/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, which is part of C Driver for MySQL (Connector/C), is also subject to the Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* Creates one include file and multiple language-error message files ("errmsg.sys") from multi-language input files, messages_to_error_log.txt and messages_to_clients.txt. Input encoding for both files is UTF-8. This covers messages sent by the server to the client, but not those included in the client-library (libmysql / C-API) itself. Please see errmsg_readme.txt in this directory for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "m_string.h" #include "my_byteorder.h" #include "my_checksum.h" #include "my_compiler.h" #include "my_dbug.h" #include "my_dir.h" #include "my_getopt.h" #include "my_io.h" #include "my_sys.h" #include "mysql/components/services/log_shared.h" #include "mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h" #include "mysql/strings/m_ctype.h" #include "mysql/strings/my_strtoll10.h" #include "nulls.h" #include "prealloced_array.h" #include "print_version.h" #include "strxmov.h" #include "welcome_copyright_notice.h" #define MAX_ERROR_NAME_LENGTH 64 #define HEADER_LENGTH 32 /* Length of header in errmsg.sys */ #define ERRMSG_VERSION 3 /* Version number of errmsg.sys */ #define DEFAULT_CHARSET_DIR "../share/charsets" #define ER_PREFIX "ER_" #define WARN_PREFIX "WARN_" #define OBSOLETE_ER_PREFIX "OBSOLETE_ER_" #define OBSOLETE_WARN_PREFIX "OBSOLETE_WARN_" static const char *OUTFILE = "errmsg.sys"; static const char *HEADERFILE = "mysqld_error.h"; static const char *NAMEFILE = "mysqld_ername.h"; static const char *MSGFILE = "mysqld_errmsg.h"; static const char *MSGS_ERRLOG = "../share/messages_to_error_log.txt"; static const char *MSGS_TO_CLIENT = "../share/messages_to_clients.txt"; static const char *DATADIRECTORY = "../share/"; static const char *selftest_dir = nullptr; bool selftest_flag = false; #ifndef NDEBUG static const char *default_dbug_option = "d:t:O,/tmp/comp_err.trace"; #endif /* Header for errmsg.sys files Byte 3 is treated as version number for errmsg.sys With this version ERRMSG_VERSION = 3, number of bytes used for the length, count and offset are increased from 2 bytes to 4 bytes. */ uchar file_head[] = {254, 254, ERRMSG_VERSION, 1}; const char *empty_string = ""; /* For empty states */ /* Default values for command line options. See getopt structure for definitions for these. */ char *default_language = nullptr; /* Start offset. We reserve some space for mysys' "global errors", so the offset should at least be (EE_ERROR_LAST + 1). */ #define BASE_SERVER_TO_CLIENT 1000 #define BASE_ERROR_LOG ER_SERVER_RANGE_START int er_offset; bool info_flag = false; /** Performance schema metadata about an error code. Depending on the kind of error, the performance schema collects different statistics: - errors listed in messages_to_clients.txt are per session - errors listed in messages_to_error_log.txt are global. - obsolete errors have no statistics. */ enum PFS_error_stat { /** Generate no performance schema statistics. */ PFS_NO_STAT, /** Generate performance schema session and global statistics. */ PFS_SESSION_STAT, /** Generate performance schema global statistics. */ PFS_GLOBAL_STAT }; bool isObsolete(const char *error_name) { return is_prefix(error_name, OBSOLETE_ER_PREFIX); } /* Storage of one error message row (for one language) */ struct message { char *lang_short_name; char *text; }; /* Storage for languages and charsets (from start of error text file). Current servers ignore "charset" and expect UTF-8. */ struct languages { char *lang_long_name; /* full name of the language */ char *lang_short_name; /* abbreviation of the lang. */ char *charset; /* Character set name */ struct languages *next_lang; /* Pointer to next language */ }; /* Name, code and texts (for all lang) for one error message */ struct errors { const char *er_name; /* Name of the error (ER_HASHCK) */ int d_code; /* Error code number */ const char *sql_code1; /* sql state */ const char *sql_code2; /* ODBC state */ struct errors *next_error; /* Pointer to next error */ Prealloced_array msg; /* All language texts for this error */ /** Error is obsolete. */ bool m_is_obsolete; /** The kind of performance schema statistics to instrument for this error. */ PFS_error_stat m_pfs_stat; /** Performance schema index for this error. */ int m_pfs_error_index; errors() : msg(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED) {} }; // Set of reserved section ranges. using err_range = std::pair; std::set reserved_sections; static struct my_option my_long_options[] = { #ifdef NDEBUG {"debug", '#', "This is a non-debug version. Catch this and exit", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, GET_DISABLED, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, #else {"debug", '#', "Output debug log", &default_dbug_option, &default_dbug_option, nullptr, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, #endif {"debug-info", 'T', "Print some debug info at exit.", &info_flag, &info_flag, nullptr, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"self-test", 't', "Process a number of test files.", &selftest_dir, &selftest_dir, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"help", '?', "Displays this help and exits.", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"version", 'V', "Prints version", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"charset", 'C', "Charset dir", &charsets_dir, &charsets_dir, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"in_file_errlog", 