/* Copyright (c) 2017, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "security_context_imp.h" #include #include "sql/auth/auth_acls.h" #include "sql/current_thd.h" #include "sql/sql_class.h" #include "sql/sql_thd_internal_api.h" // create_internal_thd /** Gets the security context for the thread. @param[in] _thd The thread to get the context from @param[out] out_ctx placeholder for the security context handle @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::get, (void *_thd, Security_context_handle *out_ctx)) { THD *thd = reinterpret_cast(_thd); if (!out_ctx) return true; try { *out_ctx = reinterpret_cast(thd->security_context()); return false; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Sets a new security context for the thread. @param[in] _thd The thread to set the context to @param[in] in_ctx The handle of the new security context @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::set, (void *_thd, Security_context_handle in_ctx)) { THD *thd = reinterpret_cast(_thd); if (!in_ctx) return true; try { Security_context *in_sctx = reinterpret_cast(in_ctx); if (in_sctx) { thd->set_security_context(in_sctx); in_sctx->set_thd(thd); // Turn ON the flag in THD iff the user is granted SYSTEM_USER privilege set_system_user_flag(thd); // Update the flag in THD based on if the user is granted CONNECTION_ADMIN // privilege set_connection_admin_flag(thd); } return false; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Creates a new security context and initializes it with the defaults (no access, no user etc). @param[out] out_ctx placeholder for the newly created security context handle @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::create, (Security_context_handle * out_ctx)) { try { *out_ctx = reinterpret_cast(new Security_context()); return false; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Deallocates a security context. @param[in] ctx The handle of the security context to destroy @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::destroy, (Security_context_handle ctx)) { try { delete reinterpret_cast(ctx); return false; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Duplicates a security context. @param[in] in_ctx The handle of the security context to copy @param[out] out_ctx placeholder for the handle of the copied security context @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::copy, (Security_context_handle in_ctx, Security_context_handle *out_ctx)) { try { if (out_ctx) { *out_ctx = reinterpret_cast(new Security_context()); if (in_ctx && *out_ctx) *out_ctx = reinterpret_cast(in_ctx); else return true; return false; } } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Looks up in the defined user accounts an account based on the user\@host[ip] combo supplied and checks if the user has access to the database requested. The lookup is done in exactly the same way as at login time. The new security context need to checkout additional privileges using the checkout_acl method. @param[in] ctx The handle of the security context to update @param[in] user The user name to look up, the name has to be in utf8 charset @param[in] host The host name to look up, the name has to be in utf8 charset @param[in] ip The ip of the incoming connection @param[in] db The database to check access to @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::lookup, (Security_context_handle ctx, const char *user, const char *host, const char *ip, const char *db)) { try { THD *tmp_thd = nullptr; bool retval; if (current_thd == nullptr) { tmp_thd = create_internal_thd(); if (!tmp_thd) return true; } retval = acl_getroot(tmp_thd ? tmp_thd : current_thd, reinterpret_cast(ctx), user, host, ip, db) ? true : false; /* If it is not a new security context then update the system_user and connection_admin flags in its referenced THD. */ Security_context *sctx = reinterpret_cast(ctx); THD *sctx_thd = sctx->get_thd(); if (sctx_thd) { set_system_user_flag(sctx_thd); set_connection_admin_flag(sctx_thd); } if (tmp_thd) { destroy_internal_thd(tmp_thd); tmp_thd = nullptr; } return retval; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Reads a named security context attribute and returns its value. Currently defined names are: - user MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * login user (a.k.a. the user's part of USER()) - host MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * login host (a.k.a. the host's part of USER()) - ip MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * login client ip - host_or_ip MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * host, if present, ip if not. - priv_user MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * authenticated user (a.k.a. the user's part of CURRENT_USER()) - priv_host MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * authenticated host (a.k.a. the host's part of