE_DONOR_VERSION; } else if (config_name.compare("version_compile_machine") == 0) { critical_error = ER_CLONE_PLATFORM; } /* For critical errors, exit immediately. */ if (critical_error != 0) { last_error = critical_error; my_error(last_error, MYF(0), donor_val.c_str(), config_val.c_str()); break; } last_error = ER_CLONE_CONFIG; my_error(ER_CLONE_CONFIG, MYF(0), config_name.c_str(), donor_val.c_str(), config_val.c_str()); /* Continue and check for all other configuration mismatch. */ } return last_error; } DEFINE_METHOD(MYSQL *, mysql_clone_connect, (THD * thd, const char *host, uint32_t port, const char *user, const char *passwd, mysql_clone_ssl_context *ssl_ctx, MYSQL_SOCKET *socket)) { DBUG_TRACE; /* Set default */ uint net_read_timeout = MIN_READ_TIME_OUT_SEC; uint net_write_timeout = MIN_WRITE_TIME_OUT_SEC; /* Clean any previous Error and Warnings in THD */ if (thd != nullptr) { thd->clear_error(); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); net_read_timeout = thd->variables.net_read_timeout; net_write_timeout = thd->variables.net_write_timeout; } MYSQL *mysql; MYSQL *ret_mysql; /* Connect using classic protocol */ mysql = mysql_init(nullptr); auto client_ssl_mode = static_cast(ssl_ctx->m_ssl_mode); /* Get server public key for RSA key pair-based password exchange.*/ bool get_key = true; mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_GET_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY, &get_key); if (client_ssl_mode != SSL_MODE_DISABLED) { /* Verify server's certificate */ if (ssl_ctx->m_ssl_ca != nullptr) { client_ssl_mode = SSL_MODE_VERIFY_CA; } OptionalString capath, cipher, ciphersuites, crl, crlpath, version; server_main_callback.read_parameters(nullptr, &capath, &version, nullptr, &cipher, &ciphersuites, nullptr, &crl, &crlpath, nullptr, nullptr); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY, ssl_ctx->m_ssl_key); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT, ssl_ctx->m_ssl_cert); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER, cipher.c_str()); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA, ssl_ctx->m_ssl_ca); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH, capath.c_str()); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, crl.c_str()); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, crlpath.c_str()); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_TLS_VERSION, version.c_str()); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_TLS_CIPHERSUITES, ciphersuites.c_str()); } mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE, &client_ssl_mode); auto timeout = static_cast(connect_timeout); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, reinterpret_cast(&timeout)); /* Enable compression. */ if (ssl_ctx->m_enable_compression) { mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, nullptr); mysql_extension_set_server_extn(mysql, ssl_ctx->m_server_extn); } ret_mysql = mysql_real_connect(mysql, host, user, passwd, nullptr, port, nullptr, 0); if (ret_mysql == nullptr) { char err_buf[MYSYS_ERRMSG_SIZE + 64]; snprintf(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), "Connect failed: %u : %s", mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql)); my_error(ER_CLONE_DONOR, MYF(0), err_buf); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_CLONE_CLIENT_TRACE, err_buf); mysql_close(mysql); return nullptr; } NET *net = &mysql->net; Vio *vio = net->vio; *socket = vio->mysql_socket; net_clear_error(net); net_clear(net, true); /* Set network read/write timeout */ set_read_timeout(net, net_read_timeout); set_write_timeout(net, net_write_timeout); if (thd != nullptr) { /* Set current active vio so that shutdown and KILL signals can wake up current thread. */ thd->set_clone_vio(net->vio); } /* Load clone plugin in remote */ auto result = simple_command(mysql, COM_CLONE, nullptr, 0, 0); if (result) { if (thd != nullptr) { thd->clear_clone_vio(); } char err_buf[MYSYS_ERRMSG_SIZE + 64]; snprintf(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), "%d : %s", net->last_errno, net->last_error); my_error(ER_CLONE_DONOR, MYF(0), err_buf); snprintf(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), "COM_CLONE failed: %d : %s", net->last_errno, net->last_error); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_CLONE_CLIENT_TRACE, err_buf); mysql_close(mysql); mysql = nullptr; } return mysql; } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_send_command, (THD * thd, MYSQL *connection, bool set_active, uchar command, uchar *com_buffer, size_t buffer_length)) { DBUG_TRACE; NET *net = &connection->net; if (net->last_errno != 0) { return static_cast(net->last_errno); } net_clear_error(net); net_clear(net, true); if (set_active && thd->killed != THD::NOT_KILLED) { my_error(ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, MYF(0)); return ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED; } auto result = net_write_command(net, command, nullptr, 0, com_buffer, buffer_length); if (!result) { return 0; } int err = static_cast(net->last_errno); /* Check if query is interrupted */ if (set_active && thd->killed != THD::NOT_KILLED) { thd->clear_error(); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); my_error(ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, MYF(0)); err = ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED; } assert(err != 0); return err; } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_get_response, (THD * thd, MYSQL *connection, bool set_active, uint32_t timeout, uchar **packet, size_t *length, size_t *net_length)) { DBUG_TRACE; NET *net = &connection->net; if (net->last_errno != 0) { return static_cast(net->last_errno); } if (set_active && thd->killed != THD::NOT_KILLED) { my_error(ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, MYF(0)); return ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED; } net_new_transaction(net); /* Adjust read timeout if specified. */ if (timeout != 0) { set_read_timeout(net, timeout); } /* Dummy function callback invoked before getting header. */ auto func_before = [](NET *, void *, size_t) {}; /* Callback function called after receiving header. */ auto func_after = [](NET *net_arg, void *ctx, size_t, bool) { auto net_bytes = static_cast(ctx); *net_bytes += static_cast(uint3korr(net_arg->buff + net_arg->where_b)); }; /* Use server extension callback to capture network byte information. */ NET_SERVER server_extn; net_server_ext_init(&server_extn); server_extn.m_user_data = static_cast(net_length); server_extn.m_before_header = func_before; server_extn.m_after_header = func_after; auto saved_extn = net->extension; if (saved_extn != nullptr && net->compress) server_extn.compress_ctx = (static_cast(saved_extn))->compress_ctx; else server_extn.compress_ctx.algorithm = MYSQL_UNCOMPRESSED; net->extension = &server_extn; *net_length = 0; *length = my_net_read(net); net->extension = saved_extn; server_extn.compress_ctx.algorithm = MYSQL_UNCOMPRESSED; /* Reset timeout back to default value. */ set_read_timeout(net, thd->variables.net_read_timeout); *packet = net->read_pos; if (*length != packet_error && *length != 0) { return 0; } int err = static_cast(net->last_errno); /* Check if query is interrupted */ if (set_active && thd->killed != THD::NOT_KILLED) { thd->clear_error(); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); my_error(ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, MYF(0)); err = ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED; } /* This error is not relevant for client but is raised by network net_read_raw_loop() as the code is compiled in server MYSQL_SERVER. For clone client we need to set valid client network error. */ if (err == ER_CLIENT_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT) { /* purecov: begin inspected */ thd->clear_error(); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); net->last_errno = ER_NET_READ_ERROR; err = ER_NET_READ_ERROR; my_error(ER_NET_READ_ERROR, MYF(0)); /* purecov: end */ } if (err == 0) { net->last_errno = ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER; err = ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER; my_error(err, MYF(0)); } return err; } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_kill, (MYSQL * connection, MYSQL *kill_connection)) { DBUG_TRACE; auto kill_conn_id = kill_connection->thread_id; char kill_buffer[64]; snprintf(kill_buffer, 64, "KILL CONNECTION %lu", kill_conn_id); auto err = mysql_real_query(connection, kill_buffer, static_cast(strlen(kill_buffer))); return err; } DEFINE_METHOD(void, mysql_clone_disconnect, (THD * thd, MYSQL *mysql, bool is_fatal, bool clear_error)) { DBUG_TRACE; /* Make sure that the other end has switched back from clone protocol. */ if (!is_fatal) { is_fatal = simple_command(mysql, COM_RESET_CONNECTION, nullptr, 0, 0); } if (is_fatal) { end_server(mysql); } /* Disconnect */ mysql_close(mysql); /* There could be some n/w error during disconnect and we need to clear them if requested. */ if (thd != nullptr) { thd->clear_clone_vio(); /* clear any session error, if requested */ if (clear_error) { thd->clear_error(); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); } } } DEFINE_METHOD(void, mysql_clone_get_error, (THD * thd, uint32_t *err_num, const char **err_mesg)) { DBUG_TRACE; *err_num = 0; *err_mesg = nullptr; /* Check if THD exists. */ if (thd == nullptr) { return; } /* Check if DA exists. */ auto da = thd->get_stmt_da(); if (da == nullptr || !da->is_error()) { return; } /* Get error from DA. */ *err_num = da->mysql_errno(); *err_mesg = da->message_text(); } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_get_command, (THD * thd, uchar *command, uchar **com_buffer, size_t *buffer_length)) { DBUG_TRACE; NET *net = thd->get_protocol_classic()->get_net(); if (net->last_errno != 0) { return static_cast(net->last_errno); } /* flush any data in write buffer */ if (!net_flush(net)) { net_new_transaction(net); /* Set idle timeout while waiting for commands. Earlier we used server configuration "wait_timeout" but this causes unwanted timeout in clone when user configures the value too low. */ set_idle_timeout(net, thd->variables.net_wait_timeout); *buffer_length = my_net_read(net); set_read_timeout(net, thd->variables.net_read_timeout); set_write_timeout(net, thd->variables.net_write_timeout); if (*buffer_length != packet_error && *buffer_length != 0) { *com_buffer = net->read_pos; *command = **com_buffer; ++(*com_buffer); --(*buffer_length); return 0; } } int err = static_cast(net->last_errno); if (err == 0) { net->last_errno = ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER; err = ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER; my_error(err, MYF(0)); } return err; } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_send_response, (THD * thd, bool secure, uchar *packet, size_t length)) { DBUG_TRACE; NET *net = thd->get_protocol_classic()->get_net(); if (net->last_errno != 0) { return static_cast(net->last_errno); } auto conn_type = thd->get_vio_type(); if (secure && conn_type != VIO_TYPE_SSL) { my_error(ER_CLONE_ENCRYPTION, MYF(0)); return ER_CLONE_ENCRYPTION; } net_clear(net, true); if (!my_net_write(net, packet, length) && !net_flush(net)) { return 0; } const int err = static_cast(net->last_errno); assert(err != 0); return err; } DEFINE_METHOD(int, mysql_clone_send_error, (THD * thd, uchar err_cmd, bool is_fatal)) { DBUG_TRACE; NET *net = thd->get_protocol_classic()->get_net(); auto da = thd->get_stmt_da(); /* Consider any previous network error as fatal. */ if (!is_fatal && net->last_errno != 0) { is_fatal = true; } if (is_fatal) { int err = 0; /* Handle the case if network layer hasn't set the error in THD. */ if (da->is_error()) { err = da->mysql_errno(); } else { err = ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE; my_error(err, MYF(0)); } mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); thd->shutdown_active_vio(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); return err; } uchar err_packet[1 + 4 + MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE + 1]; uchar *buf_ptr = &err_packet[0]; size_t packet_length = 0; *buf_ptr = err_cmd; ++buf_ptr; ++packet_length; char *bufp; if (da->is_error()) { int4store(buf_ptr, da->mysql_errno()); buf_ptr += 4; packet_length += 4; bufp = reinterpret_cast(buf_ptr); packet_length += snprintf(bufp, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE, "%s", da->message_text()); } else { int4store(buf_ptr, ER_INTERNAL_ERROR); buf_ptr += 4; packet_length += 4; bufp = reinterpret_cast(buf_ptr); packet_length += snprintf(bufp, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE, "%s", "Unknown Error"); } /* Clean error in THD */ thd->clear_error(); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); net_clear(net, true); if (my_net_write(net, &err_packet[0], packet_length) || net_flush(net)) { int err = static_cast(net->last_errno); da = thd->get_stmt_da(); if (err == 0 || !da->is_error()) { net->last_errno = ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER; err = ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER; my_error(err, MYF(0)); } mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); thd->shutdown_active_vio(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); return err; } return 0; }