'e', "Input file", &MSGS_ERRLOG, &MSGS_ERRLOG, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"in_file_toclient", 'c', "Input file", &MSGS_TO_CLIENT, &MSGS_TO_CLIENT, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"out_dir", 'D', "Output base directory", &DATADIRECTORY, &DATADIRECTORY, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"out_file", 'O', "Output filename (errmsg.sys)", &OUTFILE, &OUTFILE, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"header_file", 'H', "mysqld_error.h file ", &HEADERFILE, &HEADERFILE, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"name_file", 'N', "mysqld_ername.h file ", &NAMEFILE, &NAMEFILE, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {"errmsg_file", 'N', "mysqld_errmsg.h file ", &MSGFILE, &MSGFILE, nullptr, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}}; static struct languages *parse_charset_string(char *str); static struct errors *parse_error_string(char *str, int er_count, PFS_error_stat error_stat); static struct message *parse_message_string(const struct errors *current_error, struct message *new_message, char *str); static struct languages *find_language(struct languages *languages, const char *short_name); static struct message *find_message(struct errors *err, const char *lang, bool no_default); static int check_message_format(struct errors *err, const char *mess); static int parse_input_file(const char *file_name, struct errors ***last_error, struct languages **top_language, int base_error_code, PFS_error_stat error_stat); static int get_options(int *argc, char ***argv); static void usage(); static bool get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt, char *argument); static char *parse_text_line(char *pos, bool allow_newline_escape); static int copy_rows(FILE *to, char *row, long start_pos, std::vector *file_pos); static char *parse_default_language(char *str); static uint parse_error_offset(char *str); static bool parse_reserved_error_section(char *str); static char *skip_delimiters(char *str); static char *get_word(char **str); static char *find_end_of_word(char *str); static void clean_up(struct languages *lang_head, struct errors *error_head); static int create_header_files(struct errors *error_head); static int create_sys_files(struct languages *lang_head, struct errors *error_head, uint row_count); int run_selftest(); int my_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 1; uint num_msgs_errlog, num_msgs_to_client, num_msgs; struct errors *error_head = nullptr, **error_tail = &error_head; struct languages *lang_head = nullptr; { DBUG_TRACE; charsets_dir = DEFAULT_CHARSET_DIR; my_umask_dir = 0777; if ((argc > 1) && get_options(&argc, &argv)) goto done; if ((selftest_dir != nullptr) && (!selftest_flag)) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (chdir(selftest_dir)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to change to directory \"%s\".\n", selftest_dir); goto done; } dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); #endif ret = run_selftest(); fprintf(stderr, "self-test result code: %d\n", ret); ret = 0; // make mtr happy goto done; } if (!(num_msgs_to_client = parse_input_file(MSGS_TO_CLIENT, &error_tail, &lang_head, BASE_SERVER_TO_CLIENT, PFS_SESSION_STAT))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse input file %s\n", MSGS_TO_CLIENT); goto done; } if (!(num_msgs_errlog = parse_input_file(MSGS_ERRLOG, &error_tail, &lang_head, BASE_ERROR_LOG, PFS_GLOBAL_STAT))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse input file %s\n", MSGS_ERRLOG); goto done; } num_msgs = num_msgs_to_client + num_msgs_errlog; #if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50100 && MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50500 /* Number of error messages in 5.1 - do not change this number! */ #define MYSQL_OLD_GA_ERROR_MESSAGE_COUNT 641 #elif MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50500 && MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50600 /* Number of error messages in 5.5 - do not change this number! */ #define MYSQL_OLD_GA_ERROR_MESSAGE_COUNT 728 #endif #ifdef MYSQL_OLD_GA_ERROR_MESSAGE_COUNT if (num_msgs != MYSQL_OLD_GA_ERROR_MESSAGE_COUNT) { fprintf(stderr, "Can only add new error messages to latest GA. "); fprintf(stderr, "Use ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR instead.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Expected %u messages, found %u.\n", MYSQL_OLD_GA_ERROR_MESSAGE_COUNT, num_msgs); goto done; } #endif if (lang_head == nullptr || error_head == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get any messages from input files %s / %s\n", MSGS_TO_CLIENT, MSGS_ERRLOG); goto done; } if (default_language == nullptr) { if ((default_language = my_strdup(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, "eng", MYF(0))) == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not set default-language to built-in default!