/* Copyright (c) 2019, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _table_column_iterator_h #define _table_column_iterator_h #include "my_bitmap.h" // MY_BITMAP #include "sql/field.h" // Field #include "sql/table.h" // TABLE /** @class Table_columns_view This template class acts as a container of table columns and encapsulates and abstracts a `TABLE` object field set iteration logic, by providing an iterator interface implementation. The template parameter `ExclusionFilter` is a predicate that takes a `TABLE` reference and a column index and returns whether or not the field should be filtered out, more specifically, a signature compatible with: std::function This template class accepts an empty parameter set, which provides an unfiltered container and iterates over all the table columns: void print_all_fields(TABLE *table) { Table_columns_view<> fields{table}; for (auto field : fields) { std::cout << field->field_index << ". " << field << std::endl << std::flush; } } The template parameter predicate may take the form of a `operator()`: class JSON_fields { public: bool operator()(TABLE const *table, size_t column_index) { return table->field[column_index]->type() != MYSQL_TYPE_JSON; } void print_json_fields(TABLE *table) { Table_columns_view fields{table, *this}; for (auto field : fields) { std::cout << field->field_index << ". " << field << std::endl << std::flush; } } }; The template parameter predicate may take the form of a lambda function: void print_int_fields(TABLE *table) { Table_columns_view<> fields{ table, [](TABLE const *table, size_t column_index) -> bool { return table->field[column_index]->type() != MYSQL_TYPE_INT24; }}; for (auto field : fields) { std::cout << field->field_index << ". " << field << std::endl << std::flush; } } The list of generated columns is kept separately in the `TABLE` class, in the `TABLE::vfield` member. Although we could achieve accurate filtering using the above described methods, as a performance optimization, this class allows applying the filter and iteration directly and exclusively on the generated columns. For that we can use the `VFIELDS_ONLY` option: void print_virtual_generated_columns(TABLE *table) { Table_columns_view<> fields{ table, [](TABLE const *table, size_t column_index) -> bool { return table->field[column_index]->is_virtual_gcol(); }, Table_columns_view<>::VFIELDS_ONLY }; for (auto field : fields) { std::cout << field->field_index << ". " << field << std::endl << std::flush; } } */ template > class Table_columns_view { public: /** Alias for the predicate type, for readability purposes. */ using filter_fn_type = ExclusionFilter; /** Default set of options. */ static constexpr unsigned long DEFAULTS = 0; /** Request the view excluding filter to operate `TABLE::vfields` instead of the full set. */ static constexpr unsigned long VFIELDS_ONLY = 1; /** Empty constructor, only available when the predicate type is a lambda function. @param options optional parameter for filtering and iterating options. Options should be combined with `|`. Available options are `VFIELDS_ONLY`. */ template Table_columns_view( unsigned long options = 0, typename std::enable_if>::value>::type * = nullptr); /** Constructor that takes the target `TABLE` object, only available when the predicate type is a lambda function. @param table reference to the target TABLE object. @param options optional parameter for filtering and iterating options. Options should be combined with `|`. Available options are `VFIELDS_ONLY`. */ template Table_columns_view( TABLE const *table, unsigned long options = 0, typename std::enable_if>::value>::type * = nullptr); /** Constructor which takes a predicate used to filter this container iteration. @param filtering_predicate the predicate to filter this container iteration. @param options optional parameter for filtering and iterating options. Options should be combined with `|`. Available options are `VFIELDS_ONLY`. */ Table_columns_view(ExclusionFilter filtering_predicate, unsigned long options = 0); /** Constructor which takes the TABLE object whose field set will be iterated and a predicate used to filter this container iteration. @param table reference to the target TABLE object. @param filtering_predicate the predicate to filter this container iteration. @param options optional parameter for filtering and iterating options. Options should be combined with `|`. Available options are `VFIELDS_ONLY`. */ Table_columns_view(TABLE const *table, ExclusionFilter filtering_predicate, unsigned long options = 0); /** Destructor for the class. */ virtual ~Table_columns_view(); /** Setter which initializes the internal reference to the TABLE object whose field set will be iterated over. @param rhs reference to the target TABLE object @return a reference to this object. */ virtual Table_columns_view &set_table(const TABLE *rhs); /** Setter which initializes the internal filtering predicate of type `ExclusionFilter`. @param rhs reference to the target filtering predicate `ExclusionFilter` @return a reference to this object. */ virtual Table_columns_view &set_filter(ExclusionFilter rhs); // --> Deleted constructors and methods to remove default move/copy semantics Table_columns_view(const Table_columns_view &rhs) = delete; Table_columns_view(Table_columns_view &&rhs) = delete; Table_columns_view &operator=(const Table_columns_view &rhs) = delete; Table_columns_view &operator=(Table_columns_view &&rhs) = delete; // <-- /** Iterator class to allow iterating over the replicatable fields in a TABLE object field set. It implements the bidirectional iterator concept. In order to fully understand this class implementation, please, check the documentation on the Iterator concept requirements within the C++ standard and the STL definition. */ class iterator { public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = Field *; using pointer = Field *; using reference = Field *; using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; /** Constructor for the iterator. It takes the parent Table_columns_view object and the initial positions for the replicated table and for the local table. @param parent reference to the target Table_columns_view object. @param pos initial replicated table field set position. @param col initial local table field set position. */ explicit iterator(Table_columns_view &parent, long pos, long col); /** Constructor for the iterator. It takes the parent Table_columns_view object and the initial positions for the replicated table and for the local table. It also includes a translation factor so we can get the iterated position in relation to a different set of columns. @note When this iterator is used in the context of a replica that is applying an event, the translation offset represents the number of extra columns that the event has to the left of other columns, which the table does not have (if any). So, for example, when the event has a GIPK column to the left, and the replica does not have that, then the offset is 1. @param parent reference to the target Table_columns_view object. @param pos initial replicated table field set position. @param col initial local table field set position. @param translation_offset the translation offset for translated_pos() */ explicit iterator(Table_columns_view &parent, long pos, long col, long translation_offset); /** Copy constructor. @param rhs object instance we pretend to copy from. */ iterator(const iterator &rhs); /** Default destructor */ virtual ~iterator() = default; // BASIC ITERATOR METHODS // iterator &operator=(const iterator &rhs); iterator &operator++(); reference operator*() const; // END / BASIC ITERATOR METHODS // // INPUT ITERATOR METHODS // iterator operator++(int); pointer operator->() const; bool operator==(iterator rhs) const; bool operator!=(iterator rhs) const; // END / INPUT ITERATOR METHODS // // OUTPUT ITERATOR METHODS // // reference operator*() const; <- already defined // iterator operator++(int); <- already defined // END / OUTPUT ITERATOR METHODS // // FORWARD ITERATOR METHODS // // Enable support for both input and output iterator <- already enabled // END / FORWARD ITERATOR METHODS // // BIDIRECTIOANL ITERATOR METHODS // iterator &operator--(); iterator operator--(int); // END / BIDIRECTIOANL ITERATOR METHODS // /** Returns the position this iterator object is pointing to, within the local table field set. @return the position this object is pointing to, within the local table field set. */ size_t absolute_pos(); /** Returns the position this iterator relative to the set of table columns which are not excluded by the associated filters @return the position this object is pointing to considering the non filtered columns */ size_t filtered_pos(); /** Returns the position this iterator object is pointing to, within the replicated table field set plus the translation_offset @note When this iterator is used in the context of a replica that is applying an event, use translated_pos to get the position within the event." @return the position this object is pointing to, within the replicated table field set adjusted to another frame of reference. */ size_t translated_pos(); friend struct TABLE; friend class Table_columns_view; private: /** A reference to the instance we wish to iterate over. */ Table_columns_view const *m_parent; /** The position, relative to the TABLE object, this instance iterator is pointing to. */ long m_absolute_pos; /** The position, relative to the set of included fields, this instance iterator is pointing to. */ long m_filtered_pos; /** Translation unit used on top of the iterator filtered position, so we can adjust the position to another frame of reference. When this iterator is used in the context of a replica that is applying an event, use translated_pos to get the position within the event. This number should be set to N when the event has N extra columns to the left, which do not exist in the replica table. */ long m_translation_offset; }; /** Computes the total number of fields in the table. @return the number of fields in the table. */ size_t absolute_size() const; /** Computes the total number of fields after filtering. @return the number of fields after filtering. */ size_t filtered_size() const; /** Creates an iterator object, pointing at the beginning of the table field set. @return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the field set. */ virtual iterator begin(); /** Creates an iterator object, pointing at the end of the table field set. @return an iterator pointing to the end of the field set. */ virtual iterator end(); /** Returns whether or not the field at `index` is to be excluded from the field set iteration process. @param index the index of the field to