CURRENT_USER()) - proxy_user MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * the proxy user used in authenticating - privilege_super DECLARE_BOOL_METHOD * 1 if the user account has supper privilege, 0 otherwise - privilege_execute DECLARE_BOOL_METHOD * 1 if the user account has execute privilege, 0 otherwise @param[in] ctx_h The handle of the security context to read from @param[in] name The option name to read @param[out] inout_pvalue The value of the option. Type depends on the name. @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::get, (Security_context_handle ctx_h, const char *name, void *inout_pvalue)) { try { Security_context *ctx = reinterpret_cast(ctx_h); if (inout_pvalue) { if (!strcmp(name, "user")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->user(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "host")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->host(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "ip")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->ip(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "host_or_ip")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->host_or_ip(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "priv_user")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->priv_user(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "priv_host")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->priv_host(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "proxy_user")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->proxy_user(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "external_user")) { *((MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING *)inout_pvalue) = ctx->external_user(); } else if (!strcmp(name, "privilege_super")) { const bool checked = ctx->check_access(SUPER_ACL); *((bool *)inout_pvalue) = checked ? true : false; } else if (!strcmp(name, "privilege_execute")) { const bool checked = ctx->check_access(EXECUTE_ACL); *((bool *)inout_pvalue) = checked ? true : false; } else return true; /* invalid option */ } return false; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; } /** Sets a value for a named security context attribute Currently defined names are: - user MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * login user (a.k.a. the user's part of USER()) - host MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * login host (a.k.a. the host's part of USER()) - ip MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * login client ip - priv_user MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * authenticated user (a.k.a. the user's part of CURRENT_USER()) - priv_host MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * authenticated host (a.k.a. the host's part of CURRENT_USER()) - proxy_user MYSQL_LEX_CSTRING * the proxy user used in authenticating - privilege_super DECLARE_BOOL_METHOD * 1 if the user account has supper privilege, 0 otherwise - privilege_execute DECLARE_BOOL_METHOD * 1 if the user account has execute privilege, 0 otherwise @param[in] ctx_h The handle of the security context to set into @param[in] name The option name to set @param[in] pvalue The value of the option. Type depends on the name. @retval true failure @retval false success */ DEFINE_BOOL_METHOD(mysql_security_context_imp::set, (Security_context_handle ctx_h, const char *name, void *pvalue)) { try { Security_context *ctx = reinterpret_cast(ctx_h); if (!strcmp(name, "user")) { LEX_CSTRING *value = (LEX_CSTRING *)pvalue; ctx->assign_user(value->str, value->length); } else if (!strcmp(name, "host")) { LEX_CSTRING *value = (LEX_CSTRING *)pvalue; ctx->assign_host(value->str, value->length); } else if (!strcmp(name, "ip")) { LEX_CSTRING *value = (LEX_CSTRING *)pvalue; ctx->assign_ip(value->str, value->length); } else if (!strcmp(name, "priv_user")) { LEX_CSTRING *value = (LEX_CSTRING *)pvalue; ctx->assign_priv_user(value->str, value->length); } else if (!strcmp(name, "priv_host")) { LEX_CSTRING *value = (LEX_CSTRING *)pvalue; ctx->assign_priv_host(value->str, value->length); } else if (!strcmp(name, "proxy_user")) { LEX_CSTRING *value = (LEX_CSTRING *)pvalue; ctx->assign_proxy_user(value->str, value->length); } else if (!strcmp(name, "privilege_super")) { const char value = *(char *)pvalue; if (value) ctx->set_master_access(ctx->master_access() | (SUPER_ACL), ctx->restrictions()); else ctx->set_master_access(ctx->master_access() & ~(SUPER_ACL), ctx->restrictions()); } else if (!strcmp(name, "privilege_execute")) { const char value = *(char *)pvalue; if (value) ctx->set_master_access(ctx->master_access() | (EXECUTE_ACL), ctx->restrictions()); else ctx->set_master_access(ctx->master_access() & ~(EXECUTE_ACL), ctx->restrictions()); } else return true; /* invalid option */ return false; } catch (...) { mysql_components_handle_std_exception(__func__); } return true; }