\n"); goto done; } } if (!selftest_flag) { if (create_header_files(error_head)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create header files\n"); goto done; } if (create_sys_files(lang_head, error_head, num_msgs)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create sys files\n"); goto done; } } ret = 0; done: clean_up(lang_head, error_head); } /* Can't use dbug after my_end() */ if (!selftest_flag) my_end(info_flag ? MY_CHECK_ERROR | MY_GIVE_INFO : 0); return ret; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MY_INIT(argv[0]); return my_main(argc, argv); } static void print_escaped_string(FILE *f, const char *str) { const char *tmp = str; while (tmp[0] != 0) { switch (tmp[0]) { case '\\': fprintf(f, "\\\\"); break; case '\'': fprintf(f, "\\\'"); break; case '\"': fprintf(f, "\\\""); break; case '\n': fprintf(f, "\\n"); break; case '\r': fprintf(f, "\\r"); break; default: fprintf(f, "%c", tmp[0]); } tmp++; } } std::string get_file_contents(std::string filename) { std::ifstream ifs(filename); if (!ifs.good()) { return ""; } return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs), std::istreambuf_iterator()); } static void compare_and_move_file(std::string source_filename, std::string destination_filename) { const auto source_contents = get_file_contents(source_filename); const auto destination_contents = get_file_contents(destination_filename); if (source_contents == destination_contents) { unlink(source_filename.c_str()); } else { unlink(destination_filename.c_str()); rename(source_filename.c_str(), destination_filename.c_str()); } } static int create_header_files(struct errors *error_head) { FILE *er_definef, *er_namef; FILE *er_errmsg; struct errors *tmp_error; struct message *er_msg; const char *er_text; DBUG_TRACE; std::string headerfile_tmp = std::string(HEADERFILE) + "_tmp"; std::string namefile_tmp = std::string(NAMEFILE) + "_tmp"; std::string msgfile_tmp = std::string(MSGFILE) + "_tmp"; if (!(er_definef = my_fopen(headerfile_tmp.c_str(), O_WRONLY, MYF(MY_WME)))) { return 1; } if (!(er_namef = my_fopen(namefile_tmp.c_str(), O_WRONLY, MYF(MY_WME)))) { my_fclose(er_definef, MYF(0)); return 1; } if (!(er_errmsg = my_fopen(msgfile_tmp.c_str(), O_WRONLY, MYF(MY_WME)))) { my_fclose(er_definef, MYF(0)); my_fclose(er_namef, MYF(0)); return 1; } fprintf(er_definef, ORACLE_GPL_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE("2000")); fprintf(er_definef, "/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */\n\n"); fprintf(er_namef, ORACLE_GPL_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE("2000")); fprintf(er_namef, "/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */\n\n"); fprintf(er_definef, "#ifndef MYSQLD_ERROR_INCLUDED\n"); fprintf(er_definef, "#define MYSQLD_ERROR_INCLUDED\n\n"); fprintf(er_errmsg, "#ifndef MYSQLD_ERRORMSG_INCLUDED\n"); fprintf(er_errmsg, "#define MYSQLD_ERRORMSG_INCLUDED\n\n"); /* Find out how many sections of error messages we have, what the first number in each section is and the number of messages in each section. */ { int error_code = error_head->d_code; int section_size[100]; /* Assume that 100 sections is enough. */ int current_section = 0; int section_nr; int total_error_count = 0; section_size[0] = 0; fprintf(er_definef, "static const int errmsg_section_start[] = { %d", error_code); for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = tmp_error->next_error) { if (tmp_error->d_code != error_code) /* Starting new section? */ { fprintf(er_definef, ", %d", tmp_error->d_code); error_code = tmp_error->d_code; section_size[++current_section] = 0; } error_code++; section_size[current_section]++; } fprintf(er_definef, " };\n"); fprintf(er_definef, "static const int errmsg_section_size[] = { %d", section_size[0]); total_error_count = section_size[0]; for (section_nr = 1; section_nr <= current_section; section_nr++) { fprintf(er_definef, ", %d", section_size[section_nr]); total_error_count += section_size[section_nr]; } fprintf(er_definef, " };\n\n"); fprintf(er_definef, "static const int total_error_count = %d;\n\n", total_error_count); } /* PASS 1: - Check error name length. - Assign error index to 0. - Count obsolete errors. - Count errors not instrumented for the performance schema */ int obsolete_error_count = 0; int pfs_no_error_stat_count = 0; for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = tmp_error->next_error) { if (strlen(tmp_error->er_name) > MAX_ERROR_NAME_LENGTH) { fprintf(stderr, "Error name [%s] too long.\n", tmp_error->er_name); return 1; } tmp_error->m_pfs_error_index = 0; if (tmp_error->m_is_obsolete) { obsolete_error_count++; } else if (tmp_error->m_pfs_stat == PFS_NO_STAT) { pfs_no_error_stat_count++; } } /* PASS 2: For errors instrumented per session in the performance schema, assign an error index starting at 1. */ int error_index = 1; int pfs_session_error_stat_count = 0; for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = tmp_error->next_error) { if (tmp_error->m_pfs_stat == PFS_SESSION_STAT) { tmp_error->m_pfs_error_index = error_index; error_index++; pfs_session_error_stat_count++; } } /* PASS 3: For errors instrumented globally in the performance schema, assign an error index after the sessions indexes. */ int pfs_global_error_stat_count = 0; for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = tmp_error->next_error) { if (tmp_error->m_pfs_stat == PFS_GLOBAL_STAT) { tmp_error->m_pfs_error_index = error_index; error_index++; pfs_global_error_stat_count++; } } /* PASS 4: - generate the define file. - generate the name file. */ for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = tmp_error->next_error) { /* generating mysqld_error.h fprintf() will automatically add \r on windows */ if (!tmp_error->m_is_obsolete) { fprintf(er_definef, "#define %s %d\n", tmp_error->er_name, tmp_error->d_code); } else { fprintf(er_definef, "//#define %s %d\n", tmp_error->er_name, tmp_error->d_code); } /*generating er_name file */ er_msg = find_message(tmp_error, default_language, false); er_text = (er_msg ? er_msg->text : ""); fprintf(er_namef, "{ \"%s\", %d, \"", tmp_error->er_name, tmp_error->d_code); print_escaped_string(er_namef, er_text); if (tmp_error->sql_code1[0] || tmp_error->sql_code2[0]) fprintf(er_namef, "\",\"%s\", \"%s\"", tmp_error->sql_code1, tmp_error->sql_code2); else fprintf(er_namef, "\",\"HY000\", \"\""); /* General Error */ fprintf(er_namef, ", %d },\n", tmp_error->m_pfs_error_index); /* generating mysqld_errmsg.h */ if (!tmp_error->m_is_obsolete) { fprintf(er_errmsg, "#define %s_MSG \"", tmp_error->er_name); print_escaped_string(er_errmsg, er_text); fprintf(er_errmsg, "\"\n"); } } fprintf(er_definef, "static const int obsolete_error_count = %d;\n\n", obsolete_error_count); fprintf(er_definef, "static const int pfs_no_error_stat_count = %d;\n\n", pfs_no_error_stat_count); fprintf(er_definef, "static const int pfs_session_error_stat_count = %d;\n\n", pfs_session_error_stat_count); fprintf(er_definef, "static const int pfs_global_error_stat_count = %d;\n\n", pfs_global_error_stat_count); /* finishing off with mysqld_error.h */ fprintf(er_definef, "#endif\n"); fprintf(er_errmsg, "#endif\n"); my_fclose(er_definef, MYF(0)); my_fclose(er_namef, MYF(0)); my_fclose(er_errmsg, MYF(0)); compare_and_move_file(headerfile_tmp, HEADERFILE); compare_and_move_file(namefile_tmp, NAMEFILE); compare_and_move_file(msgfile_tmp, MSGFILE); return 0; } static int create_sys_files(struct languages *lang_head, struct errors *error_head, uint row_count) { FILE *to; uint csnum = 0, length; uchar head[32]; char outfile[FN_REFLEN], *outfile_end; long start_pos; struct message *tmp; struct languages *tmp_lang; struct errors *tmp_error; MY_STAT stat_info; DBUG_TRACE; /* going over all languages and assembling corresponding error messages */ for (tmp_lang = lang_head; tmp_lang; tmp_lang = tmp_lang->next_lang) { /* setting charset name */ if (!(csnum = get_charset_number(tmp_lang->charset, MY_CS_PRIMARY))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown charset '%s' in '%s'\n", tmp_lang->charset, MSGS_TO_CLIENT); return 1; } outfile_end = strxmov(outfile, DATADIRECTORY, tmp_lang->lang_long_name, NullS); if (!my_stat(outfile, &stat_info, MYF(0))) { if (my_mkdir(outfile, 0777, MYF(0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create output directory for %s\n", outfile); return 1; } } strxmov(outfile_end, FN_ROOTDIR, OUTFILE, NullS); if (!(to = my_fopen(outfile, O_WRONLY | MY_FOPEN_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME)))) return 1; /* 4 is for 4 bytes to store row position / error message */ start_pos = (long)(HEADER_LENGTH + row_count * 4); fseek(to, start_pos, 0); // Store positions to each error message row to store in errmsg.sys header std::vector file_pos; for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = tmp_error->next_error) { /* dealing with messages */ tmp = find_message(tmp_error, tmp_lang->lang_short_name, false); if (!tmp) { fprintf(stderr, "Did not find message for %s neither in %s nor in default " "language\n", tmp_error->er_name, tmp_lang->lang_short_name); goto err; } if (copy_rows(to, tmp->text, start_pos, &file_pos)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to copy rows to %s\n", outfile); goto err; } } /* continue with header of the errmsg.sys file */ length = ftell(to) - HEADER_LENGTH - row_count * 4; memset(head, 0, HEADER_LENGTH); memmove(head, file_head, 4); head[4] = 1; int4store(head + 6, length); int4store(head + 10, row_count); head[30] = csnum; my_fseek(to, 0l, MY_SEEK_SET); if (my_fwrite(to, (uchar *)head, HEADER_LENGTH, MYF(MY_WME | MY_FNABP))) goto err; for (uint pos : file_pos) { int4store(head, pos); if (my_fwrite(to, (uchar *)head, 4, MYF(MY_WME | MY_FNABP))) goto err; } my_fclose(to, MYF(0)); } return 0; err: my_fclose(to, MYF(0)); return 1; } static void clean_up(struct languages *lang_head, struct errors *error_head) { struct languages *tmp_lang, *next_language; struct errors *tmp_error, *next_error; my_free(const_cast(default_language)); default_language = nullptr; for (tmp_lang = lang_head; tmp_lang; tmp_lang = next_language) { next_language = tmp_lang->next_lang; my_free(tmp_lang->lang_short_name); my_free(tmp_lang->lang_long_name); my_free(tmp_lang->charset); my_free(tmp_lang); } for (tmp_error = error_head; tmp_error; tmp_error = next_error) { next_error = tmp_error->next_error; size_t count = (tmp_error->msg).size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct message *tmp; tmp = &tmp_error->msg[i]; my_free(tmp->lang_short_name); my_free(tmp->text); } if (tmp_error->sql_code1[0]) my_free(const_cast(tmp_error->sql_code1)); if (tmp_error->sql_code2[0]) my_free(const_cast(tmp_error->sql_code2)); my_free(const_cast(tmp_error->er_name)); tmp_error->~errors(); my_free(tmp_error); } } static int parse_input_file(const char *file_name, struct errors ***last_error, struct languages **top_lang, int base_error_code, PFS_error_stat error_stat) { FILE *file; char *str, buff[2000]; // temporary fix for compilation failure of Wl14191 at // few platforms const char *fail = nullptr; struct errors *current_error = nullptr, **tail_error = *last_error; struct message current_message {}; int rcount = 0; /* Number of error codes in current section. */ int ecount = 0; /* Number of error codes in total. */ DBUG_TRACE; er_offset = base_error_code; if (!(file = my_fopen(file_name, O_RDONLY, MYF(MY_WME)))) return 0; while ((str = fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), file))) { if (strlen(buff) >= sizeof(buff) - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "A line longer than %zu characters is not supported. Increase " "`buff` size in `parse_input_file()` in `comp_err.cc`.", sizeof(buff)); fail = "\n"; goto done; } if (is_prefix(str, "language")) { if (*top_lang != nullptr) { fail = "More than one languages directive found.