test for exclusion from iteration. @return true if the field is to be excluded from the iteration, false otherwise. */ bool is_excluded(size_t index) const; /** Returns the bitmap for the columns from the local table set that are to be included in the replicated row. @return a bitmap indicating which columns from the local table are to be included in the replicated row. */ MY_BITMAP &get_included_fields_bitmap(); /** Returns the bitmap for the columns from the local table set that are to be excluded from the replicated row. @return a bitmap indicating which columns from the local table are to be excluded from the replicated row. */ MY_BITMAP &get_excluded_fields_bitmap(); /** Takes a bitmap object, as received from the replication channel and translates it to a bitmap that matches the local TABLE object. @param[in] source the bitmap as received from the replication channel @param[out] destination the bitmap that matches the local TABLE format @return this object reference (for chaining purposes). */ Table_columns_view &translate_bitmap(MY_BITMAP &source, MY_BITMAP &destination); /** For the absolute position on the table that equals the given position given as a parameter, return the translated position. @param source the position in the local table @return the translated position within the local table. */ size_t translate_position(size_t source); /** Returns the iterator for the (absolute) position in the table. @param absolute_pos the position in the local table @return the iterator for the position, if found */ iterator find_by_absolute_pos(size_t absolute_pos); protected: /** Initializes the internal included and excluded fields bitmaps. After each member is set, this method should be invoked in order to remake the bitmaps. @return this object reference (for chaining purposes). */ Table_columns_view &init_fields_bitmaps(); private: /** The TABLE object reference which contains the field set to be iterated over. */ TABLE const *m_table{nullptr}; /** ExclusionFiltering predicate to be invoked when determining if a column is to be included in the iteration. */ ExclusionFilter m_filtering_predicate; /** Number of columns to include in iteration. */ size_t m_filtered_size{0}; /** Bitmap that holds the information about which columns from the local table are to be included in the replicated row. */ MY_BITMAP m_included_fields_bitmap; /** Bitmap that holds the information about which columns from the local table are to be excluded from the replicated row. */ MY_BITMAP m_excluded_fields_bitmap; /** Set of options to apply to view behaviour */ unsigned long m_options{0}; /** Default filtering predicate. */ static bool default_filter(TABLE const *table, size_t column_index); }; template template Table_columns_view::Table_columns_view( unsigned long options, typename std::enable_if>::value>::type *) : m_filtering_predicate{Table_columns_view::default_filter}, m_options{options} { this->set_filter(Table_columns_view::default_filter); } template template Table_columns_view::Table_columns_view( TABLE const *table, unsigned long options, typename std::enable_if>::value>::type *) : m_filtering_predicate{Table_columns_view::default_filter}, m_options{options} { this->set_filter(Table_columns_view::default_filter) // .set_table(table); } template Table_columns_view::Table_columns_view(F filtering_predicate, unsigned long options) : Table_columns_view{nullptr, filtering_predicate, options} {} template Table_columns_view::Table_columns_view(TABLE const *target, F filtering_predicate, unsigned long options) : m_filtering_predicate{filtering_predicate}, m_options{options} { this->set_filter(filtering_predicate) // .set_table(target); } template Table_columns_view::~Table_columns_view() { bitmap_free(&this->m_included_fields_bitmap); bitmap_free(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap); } template Table_columns_view &Table_columns_view::set_table(const TABLE *rhs) { this->m_table = rhs; this->init_fields_bitmaps(); return (*this); } template Table_columns_view &Table_columns_view::set_filter(F rhs) { this->m_filtering_predicate = rhs; this->init_fields_bitmaps(); return (*this); } template size_t Table_columns_view::absolute_size() const { if (this->m_table == nullptr) return 0; return this->m_table->s->fields; } template size_t Table_columns_view::filtered_size() const { return this->m_filtered_size; } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator Table_columns_view::begin() { typename Table_columns_view::iterator to_return{*this, -1, -1}; ++to_return; return to_return; } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator Table_columns_view::end() { typename Table_columns_view::iterator to_return{ *this, static_cast(this->absolute_size()), static_cast(this->filtered_size())}; return to_return; } template bool Table_columns_view::is_excluded(size_t index) const { return bitmap_is_set(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap, index); } template MY_BITMAP &Table_columns_view::get_included_fields_bitmap() { return this->m_included_fields_bitmap; } template MY_BITMAP &Table_columns_view::get_excluded_fields_bitmap() { return this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap; } template Table_columns_view &Table_columns_view::translate_bitmap( MY_BITMAP &source, MY_BITMAP &destination) { if (this->m_table == nullptr) return (*this); if (source.bitmap == nullptr) return (*this); bitmap_init(&destination, nullptr, this->m_table->s->fields); for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { size_t source_pos = it.translated_pos(); size_t abs_pos = it.absolute_pos(); if (source_pos >= source.n_bits) break; if (bitmap_is_set(&source, static_cast(source_pos))) { bitmap_set_bit(&destination, static_cast(abs_pos)); } } return (*this); } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator Table_columns_view::find_by_absolute_pos(size_t absolute_pos) { return std::find_if(begin(), end(), [absolute_pos](auto it) { return it->field_index() == absolute_pos; }); } template size_t Table_columns_view::translate_position(size_t orig_pos) { for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { size_t abs_pos = it.absolute_pos(); if (abs_pos == orig_pos) return it.translated_pos(); } return orig_pos; } template Table_columns_view &Table_columns_view::init_fields_bitmaps() { if (this->m_table == nullptr) return (*this); bitmap_free(&this->m_included_fields_bitmap); bitmap_free(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap); bitmap_init(&this->m_included_fields_bitmap, nullptr, this->m_table->s->fields); bitmap_init(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap, nullptr, this->m_table->s->fields); this->m_filtered_size = 0; if ((this->m_options & VFIELDS_ONLY) == VFIELDS_ONLY) { bitmap_set_all(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap); for (auto fld = this->m_table->vfield; *fld != nullptr; ++fld) { auto idx = (*fld)->field_index(); if (!this->m_filtering_predicate(this->m_table, idx)) { bitmap_set_bit(&this->m_included_fields_bitmap, idx); bitmap_clear_bit(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap, idx); ++this->m_filtered_size; } } } else { for (size_t idx = 0; idx != this->m_table->s->fields; ++idx) { if (this->m_filtering_predicate(this->m_table, idx)) { bitmap_set_bit(&this->m_excluded_fields_bitmap, idx); } else { bitmap_set_bit(&this->m_included_fields_bitmap, idx); ++this->m_filtered_size; } } } return (*this); } template bool Table_columns_view::default_filter(TABLE const *, size_t) { return false; } template Table_columns_view::iterator::iterator(Table_columns_view &parent, long absolute_pos, long filtered_pos) : m_parent{&parent}, m_absolute_pos{absolute_pos}, m_filtered_pos{filtered_pos}, m_translation_offset{0} {} template Table_columns_view::iterator::iterator(Table_columns_view &parent, long absolute_pos, long filtered_pos, long translation_offset) : m_parent{&parent}, m_absolute_pos{absolute_pos}, m_filtered_pos{filtered_pos}, m_translation_offset{translation_offset} {} template Table_columns_view::iterator::iterator(const iterator &rhs) { (*this) = rhs; } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator & Table_columns_view::iterator::operator=( const Table_columns_view::iterator &rhs) { this->m_parent = rhs.m_parent; this->m_absolute_pos = rhs.m_absolute_pos; this->m_filtered_pos = rhs.m_filtered_pos; this->m_translation_offset = rhs.m_translation_offset; return (*this); } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator & Table_columns_view::iterator::operator++() { if (this->m_parent->m_table != nullptr && this->m_absolute_pos != static_cast(this->m_parent->absolute_size())) { do { ++this->m_absolute_pos; } while (this->m_absolute_pos != static_cast(this->m_parent->absolute_size()) && this->m_parent->is_excluded(this->m_absolute_pos)); ++this->m_filtered_pos; } return (*this); } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator::reference Table_columns_view::iterator::operator*() const { if (this->m_parent->m_table != nullptr && this->m_absolute_pos != static_cast(this->m_parent->absolute_size())) { return this->m_parent->m_table->field[this->m_absolute_pos]; } return nullptr; } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator Table_columns_view::iterator::operator++(int) { typename Table_columns_view::iterator to_return = (*this); ++(*this); return to_return; } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator::pointer Table_columns_view::iterator::operator->() const { return this->operator*(); } template bool Table_columns_view::iterator::operator==( Table_columns_view::iterator rhs) const { return this->m_absolute_pos == rhs.m_absolute_pos && this->m_parent->m_table == rhs.m_parent->m_table; } template bool Table_columns_view::iterator::operator!=( Table_columns_view::iterator rhs) const { return !((*this) == rhs); } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator & Table_columns_view::iterator::operator--() { if (this->m_parent->m_table != nullptr && this->m_absolute_pos != 0) { do { --this->m_absolute_pos; } while (this->m_absolute_pos != 0 && this->m_parent->is_excluded(this->m_absolute_pos)); --this->m_filtered_pos; } return (*this); } template typename Table_columns_view::iterator Table_columns_view::iterator::operator--(int) { typename Table_columns_view::iterator to_return = (*this); --(*this); return to_return; } template size_t Table_columns_view::iterator::absolute_pos() { return static_cast(this->m_absolute_pos); } template size_t Table_columns_view::iterator::filtered_pos() { return static_cast(this->m_filtered_pos); } template size_t Table_columns_view::iterator::translated_pos() { return static_cast(this->m_filtered_pos + this->m_translation_offset); } #endif // _table_column_iterator_h