\n"; goto done; } if (!(*top_lang = parse_charset_string(str))) { fail = "Failed to parse the charset string!\n"; goto done; } continue; } if (is_prefix(str, "start-error-number")) { if (*top_lang == nullptr) { fail = "start-error-number directive found before languages directive.\n"; goto done; } int new_er_offset; if (!(new_er_offset = parse_error_offset(str))) { fail = "Failed to parse the error offset string!\n"; goto done; } if (new_er_offset < er_offset) { fail = "start-error-number may only increase the index.\n"; goto done; } // Input file may confirm our built-in default values. if ((new_er_offset == er_offset) && (er_offset != base_error_code)) { fprintf(stderr, "start-error-number %d set more than once.", (int)er_offset); fail = "\n"; goto done; } er_offset = new_er_offset; rcount = 0; /* Reset count if a fixed number is set. */ continue; } if (is_prefix(str, "reserved-error-section")) { if (parse_reserved_error_section(str)) { fail = "Failed to parse the reserved error section string.\n"; goto done; } continue; } if (is_prefix(str, "default-language")) { char *new_lang; if (!(new_lang = parse_default_language(str))) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("default_slang: %s", default_language)); fail = "Failed to parse the default language line. Aborting\n"; goto done; } if (default_language != nullptr) { my_free(default_language); } default_language = new_lang; continue; } if (*str == '\t' || *str == ' ') { /* New error message in another language for previous error */ if (!current_error) { fail = "Error in the input file format\n"; goto done; } if (!parse_message_string(current_error, ¤t_message, str)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse message string for error '%s'", current_error->er_name); fail = "\n"; goto done; } if (!find_language(*top_lang, current_message.lang_short_name)) { fprintf(stderr, "Message string for error '%s'" " in unregistered language '%s'", current_error->er_name, current_message.lang_short_name); my_free(current_message.lang_short_name); my_free(current_message.text); fail = "\n"; goto done; } if (find_message(current_error, current_message.lang_short_name, true)) { fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate message string for error '%s'" " in language '%s'", current_error->er_name, current_message.lang_short_name); fail = "\n"; goto done; } if (check_message_format(current_error, current_message.text)) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong formatspecifier of error message string" " for error '%s' in language '%s'", current_error->er_name, current_message.lang_short_name); fail = "\n"; goto done; } if (current_error->msg.push_back(current_message)) goto done; continue; } if (is_prefix(str, ER_PREFIX) || is_prefix(str, WARN_PREFIX) || is_prefix(str, OBSOLETE_ER_PREFIX) || is_prefix(str, OBSOLETE_WARN_PREFIX)) { if (!(current_error = parse_error_string(str, rcount, error_stat))) { fail = "Failed to parse the error name string\n"; goto done; } rcount++; ecount++; /* Count number of unique errors */ /* add error to the list */ *tail_error = current_error; tail_error = ¤t_error->next_error; continue; } if (*str == '#' || *str == '\n') continue; /* skip comment or empty lines */ fprintf(stderr, "Wrong input file format. Stop!\nLine: %s", str); fail = "\n"; break; } done: *tail_error = nullptr; /* Mark end of list */ *last_error = tail_error; my_fclose(file, MYF(0)); if (fail != nullptr) { fputs(fail, stderr); return 0; } return ecount; } static uint parse_error_offset(char *str) { char *soffset; const char *end; int error; uint ioffset; DBUG_TRACE; /* skipping the "start-error-number" keyword and spaces after it */ str = find_end_of_word(str); str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!*str) return 0; /* Unexpected EOL: No error number after the keyword */ /* reading the error offset */ if (!(soffset = get_word(&str))) return 0; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("default_error_offset: %s", soffset)); /* skipping space(s) and/or tabs after the error offset */ str = skip_delimiters(str); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); if (*str) { /* The line does not end with the error offset -> error! */ fputs("The error offset line does not end with an error offset\n", stderr); return 0; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); end = nullptr; ioffset = (uint)my_strtoll10(soffset, &end, &error); for (auto section : reserved_sections) { if (ioffset >= section.first && ioffset <= section.second) { fprintf(stderr, "start-error-number %u overlaps with the reserved section (%u - " "%u).\n", ioffset, section.first, section.second); return 0; } } my_free(soffset); return ioffset; } /* Method to parse "reserved-error-section " from the "str". @param str A line from error message file to parse. @retval false SUCCESS. @retval true FAILURE. */ static bool parse_reserved_error_section(char *str) { char *offset; int error; DBUG_TRACE; /* skipping the "reserved-error-section" keyword and spaces after it */ str = find_end_of_word(str); str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!*str) return true; /* Unexpected EOL: No error number after the keyword */ /* reading the section start number */ if (!(offset = get_word(&str))) return true; /* OOM: Fatal error */ uint sec_start = static_cast(my_strtoll10(offset, nullptr, &error)); my_free(offset); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("reserved_range_start: %u", sec_start)); /* skipping space(s) and/or tabs after the section start number */ str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!*str) return true; /* Unexpected EOL: No section end number */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); /* reading the section end number */ if (!(offset = get_word(&str))) return true; /* OOM: Fatal error */ uint sec_end = static_cast(my_strtoll10(offset, nullptr, &error)); my_free(offset); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("reserved_range_end: %u", sec_end)); /* skipping space(s) and/or tabs after the error offset */ str = skip_delimiters(str); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); if (*str) { fprintf(stderr, "The line does not end with an error number.\n"); return true; } if (sec_start >= sec_end) { fprintf(stderr, "Section start %u should be smaller than the Section end %u.\n", sec_start, sec_end); return true; } /* Check if section overlaps with existing reserved sections */ for (auto section : reserved_sections) { if (sec_start <= section.second && section.first <= sec_end) { fprintf( stderr, "Section (%u - %u) overlaps with the reserved section (%u - %u).\n", sec_start, sec_end, section.first, section.second); return true; } } auto ret = reserved_sections.insert(err_range(sec_start, sec_end)); return (!ret.second); } /* Parsing of the default language line. e.g. "default-language eng" */ static char *parse_default_language(char *str) { char *slang; DBUG_TRACE; /* skipping the "default-language" keyword */ str = find_end_of_word(str); /* skipping space(s) and/or tabs after the keyword */ str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!*str) { fputs("Unexpected EOL: No short language name after the keyword\n", stderr); return nullptr; } /* reading the short language tag */ if (!(slang = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("default_slang: %s", slang)); str = skip_delimiters(str); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); if (*str) { fprintf(stderr, "The default language line does not end with short language " "name\n"); return nullptr; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); return slang; } /* Find a language by the short name given SYNOPSIS find_language() short_name short name to look for (e.g. "eng") RETURN VALUE Returns the language structure if one is found, or NULL if not. */ static struct languages *find_language(struct languages *languages, const char *short_name) { struct languages *tmp_lang; if ((short_name == nullptr) || (*short_name == '\0')) return nullptr; for (tmp_lang = languages; tmp_lang; tmp_lang = tmp_lang->next_lang) { if (!strcmp(short_name, tmp_lang->lang_short_name)) return tmp_lang; } return nullptr; } /* Find the message in a particular language SYNOPSIS find_message() err Error to find message for lang Language of message to find no_default Don't return default (English) if does not exit RETURN VALUE Returns the message structure if one is found, or NULL if not. */ static struct message *find_message(struct errors *err, const char *lang, bool no_default) { struct message *tmp, *return_val = nullptr; DBUG_TRACE; size_t count = (err->msg).size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { tmp = &err->msg[i]; if (!strcmp(tmp->lang_short_name, lang)) return tmp; if (!strcmp(tmp->lang_short_name, default_language)) { return_val = tmp; } } return no_default ? nullptr : return_val; } /* Check message format specifiers against error message for previous language SYNOPSIS checksum_format_specifier() msg String for which to generate checksum for the format specifiers RETURN VALUE Returns the checksum for all the characters of the format specifiers Ex. "text '%-64.s' text part 2 %d'" ^^^^^^ ^^ characters will be xored to form checksum NOTE: Does not support format specifiers with positional args like "%2$s" but that is not yet supported by my_vsnprintf either. */ static ha_checksum checksum_format_specifier(const char *msg) { ha_checksum chksum = 0; const uchar *p = (const uchar *)msg; const uchar *start = nullptr; uint32 num_format_specifiers = 0; while (*p) { if (*p == '%') { start = p + 1; /* Entering format specifier */ num_format_specifiers++; } else if (start) { switch (*p) { case 'd': case 'u': case 'x': case 's': chksum = my_checksum(chksum, start, (uint)(p + 1 - start)); start = nullptr; /* Not in format specifier anymore */ break; default: break; } } p++; } if (start) { /* Still inside a format specifier after end of string */ fprintf(stderr, "Still inside formatspecifier after end of string" " in'%s'\n", msg); assert(start == nullptr); } /* Add number of format specifiers to checksum as extra safeguard */ chksum += num_format_specifiers; return chksum; } /* Check message format specifiers against error message for previous language SYNOPSIS check_message_format() err Error to check message for mess Message to check RETURN VALUE Returns 0 if no previous error message or message format is ok */ static int check_message_format(struct errors *err, const char *mess) { struct message *first; DBUG_TRACE; /* Get first message(if any) */ if ((err->msg).empty()) return 0; /* No previous message to compare against */ first = err->msg.begin(); assert(first != nullptr); if (checksum_format_specifier(first->text) != checksum_format_specifier(mess)) { /* Check sum of format specifiers failed, they should be equal */ return 1; } return 0; } /* Skips spaces and or tabs till the beginning of the next word Returns pointer to the beginning of the first character of the word */ static char *skip_delimiters(char *str) { DBUG_TRACE; for (; *str == ' ' || *str == ',' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\r' || *str == '\n' || *str == '='; str++) ; return str; } /* Skips all characters till meets with space, or tab, or EOL */ static char *find_end_of_word(char *str) { DBUG_TRACE; for (; *str != ' ' && *str != '\t' && *str != '\n' && *str != '\r' && *str && *str != ',' && *str != ';' && *str != '='; str++) ; return str; } /* Read the word starting from *str */ static char *get_word(char **str) { char *start = *str; DBUG_TRACE; *str = find_end_of_word(start); return my_strndup(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, start, (uint)(*str - start), MYF(MY_WME | MY_FAE)); } /* Parsing the string with short_lang - message text. Code - to remember to which error does the text belong */ static struct message *parse_message_string(const struct errors *current_error, struct message *new_message, char *str) { char *start; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("str: %s", str)); /*skip space(s) and/or tabs in the beginning */ while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n') str++; if (!*str) { /* It was not a message line, but an empty line. */ fprintf(stderr, "No error message was found on line.\n"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); return nullptr; } /* reading the short lang */ start = str; while (*str != ' ' && *str != '\t' && *str) str++; if (!(new_message->lang_short_name = my_strndup(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, start, (uint)(str - start), MYF(MY_WME | MY_FAE)))) return nullptr; /* Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("msg_slang: %s", new_message->lang_short_name)); /*skip space(s) and/or tabs after the lang */ while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n') str++; if (*str != '"') { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected character at start of the message, expected '\"', " "found '%c'\n", *str); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); return nullptr; } /* reading the text */ start = str + 1; str = parse_text_line(start, current_error->d_code < BASE_ERROR_LOG); if (!str || !(new_message->text = my_strndup(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, start, (uint)(str - start), MYF(MY_WME | MY_FAE)))) return nullptr; /* Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("msg_text: %s", new_message->text)); return new_message; } /* Parsing the string with error name and codes; returns the pointer to the errors struct */ static struct errors *parse_error_string(char *str, int er_count, PFS_error_stat error_stat) { struct errors *new_error; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("str: %s", str)); /* create a new element */ void *rawmem = my_malloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, sizeof(*new_error), MYF(MY_WME)); new_error = new (rawmem) errors(); /* getting the error name */ str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!(new_error->er_name = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("er_name: %s", new_error->er_name)); new_error->m_is_obsolete = isObsolete(new_error->er_name); str = skip_delimiters(str); /* getting the error code 1 */ /* Check if code overlaps with any of the reserved error sections */ for (auto section : reserved_sections) { uint new_code = static_cast(er_offset + er_count); if (new_code >= section.first && new_code <= section.second) { fprintf( stderr, "er_name %s overlaps with the reserved error section (%u - %u).\n", new_error->er_name, section.first, section.second); return nullptr; } } new_error->d_code = er_offset + er_count; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("d_code: %d", new_error->d_code)); if (new_error->m_is_obsolete) { new_error->m_pfs_stat = PFS_NO_STAT; } else if (strcmp(new_error->er_name, "ER_YES") == 0) { /* Historical, ER_YES is not a real error, only the error text is used. Don't add special per error tags in the format for this, hard code special cases instead. */ new_error->m_pfs_stat = PFS_NO_STAT; } else if (strcmp(new_error->er_name, "ER_NO") == 0) { /* Same as ER_YES */ new_error->m_pfs_stat = PFS_NO_STAT; } else { new_error->m_pfs_stat = error_stat; } str = skip_delimiters(str); /* if we reached EOL => no more codes, but this can happen */ if (!*str) { new_error->sql_code1 = empty_string; new_error->sql_code2 = empty_string; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); return new_error; } /* getting the sql_code 1 */ if (!(new_error->sql_code1 = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("sql_code1: %s", new_error->sql_code1)); str = skip_delimiters(str); /* if we reached EOL => no more codes, but this can happen */ if (!*str) { new_error->sql_code2 = empty_string; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); return new_error; } /* getting the sql_code 2 */ if (!(new_error->sql_code2 = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("sql_code2: %s", new_error->sql_code2)); str = skip_delimiters(str); if (*str) { fprintf(stderr, "The error line did not end with sql/odbc code: '%s'\n", str); return nullptr; } return new_error; } /* Parsing the string with full lang name/short lang name/charset; returns pointer to the language structure */ static struct languages *parse_charset_string(char *str) { struct languages *head = nullptr, *new_lang; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("str: %s", str)); /* skip over keyword */ str = find_end_of_word(str); if (!*str) { /* unexpected EOL */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("str: %s", str)); return nullptr; } str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!(*str != ';' && *str)) return nullptr; do { /*creating new element of the linked list */ new_lang = (struct languages *)my_malloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, sizeof(*new_lang), MYF(MY_WME)); new_lang->next_lang = head; head = new_lang; /* get the full language name */ if (!(new_lang->lang_long_name = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("long_name: %s", new_lang->lang_long_name)); /* getting the short name for language */ str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!*str) return nullptr; /* Error: No space or tab */ if (!(new_lang->lang_short_name = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* OOM: Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("short_name: %s", new_lang->lang_short_name)); /* getting the charset name */ str = skip_delimiters(str); if (!(new_lang->charset = get_word(&str))) return nullptr; /* Fatal error */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("charset: %s", new_lang->charset)); /* skipping space, tab or "," */ str = skip_delimiters(str); } while (*str != ';' && *str); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("long name: %s", new_lang->lang_long_name)); return head; } /* Read options */ static bool get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt [[maybe_unused]], char *argument [[maybe_unused]]) { DBUG_TRACE; switch (optid) { case 'V': print_version(); exit(0); case '?': usage(); exit(0); case '#': DBUG_PUSH(argument ? argument : default_dbug_option); break; } return false; } static void usage() { DBUG_TRACE; print_version(); printf( "This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. " "This is free software,\n" "and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL " "license.\n" "Usage:\n"); my_print_help(my_long_options); my_print_variables(my_long_options); } static int get_options(int *argc, char ***argv) { int ho_error; DBUG_TRACE; if ((ho_error = handle_options(argc, argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))) return ho_error; return 0; } /* Read rows and remember them until row that start with char Converts row as a C-compiler would convert a textstring */ static char *parse_text_line(char *pos, bool allow_newline_escape) { int i, nr; char *row = pos; size_t len; DBUG_TRACE; len = strlen(pos); while (*pos && *pos != '"') { if (*pos == '\\') { switch (*++pos) { case '\\': case '"': case '\'': (void)memmove(pos - 1, pos, len - (row - pos)); break; case 'n': if (!allow_newline_escape) { fprintf(stderr, "Found newline escaped character in a message to the Error " "Log.\nThis is highly discouraged, the newline characters " "in messages to Error Log are replaced with a space in " "`log_sink_trad.cc`.\n"); return nullptr; } pos[-1] = '\n'; (void)memmove(pos, pos + 1, len - (row - (pos + 1))); break; default: if (*pos >= '0' && *pos < '8') { nr = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3 && (*pos >= '0' && *pos < '8'); i++) nr = nr * 8 + (*(pos++) - '0'); pos -= i; pos[-1] = nr; (void)memmove(pos, pos + i, len - (row - pos)); } else if (*pos) { fprintf(stderr, "Found incorrect escape character: %c\n", *pos); return nullptr; } } } else pos++; } /* Remove endline and expect a closing '"' character. */ if (*pos != '"') { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find a '\"' on the end of the message\n"); return nullptr; } for (auto end_of_line = pos + 1; *end_of_line; end_of_line++) { if (*end_of_line != '\n' && *end_of_line != '\r') { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected character at the end of the line, expected newline, " "found '%c' (0x%02x)\n", *end_of_line < 32 ? '?' : *end_of_line, (int)*end_of_line); return nullptr; } } *pos = 0; return pos; } /* Copy rows from memory to file and remember position */ static int copy_rows(FILE *to, char *row, long start_pos, std::vector *file_pos) { DBUG_TRACE; file_pos->push_back(static_cast(ftell(to) - start_pos)); if (fputs(row, to) == EOF || fputc('\0', to) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write to outputfile\n"); return 1; } return 0; } int compile_messages(const char *messages_to_clients, const char *messages_to_errlog = (char *)nullptr) { int ret = 0; char m2client[FN_REFLEN]; char m4errlog[FN_REFLEN]; char myname[FN_REFLEN]; strncpy(myname, my_progname, sizeof(myname) - 1); char *args[1]; args[0] = myname; if (messages_to_errlog == nullptr) { messages_to_errlog = "msg_errlog"; printf("srv2client: %s \t [errlog: %s]\n", messages_to_clients, messages_to_errlog); } else { printf("srv2client: %s \t errlog: %s\n", messages_to_clients, messages_to_errlog); } if (snprintf(m2client, sizeof(m2client), "%s.txt", messages_to_clients) >= (int)sizeof(m2client)) return -1; if (snprintf(m4errlog, sizeof(m4errlog), "%s.txt", messages_to_errlog) >= (int)sizeof(m4errlog)) return -1; MSGS_TO_CLIENT = m2client; MSGS_ERRLOG = m4errlog; fflush(stdout); ret = my_main(1, args); puts(""); fflush(stdout); return ret; } int run_selftest() { int ret = 0; selftest_flag = true; puts("SHOULD PASS:"); ret += compile_messages("msg_srv2client"); ret += compile_messages("msg_srv2client", "msg_errlog_no_start"); puts("\nSHOULD FAIL:"); ret += compile_messages("msg_start_too_low"); ret += compile_messages("msg_start_set_twice"); ret += compile_messages("msg_start_decreasing"); ret += compile_messages("msg_srv2client_multilang"); ret += compile_messages("msg_srv2client_phantom_lang"); ret += compile_messages("msg_srv2client_no_msgs"); ret += compile_messages("msg_srv2client", "msg_errlog_with_lang"); selftest_flag = false; return ret; }